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1、专升本英语模拟 445 及答案解析(总分:205.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、 Phonetics(总题数:5,分数:5.00)A.rulerB.rubberC.butterD.nutA.electionB.pronunciationC.questionD.operationA.nobleB.nobodyC.lonelyD.lorryA.strangerB.strategyC.tabletD.thankA.usualB.usefulC.justD.mistake二、 Vocabulary and Str(总题数:15,分数:23.00)6.Because of the _ emphasis

2、 placed on classroom work, the instructor will report your absences to the adviser.(分数:1.00)A.largeB.hardC.strongD.high7.I wish you _ me how to make such a sauce last time.(分数:1.00)A.teachB.taughtC.have taughtD.had taught8.The earth is _ the moon.(分数:2.00)A.as 49 times bigB.49 times as bigger asC.49

3、 times as big asD.as big as 49 times9.Are you feeling _? Yes, I“m fine now.(分数:1.00)A.any wellB.any betterC.quite goodD.quite better10.Hardly _ to the bus stop when the bus suddenly pulled away.(分数:2.50)A.did they getB.they had gotC.they gotD.had they got11.Robert goes to the gym only two or three t

4、imes a year. He _ goes to the gym.(分数:1.00)A.alwaysB.neverC.usuallyD.seldom12._ about it earlier, we could have warned people of the danger.(分数:1.00)A.Would we knowB.Should we knowC.Have we knownD.Had we known13.With the advancement of technology, computers have come into the market _ capable of doi

5、ng very complicated calculations at great speed.(分数:2.50)A.that they areB.which areC.that isD.which they are14.The professor insisted that we _ our homework before next month.(分数:2.50)A.handed inB.will hand inC.hand inD.must hand in15.I didn“t know what to do but then an idea suddenly to me.(分数:2.00

6、)A.occurredB.enteredC.happenedD.rushed16.Not only I but also Ellis and Jane _ fond of playing basketball.(分数:1.00)A.amB.isC.wasD.are17.Usually there is _ traffic in the streets on weekdays than on Sundays.(分数:1.00)A.littleB.lessC.fewD.fewer18.Nothing could stop _.(分数:1.00)A.him comeB.that the cameC.

7、him from comingD.him to come19.No one objected to Harry“s presiding over the condominium owner“s meeting; what everyone _ objecting to was his rudeness.(分数:1.00)A.wereB.have beenC.wasD.had been20.He got a job with the corporation in 1991 and has worked there _.(分数:2.50)A.sinceB.ever sinceC.ever befo

8、reD.till then三、 Cloze(总题数:1,分数:50.00)In order to work here the foreigner needs a work permit, which must be applied 1 by his prospective employer. The problem here is that the Department of the Employment has the right to 2 or refuse these permits, and there is little that can be 3 about it. It woul

9、d be extremely unwise 4 a foreign visitor to work without a permit, since anyone doing so is 5 to immediate deportation. There are some 6 to this rule, most notably people from the Common Market countries, who are 7 to work without permits, and who are often given 8 residence permits of up to five y

10、ears. Some 9 people, such as doctors, foreign journalists, 10 and others, can work without permits. The problem with the Act is not just that some of its rules are unfair but 11 it is administered, and the people who administer it. An immigration official has the power to stop a visitor 12 these sho

11、res coming into the country. If this happens the visitor has the 13 to appeal 14 the Immigration Appeal Tribunal. While the appeals are being considered, the visitor has no 15 but to wait sometimes for quite a long time. Critics of the law say that immigration officials treat the 16 visitors badly,

12、and appear to accept or 17 hem for no 18 reason. Which side of the political 19 you are on, there seems to be an urgent need for a good look at the Act, for it causes frequent argument, and in the eyes of many real 20 .(分数:50.00)A.forB.offC.toD.inA.allowB.admitC.presentD.grantA.madeB.doneC.explained

13、D.talkedA.forB.toC.asD.inA.aptB.likelyC.liableD.inclinedA.exemptionsB.exceptionsC.excerptionsD.expositionsA.prescribedB.qualifiedC.entitledD.certifiedA.currentB.temporaryC.conditionalD.transientA.moreB.fewerC.othersD.otherA.farmersB.authorsC.taxi driversD.waitersA.the wayB.thatC.the timeD.whatA.out

14、ofB.toC.fromD.offA.honorB.forceC.rightD.authorityA.forB.inC.toD.byA.choiceB.selectionC.varietyD.optionA.confusedB.awedC.stunnedD.amazedA.injectB.objectC.projectD.rejectA.self-evidentB.apparentC.declaredD.clear-cutA.roadB.wallC.fenceD.riverA.injusticeB.justiceC.benefitD.fruit四、 Reading Comprehens(总题数

