HD 576 S1-1990 Parallel Sub-System Bus of the IEC 821 VME Bus《IEC 822VSB IEC 821VME总线的并行子系统总线》.pdf

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HD 576 S1-1990 Parallel Sub-System Bus of the IEC 821 VME Bus《IEC 822VSB IEC 821VME总线的并行子系统总线》.pdf_第1页
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HD 576 S1-1990 Parallel Sub-System Bus of the IEC 821 VME Bus《IEC 822VSB IEC 821VME总线的并行子系统总线》.pdf_第2页
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HD 576 S1-1990 Parallel Sub-System Bus of the IEC 821 VME Bus《IEC 822VSB IEC 821VME总线的并行子系统总线》.pdf_第3页
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1、Toletex 208 221007 - CENCEL - TX 17221007 Rue de Stassart. 35 - 1050 Bruxelles I s s ue 1 I Tt.: (+ 32 2) 619.88.71 - Fax: (+ 32 2) 519.6Q.19 HD 576 S1 1990-10- 25 October 1990 IEC 822 VSB Parallel Sub-system Bus of the IEC 821 VHE bus CE1 822 VSB Bus parallle do sous-systmo du bus CE1 821 VIIE bus

2、IEC a22 VSB Parllll-Unt0rburryrt.n fur don IEC 821 VME-Bus RD: IEC 822:1988: IEC/SC 478 (not appended) This Harmonization Document consists of the following: - titlo Pago ROl8t.d to Diroctivo: - date of ratification : 1990-06-01 (confirmed by 64 Tl date of latest publication : 1991-06-15 date of ann

3、ouncement : 1990-12-15 date of withdrawal : 1991-06-15 LIST OF NATIONAL STANDARDS IS GIVEN OVERLEAF .I 3404583 0006523 4 HARMONIZED NATIONAL STANDARDS HO 576 Sl F b AT : NOS BE : NOS CH : SEVIASE 3701.1989 OE : NOS OK : NOS ES : FI : NOS FR : NOS G8 : BS 7241 : 1989 GR : NOS IE : NOS IS : If : NOS L

4、U : NOS NL : NO : PT : NOS SE : o CENkLEC ;Rue de Stassart. 35 - 1050 Bruxelles TBI.: (+ 32 2) 519.68.71 - Fa: (+ 32 2) 519.69.19 Teletex 206 2210097 - CENCEL - Tx 172210097 3404583 000b5Z4 b HO 576 Sl October 1990 ENGLISH VERSION UDC: 681.3.01:621.3.037 Descriptors: VS8 bus IEC 822 VSB PARALLEL SUB

5、-SYSTEM BU9 OF THE IEC 821 VflE BUS CE1 822 VSB Bus parallele de sous-Systeme du bus CE1 821 VHE bus IEC 822 VSB Parallel-Unterbussystem fr den IEC 821 VflE-BUS BODY OF THE HO The Harmonization Document consists of: - - IEC 822:1988; IEC/SC 478, not appended This Harmonization Document was approved

6、by CENELEC on 1990-06-01. The English and French versions of this Harmonization Document are provided by the text of the IEC publication and the German version is the official translation of the IEC text. According to the CENELEC Internal Regulations the CENELEC member National Committees are bound:

7、 to announce the existence of this Harmonization Document at national level by or before 1990-12-15 to publish their new harmonized national standard by or before 1991-06-15 to withdraw all conflicting national standards by or before 1991-06-15. Harmonized national standards are listed on the HO inf

8、ormation sheet, which is available from the CENELEC National Committees or from the CENELEC Central Secretariat. The CENELEC National Committees are the national electrotechnical cornittees of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom. Copyright reserved to all CENELEC members


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