ISO IEC 18021-2002 Information technology - User interfaces for mobile tools for management of database communications in a client-server model《信息技术 在客户机 服务器模式中.pdf

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ISO IEC 18021-2002 Information technology - User interfaces for mobile tools for management of database communications in a client-server model《信息技术 在客户机 服务器模式中.pdf_第1页
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1、 Reference number ISO/IEC 18021:2002(E) ISO/IEC 2002INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 18021 First edition 2002-02-15 Information technology User interfaces for mobile tools for management of database communications in a client-server model Technologies de linformation Interfaces utilisateur pour outils

2、 mobiles de gestion de communications des bases de donnes dans un modle client-serveur ISO/IEC 18021:2002(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobes licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which

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7、ISO/IEC 2002 All rights reserved ISO/IEC 18021:2002(E) ISO/IEC 2002 All rights reserved iiiContents Page 1 Scope. 1 2 Conformance. 1 3 Terms and definitions. 1 4 Illustration of processes for an MBT database operation. 3 4.1 Functions of user interfaces 3 4.1.1 User approval or disapproval . 3 4.1.2

8、 Feedback . 3 4.2 Sequence of functions. 3 5 Description of contents in MBT database operation screens. 5 5.1 General . 5 5.2 User approval or disapproval 5 5.2.1 Prior notice 5 5.2.2 Granting or refusing approval 5 5.2.3 Parameter setting 6 5.3 Feedback to the user (success). 6 5.3.1 Notice of succ

9、essful completion 6 5.3.2 User acknowledgement of successful completion 6 5.4 Feedback to the user (failure) 6 5.4.1 General notice of failure 6 5.4.2 Detailed reasons for failure. 7 5.4.3 Acknowledgement of failure. 7 A.1 Utilization/operation of database 8 A.1.1 General 8 A.1.2 Utilization/operati

10、on of database (1) 8 A.1.3 Utilization/operation of database (2) 9 A.1.4 Utilization/operation of database (3) 10 A.2 Sample application utilizing database via communication links. 11 Annex A (informative) Utilization/operation of database of mobile tool. 8ISO/IEC 18021:2002(E) iv ISO/IEC 2002 All r

11、ights reserved B.1 User approval or disapproval 12 B.1.1 General 12 B.1.1 Prior notice . 12 B.1.3 Granting and refusing approval. 13 B.1.4 Parameter setting . 13 B.2 Feedback to the user (success) 14 B.2.1 General 14 B.2.2 Notice of successful completion . 14 B.2.3 User acknowledgement of successful

12、 completion . 15 B.3 Feedback to the user (failure) . 16 B.3.1 General 16 B.3.2 General notice of failure. 16 B.3.3 Detailed reasons for failure 17 B.3.4 Acknowledgement of failure 17 C.1 Overview of PDX tags 18 C.2 Sample program scripts written by using PDX tags with HTML tags . 18 C.2.1 General 1

13、8 C.2.2 User approval or disapproval. 19 C.2.3 Feedback to the user (success) . 20 C.2.4 Feedback to the user (failure) 21 D.1 Overview of P4script . 22 D.2 Sample command written by using P4script language . 22 Annex B (informative) Basic Screen Contents Presentation12 Annex C (informative) Technic

14、al information: PDX tags as a screen content description language 18 Annex D (informative) Technical information: P4script as a database operation language . 22ISO/IEC 18021:2002(E) ISO/IEC 2002 All rights reserved vForeword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the Inter

15、national Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fi

16、elds of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a

17、 joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3. The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint technical comm

18、ittee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of patent rights. I

19、SO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/IEC 18021 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 35, User interfaces. Annexes A to D of this International Standard are for information only. ISO/IEC

20、18021:2002(E) vi ISO/IEC 2002 All rights reserved Introduction In recent years, MoBile Tools (MBT), typically personal digital assistants (PDA), smart phones (mobile phones with web-browsing, e-mail, or some other network function) and other small size devices have become increasingly popular. MBT a

21、re constrained by requirements of low power consumption, small physical size, light weight, limited memory, low CPU processing power and restricted display screen size. To enable a variety of services and applications to be used comfortably and efficiently on hardware-restricted MBT, they are typica

22、lly operated in conjunction with other devices via communication links. When the MBT works in conjunction with server machines or other computers, it becomes more powerful and more useful. Due to these restrictions, it is more difficult to achieve compatibility and interoperability than it would be

23、in a large device. In order to achieve compatibility and interoperability, a different approach than that used for larger equipment is necessary. When the MBT exchanges data (e.g. address data, schedule data, or sales data, etc.) with other devices via a potentially unreliable or narrow communicatio

24、n line, as in wireless communications, user interfaces for management of database communications of mobile tools are required to meet users needs such as fast response, high usability, reliability and easy-to-use features. Standardizing these new user-interfaces will be very beneficial and convenien

25、t for MBT users. A MoBile Tool client (MBT client) is defined as the software of an MBT that performs client operations with other devices via communication links. A MoBile Tool server (MBT server) is defined as the software of a device that acts as a server with the MBT client via a communication l

26、ink. An MBT server can be run on a multi-accessible server or on another MBT. When an MBT client communicates with another MBT that has these MBT server capabilities, the former acts as the MBT client and the latter as the MBT server, thereby allowing them to operate together. The MBT client typical

