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1、专升本英语-62 及答案解析(总分:130.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B Phonetics/B(总题数:5,分数:5.00)A.thiefB.fieldC.believeD.friendlyA.shutB.butC.brushD.successA.motherB.nothingC.bathD.worthA.jobB.debtC.objectD.describeA.horseB.besideC.yoursD.newspaper二、B Vocabulary an(总题数:15,分数:15.00)6.The book is _to be put into the envelope. You

2、need a bigger one.(分数:1.00)A.big enoughB.too bigC.very bigD.so big7.I dont like to sit_ his left; I prefer to sit the front now.(分数:1.00)A.in, onB.on, inC.on, atD.at, on8.The woods _the city _the sand.(分数:1.00)A.stopped; fromB.kept; awayC.protected; fromD.prevented; from9.Im hungry. Please get me so

3、mething_.(分数:1.00)A.eatB.eatingC.for eatingD.to eat10.Dont forget _this magazine to Lisa this afternoon.(分数:1.00)A.to returnB.returningC.returnedD.return11.Everyone tried to find an answer to the problem, but _of them could do it.(分数:1.00)A.noneB.neitherC.eachD.all12.What_ we are having these days!(

4、分数:1.00)A.lovely weatherB.lovely a weatherC.a lovely weatherD.lovely weathers13.Do you want_ cup of tea? No, thanks.(分数:1.00)A.anotherB.othersC.otherD.the other14.When we heard this story, we couldnt help_.(分数:1.00)A.to laughB.laughingC.laughD.laughed15._box cannot be lifted by a boy of five.(分数:1.0

5、0)A.So a heavyB.So heavy aC.A such heavyD.Such heavy a16.This film is worth _twice.(分数:1.00)A.seeB.to seeC.seeingD.to be seen17.Helen wad born _February 6th, 1970.(分数:1.00)A.inB.atC.onD.to18.This box is_ that one.(分数:1.00)A.twice big thanB.twice biggerC.twice as big asD.twice more big than19.Its so

6、noisy upstairs. What are they doing? They be having a party.(分数:1.00)A.couldB.shouldC.mustD.would20.Lets visit. the bookstore in our way back home,_?(分数:1.00)A.shant weB.wont youC.shall weD.will you三、B Cloze/B(总题数:1,分数:20.00)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后从每小题的四个选择项中选出可填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Two travelers were riding on hor

7、seback through the south of Italy. Towards evening theyU (21) /Uthey has lost their way. They began to look for a house where they could rest for the night and perhaps they could find a guide toU (22) /Uthem the right way in the morning.AfterU (23) /Ufor some time, they saw a farm house. When theyU

8、(24) /Uthe house, they found a farmer and his wife having supper. They were asked to sit down andU (25) /Utoo. As they were very hungry, they did so withU (26) /UWhile eating his supper the farmer kept his eyes on the plate without sayingU (27) /U. This made the travelers a little afraid. After supp

9、er the farmers wifeU (28) /Uthem up to a store room, and showed them aU (29) /Uwhere they could sleep. BeingU (30) /U, they soon book off their clothes and went to bed. But the younger traveler was tooU (31) /Uto go to sleep. He heard the farmer and his wife talking in the room in aU (32) /Uvoice. A

10、t first he couldnt hear any words, but then heU (33) /Uheard the husband say, “Must we kill them both?“ and the wife replied, “Yes, of course we must.“ A moment later, he again heard the farmerU (34) i/Unto the room, so he quicklyU (35) /Ubehind the door. The door slowlyU (36) /U, and the farmer cam

11、e in with a light in one hand and a long knife in the other. He went to theU (37) /Uhanging on the wall, cut off a piece, and returned asU (38) /Uas he had come. The two travelers didnt dare to go toU (39) /U. Early in the morning they began toU (40) /Uin the dark through the kitchen, finding on the

12、 table a piece of meat cleaned and two chicks killed.(分数:20.00)A.knowB.foundC.sawD.heardA.leadB.showC.bringD.takeA.findingB.watchingC.lookingD.walkingA.visitedB.broke intoC.enteredD.sawA.helpB.haveC.drinkD.eatA.thanksB.pleasureC.kindnessD.hurryA.a speechB.a sentenceC.a wordD.any expressionA.ledB.dro

