ISO IEC 17982-2012 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Close Capacitive Coupling Communication Physical Layer.pdf

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1、 Reference number ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) ISO/IEC 2012INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 17982 First edition 2012-08-01Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Close Capacitive Coupling Communication Physical Layer (CCCC PHY) Technologies de linformation Tlinforma

2、tique Couche physique pour communication par couplage capacitif ferm ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, inclu

3、ding photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Publish

4、ed in Switzerland ii ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reservedISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reserved iiiContents Page Foreword . v Introduction vi 1 Scope 1 2 Conformance . 1 3 Normative references 1 4 Terms, definitions and acronyms 1 5 Conventions and notations 2 5.1 Representation of numbe

5、rs 2 5.2 Names . 2 6 General . 2 7 Reference plate-electrode assembly . 4 8 PHY parameters . 5 8.1 Voltage conditions 5 8.2 Bit representation 6 8.2.1 Bit duration 6 8.2.2 Bit encoding . 6 8.3 Transmission . 6 8.4 DC balance of a P-PDU . 6 8.5 Reception of a P-PDU 7 9 P-PDU . 7 9.1 Structure . 7 9.2

6、 Space 7 9.3 Level adjust 7 9.4 Pre-amble and Sync 7 9.5 Attribute 8 9.6 TDS number . 8 9.7 Sequence number . 9 9.7.1 Initial and range . 9 9.7.2 Acknowledgement . 9 9.8 Payload . 9 9.9 CRC . 9 9.10 Post-amble . 9 9.11 Null P-PDU 9 9.12 Data P-PDU . 9 10 PHY Data Unit (P-DU) 9 11 Segmentation and Re

7、assembly . 10 12 TDS 10 13 LBT and synchronisation . 11 13.1 LBT 11 13.2 Synchronisation 11 14 Association procedure 11 ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) iv ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reserved15 Communication 13 15.1 Full duplex communication 13 15.2 Broadcast communication 15 Annex A (normative) Tests .17 ISO/IEC

8、 17982:2012(E) ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reserved vForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the deve

9、lopment of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governme

10、ntal, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of t

11、he joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.

12、Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/IEC 17982 was prepared by Ecma International (as ECMA-401) and was adopted, under a speci

13、al “fast- track procedure”, by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, in parallel with its approval by national bodies of ISO and IEC. ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) vi ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reservedIntroduction This International Standard specifies the PHY protocol and for wirele

14、ss communication between the Close Capacitive Coupling Communication (CCCC) devices. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reserved 1Information technology Telecommunications and information exchange between systems Close Capacitive Coupling Communication Physical Laye

15、r (CCCC PHY) 1 Scope This International Standard specifies the CCCC PHY for Full duplex and Broadcast communication in time slots on frequency division multiplex channels. 2 Conformance Conforming entities implement: both Talker and Listener, listen before talk (LBT) for both Talker and Listener, th

16、e capability to execute association on FDC2 and to communicate on (FDC0 and FDC1), (FDC3 and FDC4), or (FDC0, FDC1, FDC3 and FDC4), the capability for Talkers and Listeners to use any of the 8 TDS on a FDC, both Full duplex and Broadcast communication, and pass the tests in Annex A as specified here

17、in. 3 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994, I

18、nformation technology Open Systems Interconnection Basic Reference Model: The Basic Model ITU-T V.41, Data communication over the telephone network Code-independent error-control system 4 Terms, definitions and acronyms For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply, in

19、 addition to those defined in ISO/IEC 7498-1:1994. CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check D Divisor DUT Device Under Test FDC Frequency Division Channel ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) 2 ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reservedLBT Listen Before Talk LEN Length Listener entity that does not initiate communication P-DU PHY Data U

20、nit P-PDU PHY PDU PHY Physical layer RFU Reserved for Future Use TDS Time Division Slot Talker entity that initiates communication 5 Conventions and notations 5.1 Representation of numbers The following conventions and notations apply in this document. - A sequence of characters of A, B, C”, D, E or

21、 F and decimal digits in parentheses represent numbers in hexadecimal notation unless followed by a b character see next. - Numbers in binary notation and bit patterns are represented by a sequence of 0 and 1 digits or X characters in parentheses followed by a b character, e.g. (0X11X010)b. Where X

