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1、 第 1 页(共 15 页) 2017 年山东省菏泽市中考真题英语 一、单选题(本大题共 20 小题,共 20 分) 1. ( 1 分) It is such _ funny movie that I want to see it _ second time. A. a; a B. a; the C. /; the D. /; a 解析:考查不定冠 词。 句意:它是如此有趣的一部电影,以至于我想再看一 次。 根据关键词 such 可知这里应运用 such+a/an+adj. +名词单数 +that ,是固定句型,意为 如此 以致于 所以第一个空应用 a/an,意为它是如此有趣的一部电影 。 强

2、调一部;由于 funny 是以辅音音素开头的单词,所以用 a;根据 I want to see it second time 可知这里的意思应为想再看一遍,序数词加 a 表示 又一,再一 的意思,所以第二个空应用 a;故选 A. 答案: A 2. ( 1 分) Daming has collected 5, 000 _. A. bus tickets B. buses ticket C. bus ticket D. buses tickets 解析: ticket 是可数名词, 5000 说明是复数所以用 tickets,排除 B C, bus 在这里已经用作形容词,修饰后面的 tickets

3、,所以只能用单数形式 。 故选 A 答案: A 3. ( 1 分) _the teachers in their school is about 200 and _ them are women teachers. A. A number of, a number of B. A number of, the number of C. The number of, a number of D. The number of, the number of 解析:考查形容词短语 。 句意:我们学校的教师数大约是 200,他们中很多是女老师 。 the number of 的数目,后面接名词单数; a

4、 number of 很多,大量,后面接名词复数;根据题干 _the teachers in their school is about 200 and _ them are women teachers. 可知应说我们学校的教师数大约是 200,他们中很多是女老师 。 故选 C. 答案: C 4. ( 1 分) Who is _English teacher? Miss Gao. She teaches _English now. A. our, us B. we, us C. we, our D. our, we 解析:第一句说的是 我们的 英语老师,所以用物主代词 our,第二 句 te

5、aches 是动词,后面要接宾格代词,所以用 us. 故选 A 第 2 页(共 15 页) 答案: A 5. ( 1 分) _of the teachers in our school is 118, _ of them are women teachers. A. The number, first fourth B. The number, one fourth C. A number, one second D. A number, three quarters 解析: 的数量用 the number of;大量的,许多的用 a number of;前者做主语时谓语动词用单数,后者做主语

6、时谓语动词用复数 . 分数中分子用基数词,分母用序数 词。 故选 B. 答案: B 6. ( 1 分) Julia is taller than _ in our lass. A. other student B. any other student C. others students D. any other students 解析: other 后加名词复数, others 后不加名词, any other 后加单数,结合 Julia is taller than _ in our lass 是将茱莉亚和班上其他任何一个学生比较,故答案是 B. 答案: B 7. ( 1 分) My fr

7、iend Jack can help me _my Chinese _the weekend. A. with, on B. with, in C. for, on D. for, in 解析:空格前有 help me 帮助我 , 帮助某人做某事 的结构是 help sb with sth. 在周末:固定搭配 on the weekend. 故选 A 答案: A 8. ( 1 分) Theres no ticket left for Lang Langs piano concert. you your sister can go to it. A. Both; and B. Not only;

8、 but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor 解析:根据语境以及上下文,本题考查的是连词的用 法。 根据第一句话的句意 朗朗的钢琴演奏会没有剩余的票了 可以推断后面一句话表达的意思是 你和你妹妹都不能去参加音乐会 . ,表示 既不 也不 用短语 neither; nor,故选 D. 答案: D 9. ( 1 分) You should be _. As everyone knows, study takes time. A. strict B. worried C. free 第 3 页(共 15 页) D. patient 解析:考查形容词词义辨 析。 句意