27、ly has a small display screen, which provides the user interface that displays information and receive user instructions/input. The MBT client and the MBT server each have their own database. The user instructs/controls the database operation via the small display screen on the MBT client. The follo

28、wing problems can occur with the utilization/operation of databases via communication links: There is the possibility that another device can operate the MBT clients database or the MBT servers database via communication links. The user needs to know in advance which operations will be executed or w

29、hether data in the MBT clients database will be transmitted. However, there is no standard means to enable the user to prevent the update of the MBT clients database or the transmission of data from the MBT clients database without his approval. This creates a security problem. The connection, espec

30、ially wireless, is sometimes broken. In this case, the user needs to know whether the MBT clients database and/or the MBT servers database have been updated or not. There is no standard means for the user to receive feedback as to whether the MBT clients database has been successfully updated. For t

31、his is the reason feedback is required. The purpose of this International Standard is to satisfy these user requirements. If user interfaces providing these functions are standardized, then the user can operate differing types of MBTs in a consistent manner. This International Standard applies to sm

32、art phones, electronic organizers, PDAs, and palm sized personal computers. The adoption of this International Standard will improve compatibility, interoperability and user efficiency for database management. Note: The principles described in ISO 9241-10 “Ergonomic requirements for office work with

33、 visual display terminals (VDTs) Part 10: Dialogue principles” are of key importance for this International Standard.INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 18021:2002(E) ISO/IEC 2002 All rights reserved 1Information technology User interfaces for mobile tools for management of database communications in a c

34、lient-server model 1 Scope This International Standard defines user interface functions for management of database communication of an MBT client capable of interchanging data with an MBT server. This International Standard is applicable to MBT clients. This International Standard specifically defin

35、es the following two user interfaces. The user interface function for obtaining user approval in advance when MBT clients database is updated via a communication link, or when data in the MBT clients database is transmitted to another database. The user interface function for providing feedback to t

36、he user, after the MBT clients or the MBT servers database has been updated via a communication link, or data in MBT clients database has been transmitted to another database. 2 Conformance A system conforms to this International Standard if it provides the screen contents described in sub clause 5.

37、2 before the MBT database operation is executed and the contents described in sub clause 5.3 or sub clause 5.4 after the MBT database operation has been executed. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply. 3.1 feedback to the u

38、ser (failure) function of the user interface that displays information about an MBT database operation if and when the MBT database operation fails to execute 3.2 feedback to the user (success) function of the user interface that displays information about an MBT database operation after the MBT dat

39、abase operation is successful3.3 consistent area non-scrollable information area that is provided in a section of the MBTs screen 3.4 MoBile Tool, MBT mobile communications device with a small display screen and a database intended to interchange data with other devices / a server Note: The screen s

40、ize is typically between those of personal computers and mobile telephone devices. 3.5 MoBile Tool client, MBT client software for MBT, which operates under user instruction as a client in a communication link with other devices 3.6 MoBile Tool database operation, MBT database operation database ope

41、ration executed by the MBT server application, Note: Database operation includes the processes of adding, modifying, removing and reading data. Updating of database includes the processes of adding, modifying and removing data, but it doesnt include the process of reading data. 3.7 MoBile Tool datab

42、ase operation parameter, MBT database operation parameter parameter used by the MBT server application to execute the MBT database operation Example: When the user operates the schedule book, he specifies year, month, day and time as parameters; when he operates the address book, he specifies name,

43、address, telephone number and E-mail address, and when he operates the inventory database, he specifies product code, customer name and number of stock. 3.8 MoBile Tool server, MBT server software for a device that operates as a server with the MBT client via a communication link 3.9 MoBile Tool ser

44、ver application, MBT server application application software on the MBT server that, at the request of the MBT client, executes an operation and feeds back the result of the operation to the MBT client via data interchange of any kind 3.10 screen content information presented on physical display of

45、an MBT ISO/IEC 18021:2002(E) 2 ISO/IEC 2002 All rights reserved 3.11 user approval function of the user interface by which the user grants permission to the MBT server application to update the MBT clients database or transmit data from the MBT clients database to the MBT server before the operation

46、 is executed 4 Illustration of processes for an MBT database operation 4.1 Functions of user interfaces When an MBT database operation is executed, the MBT client provides a user interface, which displays information and receives user instructions/input. The two functions available as part of the us

47、er interface for the MBT database operation are: User approval or disapproval. Feedback to the user. 4.1.1 User approval or disapproval User approval or disapproval is necessary before the MBT database operation is executed. One screen content is provided for the user to give his approval or his dis

48、approval for operations yet to be performed. 4.1.2 Feedback Feedback to the user is provided after the MBT database operation has been executed. It provides two screen contents, one which displays information after the MBT database operation has been completed successfully, and the other which displ

49、ays information if and when the MBT database operation fails to execute. 4.2 Sequence of functions The screen content for input of user approval or disapproval is displayed before the MBT database operation is executed. If the user grants approval via this screen content, the MBT database operation is executed and the feedback screen content that corresponds to the result of the operation is displayed. If the user disapproves, the MBT database operation is not executed. However, the screen content for input of user a


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