22、indicates that the setting of a bit is not specified, and the leftmost bit is the most significant bit unless the sequence is a bit pattern. 5.2 Names The names of basic elements, e.g. specific fields, are written with a capital initial letter. 6 General The protocol architecture of CCCC follows ISO

23、/IEC 7498-1 as the basic model. CCCC devices communicate through mediators, such as conductive and dielectric materials. Plate-electrodes for CCCC device E and F are equivalent to the reference plate-electrode assembly. The plate-electrode A faces to the imaginary point at infinity and the plate-ele

24、ctrode B faces to the mediator. The plate-electrode C faces to the mediator and the plate-electrode D faces to the imaginary point at infinity. See Figure 1. Figure 2 is the equivalent circuit of Figure 1. The voltage of X is the potential of the point at infinity. The voltage of Y is the potential

25、of the point at infinity. It is deemed that the potential of X and Y is identical. Therefore, X and Y is imaginary short. Consequently, device E and F is able to send and receive signal. Regarding the information transfers from CCCC device E to F, the device E changes the voltage between plate-elect

26、rode A and B. It changes the electric charge between plate-electrode B and the mediator. The change in electric charge affects the device F by the capacitive coupling between plate-electrode C and mediator. Plate-electrodes A and B and plate-electrodes C and D have potential differences of reverse p

27、olarity; therefore device F senses the information as changes in voltage between plate-electrode C and D. ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reserved 3Closed Capacitive Coupling Communication Device E Mediator Electrostatic Capacity Electrostatic Capacity Conductive materials or Dielectri

28、c materials point at inf inity point at infinity point at inf inity point at inf inity Plate-Electrode A Plate-Electrode B Plate-Electrode C Plate-Electrode D Closed Capacitive Coupling Communication Device FFigure 1 Electrical model Figure 2 Equivalent circuit ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) 4 ISO/IEC 2012 A

29、ll rights reservedInformation transfer between CCCC device E and F takes place by the synchronous communication, see 13.1. 8.2.1 specifies 5 frequency division channels (FDC) by division of the centre frequency. Each FDC consists of a sequence of time-segments. Each time-segment consists of 8 time d

30、ivision slots (TDS) for time division multiple-access, see Clause 12. Peers use the Listen Before Talk (LBT) procedure in 13.1 to ascertain that a TDS is not occupied. The TDSs are negotiated using the association procedure specified in Clause 14. 15.1 and 15.2 specify Full duplex and Broadcast comm

31、unication respectively. In Full duplex communication, Talkers and Listeners exchange P-PDUs (see Clause 9) by synchronous communication. In Broadcast communication Talkers broadcast P-PDUs and Listeners receive P-PDUs without acknowledging. Length information and CRC is added to the SDU to construct

32、 a PHY Data Unit (P-DU), see Clause 10. The sender segments the P-DU into P-PDUs. The receiving entity reassembles the P-PDUs into the P-DU, see Clause 11, and forwards the SDU to its PHY User as illustrated in Figure 3. Figure 3 PHY model 7 Reference plate-electrode assembly The reference plate-ele

33、ctrode assembly for the CCCC devices shall consist of plate-electrode A and plate- electrode B specified in Figure 4. Dimensional characteristics are specified for those parameters deemed to be mandatory. a = 20,0 0,1 mm b = 20,0 0,1 mm The distance c between plate-electrode A and B shall be 5,0 0,1

34、 mm by horizontal flat surface. d = 0,30 0,03 mm The displacement of centre of area e between plate-electrode A and B shall be at most 0,1 mm. The material of the plate-electrodes shall be 99% to 100% copper or equivalent. ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reserved 5The twisted-pair wire

35、 shall be connected inside the circle area f specified in Figure 4. The f has a diameter of 2,0 0,5 mm. The twisted-pair wire shall be stranded wire and 26, 27, or 28 specified American Wire Gauge (AWG). The length of the twisted-pair wire for the reference plate-electrode assembly shall be less tha

36、n 1,0 m. ab d c de Plate-Electrode A Plate-Electrode B f Twist-pair wireFigure 4 CCCC reference plate-electrode assembly 8 PHY parameters 8.1 Voltage conditions The following conditions of the voltage between the outer and the inner plate-electrode shall be used for communication. +m volts m volts 0

37、 volt OPEN The value m depends on implementations. 0 volt is achieved by shorting the two plate-electrodes in a plate- electrode assembly. OPEN is achieved by disconnection of the plate-electrode assembly from the driver circuits. ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) 6 ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reserved8.2 Bit repre

