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1、2017年山东省枣庄市薛城区九年级中考模拟( 5月)试题英语 第 卷 (选择题三部分,共 55分 ) 第一部分:听力 (略) 第二部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,第一节 16 25 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分;第二节语法填空, 46 55小题,每小题 1分,满分 10分。共 20分 ) 第一节完型填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 16 25 各题所给的四个选项 (A B C D)中,选出最佳选项。 How do you imagine the future? Will life in the future be better, worse or the same as now?

2、1 do you think of the future? People 2 that life will probably be very different in 2050. First of all, planes will be very 3 so flying will be very cheap. Everyone will have a small car. Fuel will be new and clean, but expensive. We will 4 robots everywhere. And space planes will take us around the

3、 world 5 two hours. Homes will be warm in winter and cool in summer, so they will be very comfortable. We will use the sun 6 our homes. Computers will be very small so they will be very 7 . People will do many things on the Internet. At that time, water will become one of our most 8 problems. In man

4、y places, farmers will be in great need of water to 9 fruit and vegetables. By 2050, we will able to help blind and deaf(聋) people see again and 10 again. At that time, our life will become better and better. 1. A. Which B. How C. Why D. What 2. A. think B. disagree C. plan D. worry 3. A. small B. s

5、low C. large D. short 4. A. make B. see C. watch D. move 5. A. in B. after C. for D. at 6. A. heats B. to heat C. heating D. heated 7. A. heavy B. new C. long D. light 8. A. pleasant B. possible C. serious D. interesting 9. A. sell B. check C. buy D. grow 10. A. walk B. hear C. sleep D. run 解析: 1.考查

6、疑问词及语境的理解。 A. Which 哪一个; B. How 如何; C. Why 为什么; D. What什么;句意:你认为未来怎么样? What do you think of sth? “你认为某物怎么样? ”故选 D。 2.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. think 认为; B. disagree 不同意; C. plan 计划; D. worry担心;句意:人们认为在 2050年生活将可能非常不同。根据前文的 1 do you think of the future?可知此处表示人们的观点,故选 A。 3.考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. small 小的; B. slow 慢的; C

7、. large 大的; D. short短的;句意:首先,飞机将非常大,所以飞行将会非常便宜。根据 so flying will be very cheap可知要想要飞行便宜,飞机应足够大,承载的人多,才会便宜,故选 C。 4.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. make 制作; B. see 看见; C. watch 观看; D. move 移动;句意:我们将在到处看见机器人。根据 everywhere,可知应是我们在到处可以看见机器人。故选 B。 5.考查介词及语境的理解。 A. in 在 里; B. after 在 之后; C. for 为了; D. at 在;句意:太空飞船将带着我们在两个小

8、时内周游世界。 in+时间段,表示多长时间后或在多长时间内; after+时间段,表示过去某段时间之后; for+时间段,表示持续一段时间,用于现在完成时; at+钟点,表示在几点钟。此处表示在两个小时内,故用 in+时间段,故选A。 6.考查动 词及语境的理解。 A. heats 加热; B. to heat加热; C. heating加热; D. heated加热;句意:我们将使用太阳来给我们的家供暖。 use sth to do sth用某物去做某事,故用动词不定式 to heat,故选 B。 7.考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. heavy 重的; B. new 新的; C. long

9、长的; D. light轻的;句意:计算机将非常小,所以他们将会非常轻。根据 Computers will be very small可知计算机非常小,因此会非常轻,故选 D。 8.考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. pleasant 令人愉快的; B. possible 可能的; C. serious 严重的; D. interesting有趣的;句意:在那时,水将成为我们最严重的问题之一。根据 In many places, farmers will be in great need of water to 9 fruit and vegetables.可知农民需要大量的水,故此处水将是最严重

10、的问题之一,故选 C。 9.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. sell 卖; B. check 核查; C. buy 买; D. grow种植;句意:在许多地方,农民将需要大量的水来种植水果和蔬菜。结合句意,农民用水来种植水果和蔬菜,故选 D。 10.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. walk 散步; B. hear 听见; C. sleep 睡觉; D. run跑;句意:到 2050 年,我们将能帮助盲人和聋人再次看见和听见。根据句意,帮助聋的人听见,故选 B。 答案: 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. B 第三部分 阅读理解 (共 1

