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1、2017年南京市鼓楼区中考第一次模拟考试试题英语 选择题(共 40分) 一、单项填空(共 15小题,每小题 1分,满分 15分) 1. _ our joy, our class came first in this years school football match. A. In B. At C. To D. For 解析:句意:令我们高兴的是,我们班在今年的学校足球比赛中获得了第一名。 in在 里面; at在具体时刻; to到 ; for为了,因为。 to ones joy是固定短语,令某人高兴的是,故应选 C。 答案: C 2. Mum, Im dying for food. Can

2、we have dinner now? Dear, lets wait _ your dad comes back. A. when B. after C. until D. while 解析:句意: 妈妈,我快要饿死了,我们现在可以吃晚饭了吗? 亲爱的,让我们等到你爸爸回来的时候再吃吧。 when当 时候; after在 之后; until直到 时候;while当 时候。根据句意可知,这里是说直到爸爸回来才吃饭,故应选 C。 答案: C 3. I prefer to go to school by underground. Its much _ because the traffic is

3、too heavy on the road in the morning. A. quick B. quicker C. cheap D. cheaper 解析:句意:我更喜欢乘坐地铁去上学,它要更快,因为早上在路上交通太拥挤了。 quick快的; quicker更快的; cheap 便宜的; cheaper更便宜的。根据句意 because the traffic is too heavy on the road in the morning可知,乘坐地铁会更快,这里用比较级形式,表示地铁和其他交通工具的对比。故选 B。 答案: B 4. If you want to be _, you m

4、ust try your best and never give up. A. somebody B. everybody C. anybody D. nobody 解析:句意:如果你想要成为一个人物,你就必须尽你的最大努力,而且不要放弃。somebody某人,大人物; everybody每个人; anybody任何人; nobody没有人。根据句意可知应选 A。 答案: A 5. Excuse me, would you like mind helping me with the math problem? Im sorry. _, Im in a hurry. A. In general

5、B. In fact C. By the way D. Of course 解析:句意: 打扰一些,你介意帮助我解决这个数学题吗? 对不起,事实上,我很着忙。 In general一般来说; In fact事实上; By the way顺便说一下; Of course当然了。根据句意 Im in a hurry可知,应选 B。 答案: B 6. The river is becoming dirtier because the steel factory has put waste into it. Yes. We must take action to improve the _. A. c

6、ondition B. pollution C. position D. situation 解析:句意:这条河变得更脏了,因为钢铁厂把废物排放到了河里。 -是的,我们必须采取行动来改善这种情况。 condition条件,身体状况; pollution污染; position位置; situation情况,情形。这里的 situation指的是 The river is becoming dirtier,故应选 D。 答案: D 7. Shanghai Disneyland has attracted millions of people since it _ in 2016 A. is op

7、ened B. was opening C. opened D. has opened 解析:句意:上海迪士尼乐园自从 2016年开放以来吸引了上百万的人们。 is opened被开放,是一般现在时态的被动语态; was opening过去进行时; opened是过去式; has opened现在完成时态。 since 自从,引导时间状语从句,从句中常使用一般过去时态,主句用现在完成时态。故应选 C。 答案: C 8. Kate, its midnight! Why stay up so late? Id like to go to bed earlier, but the test pape

8、r _ be handed in tomorrow morning. A. may B. should C. can D. must 解析:句意: -Kate,都半夜了,你为什么熬夜到这么晚? -我想要早一点睡觉,但 是这个试卷明天早上必须交上。 may可以; should应该; can能,会,可能; must必须。根据句意 Kate熬夜到很晚,说明试卷明天必须交上,语气非常强,故应选 D。 答案: D 9. Im still wondering which school our son should choose. _ him alone, he can make up his mind.

9、A. Leave B. Keep C. Let D. Allow 解析:句意: 我还在想我们的儿子应该选择哪一所学校。 让他自己想想,他可以做决定。 leave离开;留下; keep保持,保存; let让; allow允许。这里的 leave sb. alone是固定短语,让某人一个人待会儿,让某人自己想想。故应选 A。 答案: A 10. What is the most popular TV programme this year, Li Hua? I think Readers that _ by CCTV. A. is held B. are held C. is holding D.