38、sentation 8.2.1 Bit duration The centre frequency f cis 40,68 MHz 50 ppm. The bit duration T equals D/f c seconds. Table 1 specifies the relation between FDC and D. Table 1 FDC and D FDC D 0 11 1 7 2 5 3 3 4 1 8.2.2 Bit encoding Manchester bit encoding is specified in Figure 5. Depending on the rela

39、tive orientation, bits are received with either positive or negative polarity. The half bit time transition shall be between 0,4 T and 0,6 T. Bit (1)b encodingBit (0)b encodingFigure 5 Bit encoding 8.3 Transmission P-PDUs shall be transmitted byte-wise in the sequence specified in 9.1. Bytes shall b

40、e transmitted with least significant bit first. 8.4 DC balance of a P-PDU The DC balance of a P-PDU is (Sp - Sn) / (Sp + Sn) x 100 % where Sp is the integral of the positive voltage parts of one P-PDU and where Sn is the integral of the negative voltage parts of one P-PDU. The DC balance shall be le

41、ss than 10 % per P-PDU. ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reserved 78.5 Reception of a P-PDU While receiving a P-PDU, receivers shall put the voltage condition to OPEN. 9 P-PDU 9.1 Structure Figure 6 specifies the P-PDU as a sequence of 0,5 T of Space, 1,5 T of Level adjust, 2 T of Pre-a

42、mble, 5 T of Sync, 2 T of Attribute, 3 T of TDS number, 2 T of Sequence number, 32 T of Payload, 16 T of CRC, and 2 T of Post-amble. The P-PDU continues/ends with 1,5T of Level adjust and another 0,5T Space. The bit encoding specified in 8.2.2 shall be applied to Attribute, TDS number, Sequence numb

43、er, Payload, and CRC. 66 T is represented by t 1 , t 2 , t 3 , t 66 . Figure 6 P-PDU structure 9.2 Space The Space duration shall be 0,5 T with voltage condition OPEN. 9.3 Level adjust Level adjust shall be 1,5 T of 0 volt. 9.4 Pre-amble and Sync Figure 7 specifies Pre-amble and Sync patterns. The t

44、ransmitter shall apply pattern P. If the receiver detects Sync pattern P then it shall decode the bits in a P-PDU as positive polarity. If the receiver detects Sync pattern Q then it shall decode the bits in a P-PDU as negative polarity. The divisor value shall be detected from Pre- amble and Sync.

45、Other patterns shall not be handled as Pre-amble and Sync. ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) 8 ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reservedFigure 7 Pre-amble and Sync patterns 9.5 Attribute Table 2 specifies the bit encodings of the attribute settings in a P-PDU. Table 2 Attribute settings t 10 t 11Definition FDC2 FDC0, FD

46、C1, FDC3, and FDC4 0 0 Association Request 1 or Association Response 2 Null P-PDU 0 1 Association Response 2 or Association Request 2 The last Data P-PDU 1 0 RFU The first Data P-PDU 1 1 RFU Data P-PDU between the first and the last Data P-PDU If a receiver gets RFU attribute settings it shall ignor

47、e the P-PDU and stay mute. 9.6 TDS number The TDS number field shall indicate the slot number in which the P-PDU is send; numbers 1 to 8 are identified by (000)b to (111)b. ISO/IEC 17982:2012(E) ISO/IEC 2012 All rights reserved 99.7 Sequence number 9.7.1 Initial and range P-PDUs shall be identified

48、by the sequence numbers in the range of (00)b to (11)b. The first P-PDU shall have (00)b in the sequence number field. 9.7.2 Acknowledgement To acknowledge correct reception, receivers shall increment the sequence number by 1 (modulo 4) from the correctly received P-PDU as the sequence number in the

49、 next P-PDU. 9.8 Payload The payload field of a P-PDU contains 4 bytes. 9.9 CRC The scope of CRC shall be the last 1 T of Sync as a bit, Attribute, TDS number, Sequence number, and Payload. The CRC shall be calculated according to ITU-T V.41 with pre-set value (FF FF). If the CRC of the received P-PDU and the calculated CRC upon reception differ, the P-DU shall be ignored. Example: with Attribute (11)b, TDS number (010)b, Sequence number (10


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