1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD NORME INTERNATIONALE IS0 9451 First edition Premiere Edition 1969-06-01 Woodworking machines - Hand-loading veneering presses for flat surfaces - Nomenclature Machines 5 bois - Presses 31 plaquer les surfaces planes, ;i alimentation manuelle - Nomenclature Reference number Num
2、 these are published under the responsibility of the member bodies for Germany, F.R. (DIN), Spain (AENOR) and Italy fUNI). However, only the terms given in the official languages can be considered as IS0 terms. This International Standard applies to those machines desig- nated by the number 31.331.1
3、 in IS0 7984 1. 1) IS0 7994 : 1999, Woodworking machines - Technical classifi- cation of woodworking machines and auxiliary machines for wood- working. Machines a bois - Presses ZI plaquer les surfaces planes, G alimentation manuelle - Nomenclature 1 Domaine dapplication La presente Norme internatio
4、nale indique la nomenclature propre aux differentes parties des presses 5 plaquer les surfaces planes, B alimentation manuelle, afin daider les constructeurs et les utilisateurs dans Iidentification de ces parties. NOTE - En complement des termes utilises dans deux des trois langues officielles de I
5、ISO (anglais et francais), cette Norme internatio- nale donne les termes Bquivafents dans les langues allemande, espa- gnole et italienne; ces termes sont publies sous la responsabilite des comites membres de IAllemagne, R.F. (DIN), de IEspagne (AENOR) et de Iltalie WNI). Toutefois, seuls les termes
6、 donnes dans les langues officielles peuvent etre consider& comme Btant des termes de IISO. La presente Norme internationale sapplique aux machines designees sous le numero 31.331 .I de IISO 7%k111. I) IS0 7994 : 1999, Machines d bois - Classification technique des machines B travailler le bois et d
7、es machines auxilaires B travailler le bois. 1 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 9481 : 1989 (E/F) 2 Nomenclature 6,1 i b d L i? !r a 6.6 6.3 I 6.4 6.5
8、1 6.7 2.6 2.2 2.1 2.7 8.3 IO,3 2.8 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Is0 9451 : 1999 (E/F) eference Rep&e English French Anglais Francais Hand-loading venee
9、ring presses Presses B plaquer les surfaces planes. for flat surfaces a alimentation manuelle 1 zramework Issature 1.1 3ody 38ti 1.2 ted Sommier 1.3 3eam dontant 1.4 :ixed platen itage fixe 1.5 Glide for moving platen Slissiere de Ietage mobile 1.6 nsulating plate laque disolation 2 eed of workpiece
10、 and/or tools Xplacement des pieces et/au outils 2.1 Zylinderlcasing Chemise 2.2 iston iston 2.3 3craper ring seal Joint racleur 2.4 3il seal Joint detancheite 2.5 iston ring guide 3ague de guidage du piston 2.6 3toffing box Presse etoupe 2.7 ressure inlet connection Raccord darrivee pression 2.8 -h
11、ydraulic power unit Sroupe compresseur 2.9 Vloving platen balancing unit Groope dbquilibrage de Ibtage mobile 3 workpiece support, clamp and guide Support, maintien et guidage de pieces 3.1 Heating plate Plateau chauffant 4 Tool-holders and tools Porte-outils et outils 4.1 Moving platen hage mobile
12、5 Workhead and tool drives Unite de travail et son entrainement 5.1 Cylinders Cylindres 6 Controls 6.1 Pressure gauge 6.2 Thermometer 6.3 Timer 6.4 Visual indicator 6.5 Push-button controls 6.6 Power unit manual operation handle 6.7 Control cabinet Commandes Manometre Thermometre Minoterie Voyants l
13、umineux Commutateur Levier de commande du groupe compresseur Armoire de commande 7 Safety devices (examples) Dispositifs de securite (exemples) 8 Miscellaneous 8.1 Pressure indicator level 8.2 Heating apparatus 8.3 Heating fluid circulation unit 8.4 Flexible heating tubes Divers Tableau indicateur d
14、e pression Appareil de chauffage Groupe de circulation du fluide de chauffage Tubes flexibles de chauffage 9 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 (clause free) (chapitre libre) Examples of work Exemples de travail Veneering Placage Gluing on various coverings Collage de recouvrements divers Laminating Contre-placage C
