ISO TS 17444-2-2017 Electronic fee collection - Charging performance - Part 2 Examination framework《电子收费 充值性能 第2部分 检查框架》.pdf

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1、 ISO 2017 Electronic fee collection Charging performance Part 2: Examination framework Perception du tlpage Performance dimputation Partie 2: Cadre dexamen TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION ISO/TS 17444-2 Reference number ISO/TS 17444-2:2017(E) Second edition 2017-09 ISO/TS 17444-2:2017(E)ii ISO 2017 All righ

2、ts reserved COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO 2017, Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet o

3、r an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISOs member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8 CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +41 22 749 09 47 copyr

4、 ISO/TS 17444-2:2017(E)Foreword vi Introduction vii 1 Scope . 1 2 Normative references 1 3 T erms and definitions . 2 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 6 5 Examination Framework . 7 5.1 General . 7 5.2 Method for defining a Specific Examination Framework . 8 5.2.1 General 8 5.

5、2.2 Selection of metrics to be evaluated . 9 5.2.3 Definition of environmental conditions and associated performance requirements . 9 5.2.4 Determination of Required Sample Sizes . 9 5.2.5 Selection of methods for generating Charging Input and Reference Data 10 5.2.6 Determination of Test Routes/Sub

6、set of Charged Network for generating representative trips 10 5.2.7 Documentation of the Specific Examination Framework 10 5.3 Sources of data .10 5.4 Methods of generating charging input 13 5.4.1 General.13 5.4.2 Predefined routes (identifier: “PVP”) .14 5.4.3 Reference System (used in combination

7、with identifiers: “PVR” and “UVR”) 15 5.4.4 Simulated OBE/FE (identifier: “SO”) .16 5.4.5 Dedicated OBE Testing (identifier: “DO”) 17 5.5 Applicability of metrics scheme types .17 5.6 Charging Metric Selection Tables .22 5.6.1 General.22 5.6.2 DSRC Discrete 22 5.6.3 Autonomous Discrete .23 5.6.4 Aut

8、onomous Continuous .24 6 Examination Tests 26 6.1 Common (and DSRC Discrete) Examination Tests 26 6.1.1 General.26 6.1.2 ET-CM-E2E-1 E2E Correct Charging Rate 26 6.1.3 ET-CM-E2E-2 E2E Overcharging Rate .27 6.1.4 ET-CM-E2E-3 E2E Undercharging Rate27 6.1.5 ET-CM-E2E-4 E2E Late Charging Rate 28 6.1.6 E

9、T-CM-UA-1 UA Correct Charging Rate 29 6.1.7 ET-CM-UA-2 UA Overcharging Rate .29 6.1.8 ET-CM-UA-3 UA Undercharging Rate .30 6.1.9 ET-CM-UA-4 UA Accurate application of Payments and Refunds 31 6.1.10 ET-CM-UA-5 UA Accurate Personalisation of OBUs .31 6.1.11 ET-CM-PC-1 PC Correct Charging Rate .32 6.1.

10、12 ET-CM-PC-2 PC Overcharging Rate 32 6.1.13 ET-CM-PC-3 PC Undercharging Rate 33 6.1.14 ET-CM-PC-4 PC Latency TC 34 6.1.15 ET-CM-PC-5 PC Late Payment Claims Rate .34 6.1.16 ET-CM-PC-6 PC Rejected Payment Claim Rate .35 6.1.17 ET-CM-BD-1 BD Correct Charging Rate35 6.1.18 ET-CM-BD-2 BD Overcharging Ra

11、te 36 6.1.19 ET-CM-BD-3 BD Undercharging Rate .37 ISO 2017 All rights reserved iii Contents Page ISO/TS 17444-2:2017(E)6.1.20 ET-CM-BD-4 BD Incorrect Charging Rate .37 6.1.21 ET-CM-BD-5 BD Latency TC 38 6.1.22 ET-CM-BD-6 BD Late Billing Details Rate .38 6.1.23 ET-CM-BD-7 BD Rejected Billing Details

12、Rate 39 6.1.24 ET-CM-BD-8 BD Incorrectly rejected Billing Details Rate 39 6.1.25 ET-CM-BD-9 BD Inferred Billing Details Rate .40 6.2 DSRC Discrete Optional DSRC Toll Declaration Metrics 40 6.2.1 General.40 6.2.2 ET-CM-TD-1 TD Correct Toll Declaration Generation Rate .40 6.2.3 ET-CM-TD-2 TD Incorrect