11、5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 30 分 )阅读下列短文,从 2640 各题所给的四个选项 (A B C D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Have you ever been sad because you failed in something? If so, please remember, for often, achieving what you expect is not the most important thing. Here is a story to tell you why. One day, a little boy decided to dig a hole behind

12、 his house after watching a science program. As he was working, a couple of boys stopped by to watch. “What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors. “I want to dig a deep hole all the way through the earth!” the boy answered excitedly. The other boys began to laugh, telling him that it was impossi

13、ble to do it. Then they left. The little boy kept on digging and digging. Suddenly, a few small colorful stones caught his eyes. He collected them and put them into a glass jar patiently. Humming a song, he went on digging. The jar was full soon. Then he talked to himself calmly and proudly, “Maybe

14、I cant finish digging all the way through the earth, but look at what I have in the process (过程 ) of digging!” The boys goal was too difficult, but it did cause him to go on, in other words, to cause us to keeping working! Not every goal will be achieved. Not every job will end up with a success. No

15、t every dream will come true. But when you cant achieve your goal, maybe you can say, “Yes, but look what Ive found along the way! There are so many wonderful things that have come into my life because I tried to do something!” It is the digging that life is lived. It is the unexpected joy on the jo

16、urney that really has a meaning. 11. What did the boy do after watching the program? A. He bought a glass jar. B. He started to dig a hole. C. He played with some visitors. D. He bought a bike. 12. What did the other boys think of the little boy? A. He was silly. B. He was strict. C. He was strong-m

17、inded. D. He was tall. 13. When did the boy find the stones? A. Before he met the other boys. B. When he wanted to give up digging. C. After the older boys laughed at him. D. When he had a rest. 14. What does the underlined sentences “It is the digging that life is lived.” mean according to the arti

18、cle? A. Life is to make a big success. B. Life is to find the colorful stones. C. Life is on the way to achieve the goal. D. Life is difficult. 15. Which is the best title for this article? A. Enjoying the Process. B. How to Achieve Goals. C. A Journey through the Earth. D. A boy. 解析: 11.细节理解题。根据 On

19、e day, a little boy decided to dig a hole behind his house after watching a science program.可知当这个小男孩看了一个科学节目后,他就决定挖一个洞,故选 B。 12.推理判断题。根据 The older boys began to laugh, telling him that it was impossible to do it.可知其他男孩认为他做的事是不可能的,因此笑话他,故推断他们认为他是愚蠢的,故选A。 13.推理判断题。根据 The older boys began to laugh, tel

20、ling him that it was impossible to do it. Then they left.The little boy kept on digging and digging. Suddenly, a few small colorful stones caught his eyes.可知在那些孩子笑话他之后,他发现了那些石头,故选 C。 14.词义猜测题。根据 Not every goal will be achieved. Not every job will end up with a success. Not every dream will come true

21、. 可知这句话指的是生活的真义就是走向实现目标的道路上。故选 C。 15.标题归纳题。根据 If so, please remember, for often, achieving what you except is not the most important thing. 和 It is the unexpected joy on the journey that really has a meaning.可知本文主要介绍了努力了不一定会实现目标,努力的过程是有意义的,因此要享受努力的过程,故选 A。 答案: 11. B 12. A 13. C 14. C 15. A B People

22、are always afraid of making mistakes. But sometimes its not bad to make mistakes, and here is why. At first, mistakes are a clear sign that you are trying new things. Its always good to try new things, because when you are trying new things you are growing. If you never try new things, how can you i

23、mprove? How can you create? The simple answer is, “You cant.” Look around you, everything you see is the result of someone trying new things. Another good thing about mistakes is this: when you are making mistakes, you are learning. Consider this: Edison failed 10,000 times before he invented the li

24、ght bulb. When he was asked how he felt to fail that many times, he said that he hadnt failed 10,000 times, but rather had learned 10,000 things that didnt work. Finally, when you make a mistake, you are that much closer to success. Why? Because you have said what you should say, and you have done w

