ISO TR 13393-2009 Welding consumables - Hardfacing classification - Microstructures《焊接消耗品 耐磨堆焊分类 微观结构》.pdf

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1、 Reference number ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) ISO 2009TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 13393 First edition 2009-07-01 Welding consumables Hardfacing classification Microstructures Produits consommables pour le soudage Classification des rechargements durs Microstructures ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF

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4、F-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below. COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT

5、ISO 2009 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in t

6、he country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO 2009 All rights reservedISO/TR 13393:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved iii Contents Page Forewor

7、d. v Introduction . vi 1 Scope . 1 2 Proposed classification/designation system. 1 3 Summary of the designators for iron-base microstructures . 1 4 Identification of iron-base alloy microstructural groups in a carbon/alloying elements diagram 2 5 Description of the iron-base alloys belonging to the

8、different microstructure groups 4 5.1 General. 4 5.2 Fe-FS Group (ferrite with second phase) . 5 5.3 Fe-M1 Group (low-alloy martensite) 7 5.4 Fe-M2 Group (tool-steel martensite) . 8 5.5 Fe-M3 Group (stainless-steel martensite) 10 5.6 Fe-M4 Group (maraging steel). 11 5.7 Fe-MA Group (martensite and a

9、ustenite) . 12 5.8 Fe-MK Group (martensite with alloy carbides) 13 5.9 Fe-MEK Group (martensite with eutectic) 15 5.10 Fe-A Group (nominally austenitic stainless steel) 17 5.11 Fe-AF Group (ferritic-austenitic stainless steel) . 18 5.12 Fe-AM Group (austenitic manganese steel). 19 5.13 Fe-AMC Group

10、(austenitic chromium-manganese steel) . 20 5.14 Fe-AK Group (austenitic manganese steel containing alloy carbides). 21 5.15 Fe-PAE Group (primary austenite with eutectic). 22 5.16 Fe-NE Group (near eutectic) 23 5.17 Fe-PKE Group (primary carbides with eutectic) 24 5.18 Fe-KKA Group (primary carbides

11、, alloy carbides and eutectic) 25 6 Summary of the designators for non-ferrous hardfacing deposit types 26 7 Description of the alloys belonging to the different non-ferrous microstructure groups and microstructural illustrations. 27 7.1 Co-CS Group (cobalt solid-solution alloy) .27 7.2 Co-PC Group

12、(primary cobalt solid-solution alloy with cobalt alloy/carbide eutectic). 28 7.3 Co-NE Group (near-eutectic mix of carbides and cobalt solid-solution alloy). 30 7.4 Co-PKE Group (primary carbides with eutectic) . 32 7.5 Co-LP Group (cobalt solid-solution alloy with Laves phase particles). 33 7.6 Ni-

13、NS Group (nickel alloy solid solution). 34 7.7 Ni-B Group (nickel borides) . 35 7.8 Ni-CB Group (chromium borides in nickel alloy/boride eutectic) 36 7.9 Ni-LP Group (nickel-base alloy solid solution with Laves-phase particles). 37 7.10 Cu-BS Group (solid-solution bronzes) . 38 7.11 Cu-BT Group (two

14、-phase bronzes) . 39 7.12 W-Fe Group (tungsten carbide in an iron matrix) 41 7.13 W-Ni Group (tungsten carbide in a nickel-base alloy matrix) 42 Annex A (informative) Types of wear and factors governing the severity of wear phenomena 43 Annex B (informative) General considerations on basic factors g

15、overning wear resistance 44 Annex C (informative) Abrasive-wear-resistance test methods 45 Annex D (informative) Practical guidance . 48 ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) iv ISO 2009 All rights reservedAnnex E (informative) Cross-references to national standards 51 Bibliography . 53 ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) ISO 2009

16、 All rights reserved v Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in

17、a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commissi

18、on (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical c

19、ommittees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. In exceptional circumstances, when a technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that which is normally publi

