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1、2017年山东省济宁市高三第一次模拟( 3月)试题英语 第 I卷 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40分 ). 第一节 (共 15小题;每小题 2分,满分 30分 ) A 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 1. Which of the following people should apply for Job A? A. An energetic American girl with 6 years of experience in marketing. B. A shy Chinese girl who is interested in m

2、arketing and willing to learn. C. An outgoing Shandong boy with interest and experience in marketing. D. A aggressive Australian marketing manager who wants to work in Shanghai. 解析: 推理判断题。根据 Job A 对申请人的要求: (1)Chinese citizen (2) Having interest or experience in marketing (3) Aggressive, energetic, a

3、nd willing to learn.可判断 C 选项符合要求,故选 C。 答案: C 2. Which of the following is a must for an applicant for Job B? A. An international background. B. A degree in electronics. C. An interest in medical equipment. D. Willingness for an immediate interview. 解析: 细节 理解题。根据 Job B的描述, Applicants should possess d

4、egree in electronics.可知Job B的必要条件是答案 B (电子学学位) 。 答案: B 3. Which job is suitable for a college dropout with a good command of English and Chinese? A. Job A. B. Job B. C. Job C. D. Job D. 解析: 细节理解题 。 根据 Job D 的 qualifications 其中的内容 Fluency in Chinese and English;以及 High school diploma可知题干中的对英语和汉语有很好 掌

5、握 的大学 辍 学生适合做 Job D的工作,故选 D。 答案: D B Two years ago, Dimas Aliprandi and Elton Plaster didnt know of each others existence. Then they learned they had been switched at birth by mistake more than 20 years ago. The discovery didnt bring bitterness. Rather, it led to the creation of a bigger family. The

6、 chain of events started with Dimas, who was always wondering why he did not look like the four sisters he grew up with. He was 14 when his doubts grew after watching a TV news report on babies getting switched at birth because of mistakes at hospitals. He wanted to do a DNA test, but it was too exp

7、ensive for the family. A decade later, Dimas did it on his own. The DNA test showed that he was not the birth son of the man and woman who had raised him. The news was a shock for his parents. They at first refused to believe the results, but eventually decided to help him look for his biological pa

8、rents. The search began at the Madre Regina Protmann Hospital where records were checked. The hospital searched its records and found Elton Plaster was born there on the same day. The records led Dimas to the 35-acre farm where Piaster lived, with his parents, Nilza and Adelson, in the town of Santa

9、 Maria de Jetiba, about 30 miles from the Aliprandi home in Joao Neiva. After tests, the Plasters discovered that Elton was the biological son of the man and woman that Dimas had been calling Morn and Dad for 24 years. Meanwhile, the couple Elton, had always regarded as his biological parents were D

10、imasparents. About a year ago, Aliprandi and the parents who raised him accepted an offer from the Plasters to move to their farm, where they built a home. “This is the way it should be, ”Adelson Plaster recently told Globo TV. “We are all together and I now have two sons living and working here. ”

11、4. Who was the first to discover the baby switch? A. Elton Plaster. B. Dimas Aliprandi. C. Globo TV. D. The hospital. 解析: 细节理解题。题干意为: “谁最先发现婴儿是被掉包的? ”根据文章第二段第一句 The chain of events started with Dimas, who was always wondering why he did not look like the four sisters he grew up with可以得知是 Dimas首先发现的,

12、故选 B。 答案: B 5. Where do the Aliprandis now live? A. In Sao Pauo. B. In Joao Neiva. C. In Madre Regina Protmann. D. In Santa Maria de Jetiba. 解析: 细节理解题。题干意为: “Aliprandi一家现在住在哪里? ”文章第六段提到 About a year ago, Aliprandi and the parents who raised him accepted an offer from the Plasters to move to their fa

