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1、专升本英语模拟 434及答案解析(总分:187.50,做题时间:90 分钟)一、 Phonetics(总题数:5,分数:5.00)A.exerciseB.eventC.harvestD.passengerA.scissorsB.scoreC.screenD.sculptureA.areaB.heatC.realD.ideaA.eitherB.ThursdayC.furthestD.clothesA.allowB.fellowC.nowD.cow二、 Vocabulary and Str(总题数:15,分数:30.50)6.I suggest _ for an outgoing this Sun

2、day.(分数:2.50)A.us goingB.we are goingC.to goD.our going7.Can you _ me to the library, please?(分数:2.00)A.instructB.describeC.directD.appoint8.Many people favor _ more nuclear power plants.(分数:2.50)A.to buildB.buildC.builtD.building9.It was _ he saw the doctor coming out of the emergeney room with an

3、expression as grave as a judge _ he realized the seriousness of his wife“s illness.(分数:2.50)A.not untilthatB.afterwhenC.untilthenD.beforethat10.He was told he could join the army when he _ old enough.(分数:1.00)A.would beB.should beC.wasD.were11.This disease is second only _ heart attack as a cause of

4、 death all over the world.(分数:1.00)A.toB.ofC.withD.from12.I don“t care _ we are invited to the dinner.(分数:2.50)A.if or notB.whether or notC.whatD.that13.Alice _ the bus, otherwise she would have arrived here by now.(分数:2.50)A.missedB.had missedC.should have missedD.must have missed14.By the end of l

5、ast year the railway _.(分数:2.00)A.was being completedB.would be completedC.had completedD.had finally been completed15.The question arises as to _ should go out this morning in this below-zero weather to clean the snow from the entrance.(分数:2.50)A.whichB.whoC.whomD.those who16.It took them more than

6、 ten years to _ the defensive works.(分数:1.00)A.build inB.build intoC.build onD.build up17.He doesn“t want _ that he“s going away.(分数:2.50)A.to be knownB.him to be knownC.that to be knownD.it to be known18.The government is trying to do something to _ better understanding between the two countries.(分

7、数:2.50)A.raiseB.promoteC.heightenD.increase19.I asked my teacher _.(分数:2.50)A.what courses should I takeB.should I take what coursesC.I should take what coursesD.what courses I should take20.She began to _ something but stopped when she heard the teacher _.(分数:1.00)A.tell; sayingB.speak; talkingC.sa

8、y; speakingD.talk; telling三、 Cloze(总题数:1,分数:30.00)Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a serious source of discomfort for their fellows. 1 , medical authorities express their concern about the effect of smoking 2 the health not only of those who smoke but also of those who do not. In

9、 fact, non-smokers who must involuntarily inhale (吸入) the air 3 by tobacco smoke may suffer more than the smokers 4 . Smoking is prohibited in the theatres and in halls used for showing films 5 in laboratories 6 there may be a fire hazard (危险). Elsewhere, it is up to your good 7 . I am 8 asking you

10、to maintain “No-Smoking“ in classrooms and seminar rooms. This will prove that you have the 9 health in mind, which is very important to a large 10 of our students.(分数:30.00)A.StillB.FurtherC.MoreD.AgainA.inB.toC.onD.withA.pollutingB.be pollutedC.pollutedD.to be pollutedA.themB.themselvesC.their own

11、D.theyA.andB.butC.as well asD.alsoA.whereB.whichC.thatD.howA.feelingB.senseC.realizeD.thinkA.soB.nextC.thereforeD.andA.non-smokersB.non-smokers“C.non-smoker“sD.non-smokerA.numberB.amountC.manyD.much四、 Reading Comprehens(总题数:0,分数:0.00)In 1957 a doctor in Singapore noticed that hospitals were treating

12、 an unusual number of influenza-like (像流感的) cases. Influenza is sometimes called “flu“ or a bad cold“. He took samples from the throats of patients and in his hospital was able to find the virus (病毒) of this influenza. There are three main types of the influenza virus. The most important of these ar

13、e types A and B, each of them having several sub-groups. With the instruments at the hospital the doctor recognized that the outbreak was due to a virus group A, but he did not know the subgroup. He reported the outbreak to the World Health Organization in Geneva. W.H.O. published the important news

14、 alongside reports of a similar outbreak in Hong Kong, where about 15-20% of the population had become ill. As soon as the London doctors received the package of throat samples, they began the standard tests. They found that by reproducing itself at very high speed, the virus had multiplied more tha

15、n a million times within two days. Continuing their careful tests, the doctors checked the effect of drugs used against all the known sub-groups of type A virus on this virus. None of them gave any protection. This then, Was something new. a new influenza virus against which the people of the world