20、shed as an International Standard (“state of the art”, for example), it may decide by a simple majority vote of its participating members to publish a Technical Report. A Technical Report is entirely informative in nature and does not have to be reviewed until the data it provides are considered to

21、be no longer valid or useful. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. ISO/TR 13393 was prepared by the International Institute of Welding, Co

22、mmission II, Arc Welding and Filler Metals, which has been approved as an international standardizing body in the field of welding in accordance with Council Resolution 42/1999. Requests for official interpretations of any aspect of this International Standard should be directed to the ISO Central S

23、ecretariat, who will forward them to the IIW Secretariat for an official response. ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) vi ISO 2009 All rights reservedIntroduction Hardfacing is the deposition of a given type of alloy onto a substrate, in view of protecting this substrate against various types of degradation known

24、under the name of wear. The science that deals with wear and wear mechanisms is called “tribology.” In this sense, this Technical Report does not cover the surfacing processes and alloys that are commonly known under the name of “cladding technologies”, which more specifically address the protection

25、 of substrates against corrosion. Hardfacing can be carried out by means of a large variety of alloys. The selection of the optimum alloy to resist a given combination of wear factors is not necessarily an easy task. This task can, however, be facilitated by giving consideration to those attributes

26、of alloys that are dominant in determining their behaviour and their properties. In this sense, the microstructure of the alloys, which itself is determined by a composition and a thermo- mechanical history, certainly can be accepted as an attribute of major importance and significance. It is the pu

27、rpose of this Technical Report to propose a classification system of hardfacing alloys based on compositions and microstructures. Since most of these alloys exist under the form of consumables that can be used with a variety of welding processes, no specific reference is made to these processes in t

28、he rest of this Technical Report. TECHNICAL REPORT ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved 1 Welding consumables Hardfacing classification Microstructures IMPORTANT The electronic file of this document contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of the

29、document. Users should therefore consider printing this document using a colour printer. 1 Scope This Technical Report proposes a system for classifying hardfacing microstructures deposited by fusion welding processes. 2 Proposed classification/designation system The designation system indicates the

30、 type of consumable (electrode; tubular cored electrode, wire or rod; solid wire or rod; or powder), the use of the consumable for hardfacing, the alloy base (iron, nickel, copper, cobalt, or tungsten carbide), and the microstructure type. Designations of microstructure types for the various alloy b

31、ases are given in Clauses 3 and 6. Definitions and examples of the microstructure types are given in Clauses 5 and 7. The designation scheme for a hardfacing deposit is given below: E H XX XXX Electrode Hardfacing type Alloy base Microstructure T = tubular-cored electrode Fe = iron base S = solid wi

32、re or rod Ni = nickel base P = powder Cu = copper base Co = cobalt base W = tungsten carbide base 3 Summary of the designators for iron-base microstructures Most of the currently known Fe-based hardfacing alloys fall into one of about 17 typical microstructural categories. These types of microstruct

33、ure are listed in Table 1, which also gives the proposed corresponding designators for covered electrodes. For convenience, only the E (electrode) form is shown, but it is understood that T (tubular-cored electrode), S (solid wire or rod), or P (powder) may be substituted for E. ISO/TR 13393:2009(E)

34、 2 ISO 2009 All rights reservedTable 1 Iron-base hardfacing deposit microstructure types Hardfacing deposit designation Microstructure type E-H-Fe-FS Mostly ferritic steel with second phase E-H-Fe-M1 Low-alloy martensitic steel E-H-Fe-M2 Tool steel martensite with secondary hardening E-H-Fe-M3 Stain

35、less steel martensite E-H-Fe-M4 Maraging steel martensite E-H-Fe-MA Approximately equal amounts of martensite and austenite E-H-Fe-MK Martensite with alloy carbides E-H-Fe-MEK Martensite with austenite-carbide eutectic E-H-Fe-A Austenitic stainless steel with little or no ferrite E-H-Fe-AF Austeniti

36、c stainless steel with more than 30 FN E-H-Fe-AM Austenitic manganese steel with low or no chromium E-H-Fe-AMC Austenitic manganese steel with chromium nearly equal to manganese E-H-Fe-AK Austenitic manganese steel containing alloy carbides E-H-Fe-PAE Primary austenite with austenite-carbide eutecti