13、rm可知,一年前, Aliprandi一家已经受 Plaster夫妇的邀请,搬迁至农场,并在那里安家,故 D正确。 答案: D 6. What did the Aliprandis do when they knew about the baby switch? A. They took another DNA test. B. They switched the hospitals records. C. They helped Dimas find his birth parents. D. They went to Globo TV for more information. 解析: 细

14、节理解题。题干意为: “Aliprandi夫妇发现婴儿被掉包之后怎么办的? ”从文章的第三段中最后一句 They at first refused to believe the results, but eventually decided to help him look for his biological parents. 可以得知,他们愿意帮助 Dimas寻找亲生父母,故选 C。 答案: C 7. Who are Elton Plasters biological parents? A. The Aliprandis. B. The Plasters. C. Dimas and Elt

15、on. D. Nilza and Adelson. 解析: 推理判断题。题干意为: “Elton Plaster的亲生父母是谁? ”根据第五段中的 After tests,the Plasters discovered that Elton was the biological son of the man and woman that Dimas had been calling Morn and Dad for 24 years. 可知 Elton Plaster的亲生父母是 Dimas的养父母,即the Aliprandis,故 A正确。 答案: A C The concept of a

16、 working holiday is fairly simple. It is a vacation which normally lasts for several weeks or even months, during which you divide your time between work and recreation. The typical working holiday includes some manual labor and sightseeing. You can usually get room and board in exchange for a few h

17、ours of work. For instance, Australia and New Zealand encourage working holidays by offering one-year visas to people between the ages of 18 and 30. Countries all over the world offer the chances to work or volunteer and live in a new environment. All you need is a return ticket and enough cash to l

18、ive on. While some people choose to work in restaurants or hotels, others may do fruit picking which is perhaps the most popular type of work. Be prepared for long working days in the orchard, which may last up to ten hours a day. If you are not ready for this, a more leisurely job with shorter hour

19、s is possible, but you will not make as much money. Another option is volunteering in foreign countries. For example, you can work with disabled children in Bolivia and practice your Spanish,research dolphins and whales in Italy, or build schools in rural towns in Ghana. A working holiday is a great

20、 way to broaden your horizons since it gives you the chance to explore a country, practice a new language, and meet people from all over the world. These kinds of adventures sometimes have a really big impact on those who have experienced a working holiday. They often say that it was one of the best

21、 memories of their lives. Be aware! Even though some working vacation programs pay, not all of them do sometimes you end up paying to go on working vacation. However, a working holiday can get you off the beaten track and into spots the average tour bus would never go near. 8. What can you get in ex

22、change for a few hours of work? A. Recreation and money. B. A return ticket. C. Free transportation. D. Meals and shelter. 解析: 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的句子 You can usually get room and board in exchange for a few hours of work. 可知几个小时的工作可以换来食宿,故选 D。 答案: D 9. Whats the second paragraph mainly about? A. The idea

23、 of a working holiday. B. Ways to spend a working holiday. C. Great places for a working holiday. D. Volunteering in foreign countries. 解析: 段落大意题。通读第二段,可知第二段给了关于 working holiday的一些具体方法,故选 B。 答案: B 10. What does “the beaten track” in the third paragraph refer to? A. Roads in poor condition. B. Broken

24、 railway tracks. C. Routes taken by many tourists. D. Spots where you might get beaten. 解析: 词义猜测题。根据此句 However, a working holiday can get you off the beaten track and into spots the average tour bus would never go near.的意义 “working holiday可以让你离开 the beaten track,让你走进普通旅行车从不靠近的地方 ”可知这里的 the beaten tr

25、ack指的是大部分旅行者的路线,故选 C。 答案: C 11. What does the writer remind readers to do in the last paragraph? A. Check what you must pay for. B. Meet proper people. C. Be prepared for adventures. D. Broaden your horizons. 解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段的内容 Be aware! Even though some working vacation programs pay, not all of th

26、em do sometimes you end up paying to go on working vacation. 可知作者最后一段中提示读者核实哪些是需要付钱的。故选 A。 答案: A D It is reported that bags are getting bigger all the time, and that there are more bags per person on the street today than at any other time in history. If this is true, possible explanations could inc