9、:你必须有耐心,因为每个人都知道,学习是需要时间的。 strict严格的; worried担心的; free自由的; patient耐心 的。 根据题干 As everyone knows,study takes time 因为每个人都知道,学习是需要时间 的。 可知应说你必须有耐心 . 故选 D. 答案: D 10. ( 1 分) The woman is _ fat because she eats _ junk food. A. much too, too much B. much too, much too C. too much, too much D. too many, much

10、 too 解析:考查形容词短 语。 句意:这个女人太胖,因为她吃了太多的垃圾食品 。 too many 太多的,中心词是 many,用法与 many 相同,用来修饰复数可数名 词。 too much 意思是 太多的 ,中心词是 much,用法与 much 相同,用来修饰不可数名 词。 much too 意思是 非常,太 ,中心词是 too,用法与 too 相同,用来修饰原级形容词或副 词。 根据题干 The woman is _ fat because she eats _ junk food. 可知这里 fat 是形容词; junk food 不可数名 词。故选 A. 答 案: A 11.

11、( 1 分) I think _ people drive, _ air pollution there will be. Thats true. I hope the air will be fresher soon. A. the less, the less B. the less, the fewer C. the fewer, the fewer D. the fewer, the less 解析 : 根据 I hope the air will be fresher soon 得知上文应该是我认为越少的人开车就会有更少的污染,得知需要用到形容词比较级的特殊句型 the+比较级, t

12、he+比较级来表示越来越 ,再者 people 是可数名词选择形容词 few 的比较级 fewer, pollution 是不可数名词选择形容词little 的比较级 less,故选择 D. 答案: D 12. ( 1 分) He was very _ when he heard the _ news. A. exciting; exciting B. exciting; excited C. excited; exciting D. excited; excited 解析:考查形容 词。 句意 他是非常激动的,当他听到这个令人兴奋的消息 。 。 excited表示 兴奋的 ,指人对 感到兴奋

13、,主语是人 . exciting 表示 令人兴奋的 ,指事物本身让人兴奋、激动,修饰的是物 . 第一个空,主语是 he,因此用 excited. 第二个空,修饰 news,用 exciting. 答案 C. 答案: C 13. ( 1 分) She lived _in a small village, but she didnt feel_. A. lonely, lonely 第 4 页(共 15 页) B. alone, lonely C. lonely, alone 解析:根据 lived,可知这是动词,其后需要副词 alone 修饰,含义为 独自一人居住 。 根据feel,可知这是感官

14、动词,其后需要形容 词。 alone 做形容词时,含义为 单独的 ,侧重说明独自一人,没有助手或同伴,没有感情色彩,只表示客观的状态 。 而形容词 lonely 表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有较浓的感情色彩 。 故此处用形容词 lonely. 故选 B. 答 案: B 14. ( 1 分) She _ ten years ago. You mean she _ him for ten years? A. married; has got married to B. got married; has got married with C. got married; has been married

15、 with D. got married; has been married to 解析: ten years ago是一般过去时(主语 +动词过去式 +其他)的时间状语, 结婚 是 get married,所以第一空填写 got married. for ten years 是现在完成时的时间状语,谓语要用延续性动词,可排除 AB 选项(因为其中 got 是短暂性动词) . be married to sb. 是嫁给某人、娶了某人,be married with sb. 是和某人结婚,根据句意是 她嫁给他已经 10 年了 ,所以答案是 D. 答案: D 15. ( 1 分) He _ a b

16、ook yesterday. It _ him 50 yuan. A. bought; paid B. spent; took C. paid; spent D. bought; cost 解析:根据关键词 yesterday 可知,本句是一般过去时态, bought,买,是瞬间动词,表示过去的状态;第二个空 it 做主语,代指 a book,所以动词用 cost. 故选 D. 答案: D 16. ( 1 分) He _be in the classroom, I think. No, he _be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ag

17、o. A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; mustnt D. may; cant 解析:本题考查的是情态动词表示推测的用法,第一句话,由 I think 可知,他不太确定,故不能用 must,而第二句答语可以知道,看到他回家,自然不可能在教室,是否定推测,只能用 cant,排除其他选项,故选 D. 答案: D 17. ( 1 分) Im not sure whether we can have a picnic on Saturday evening, because it _the weather. A. stands for B. lives