25、hat you should do. Every time you make a mistake, you are closer to success. But it doesnt mean that you can make mistakes without thinking. Instead, when you try new things you have to think them over, so that you can keep away from some unnecessary mistakes. We shouldnt spend all our time and mone

26、y on the only one way, but use them correctly. Because our time and money are limited (有限的 ). There is an old saying. “If you are not making mistakes, you are not trying hard enough.” So go bravely and make mistakes. And learn. And grow. And succeed. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(共 5小题,每小题 2分,满分 10分) 16. If you ma

27、king a mistake, that means _. A. youre careful B. youre kind C. youre growing D. you know nothing 17. If you never try new things, you cant _. A. improve B. create C. spend D. A and B 18. After Edison failed 10,000 times, he _. A. gave up B. invented the light bulb C. invented the computer D. invent

28、ed 10,000 new things 19. When you make a mistake, you are closer to _. A. time B. money C. success D. everything 20. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Never make mistakes B. You can make mistakes without thinking. C. Sometimes its good to make mistakes D. Making mistakes is terrible. 解析: 16.细节理

29、解题。根据 Its always good to try new things, because when you are trying new things you are growing.可知犯错是学习新东西的时候,也是正在成长的时候,故选 C。 17.细节理解题。根据 If you never try new things, how can you improve? How can you create? The simple answer is, “You cant.”可知如果你不尝试新事物,你不能提高和创新,故选 D。 18.细节理解题。根据 Edison failed 10,000

30、 times before he invented the light bulb.可知爱迪生失败了 10000次,他才发明了电灯,故选 B。 19.细节理解题。根据 Finally, when you make a mistake, you are that much closer to success. 可知当你犯错时,你离成功更近了,故选 C。 20.主旨大意题。根据 But sometimes its not bad to make mistakes可知本文叙述了有时犯错是对人有利的,故选 C。 答案: 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. C 20. C C Lightning(

31、闪电 )is shocking, and it happens all over the world! Scientists think that there are more than three million lightning strikes(袭击 )every day in the worldthats thirty strikes every second. Lightning can also be very dangerous. Every year, lightning kills people because it can start big fires or becaus

32、e it reaches temperatures up to 28,000 degrees centigrade. American Roy Sullivan, who worked in a park, holds the record for surviving the most lightning strikes. Between 1942 and 1983, he was hit seven times! So, why does lightning strike? Lightning strikes happen when ice and water in clouds rub(摩

33、擦 )together, and cause atmospheric(大气层的 )changes. When this happens, it creates a static charge(静电电荷 ). Lightning can strike inside the cloud, between two clouds and between a cloud and Earth. Its the last type of strike that is the most dangerous for humans. About 1,000 people get struck by lightni

34、ng every year in the United States, and about 100 of them die as a result. Lightning is certainly not something to toy with. When lightning strikes, its best to stay inside a large building. To stay safe, do not stand under trees, on hills or near water. Trees attract lightning. Also, do not lie dow

35、n on the ground, otherwise the electricity may go through you and cause a heart disease. 21. Lightning strikes _. A. happen three billion times each day B. will start when there are big fires C. can reach very high temperatures D. kill all those who work in a park 22. What does “surviving” in paragr

36、aph 2 mean in Chinese? A.目睹 B.幸存 C.制造 D.遇难 23. We can infer(推断 )from paragraph 3 that _. A. lightning strikes are caused whenever ice and water meet B. lightning between two clouds is the most dangerous for humans C. lightning strikes create static charge D. about one tenth of the people struck by l

37、ightning die every year in America 24. Which expression means “to toy with” in the last paragraph? A. to play with B. to take seriously C. to show off D. to take it easy 25. Wheres the best place to be when lightning strikes? A. On top of a hill. B. In a swimming pool. C. In a tree. D. Inside. 解析: 2

38、1.细节理解题。根据第二段第二句 Every year, lightning kills people because it can start big fires or because it reaches temperatures up to 28,000 degrees centigrade.可以得出选择 C。句意:闪电袭击有时会达到很高的温度。故选 C。 22.词义猜测题。根据划线词的后一句 Between 1942 and 1983, he was hit seven times!在1942-1983年间,他被雷电击中了 7次。故此处表示他幸存下来。故选 B。 23.推理判断题。根据