13、veC.forcedD.pulledA.chairB.bedC.benchD.tableA.tiredB.excitedC.surprisedD.thankfulA.frightenedB.excitedC.happyD.pleasedA.lowB.loudC.nervousD.clearA.almostB.clearlyC.slightlyD.evenA.funningB.walking downC.coming upD.breakingA.stayedB.stoodC.satD.hidA.movedB.fellC.closedD.openedA.meatB.chicksC.pigD.fis

14、hA.quietlyB.quicklyC.soonD.wellA.breakfastB.payC.fightD.sleepA.climbB.goC.rideD.run away四、B Reading Compr(总题数:4,分数:45.00)阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。BA/BHow often one hears children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again. Each age has its pleasures and its p

15、ains, and the happiest is the one who enjoys what each age gives him without wasting his time in useless regrets.Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child had good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. In addition, life is al

16、ways presenting new things to the child things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well known. A child finds pleasure in playing in the rain, or in the snow. His first visit to the seaside is a marvelous(非凡的) adventure. But a child has his pains., he is not so free to

17、 do as he wishes as he thinks older people are; he is continually being told not to do things, or being punished for what he has done wrong. His life is therefore not perfectly happy.When the young man starts to earn his own loving, he becomes free from the discipline (纪律) of school and parents; but

18、 at the same time he forced to accept responsibilities (责任). He can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his cloths, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing ahout in the way that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he

19、breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If, however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the real happiness of seeing himself make steady(稳定的) progress in his job and of building up for himself his own position in

20、society.Old age has always been thought of as the worst age to be; but it is not necessary for the old to be unhappy. With old age should come wisdom and the ability to help others with ad vice wisely given. The old can have the joy of seeing their children making progress in life; they can watch th

21、eir grandchildren growing up around them; and, perhaps best of all, they can, if their life has been a useful one, feeling the happiness of having come through the bat tie of life safely and of having reached. a time when they can lie back and rest, leaving others to continue the fight.(分数:12.00)(1)

22、.The title of the passage is_.(分数:3.00)A.Each AgeB.Growing Pains and HappinessC.The Best Age to BeD.The Happiest People to Be(2).According to the passage, _are the happiest.(分数:3.00)A.children from familiesB.young men who are healthy and wealthyC.old people who have been successfulD.those who enjoy

23、the goodness of each age(3).Children_.(分数:3.00)A.are seldom punished for doing wrongB.can find something new and interesting all the timeC.always want to be youngD.live a perfectly happy life if they always behave well(4).It is true that_.(分数:3.00)A.old age is the worst ageB.only old people are able

24、 to give wise adviceC.a wise old man may live happilyD.an old man who has joined in battles can live happilyBB/BToday, these so-called bank credit cards have become very popular. They can be used in stores, hotels, and restaurants all over the world. And, they can be used to pay for all kinds of unu

25、sual goods and services, including car repairs, hospital care and accident or life insurance.Credit cards offer two major services. First, they are easier and safer to carry than large amounts of money. Second, they permit people to borrow-to buy things they want even when they do not have enough mo

26、ney to pay the full price. Credit cards make it possible to spread out payments over weeks or months.To receive credit cards, people must prove that they earn enough to pay for whai they buy. And they usually must prove that they have paid back any money they borrowed in the past. Then, after they r

27、eceive the card, credit cmnpanies limit how much they can buy with it. Visa and Mastercard, for example, do not permit most of their users to owe more than $ 1,500. Yet even with these restrictions(限制), credit cards often make it too easy for people to spend the money they cannot pay back.With credi

28、t cards, people pay for goods or services at the end of each month, instead of when they buy them. And when the time does come to pay, most credit cards offer people a choice. They can pay all of what they owe for the month. Or they can pay just part usually between five and ten percent of what they

29、 owe.Studies of credit card use have found tha! each month, about half of all card users pay the full amount they owe. The others pay only part of the amount. It is this group that pro- vides credit, card companies with most of their earnings. That is because the people pay a service charge“interest

30、“for the right to postpone full payment. Most pay an interest rate of about 19 percent a year of what they owe. In the last few years, there has been increasing criticism of high interest rates on credit cards. The use of credit cards continues to increase. Some people say that in the near future cr

31、edit cards will replace money completely, but others believe that event is unlikely. However, they think Americans will be using credit cards more and more. A major reason for this is the increasing fear of crime. Credit cardsunlike real moneycan be replaced if they are lost or stolen.(分数:12.00)(1).