13、 Toll Declaration Generation Rate .41 6.2.4 ET-CM-TD-3 TD Late Toll Declarations Rate 41 6.2.5 ET-CM-TD-4 TD TSP Charge Parameter Change Rate 42 6.2.6 ET-CM-TD-5 TD TSP False Positive Rate 42 6.3 Autonomous Discrete Specific Examination Tests 43 6.3.1 General.43 6.3.2 ET-CM-TD-1 TD Correct Toll Decl

14、aration Generation Rate .43 6.3.3 ET-CM-TD-2 TD Incorrect Toll Declaration Generation Rate .43 6.3.4 ET-CM-TD-3 TD Late Toll Declarations Rate 44 6.3.5 ET-CM-TD-4 TD TSP Charge Parameter Change Rate 44 6.3.6 ET-CM-TD-5 TD TSP False Positive Rate 45 6.3.7 ET-CM-DTD-1 DTD Correct Charging Rate (charge

15、 object detections) 45 6.3.8 ET-CM-DTD-2 DTD Incorrect Charge Event Recognition Rate .46 6.3.9 ET-CM-DTD-3 DTD Missed Charge Object Detection Rate .46 6.3.10 ET-CM-DTD-4 DTD Overcharging Rate 47 6.3.11 ET-CM-CR-1 CR Correct Charge Report Generation Rate .47 6.3.12 ET-CM-CR-2 CR Incorrect Charge Repo

16、rt Generation Rate .48 6.3.13 ET-CM-CR-3 CR Charge Report Latency .48 6.3.14 ET-CM-CR-4 CR TSP Front End Charge Parameter Change Rate 49 6.3.15 ET-CM-CR-5 CR TSP Front End False Positive Rate 49 6.3.16 ET-CM-DCR-1 DCR Correct Charging Rate (charge object detections) .50 6.3.17 ET-CM-DCR-2 DCR Incorr

17、ect Charge Event Recognition Rate 50 6.3.18 ET-CM-DCR-3 DCR Missed Charge Object Detection Rate .51 6.3.19 ET-CM-DCR-4 DCR Overcharging rate (Incorrect false positive Charge Event Recognition) 51 6.4 Autonomous Continuous Specific Examination Tests 52 6.4.1 General.52 6.4.2 ET-CM-TD-1 TD Correct Tol

18、l Declaration Generation Rate .52 6.4.3 ET-CM-TD-2 TD Incorrect Toll Declaration Generation Rate .52 6.4.4 ET-CM-TD-3 TD Late Toll Declarations Rate 53 6.4.5 ET-CM-TD-4 TD TSP Charge Parameter Change Rate 53 6.4.6 ET-CM-TD-5 TD TSP False Positive Rate 54 6.4.7 ET-CM-CTD-1 CTD Correct Charging Rate 5

19、4 6.4.8 ET-CM-CTD-2 CTD Overcharging Rate .55 6.4.9 ET-CM-CTD-3 CTD Accuracy of Distance/Time Measurement .55 6.4.10 ET-CM-CR-1 CR Correct Charge Report Generation Rate .56 6.4.11 ET-CM-CR-2 CR Incorrect Charge Report Generation Rate .56 6.4.12 ET-CM-CR-3 CR Charge Report Latency .57 6.4.13 ET-CM-CR

20、-4 CR TSP Front End Charge Parameter Change Rate 57 6.4.14 ET-CM-CR-5 CR TSP Front End False Positive Rate 58 6.4.15 ET-CM-CCR-1 CCR Correct Charging Rate 58 6.4.16 ET-CM-CCR-2 CCR Overcharging Rate .59 6.4.17 ET-CM-CCR-3 CCR Accuracy of Distance/Time Measurement .59 Annex A (informative) Examinatio

21、n Test documentation template .61 Annex B (informative) Examination Framework considerations 62 Annex C (informative) Statistical considerations .66 iv ISO 2017 All rights reserved ISO/TS 17444-2:2017(E)Annex D (informative) Methods for reducing sample sizes for very high/low probability metrics dur

22、ing the Evaluation Phase .72 Annex E (informative) Ex ample-specific Ex amination F r ame w or ks 76 Bibliography .93 ISO 2017 All rights reserved v ISO/TS 17444-2:2017(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO me

23、mber bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governme

24、ntal and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenanc

25、e are described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see Attentio

26、n is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction an

27、d/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement. For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms an

28、d expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISOs adherence to the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), see the following URL: This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 204, I

29、ntelligent transport systems. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/TS 17444-2:2013), which has been revised with the following changes: editorial and formal corrections, as well as changes, to improve readability; updated terminology. A list of all parts in the ISO/TS 1744