10、 are holding 解析:句意: 李华,今年最受欢迎的电视节目是什么? 我觉得中央电视台播放的朗读者是最受欢迎的节目。 is held一般现在时态的被动语态; are held用于主语是复数的时候; is holding现在进行时态; are holding 也是现在进行时,主语应该是复数或者是you。句中 that引导的是定语从句,修饰 Readers,这是一个节目的名字,做主语谓语动词用但是,并且和动词 hold构成被动关系,故应选 A。 答案: A 11. Mary works very hard because she doesnt want to _ in her lesson

11、s. A. fall down B. fall back C. fall over D. fall behind 解析:句意: Mary 工作很努力因为她不想在功课上落下。 fall down 落下来; fall back退却,后退; fall over摔倒,跌倒; fall behind落在后面。根据句意可知应选 D。 答案: D 12. Nanjing Yangtse River Bridge _ was built in the 1960s is now under repair. A. who B. whose C. which D. what 解析:句意:建于上世纪 60 年代的南京

12、长江大桥现在正在修理。 who引导定语从句,先行词应该是人,在从句中做主语或宾语; whose 的; which引导定语从句,先行词是物,which 在从句中做主语或宾语; what 什么,不能引导定语从句。这个定语从句的先行词是Nanjing Yangtse River Bridge,是物,故应选 C。 答案: C 13. Excuse me, could you tell me _? Better walk there. Its only about ten minutes walk. A. how far Suguo Supermarket is B. how far is Suguo

13、Supermarket C. how can I get to Suguo Supermarket D. how I can get to Suguo Supermarket 解析:句意: -打扰一下,你能告诉 我怎样去苏果超市吗? -最好走路去,只有大约 10分钟的路程。 how far Suguo Supermarket is苏果超市有多远; how far is Suguo Supermarket苏果超市有多远,是疑问语序; how can I get to Suguo Supermarket是疑问语序; how I can get to Suguo Supermarket我怎样到达苏果

14、超市。这里考查的是宾语从句,从句中应使用陈述语序,故 B 和 C不对。根据下面的回答可知选 D。 答案: D 14. If you cant read the article, it will be meaningless to you. The less in the word meaningless means _. A. with B. without C. full of D. out of 解析:句意:如果不会读这篇文章,它对你来说就是没有意义的。单词 meaningless 中less 的意思是什么? with 和 一起; without 没有; full of 充满; out o

15、f 出来,出于 。 less是一个表示否定意思的后 缀,从句意中我们也可以看出,不会读文章,那么文章对你来说就是没有意义的,所以 less就是没有的意思,选 B。 答案: B 15. I dont think keeping pet dogs is a good idea. Dogs create a lot of trouble. _. In my opinion, it can help you become a person full of love. A. You are right B. Not really C. Thats a good idea D. Believe or no

16、t 解析:句意: 我认为养宠物狗不是一个好主意,狗会制造很多麻烦。 真的不会,依照我的观点,狗会帮助你变成一个充满爱的人。 You are right.你是对的; Not really.真的不是; Thats a good idea.那是一个好主意; Believe or not.信不信由你。根据句意 it can help you become a person full of love可知,两个人的观点不同,因此应选 B。 答案: B 二、完形填空(共 10小题,每小题 1分,满分 10分) In the early hours of 7 September 1838, one of th

17、e worst storms in history was roaring(咆哮)along the coast of England. The lighthouse keeper 16 at a ship. It will be gone in a few more minutes, he said sadly. His daughter, Grace Darling, looking from an upstairs window, found the great ship had 17 against the rocks and broken into halves. Cant we s

18、ave them? Grace asked when she saw the 18 people on the ship. Isnt there any way to help them? No one can take a lifeboat out in that water, her father answered. The waves(浪) are too large. Grace had great 19 .She simply did not know how to give up. Filled with pity, she ran to the lifeboat quickly.

19、 Her father 20 . With tears running down his face, he begged his daughter not to get into the boat, 21 she would not listen. Her father could not let her go alone. He climbed in too. The two of them rowed in a great hurry. Each wave seemed 22 to throw them into the sea at any time. Suddenly there wa

20、s a terrible roar. The storm had 23 the ship in two. People were holding on to each half tightly(紧紧地) .They had to be saved soon. Grace and her father rowed faster. Soon they reached the ship and began filling the lifeboat with 24 . Then father and daughter brought their lifeboat safely to shore. As

21、 news of her brave saving action reached the public, the whole country considered her as a national hero. Grace and her father received the Silver Medal 25 from the British government. To this day a small statue stands above the grave(墓) of Grace Darling. People still respect the young woman who ref

22、used to give up. 16. A. looked out B. looked up C. looked around D. looked down 17. A. ran B. knocked C. crashed D. rushed 18. A. worried B. scared C. excited D. mixed 19. A. pride B. attention C. confidence D. courage 20. A. stayed B. pushed C. followed D. returned 21. A. but B. and C. so D. then 2

23、2. A. mad B. close C. awful D. ready 23. A. divided B. cut C. lifted D. attacked 24. A. adults B. tourists C. victims D. survivors 25. A. award B. gift C. prize D. reward 解析: 16.句意:灯塔看守人向外看着一艘船。 looked out 向外看; looked up 向上看;looked around 向四周看; looked down向下看。 lighthouse keeper是灯塔看守人,在风暴发生的时候,他应该是在灯