27、lude the wide use of small electric and electronic devices, a reading-material explosion, a popular interest toward tight or pocket less clothing, or cheap bagmaking labor overseas. But, much as nature finds wayssuch as diseaseto control overpopulation, city life has thrown up impediments(障碍 )to bag

28、s. To enter many public buildings, such as theatres and railway stations,you must go through a search or go bagless. The city has countless bag rules. It is hard to keep them a11 straight, and youre never sure, when leaving home for the day, whether it might be a bad idea to bring one along. Last we

29、ek, the New York Public Library got in the game. Students, researchers, writers, historians,and anyone else who has got used over the years to treating the vast Rose Main Reading Room as an office or a reading room came up against a new rule. You are no longer allowed to bring a bag larger than elev

30、en inches by fourteen inches into the library. If you walk in with one, you must leave it at the coat check. You may keep its contents with you, however, and the library provides big clear plastic bags for them. You return them when you come back for your own bag. What the library is trying to preve

31、nt, in this case, is people taking things out, rather than bringing things in. A librarian said on the second day, ”Its a big change for people who used to come and bring in half their flats. The people who use the library responsibly will continue to do so. The people who steal will continue to get

32、 away with it, if they really want to. ” 12. How many reasons does the author list to explain the changes related to bags? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 解析: 细节理解题。根据文意第 一 段陈述的包的变化的原因 If this is true, possible explanations could include the wide use of small electric and electronic devices, a reading-material

33、explosion, a popular interest toward tight or pocket less clothing, or cheap bagmaking labor overseas。如果属实的话,可以将原因归结为广泛使用的电器 类或电子类产品,大量的阅读材料,以及紧身衣或是没有口袋的服装的流行,又或者是由于海外低成本的包袋制造劳动力。可知作者共陈述了四个原因,故选 C。 答案: C 13. What do the bag rules in many public buildings require people to do? A. Have their bags exam

34、ined. B. Pay for bringing in bags. C. Leave the places bagless. D. Use big clear plastic bags. 解析: 细节理解题。题于意为 “在许多公共场所,包的使用规则要求人们。 ”由文章第二段第二句 “to enter many public buildings, theatres, ballparks, and perhaps even underground railway stations. You must go through a search of go bagless.”可知,想要进入一些公共场所

35、要么不带包 ,如果带了包都要接受检查。故 A正确。 答案: A 14. What is the purpose of the new rule at the New York Public Library? A. To change peoples way of reading. B. To prevent people stealing things. C. To help people better use the library. D. To stop people from bringing in dangerous things. 解析: 细节理解题。题于意为 “纽约市图书馆实施新规

36、则的目的是什么 ?”由文章最后一段第一句 “What the library is trying to prevent, in this case, is people taking things out, rather than bringing things in.”可知,图书管新规的目的是为了防止个别人未经允许带出图书资料。故 B正确。 答案: B 15. How is the effect of the new rule according to the librarian? A. Excellent. B. Satisfactory. C. Harmful. D. Limited.

37、解析: 细节理解题。题于意为 “图书馆理员认为新规则的效果如何 ?”由最后一段最后一句中的 “The people who use the library responsibly will continue to do so. The people who steal will continue to get away with it, if they really want to.”可知,图书管理人员认为新规对于不同的人有不同的影响,但是那些真心想偷取图书资料的人不会受到太多的制约,所以新规的作用是有限的。故 D正确。 答案: D 第二节 (共 5小题,每小题 2分,满分 10分 ) 根据短

38、文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Palm oil(棕榈油 )is the most widely used vegetable oil worldwide. Its found in a wide variety of products from of vitamins to chocolate and bread. _16_ The former makes it easy to spread, while the latter makes it good for our body. But the oils popularity comes a