16、had no ready help whatsoever. Having isolated the virus they were working with, the two doctors now conducted tests on some specially selected animals, which contact influenza in the same way as human beings do. In a short time the usual signs of the disease appeared. These experiments revealed that

17、 the new virus spread easily, but that it was not a killer. Scientists, like the general public, called it simply “Asian“ flu.(分数:15.00)(1).The influenza discovered by a doctor in Singapore is caused by _.(分数:3.00)A.a new type of virusB.type A virusC.a sub-group of type B virusD.a virus only existin

18、g in Asia(2).W. H. O. reported the influenza because _.(分数:3.00)A.the doctor belonged to that organizationB.many people in Hong Kong also suffered from itC.the doctor found its virus and sent the samples to themD.it spread widely in Singapore for the first time(3).Which of the following is TRUE acco

19、rding to the passage?(分数:3.00)A.This influenza can cause death if not treated immediately.B.The number of the influenza virus can grow very rapidly.C.The people who got the disease recovered soon.D.The London doctors did not take the virus seriously at first.(4).After some experiments, the doctors f

20、ound that _.(分数:3.00)A.the influenza could be cured like other types of influenzaB.the influenza must be treated in a special wayC.the influenza did not have to be treatedD.the influenza could not be cured by any known medicine(5).What is the writes“s attitude towards the Asian flu?(分数:3.00)A.He sim

21、ply reports the disease objectively.B.He is worried about the spread of the disease.C.He is disappointed at the tests of the London doctors.D.He believes that the disease will soon be controlled.Zhao Wenxuan, a film star from Taiwan has been fond of seeing films since his childhood. He would sometim

22、es go to the cinema for the same film four or five times. He also enjoys literature (文学) and art. Before he took the film acting as his career (职业), he has been on the staff (工作人员) of an airline in Taibei. His change of job to acting was quite by chance. One day, he came across in the paper an adver

23、tisement for a leading actor to appear in the film named “Wedding Feast“. Full of excitement, he answered the job and by telephoning the director of the film, Mr. Li An. It was this telephone call that had changed all his life. At last the director decided him to be the very person for the role. Tha

24、t he could be chosen owed much to his good command of English, natural manners and low pay for this work in the film. The film “wedding Feast“ proved to be a hit. It won the German Golden Bear Award and entered the competition for one of the Oscar Academy Awards. Also, it was the first Taiwan film t

25、hat was permitted to be shown in the U.S. Thanks to the film Zhao Wenxuan became popular in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia. In 1994, Mr. zhao acted as leading role in the Hongkong film “Red Rose and White Rose“, in which many film stars like Ms. Chen Chong from U.S and Mr. Ye Yuqing from the l

26、ocal area took parts in it. This film was named for 10 prizes of the Taiwan Golden Horse Prize and at last it was awarded five prizes for the best play, actress and music. Zhao has regarded the film as one of his favorite films since he stepped into the acting circle. Sine 1993, Mr. Zhao has taken p

27、art in the shooting of 13 films, most of which are highly thought of. Mr. Zhao said that Taiwan should think to cooperate (合作) mush with the mainland in the film producing industry and it would benefit each other. In recent years he often came to the mainland for film shooting. He has just completed

28、 his performance in the film “Love Affairs“ directed by Mr. Li Xin, a director from Shanghai Film Studio.(分数:6.00)(1).When he was very young, Zhao Wenxuan _.(分数:2.00)A.was a movie fanB.wanted to be a photographerC.would love to be an actorD.was eager to be a painter(2).Why could Zhao Wenxuan play th

29、e leading role in the movie “Wedding Feast“?(分数:2.00)A.Because he liked to see films very much.B.Because he could speak English very well, acted naturally and cared little about the pay for his work.C.Because he was a famous actor at that time.D.Because the director of the movie knew him very well.(

30、3).The text suggest that _.(分数:2.00)A.“Wedding Feast“ is just an ordinary filmB.the film “Wedding Feast“ disappointed people greatlyC.Zhao Wen xuan became a famous movie star because of the film “Wedding Feast“D.a lot of Taiwan films are shown in the U.S every yearBEIJING (Associated Press)China has

31、 a growing middle class, a tradition (传统) of expecting education and 21 million new babies every year. Selling educational toys should be easy. While China may be the world“s biggest toy-maker. Much of the best is exported (出口). Department stores here do not have enough high-quality toys. It is said

32、 that the demand for educational toys is low. A Us company, BabyCare, is trying to change that with a new way to sell toys in China. BabyCare works basically together with doctors in Beijing hospitals. People who join the company“s “mother“s club“ get lectures and newsletters on baby and child devel