32、With a credit card one can buy things_.(分数:3.00)A.one can never affordB.without using cashC.at lower pricesD.which cannot be bought with cash(2).Credit cards are better than cash as_(分数:3.00)A.they can be lost or stolenB.they can never be lost or stolenC.we dont have to fear that they will be lost o

33、r stolenD.we wont lose our money even if they are lost or stolen(3).In the U. S. A. , by using credit cards we can spend more than we have, _within a certain period of time.(分数:3.00)A.but we have to pay back later more than what we oweB.and we dont have to pay back any other moneyC.but we pay back a

34、 little less than what we oweD.and we must soon pay back what we owe(4).Credit card companies charge the user more money if_.(分数:3.00)A.he cant pay back all the money at the end of a certain periodB.he pays back all the money before the end of a certain periodC.he has lost his credit cardD.he wants

35、to stop using the credit cardBC/BA recent study shows that more and more Americans are choosing to work at home.There are several reasons for the change. One reason is many parents want more time to be with their children at home. Another is that people want the freedom to decide for them- selves ho

36、w and when to do their job. The chance to work at home lets people live wherever they wishout in the country, perhaps. It also makes it possible for many othersdisabled and other persons, new mothers-to do useful work and earn money.About half the people who work at home operate their own business.

37、They sell products or services. The other half works for companies. They may make things, such as clothes. Or they may do office work, such as copying letters. A smaller number work at highly skilled jobs as designers or engineers.The revolution(革命) in computer technology is one of the main reasons

38、for the change to working at home.Computers are now used in almost every American workplace in offices, in factories, even on farms. Computers make it much easier and quicker to do any task that involves information: writing, counting, designing, planning, keeping records.With computers, there is le

39、ss need for people to come together to work. Computers can he linked by telephone lines with other computers far away. A worker can write a report oradd information to company records on a computer at home and then send the finished work to a computer in another city.Americans already are using comp

40、uters to do many different kinds of jobs at home. Many highly skilled workers, for example, ask their companies for the chance to work at least part of the time at home. They say they can think more clearly and be more creative in the quiet, peaceful atmosphere of their home.Many engineers, writers

41、and computer scientists are among those who now do at least part of their work at home, using a computer. Most of such professional workers, however, spend at least a day or two each week in the company office to discuss their work with oth- ers. Working at home is a good idea for some people in som

42、e industries. However, it does not work for everyone.Some home workers have said their personal lives and work lives became too close. Some have said they needed to be with other people to develop new ideas. And others have said it is more difficult to get a better job with the company when you are

43、not working in the companys office.(分数:12.00)(1).Lots of people hope to work at home so as to_.(分数:3.00)A.get a higher payB.have enough time to stay with their childrenC.have more time for restD.do more housework(2)._makes it possible for many people to work at home.(分数:3.00)A.The use of computersB.

44、The large number of childrenC.The peaceful atmosphere at homeD.The better living condition(3).Which of the following statements is NOT true?(分数:3.00)A.Young mothers and disabled people like to work at home.B.As people are widely using computers, its not necessary for any of them to work in the offic

45、es now.C.Some skilled workers can work at home.D.Many people do part of their work at home.BD/BLast Thursday a doctor came m our school to talk about the harm of smoking. He said he wouldnt go on for too long, and we saw him take his wrest-watch off and lay it on the table. I cant remember what he s

46、aid about smoking, because Bob and I had other things to think about. He fin ished when the bell rang for play-time, and the headmaster told us to go out.In the playground Bob showed me the watch. He put it on his wrist, and it looked love ly. I wished I had been the one to sit by the table. It was

47、really a beautiful watch, gold by the look of it. The headmaster came outside then, and the doctor was with him. They walked about, looking around and talking all the time. After a while the bell rang, and we got into our lines, ready to go in.The headmaster said, “Ive got a little job for boys. Thi

48、s doctor, who was giving us a talk just now, has lost his watch in the playground. It happened before, he says- it just slips off his wrist. So look around for it, will you? See if youre clever enough to find it. I promise that the boy who does so will get a useful reward.“Of course, Bob was not going to miss a chance like that. Hes just about the luckiest boy in the school rewards just drop into his hands. We all walked about the playground, looking here and there for the watch. And I wasnt at all surprised when Bob ben


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