39、t a high price. _17_ As a result, thousands of acres of rainforests in Indonesia, the worlds biggest palm oil producers, are being destroyed to make room for them. With half of the worlds palm oil coming from Indonesia, orangutans(猩猩 )have suffered a lot. _18_ Whats worse, in 2015, wildfires endange

40、red one-third of the remaining orangutans. Palm oil farms have also threatened tigers and elephants and caused water and air pollution. _19_ However, its not easy given that no other natural vegetable oil has both of its qualities. Now, scientists are creating a new oil to replace it by using food w

41、aste and M. pulcherrima, a yeast(酵母 )that grows on leaves, fruits and flowers. _20_ Besides, the yeast can be widely produced in any weather. The scientists say their biggest challenge was to find a cheap way to change the sugars in the food waste to a form that the yeast can take in easily. The tea

42、m is now trying to test if they can produce the oil at a lower cost. A. Palm trees need lots of land to grow. B. The easiest solution is to stop using palm oil so widely. C. The palm oil is so expensive that many families cant afford it. D. In the last 20 years, over 80 of their habitat has been des

43、troyed. E. There are many things we can do to protect the endangered wild animals. F. The oil is popular because it has a high melting point and contains healthy fats. G. It eats the sugars from the waste and turns it into thick oil that has similar qualities to palm oil. 解析 : 文章讲述棕榈油的特征,影响以及现状。 16.

44、 考察对上下文语境的理解。空后句意:前者使得棕榈油容易散开,而后者使得棕榈油对身体有好处。可知这里前面用 F(这种油很受欢迎,因为它有高的熔点并含有健康的脂肪。)合适,故选 F。 17. 考察对上下文语境的理解。空前句意:但是棕榈油的受欢迎是以高价为代价的。空后句意:结果,印度尼西亚数千英亩的热带雨林为了给它们腾出空间正在被破坏。故这里 A(棕榈树需要很多的生长地。)符合上下文,故选 A。 18. 考察对上下文语境的理解。空前句意:因为世界上一般的棕榈油来自于印度尼西亚,猩猩们遭了很多罪。空后句意:更糟糕的是,在 2015年,野火使得剩余的三分之一的猩猩处在危险中。故这里 D(在过去的 20年

45、里,超过 80%的大猩猩栖息地已经被破坏。)符合上下文,故选 D。 19. 考察对上下文语境的理解。空后句意:但是,这是不容易的,因为没有其他天然植物油有它的两种好品质。故这里 B(最简单的解决方法就是停止广泛使用棕榈油。)符合上下文,故选 B。 20. 考察对上下文语境的理解。空前句意:现在,科学家们正在使用食物垃圾和 M. pulcherrima(一种生长在树叶上的酵母)创造一种新油来取代它。空后句意:此外,这种酵母可以在任何天气被广泛的生产。故这里 G(它从食物垃圾中摄取糖,并把它转换成与棕榈油有相似品质的稠油。)符合上下文,故选 G。 答案 : 16. F 17. A 18. D 19

46、. B 20. G 第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45分 ) 第一节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分 ) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A, B, C和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 One morning Maila woke up with a start. She had had a vivid _21_ of a lonely child with huge big tired eyes praying for love and crying out “Find reel!” Maila was on

47、e of those people who used all her free time to help others and did it all in quiet,_22_ bragging(自夸 )about it. But its hard to keep an angel a secret _23_ she would have wanted to do her helping _24_ raising attention to herself. Soon word _25_ ,bringing even more people in need of help to her atte

48、ntion. Although she was _26_ to people in distress(困苦 ), she was shaken by the dream. She _27_ to find the lonely child of her dream. And so she started _28_ . She drove to every local hospital and institution where there were children. Maila felt _29_ because she had no idea what the child would lo

49、ok like. All she could do was to _30_ her feelings. She did this for weeks. She was not going to _31_ her search. Then one day she decided to visit an institution for _32_ handicapped(残疾的 )children. This institution _33_ children that were so badly handicapped they could not be taken care of at home. Many of the children had been _34_ as babies. There were stori


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