39、第三段最后一句 About 1,000 people get struck by lightning every year in the United States, and about 100 of them die as a result. 可知在美国每年有十分之一的人被闪电击中。故选 D。 24.词义猜测题。根第三段最后一句据 About 1,000 people get struck by lightning every year in the United States, and about 100 of them die as a result.可知闪电袭击会导致人死亡,因此闪电不

40、是可以玩的东西,故选 A。 25.细节理解题。根据最后一段的 When lightning strikes, its best to stay inside a large building. 可知当闪电来袭,最佳的停留地点是在一栋建筑物里。故选 D。 答案: 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. D 第四 部分:写作 (共七节 ) 第一节 听力填空题 (略) 第二节 语法填空(共 10小题,每小题 1分,满分 10分) 阅读下面材料 填空 ,有的答案要填入适当的内容,有的答案要用括号内单词的正确形式 , 但每个答案不多于 3个单词。 Nothing is a waste i

41、f you have a creative mind. You have probably never 26 ( hear) of Amy Hayes, but she is a most unusual woman. She lives in a house in the UK that she built herself out 27 rubbish. Amy isnt the only one who is good at 28 ( recycle) . Jessica Wong from Hong Kong uses old clothes that people dont wear

42、anymore 29 ( make) bags. She has been doing this 30 a few years now. Wang Tao set up a small business in Shanghai four years 31 . He is known for 32 ( use) iron and other materials from old cars to make beautiful art pieces. The 33 ( much) popular works can even been seen in art shops around the cit

43、y. Wang Tao hopes to set up a “metal art” theme park 34 ( show) people the importance of environmental protection. 35 can the art bring happiness to others, but it also shows that even cold, hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity. 解析: 26.句意:你可能从没有听说过 Amy Hayes,根据 have 可知此处用现在

44、完成时,故用 hear的过去分词 heard。 27.句意:她住在英国的一所她自己用垃圾建造的房子里。 out of出于,用于,故此处为of。 28.句意: Amy不是唯一擅长回收的人。 be good at doing sth擅长做某事,故此处用动名词 recycling。 29.句意:来自香港的 Jessica Wong 用人们不再穿的旧衣服制成包。此处 use sth to do sth用某物做某事,故此处用动词不定式 to make。 30.句意:她现在一直做这件事长达好几年。此处与现在完成进行时连用,故用 for+时间段,表示持续一段时间,故为 for。 31.句意:王涛在四年前在上

45、海建立了一家小企业。根据 set up 是过去式,故此处用表示过去的时间短语, four years ago四年前,故此处为 ago。 32.句意:他因为使用旧汽车的钢铁和其他材料制成漂亮的艺术品而出名。 be known for doing sth因做某事而出名,故此处用动名词 using。 33.句意:更受欢迎的作品在甚至城市各处的艺术品商店里可以被看见。修饰形容词popular,此处表示比较级,故用 more。 34.句意:王涛希望建立一个 “金属艺术 ”主题公园,向人们展示环境保护的重要性。此处表示目的,故用动词不定式表示目的状语,故为 to show。 35.句意:艺术不仅给其他人带

46、来快乐,而且它也表明只要有创意,甚至冷硬的钢铁都可以回复生机。 Not onlybut also“ 不仅 ,而且 ” 连接并列句 ,故此处为 Not only。 答案: 26. heard 27. of 28. recycling 29. to make 30. for 31. ago 32. using 33. more 34. to show 35. Not only 第三节 阅读理解七选五(共 5小题,每小题 2分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入横线上的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 36 Many hikers like to hike in the c

47、ountryside, in forests and in mountains. Just walking for fun is the first kind of hiking. Many people like to hike in city parks or just on the sidewalks. A hike can take a few hours or weeks. For most hiking, people just need clothes and shoes that are good for the weather. 37 As you get stronger,

48、 you can go on a whole night hike. Later you can go longer than that. 38 39 You should always have one or two friends with you. Its also a good idea to carry a map. Backpacking is another kind of hiking. People carry food, clothes and other things on their backs in a pack. Backpackers can stay many days in places where there is no food to buy. 40 Now, put on


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