1、INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 13864 First edition 1995-l l-l 5 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private Integrated Services Network - Specification, functional model and information flows - Name identification supplementary services Technologies
2、 de /information - TEcommunications et bchange dinformation entre systkmes - RBseau privk B intkgration de services - Spkification, mod - optionally the name of the alerting user (called party name); - optionally the name of the called user who cannot bc rcachcd (busy p&arty name). Calling/Connected
3、 Name Identification Restriction (CNIR) is a supplementary scrvicc which is offered to a user to restrict presentation of that users name to anotticr user. Service specifications arc produced in three surges, according to the method dcscribcd in CCITI Recommendations 1.130. This International Standa
4、rd contains the stage 1 and 2 specifications of the Name Identification supplementary services. The stage 1 specifications (clauses 6,7 and 8) specify the supplementary services as seen by users of PENS. The stage 2 specifications (clauses 9,10 and 11) identify the functional cntitics involved in th
5、e supplementary services and the information flows between them. 2 Conformance In order to conform to this International Standard, a Stage 3 standard shall specify signalling protocols and equipment behaviour that are capable of being used in a PISN which supports the supplementary scrviccs specifie
6、d in this International Standard. This means that, to claim conformance, a Stage 3 standard is required to be adequate for the support of those aspects of clauses 6, 7 and 8 (stage 1) and clauses 9,lO and 11 (stage 2) which arc relevant to the interface or equipment to which the Stage 3 Standard app
7、lies. 3 Normative References The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. Ail standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based o
8、n this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying tbe most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain registers of currentIy valid International Standards. ISO/IEC 11574: 1994, Information technology - Telecommunications an
9、d information exchange between systems - Private Integrated Services Network - Circuit-mode 64 k&it/s bearer services - Service description, jimctional capabilities and information flows. 1 Iso/IEc 13864:1995(E) Q ISO/IEC ISOIIEC 1157Pl: 1994, Information Wuwlogy - Telecommunications and information
10、 exchange between vamf - Private Integrated Services Network- Part I: Reference configuration for PISN exchanges (pnvx. ISOIIEC 13872:1995, Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Private Integrated Services Network - SpecifZc&*ofi ji4nctional model and
11、 information flows - Call diversion supplementary services. IS0 8859- 1: 1987, Information processing - g-bit single-byte c&d graphic character sets - Part I: L&n alphabet No. I. CCITT Rec. I. 112, Vocabulary of terms for ISDN (Blue Book). CCllT Rec. I. 130, Method for the characterization of teleco
12、mmunication services supported by an ISDN and network capabilities of an ISDN (Blue Book). m Rec. 1.210, Principles of telecommunication services supported by an ISDN and the means to &scribe them (Blue Book). CCm Rec. Z. 100, Specification and Description Language (Blue Book). CCITT Rec. T.61, Char
13、acter repertoire and c&d character sets for the international teletex service (Blue Book). 4 Deflnltlons For the purposes of this International Standard, the Mowing definitions apply. 4.1 External Definitions This International Standard uses the following terms dclincd in other documents: - BasicSer
14、vice (CCITT Rec. 1.210) - private Integrated Services Network (PISN) (ISObEC 11579-l) - private Integrated Services Network Exchange (PINX) (lSO/IEC 11579-I) - !service (CCITT Rec. I.1 12) - Signalling (CCIIT Rec. I.1 12) - Supplementary Service (CCITT Rec. 1.210) - user (ISO/lEC 11573) This Interna
15、tional Standard refers to the foilowing basic call functional entities dcfincd in ISO/IEC 11574: - call Control (CC) - Call Control Agent (CCA) This Intemational Standard refers to the following basic call information llows dcfincd in ISO/IEC I 1573: - rl - d - r3 Ibis International Standard refers
16、to the following basic call information Ilows dciincd in ISOjIEC 11574: - DISCONNECT request/indication - REFORT request/indication - RELEASE request/indication - SETUP request/indication - SETUP responsefconfumation - SETUP REJECT request/indication 2 0 ISO/IEC ISOAEC 13864:1995(E) 4.2 Other deflni
17、tions 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 4.2.6 4.2.9 4.2.10 additional network feature: A capability, over and above that of a basic service, provided by a PISN user. application identifier: Manufacturer specific information which can imply the structure of the name information. busy: An ISDN
18、 destination is considered to be busy if either a “network determined user busy” or a “user determined user busy” condition occurs. busy party name: The name of the called user who cannot b-e reached because of a busy condition. call, basic call: An instance of the USC of a basic service. calling pa
19、rty name: The name of the calling user. connected party name: The name of the user who answers the call. Called party name: The name of the alerting user. name: A string of maximum 50 characters which is used for the name identification of the PISN user of a call. NOTE - The structure and content oC
20、 u name are &fined in annex A. terminal, terminal equipment: An item of equipment attached to a PISN to provide access for a user to one or more scrviccs. 5 List of acronyms cc Call Control (functional cnlily) CCA Call Control Agent (functional entity) CONP Connected Name Identification Presentation
21、 CNIP Calling Name Identification Prcscntation CNIR Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction FE Functional Entity ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network PISN Private Integrated Services Network PINX Private Integrated Services Network Exchange SDL Specification and Description Language ss-CONP Connected Name Identification Prcscntation supplementary service ss-CNIP Calling Name Identification Presentation supplementary service ss-CNIR Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction supplementary scrvicc TE Terminal Equipment 3