18、on 第 5 页(共 15 页) C. agrees with D. depends on 解析: A 代表; B 以 为生; C 同意; D 取决于 。 根据句意 我不确定周六晚上是否会去野餐,因为它 _于天气 。 可知,只有 D 符合语境,故答案为 D。 答案: D 18. ( 1 分) Ill spend as much time as I can _in an old peoples home. A. help B. to help C. helping 解析:根据 spend 的用法: spend+时间或金钱 +in+doing( in 可以省略) . as much time as

19、 I can是指尽可能多的时间 . 故其后需要 doing 形式 。 故选 C. 答案: C 19. ( 1 分) I have never been to Beijing for the summer holidays, and _ he. A. so has B. neither has C. so have D. neither have 解析:考查省略 句。 句意 我从来没有去过北京过暑假,他也没有去过 。 。 为了避免重复,这里用 so 或 neither 引导的省略句形式,由 never 从不,否定形式,可知用 neither,主语是 he,现在完成时态,助动词用 has. 表示

20、他也没去过 ,答案是 B. 答案: B 20. ( 1 分) The project is so difficult for your cousin. Yes, I am wondering _. A. that he will finish it on time B. whether he can finish it by himself C. how could I help him out D. can I do anything necessary for him 解析:根据 I am wondering 可知,考查宾语从句,宾语从句中一般为陈述语序, CD 都是疑问语序;又因为 wo

21、ndering 得知, 想知道的问题 ,所以宾语从句引导词,可以推断用 whether来引导宾语从句,表示 是否 ,故选 B. 答案: B 二、完形填空(本大题共 1 小题,共 10 分) 21. ( 10 分) These years, we can see more and more people like dancing in public. We call this kind of dance Guangchangwu. It seemed to ( 21) into being in the 1990s. Later in 2005, it became popular( 22) t

22、he elderly(年长者) in China. Nowadays, about the dancing, people have different ideas. Some people think it is a kind of entertainment (娱乐) and physical exercise. It gives the elderly a good way to ( 23) ,keep fit and make their lives ( 24) It is better for them to go out to dance with their friends th

23、an to play cards or watch TV at home, because they need to keep ( 25) and active. 第 6 页(共 15 页) But, not all people have the same idea. You may have the following experience(经历): you want to sleep late into noon ( 26) a weekend morning but find it impossible because the elderly are dancing, making a

24、 lot of noise. Sometimes you are having a rest or ( 27) for a while with your friends in a park. But the music from the dancing is ( 28) loud (大声的) that you have to stop. So quite a few people are worried about the dancing places. At times, they choose to ( 29) away from those places. It is all righ

25、t for the elderly to get exercise and have fun. But when they choose a kind of entertainment, they should ( 30) other peoples life. 21. A. come B. go C. move 解析: 考查动 词。 A 表示来; B 表示去; C 表示移动 。 由 into being in the 1990s 可知此处是一个动词短语固定搭配, come into being 形成于 ,广场舞形成于 20 世纪 90 年代,故选A. 答案: A 22. A. with B.

26、 for C. in 解析: 考查介 词。 A 表示随着; B 表示为了; C 表示在里面 。 由 it became popular( 22) the elderly(年长者) in China 它受到老年人的欢迎 。 可知此处是一个动词短语固定搭配 become popular with 受 欢迎 。 故选 A. 答案: A 23. A. smile B. jump C. relax 解析:考查动词。 A 笑; B 跳; C 放松。 a good way to relax 一种好的放松方式。 答案: C 24. A. interest B. interesting C. intereste