24、塔里面,所以这里应该是向外看,故选 A。 17.句意:他的女儿, Grace 从楼上的窗户向外看,发现这艘大船重重地撞到了石头上,碎成两半。 ran 跑; knocked 敲打; crashed 撞击,撞碎; rushed冲。根据文意 one of the worst storms in history was roaring可知,海上起了大风暴,所以船是撞到了石头上,故应选C。 18.句意:当她看到船上恐惧的人们的时候, Grace问: 我们可以去救他们吗? worried 担心的; scared 害怕的; excited 兴奋的; mixed混合的。根据文意可知,海上发生了风暴,并且 fo

25、und the great ship had 17 against the rocks and broken into halves.船成了两半,船上的人们会非常的害怕,故应选 B。 19.句意: Grace有巨大的勇气,她不知道怎样放弃。 pride 骄傲,自豪; attention 注意; confidence 自信; courage勇气。上文 Grace的父亲告诉她 No one can take a lifeboat out in that water, her father answered. The waves(浪) are too large.海上风浪很大,不能驾驶救生船出去,所

26、以这需要的是勇气。故应选 D。 20.句意:她快速跑到了救生船上,她的父亲跟在后面。 stayed 呆,停留; pushed 推;followed 跟随; returned回来。根据下文 Her father could not let her go alone. He climbed in too.可知, Grace的父亲和她一起上了救生船,所以她的父亲是跟在后面,应选 C。 21.句意:他乞求他的女儿不要 上船,但是她不听。 but 但是,表示转折; and 和,而且;so 因此,所以; then然后。根据句意可知,这两句话是转折的关系,故应选 A。 22.句意:每个浪头都好像随时准备把他

27、们扔到海里。 mad 疯狂的; close 近的; awful 可怕的; ready准备好的。 be ready to do sth.准备好去做某事,这里是形容海上风浪很大,随时都会把船打翻。因此 D选项符合情景。 23.句意:风暴把船切割成两半。 divided 分成,划分,常和 into搭配使用; cut 切割;lifted 举; attacked攻击。这里 cutin two 表示把 截成两半,符合文意,故选 B。 24.句意:很快他们到达了那艘大船,把幸存者们转移到救生船上。 adults 成年人;tourists 旅行者们; victims 受害者们; survivors幸存者们。根

28、据文意可知, Grace和她的父亲去救大船上的幸存者,所以应选 D。 25.句意: Grace 和她的父亲获得了英国政府颁发的银质奖章。 award 奖; gift 礼物;prize 奖品,奖金; reward报酬。空前面是 Silver Medal 银质奖章,不是奖品、礼物或者报酬,故应选 A。 答案: 16. A 17. C 18. B 19. D 20. C 21. A 22. D 23. B 24. D 25. A 三、阅读理解(共 15小题,每小题 1分,满分 15分) A Bicycle-sharing project is popular in Nanjing. This new

29、 type of service is expected to protect our environment and encourage people to exercise. At the same time , it also reminds people to learn to share. Read the table below to find more information about them! 26. Which company has put the most bikes into Nanjing? A. OFO B. Public Bike C. Bluegogo D.

30、 Mobike 27. You can order a(n) _ bike on your mobile phone. A. yellow or blue B. orange or green C. silver or green D. blue or white 28. If you use Bluegogo for the first time, you need to pay at least _ for it? A. 100 B. 200 C. 300 D. 301 解析: 26.细节理解题。根据表格中 Number这一栏中我们可以找到,数量最多的是 54000辆自行车,然后我们找到公

31、司的名字可知选 B。 27.细节理解题。根据表格中 Colour 和下面的 Order 这两栏的内容可知,银色、蓝色和绿色这三种颜色是可以订的,而黄色、橘色和白色没有,结合选项可知应选 C。 28.细节理解题。根据表格中 Security Deposit 以及 Price of use这两栏的内容可知,使用Bluegogo你应该付 99 元的押金,再加上使用费 1元,一共是 100元,故应选 A。 答案: 26. B 27. C 28. A B CharactersEditor, Doctor, Scientist, Journalist, Traveller Scene 9 The men

32、sit down with drinks ,and the time traveller tells his amazing story. Traveller: The time machine took me 150 years into the future. The word was is a very different place. There was two races(种类) of creatures: the Eloi and Morlocks. The Eloi are small, gentle creaturespeople who lead peaceful lives

33、. They do not work but play games, eat food, and sleep. They are afraid of dark. Scientist: And the Morlocks? Traveller: These are apelike(似猿的) creatures who live underground. They are afraid of the light. They have machines. They provide the Eloi with everything they need. Doctor: So the Morlocks a