33、opment at no extra costif they agree to spend 18 dollars a month on the company“s educational toys and childcare books. “We want to build a seven-year relationship with those people,“ said Matthew J. Estes, BabyCare“s president. “It starts during pregnancy (孕期), when the anxiety and needs are highes

34、t.“ BabyCare works on a one-to-one basis. Doctors, nurses, and teachers-paid by Baby-Care-advise parents, explaining toys that are designed for children at each stage (阶段) of de BabyCare opened its first store in China last June in a shopping center in central Beijing and another near Beijing Zoo. I

35、t plans to have 80 stores in China within six years. It is a new model for China and develops a market in young children“s education and health that no other companies are in.(分数:12.00)(1).What do the first two paragraphs mainly tell us?(分数:3.00)A.Educational toys and foreign toy markets.B.Problems

36、with China“s toy markets and education.C.Reasons for pushing sales of educational toys in China.D.Baby population and various kinds of toys made in China.(2).Which of the following is a fact according to the passage?(分数:3.00)A.Club members buy BabyCare products for free child-care advice.B.Doctors i

37、n Beijing help in making BabyCare products.C.Parents are encouraged to pay $18 for club activities.D.BabyCare trains Chinese doctors at no extra cost.(3).BabyCare is developing its business in China by.(分数:3.00)A.opening stores in Beijing hospitalsB.offering 18-month courses on child-careC.setting u

38、p children“s education centersD.forming close relationships with parents(4).Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?(分数:3.00)A.Mother“s club in ChinaB.BavyCare and DoctorsC.American Company ModelD.Educational Toys On ChallengeTo a philosopher, wisdom is not the same a

39、s knowledge. Facts may be known in enormous numbers without the knower of them loving wisdom. Indeed, the person who possesses encyclopedic (学士渊博的) information may actually have a genuine contempt (轻视) for those who love and seek wisdom. The philosopher is not content with a mere knowledge of facts.

40、 He desires to combine and evaluate facts, and to examine beneath the obvious to the deeper orderliness behind the immediately given facts. Insight into the hidden depths of reality, perspective (洞察) on human life and nature in their entirety, in the words of Plato, to be a spectator of time and exi

41、stence-these are the philosopher“s objectives. Too great an interest in the small details of science, may, and often does, obscure these basic objectives. Philosophers assume that the love of wisdom is a natural gift of the human being. Potentially every man is a philosopher because in the depths of

42、 his being there is an intense longing to penetrate to the meaning of the mysteries of existence. The inner deep longing expresses itself in various ways prior to any actual study of philosophy as a technical branch of human culture. Consequently every human being in so far as he has ever been or is

43、 a lover of wisdom has, to that extent, a philosophy of life.(分数:15.00)(1).The title below that best expresses the idea of this passage is _.(分数:3.00)A.The Potential PhilosopherB.The Philosophy of PlatoC.The Philosopher Versus the ScientistD.The Philosopher Defined(2).According to the author, which

44、statement concerning philosophers is most nearly accurate?(分数:3.00)A.They are impractical.B.They are too radical.C.They are a thoughtful group.D.They have contempt for humanity.(3).The author indicates that a philosopher is a person who _.(分数:3.00)A.disregards factsB.loves wisdomC.desires technical

45、knowledgeD.collects all types of data(4).A philosopher wishes to _.(分数:3.00)A.systematize factsB.work by himselfC.show his contempt for knowledgeD.be all of the above(5).The author suggests that a man becomes a philosopher when he _.(分数:3.00)A.studies philosophy as a subjectB.collects all the factsC

46、.realizes obvious truthsD.seeks a meaning for lifeDuring the summer session there will be a revised schedule of services for the university community. Specific changes for intercampus bus services, the cafeteria, and summer hours for the infirmary (医务室) and recreational and athletic facilities will

47、be posted on the bulletin board outside of the cafeteria. Weekly movie and concert schedules which are in the process of being arranged will be posted each Wednesday outside of the cafeteria. Intercampus buses will leave the main hall every hour on the half hour and make all of the regular stops on

48、their route around the campus. The cafeteria will serve breakfast, lunch, and early dinner from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. during the week and from noon to 7 p. m. on weekends. The library will maintain regular hours during the week, but shorter hours on Saturdays and Sundays. The weekend hours are from noon

49、to 7 p.m All students who want to use the library borrowing services and the recreational, athletic, and entertainment facilities must have valid summer identification cards. This announcement will also appear in the next issue of the student newspaper.(分数:12.00)(1).Which of the following is the main purpose of this announcement?(分数:3.00)A.To tell campus personnel of the new library services.B.To announce the new movies on campus this summer.C.To notify un


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