27、d 解析: 考查形容 词。 A 表示兴趣; B 表示有趣的; C 表示有趣地 。 由 make their lives 使他们的生活变得 ,可知广场舞应该让老年人生活变得有趣, . interesting 修饰事物, interested修饰人,跳舞是一种事物,故选 B. 答案: B 25. A. beautiful 第 7 页(共 15 页) B. modern C. healthy 解析: 考查形容 词。 A 表示漂亮的; B 表示现代的; C 表示健康 的。 由句子 It is better for them to go out to dance with their friends t

28、han to play cards or watch TV at home,要比在家里打牌或者看电视好多了,可以看出老年人需要一种健康的生活方式 . and前的词应该和后面的 active 活跃的是一类 词。 故选 C. 答案: C 26. A. in B. on C. at 解析: 考查介 词。 A 表示在里面; B 表示在上面; C 表示在 由 a weekend morning 一个周末的早晨,可知此处是介词的固定用法,在具体某一天的早晨用 on,故选 B. 答案: B 27. A. chat B. to chat C. chatting 解析: 考查动 词。 A 表示动词原形; B 表

29、示动词不定式; C 表示现在分 词。 由 Sometimes you are having a rest or 看出, or 连接的是休息或者聊天 a rest or chat,故答案为 A. 答案: A 28. A. so B. very C. too 解析: 考查副 词。 A 表示如此; B 表示非常; C 表示太 非常 。 本题考查的是 sothat 如此 以至于 句型 。 But the music from the dancing is( 28) loud (大声的) that you have to stop,但是跳舞的音乐声是那么大,你们不得不停止 。 故选 A. 答案: A 2

30、9. A. take B. stay C. play 解析: 考查动 词。 A 表示带走; B 表示停留; C 表示演奏,玩 。 本题考查的是固定动词 短语stay away from 远离 ,前面句子 quite a few people are worried about the dancing places 相当一部分人担忧跳舞的地点,说明人们已经不堪其扰,于是就选择远离有噪音的地方 。 故选B. 答案: B 30. 第 8 页(共 15 页) A. know about B. talk about C. think about. 解析: 考查动词短 语。 A 表示了解关于 ; B 表示

31、谈论关于 ; C 表示考虑 前面句子 It is all right for the elderly to get exercise and have fun 对老年人来说,锻炼身体,寻找生活的乐趣是对 的。 后面的句子话锋一转, But when they choose a kind of entertainment 但是当他们选择一种娱乐的时候,说明老年人自己娱乐没有错,但要照顾考虑别人的生活 。 故选 C. 答案: C 三、阅读理解(本大题共 3 小题,共 30.0 分) 31. ( 10 分) Everyone wants to be healthy. You know food is

32、 very important. There are many healthy foods. You can have many bananas, apples, oranges and tomatoes because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But dont eat too much chocolate. Its not good for you. Healthy food can make you strong and happy. Remember there is a saying, An apple a day keeps t

33、he doctor away. Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early(早) and do some sports every day. Dont be lazy(懒惰) !You will be healthy and happy. 31. Which is right? A. Everyone is healthy. B. Everyone wants to be healthy. C. We are important. D. We are unhealthy. 解析: 细节理解 题。 从 Everyone wants to be h

34、ealthy. 每个人都希望健康,可知答案选 B. 答案: B 32. What are healthy foods? A. Fruits and vegetables. B. Bananas, apples and chocolate. C. Fruits and chocolate. D. Vegetables and chocolate. 解析: 细节理解 题。 从 You can have many bananas, apples, oranges and tomatoes because fruits and vegetables are good for you 可知水果蔬菜是健康

35、食品,故选 A. 答案: A 33. Why are healthy foods good for you? A. They make you unhappy. B. They make you fat. C. They make you strong and happy. D. They make you different. 解析: 细节理解 题。 Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. 健康的食物会使你成长,使你强壮、快乐,可知答案选 C. 答案: C 第 9 页(共 15 页) 34. Can spor

36、ts keep you healthy? A. Yes, they cant. B. No, they cant. C. No, they can. D. Yes, they can. 解析: 细节理解 题。 从 Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. 健康的食物会使你成长,使你强壮、快乐,和 Sports can also keep you healthy. 运动也会使你保持健康,可知答案选 D. 答案: D 35. What keeps you healthy according to the passag