37、c E-H-Fe-NE Near-eutectic austenite-carbide iron E-H-Fe-PKE Primary chromium carbides with austenite-carbide eutectic E-H-Fe-KKA Primary chromium carbides with alloy carbides and austenite-carbide eutectic 4 Identification of iron-base alloy microstructural groups in a carbon/alloying elements diagr

38、am A convenient and systematic way to correlate composition and microstructures of hardfacing alloys consists in using a diagram such as that given in Figure 1. On the ordinate, the mass fraction of carbon is plotted as a percentage using a logarithmic scale. On the abscissa, the total amount of all

39、oying elements, also plotted as a percentage, is represented. Alloying elements include Cr, Mn, Si, Mo, Ni, Nb, V, W and Ti. These are the most commonly encountered alloy elements in Fe-based hardfacing alloys. In this diagram, based on compositional ranges and corresponding microstructures that are

40、 known for most of the alloys currently being used in practice, the domains which correspond to the types of microstructure listed in Table 1 have been delineated. It should be noted that these delineations are to be taken as guidelines, not absolutes. Transitions from one type to another type of mi

41、crostructure are often progressive, and therefore, at least with alloys that are characterized by borderline compositions, a certain degree of overlap is to be expected in practice. Note that composition ranges for microstructure types A, AF and M4 are not included in Figure 1 because their mass fra

42、ction of carbon is below 0,1 %. ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved 3Key X alloy, percent Y carbon, percent Figure 1 Map of composition ranges for hardfacing microstructures ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) 4 ISO 2009 All rights reserved5 Description of the iron-base alloys belonging to the differ

43、ent microstructure groups 5.1 General For each group, the following pages contain some general information as to the following topics: typical chemical composition ranges; as-welded microstructure; typical as-welded hardness range; typical response to post-weld heat treatment; impact resistance (as

44、a qualitative judgment); metal-to-metal wear resistance (as a qualitative judgment); resistance against abrasive wear; corrosion resistance; high-temperature resistance; machineability; typical applications; typical microstructure illustrations. ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved 5 5.

45、2 Fe-FS Group (ferrite with second phase) See Table 2. Table 2 Fe-FS Group Typical composition: Up to 0,3 % C Up to 6 % alloying elements Microstructure: Predominantly ferrite with small amounts of pearlite, bainite, martensite Main characteristics: Hardness (as deposited): Generally expressed in HB

46、, ranging from 200 HB to 400 HB, function of mass fraction of C Machineable in the as-welded condition, PWHT improves machineability Excellent impact resistance Good metal-to-metal wear resistance Low to moderate abrasion resistance (function of hardness) Hardness drops if heat treated Deposits rust

47、 Typical example: 0,25 % C, 3 % Cr Applications: Build-up to return worn parts to original size, metal-to-metal wear as in pulleys, idlers, gears Deposit made with preheating at 200 C, cooled slowly, resulting in a hardness of 20 R C . Microstructure is primarily ferrite with a little second phase.

48、Photomicrograph provided by The Lincoln Electric Company, USA. Microstructure of Type FS Deposit, 650, 2 % Nital (alcoholic nitric acid) etch (continued)ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) 6 ISO 2009 All rights reservedTable 2 (continued) Deposit made without preheating, and allowed to cool rapidly, resulting in a

49、 hardness of 35 R C . Microstructure is heavily bainitic. Photomicrograph provided by The Lincoln Electric Company, USA. Microstructure of Type FS Deposit (same electrode as above), 650, Nital etch ISO/TR 13393:2009(E) ISO 2009 All rights reserved 7 5.3 Fe-M1 Group (low-alloy martensite) See Table 3. Table 3 Fe-M1 Group Typical composition: 0,3 % to 0,8 % C Up to 6 % alloying elements Microstructure: Predominantly martensitic Main characteristics: Hardness: 450 HB

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