34、re the Elois slaves(奴隶) ? Traveller: Sadly, that is not so. The Eloi are the Morlocks cattle(牲畜) .The Morlocks feed them and raise took them for food. Editor: That is awful. How did the Eloi allow this to happen. Traveller: They became lazy. At first, they allowed the Morlocks to provide them with e

35、verything they needed. Journalist: Then, they slowly lost all their skills. Traveller: Exactly. As the years passed, they became more and more dependent(依赖的) on the Morlocks. Finally, they could not take care of themselves. Then ,the Morlocks took control them. Editor: There is a lesson for us in th

36、is. Scientist: Only if his strange story is true. 29. When may the travellers story happen? A. In the past. B. At present. C. In the future. D. He didnt tell us. 30. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The Eloi are afraid of the light. B. The Morlocks raise the Eloi for food. C. The Eloi could take c

37、are of themselves. D. The Morlocks live a happy life without working. 31. What did the traveller think of the Eloi? A. Clever B. Hardworking C. Creative D. Lazy 32. Why did the scientist say Only if his strange story is true.? A. He felt sorry for Eloi. B. He was making a joke. C. He was afraid to h

38、ear the story. D. He didnt believe the story. 解析: 29.推理判断题。根据短文中 The time machine took me 150 years into the future 可知,这里提到时光机器花费了这个旅行者 150年的时间进入了 未来,由此可知,这个旅行者的故事发生在未来,故应选 C。 30.细节理解题。根据短文中 The Eloi are the Morlocks cattle(牲畜) .The Morlocks feed them and raise took them for food.可知, Eloi是 Morlock的牲

39、畜, Morlock喂养他们,然后以他们为食物。由此可知应选 B。根据 And the Morlocks? Traveller: These are apelike(似猿的) creatures who live underground. They are afraid of the light.可知 A不对,害怕光的是Morlock;根据 They became lazy. At first, they allowed the Morlocks to provide them with everything they needed. Finally, they could not take

40、care of themselves可知 C不对;根据 The Eloi are small, gentle creaturespeople who lead peaceful lives. They do not work but play games, eat food, and sleep可知 D不对。 31.细节理解题。根据短文中 They became lazy可知,这个旅行者觉得 Eloi太懒了,他们让 Morlocks给他们提供他们所需要的所有东西。由此可知应选 D。 32.推理判断题。 only if 是固定短语,意思是:要是 多好啊,常用来表示不切实际的一个愿望,往往是实现不

41、了的,或者是跟现实相反的。因此这句话说明科学家对这个故事是很怀 疑的,他不相信这个故事。故应选 D。 答案: 29. C 30. B 31. D 32. D C Captain(船长) Nemo invited me and my friends to go hunting with him in the forests of Crespo Island. I asked him why he was so interested in Crespo Island. I thought you preferred the sea to being on land. I do, replied t

42、he captain. But these forests are under the sea. After going through a door, we were about ten meters under the water. The light from the sun reached us. Everything looked very colourful. We were going deeper and deeper. At 100 meters deep, we could see quite well, and Captain Nemo stopped and point

43、ed to some dark shapes. This was the forest. The trees in the forest were giant seaweed, and all their branches were vertical(垂直的) .We could not stop looking at them. Fish swam around the branches like birds in a forest. Suddenly, I saw a large sea spider about a meter tall. It was going to attack m

44、e. Captain Nemos man killed it with his gun, but it reminded me that the sea could be as dangerous as it was beautiful. When we reached 150 meters, it was dark. The suns light could not reach this depth(深度) . We turned our lights. We could see about 20 meters around us. Finally, we found Crespo Isla

45、ndwhere a steep rock wall rose in front of us. We could go no further, so we walked back toward the Nautilus. Suddenly, Captain Nemo stopped and shot an animal with his gun, it was a beautiful and rare sea otter. At last, we could see the Nautilus. Several large sharks swam over us. Luckily they did

46、nt see us. We re-entered the Nautilus safely. I was tired but amazed by what I had seen. 33. What do dark shapes in Paragraph 3 refer to(指的是) ? A. Trees B. Seaweed C. Rocks D. Fish 34. When they reached _ meters, they couldnt see quite well? A. 10 B. 20 C. 100 D. 150 35. According to the passage, wh

47、ich is the correct order? Captain Nemos man killed a sea spider. The men returned to the Nautilus. The men went to the forest. Captain Nemo invited us to go hunting. Captain Nemo shot an otter. A. B. C. D. 36. What is the best title of the story? A. A Visit to a Sea Forest B. Death Under the Sea. C.

48、 Captain Nemo and the Nautilus D. Attacked by Giant Spider 解析: 33.细节理解题。根据短文第三段中 At 100 meters deep, we could see quite well, and Captain Nemo stopped and pointed to some dark shapes. This was the forest. The trees in the forest were giant seaweed, and all their branches were vertical(垂直的)可知,这里的 dark shapes指的是海里的


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