15、opyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 9451 : 1999 (E/F) Annex A (informative) Equivalent terms Reference Rep&e German Allemand Furnierpresse mit Handbeschick
16、ung Spanish Espagnol Prensa de chapear, alimentacidn manual Italian ltalien Presse per impiallacciare, alimentazione manuale 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Stiinder Gestell Grundrahmen PreBholm Feststehender PreStisch Filhrung des beweglichen PrelJtisches lsolierplatte Armazdn lntelaiatura Bastidor Telai
17、o Falddn Basamento Montante Montanti Placa fijo Piano fisso Guias de la placa movil Piano mobile Placa de aislamiento Pannello isolante 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2,7 2.6 2.9 Vorsohub von Werkstiick undloder Werkzeug Zylinder Kolben Abstreifring Dichtring Kolbenftihrungsring Stopfbiichse Druckfliissi
18、gkeits-Anschlul3 Druckaggregat Gleichlaufeinrichtung fiir den beweglichen PreBtisch Desplazamiento de piezas ylo herramientas Camisa Piston Junta rascadora Junta de estangueidad Anillo guida del piston Prensa estopa Racer de llegada de presion Grupo compresor Grupo de equilibrado de la placa movil S
19、postamento dei pezzi e/o degli utensili Camicia Pistone Guarnizione raschiapolvere Guarnizione di tenuta Guida del pistone Flangia premistoppa Raccorclo di arrivo pressione Gruppo di pressione Gruppo di equilibratura del piano mobile 3 3.1 Werksttickauflage, -halterung und Soporte, sujecion y gufa d
20、e las Supporto, fissaggio e guida dei -fUhrung piezas pezzi Heizplatte Plato caliente Piastra riscaldata 4 Werkzeugtriiger und Werkzeuge Porta herramientas y titiles Portautensili ed utensili 4.1 Beweglicher Prel3tisch Placa mbvil Piano mobile 5 Unidad de trabajo y su transmisidn Unita operatrice e
21、suo azionamento 5.1 Einbauteile und Teile fur den Werkteugantrieb Druckzylinder Cilindro Cilindri 6 Mandos Comandi 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Bedlenungs- und Ubenvachungs- organe Manometer Thermometer Schaltuhr Kontrolleuchte Schalter Steuerhebel fiir Druckaggregat Manometro Termometro Minutero Lutes l
22、uminosas Conmutador Palanca de mando del grupo compresor 6.7 Schaltkasten Armario de mando Manometro Termometro Contatempo Spie luminose lnterruttore Leva di comando del gruppo di pressione Pannello di comando 7 Slcherheitseinrichtungen (Beispielej Dispositivos de seguridad (ejemplos) Dispositivi di
23、 sicurezza (esempij Annexe A (informative) Termes equivalents Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 9451 : 1989 (E/F) German Spanish I Italian Reference All
24、emand Espagnol ltalien Rep&e Furnierpresse mit Handbeschickung Prensa de chapear, alimentacion manual Presse per impiallacciare, alimentazione manuale 8 Verschiedenes Diversos Varie 8.1 PrefSdrucktabelle 8.2 Heizung 8.3 8.4 Tubos flexibles de calefaccibn Tubi flessibili Heizschlauche 9 I I ffreier A
25、bschnittl flibre) flibero) 10 Arbeitsbeispiele Ejemplos de trabajo Esempi di lavorazione Umwllzanlage fur Heizmedium Cuadro indicador de presion Aparafo de calefaccion Grupo de circulacidn del fluid0 de calefaccibn Tabella delle pressioni Dispositivo di riscaldamento delle piasfre Gruppo di circolaz
26、ione del fluido riscaldante 10.1 Furnier Placado lmpiallacciare 10.2 Beschichtung Colado de recubrimientos diversos Incollaggio di coperture varie 10.3 Gegeofurnier Contraplacado Controplaccare I I 5 Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot f
27、or ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IS0 9461 : 1989 (E/F) UDWCDU 874.66 : 621.979 : 674-416 : 001.4 Descriptors : machine tools, woodworking machinery, assembling machines, veneer presses, nomenclafure.lDescripteurs : machine-outil, machine A bois, machine A assembler, presse B plaquer, nomenclature. Price based on 5 pages/Prix base sur 5 pages Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-