30、4 series can be found on the ISO ISO 2017 All rights reserved ISO/TS 17444-2:2017(E) Introduction Electronic tolling systems are complex distributed systems involving critical technology such as dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) and global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), bot

31、h subject to a certain random behaviour that may affect the computation of the charges. Thus, in order to protect the interests of the different involved stakeholders, in particular Service Users and Toll Chargers, it is essential to define metrics that measure the performance of the system as far a

32、s computation of charges is concerned and ensure that the potential resulting errors in terms of size and probability are acceptable. These metrics will be an essential tool when establishing requirements for the systems and also for examination of the system capabilities both during acceptance and

33、during the operational life of the system. In addition, in order to ensure the interoperability of different systems, it will be necessary to agree on common metrics to be used and on the actual values that define the required acceptable performances although this is not covered in this document. Th

34、is document is defined as a toolbox standard of examination tests plus a method for defining and documenting Specific Examination Frameworks to meet specific needs. The detailed choice of the set of examination tests within an Examination Framework depends on the application and the respective conte

35、xt. Compliance with this specification is understood as using the definitions and prescriptions laid out in this document whenever the respective system aspects are subjected to performance measurements, rather than using other definitions and examination methods than the ones specified in this docu

36、ment. ISO/TS 17444-1 defines a set of charging performance metrics with appropriate definitions, principles and formulations, which together make up a reference framework for the establishment of requirements for EFC systems and their later examination of the charging performance. These charging per

37、formance metrics are intended for use with any toll scheme, regardless of its technical underpinnings, system architecture, tariff structure, geographical coverage, or organizational model. They are defined to treat technical details that may be different among technologies as a “black box”. They fo

38、cus solely on the outcome of the charging process, i.e. the amount charged in relation to a pre-measured or theoretically correct amount, rather than intermediate variables from various components as sensors, such as positioning accuracy, signal range, or optical resolution. This approach ensures co

39、mparable results for each metric in all relevant situations. The metrics are designed to cover the information exchanged on the front-end interface and the interoperability interfaces between Toll Service Providers and Toll Chargers, as well as information on the end-to-end level. Metrics for the fo

40、llowing information exchanges are defined: Charge Reports; Toll Declarations; Billing Details and associated event data; Payment Claims on the level of user accounts; End-to-End Metrics which assess the overall performance of the charging process. The proposed metrics are specifically addressed to p

41、rotect the interests of the actors in a toll system, such as Toll Service Providers, Toll Chargers and Service Users. The metrics can be used to define requirements (e.g. for requests for proposals) and for performance assessment. ISO 2017 All rights reserved vii ISO/TS 17444-2:2017(E) Toll schemes

42、take on various forms as identified in the ISO 17575 series and ISO 14906. In order to create a uniform performance metric specification, toll schemes are grouped into two classes based on the character of their primary charging variable: charging based on discrete events (charges associated to the

43、fact that a vehicle is crossing or standing within a certain zone); those based on a continuous measurement (duration or distance). In all these toll schemes, tolls may additionally vary as a function of vehicle class characteristics such as trailer presence, number of axles, taxation class, operati

44、ng function, and depending on time of day or day of week, such that, for example, tariffs are higher in rush hour and lower on the weekends. With this degree of complexity, it is not surprising to find that the attempts to evaluate and compare technical solutions for Service User charging have been

45、made uniquely each time a procurement or study is initiated, and with only limited ability to reuse prior comparisons made by other testing entities. Examination Framework The Examination Framework that is defined in this document is designed for measuring the metrics defined in ISO/TS 17444-1. The

46、general aim is to achieve a maximum comparability and reproducibility of the results without restricting the technological choices in system design. Specific Examination Frameworks may be defined for the Evaluation and Monitoring Phases of a project due to the differences in the availability of equi

47、pped vehicles. Evaluation Phase This phase encompasses system evaluation and selection, as well as commissioning and ramp up during implementation. Important aspects of this phase are relatively small sample sizes, and well controlled behaviour of test vehicles. Monitoring Phase After the system has

48、 gone into operation, its behaviour needs to be monitored for several reasons, such as fine-tuning of the system performance, monitoring of SLAs between contractual partners (supplier, Toll Charger, Toll Service Provider, etc.). In this phase, the following system aspects can be expected: very large

49、 sample sizes possible, but with unknown behaviour of the vehicles; in principle all measurements from implementation phase possible, too. Readers Guide To understand the content of this document, the reader should be aware of the methodology and assumptions used to develop the Examination Framework and associated examination tests; therefore, a suggested reading order is given below. a) Annex B provide


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