37、e(根据短文)? A. A lot of food. B. Healthy food. C. Healthy food and sports. D. Sports. 解析: 归纳推理 题。 从 Healthy food can make you grow and make you strong and happy. 健康的食物会使你成长,使你强壮、快乐,和 Sports can also keep you healthy. 运动也会使你保持健康可知答案选 C. 答案: C 36. ( 10 分) What should we do if one of our classmates sudden

38、ly falls ill or gets hurt? Here are some steps you should follow. But always remember to look for medical care after first aid(急救) if the wound is serious. Broken bones(骨头): Take away clothing from the wound. Use an ice pack. Dont move the hurt body part while waiting for the doctor to arrive. Anima

39、l bites(咬伤): Wash the bite area with soap and water. Pack the wound with a clean cloth if it is bleeding. If the bleeding has stopped, cover the area with a bandage and take the person to the hospital. Make sure you remember what kind of animal it is so the doctor can find the right way to treat him

40、 or her at once. Fainting(昏厥): Have him or her lie with feet lifted a little. Dont move the body if you think there might be wounds from the fall. Make sure he or she can breathe and let in fresh air. Clean the persons face with a cool cloth. Nosebleeds: Have the person sit up with his or her head t

41、ilted(倾斜) forward a little. Do not have the person tilt his or her head back because this may cause heavy breathing or coughing. Pinch(捏) the lower part of the nose for at least 10 minutes. 36. What should we do first when an animal bite happens? A. Put an ice pack on the wound. B. Wash the bite are

42、a with soap and water. C. Try to stop the bleeding with a clean cloth. D. Take the hurt person to the hospital. 解析: 细节题,根据 Animal bites(咬伤): Wash the bite area with soap and water. 得知先用肥皂水清洗伤口,故选 B. 答案: B 第 10 页(共 15 页) 37. When dealing with the problems of , we shouldnt move the hurt. A. broken bon

43、es and animal bites B. animal bites and nosebleeds C. broken bones and fainting D. fainting and nosebleeds 解析: 细节题,根据 Broken bones(骨头): Dont move the hurt body part while waiting for the doctor to arrive. 以及 Fainting(昏厥): Have him or her lie with fee t lifted a little. Dont move the body if you thin

44、k there might be wounds from the fall. 得知骨伤和昏厥的时候不要移动身体,故选 C. 答案: C 38. Which of the following is not right when a boys nose bleeds? A. Let his head not tilt back. B. Let his head tilt forward a little. C. Let him sit up. D. Pinch his nose for less than 10 minutes. 解析: 细节题,根据 Do not have the person

45、tilt his or her head back because this may cause heavy breathing or coughing. Pinch(捏) the lower part of the nose for at least 10 minutes. 得知至少要按十分钟,故选 D. 答案: D 39. Which part of a magazine may the passage come from? A. Lifestyle. B. Health. C. Sports. D. Education. 解析: 推理 题。 根据 Broken bones(骨头): An

46、imal bites(咬伤): Fainting(昏厥): Nosebleeds:得知选 B. 这篇文章是有关健康的话 题。 故选 B. 答案: B 40. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. First aid for some accidental wounds. B. Steps of looking for medical care. C. Advice on ways not to get hurt. D. Ways to ask for help in getting hurt. 解析: 主旨 题。 根据第一段 What should we

47、 do if one of our classmates suddenly falls ill or gets hurt? Here are some steps you should follow. But always remember to look for medical care after first aid(急救) if the wound is serious. 得知是应对一些意外创伤的应急措施,故选 A. 答案: A 41. ( 10 分) Maybe you are an average (一般的) student. You probably think you will never be a top student (尖子生) . However, anyone can become a better student if he or she does his or her best. Here are some tips (技巧) to help you. 第 11 页(共 15 页) Plan your ti


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