15、:0,分数:0.00)Oceanography has been defined as “The application of all sciences to the study of the sea“. Before the nineteenth century scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between. Certainly Newton considered some theoretical aspects of it in his writings, but he was reluctant to go

16、 to sea to further his work. For most people the sea was remote, and with the exception of early intercontinental travelers or others who earned a living from the sea, there was little reason to ask many questions about it, let alone to ask what lay beneath the surface. The first time that the quest

17、ion “What is at the bottom of the oceans?“ had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America was proposed. The engineer had to know the depth profile (起伏形状) of the route to estimate the length of cable that had to be manufactured. It w

18、as to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned, in 1853, for information on this matter. In the 1840s, Maury had been responsible for encouraging voyages during which soundings (测水深) were taken to investigate the depths of the North Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Later, some of

19、his findings aroused much popular interest in his book The Physical Geography of the Sea. The cable was laid, but not until 1866 was the connection made permanent and reliable. At the early attempts, the cable failed and when it was taken out for repairs it was found to be covered in living growths,

20、 a fact which defied contemporary scientific opinion that there was no life in deeper parts of the sea. Within a few years oceanography was under way. In 1872 Thomson led a scientific expedition (考察), which lasted for four years and brought home thousands of samples from the sea. Their classificatio

21、n and analysis occupied scientists for years and led to five-volume report, the last volume being published in 1895.(分数:12.00)(1).The proposal to lay a telegraph cable from Europe to America made oceanographic studies take on _.(分数:3.00)A.an academic aspectB.a military aspectC.a business aspectD.an

22、international aspect(2).It was _ that asked Maury for help in oceanographic studies.(分数:3.00)A.the American NavyB.some early intercontinental travelersC.those who earned a living from the seaD.the company which proposed to lay an undersea cable(3).The aim of the voyages Maury was responsible for in

23、the 1840s was _.(分数:3.00)A.to make some sounding experiments in the oceansB.to collect samples of sea plants and animalsC.to estimate the length of cable that was neededD.to measure the depths of the two oceans(4).“Defied“ in the 5th paragraph probably means _.(分数:3.00)A.doubtedB.gave proof toC.chal

24、lengedD.agreed toThe exact year of Christ“s birth is not recorded, but the calendar began on the supposed date divides time into B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (in the year of our Lord). Nor was the exact day of his birth known. For the first 300 years his birthday was celebrated on different days. I

25、t was not until the year 354 that December25 th was chosen. Christmas music is loved by all who hear and sing it every year. Carols, bells, and merry music have been a part of Christmas for centuries. Every Christmas Eve the bells ring to call people to church services. The most famous sleigh bells

26、in the world belong to Santa Claus. Christmas is a family festival. In the United States, no distance seems too great if it enables one to join the family circle for the holiday. All schools close for two weeks, parents welcome home their children and grandchildren and often open their doors to frie

27、nds and strangers.(分数:15.00)(1).The calendar began _. A.in the exact year of Christ“ birth B.on the exact date which divides time into . . and . . C.on December 25th D.on the chosen date(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(2).Before 354, Christ“s birthday was celebrated _. A.on December 25th B.on different days C.in D

28、ecember, 300 D.in the year of our Lord(分数:3.00)A.B.C.D.(3).The most famous sleigh bells in the world belong to _.(分数:3.00)A.Jesus ChristB.JosephC.MaryD.Father Christmas(4).No matter how far it is, American people tend to go back home for Christmas to _.(分数:3.00)A.eat puddingsB.drink wineC.get lots o

29、f giftsD.enjoy the family care and love(5).In the U. S., at Christmas, schoolchildren have _ for holiday.(分数:3.00)A.a monthB.a weekC.two weeksD.three weeksWhat is your favorite color? Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you must be an optimist (乐观者), a leader, an active person. Do you pref

30、er grays and blues? Then you are probably quiet, shy and you would rather follow than lead. If you love green, you are strong-minded and determined. At least this is what psychologists (心理学家) tell us. They have been seriously studying the meaning of color preference (爱好), and the effect that colors

31、have on human beings. They tell us that we don“t choose our favorite color as we grow up. If you happen to love brown, you did so as soon as you opened your eyes, or at least as soon as you could see clearly. A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and more comfortable than a dark green one. On th

32、e other hand, black is depressing. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but more active. It is a fact that factory workers work better, harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black or dark gray. Remember that you will know your friends and

33、 your enemies better when you find out what colors they like and dislike. And don“t forget that anyone can guess a lot about your character when you choose a piece of handkerchief.(分数:15.00)(1).According to this passage, _.(分数:3.00)A.one can choose his color preferenceB.one is born with his color pr

34、eferenceC.one“s color preference is changeableD.one has to choose his favorite color as soon as he can see clearly(2).The main idea of paragraph 2 is _.(分数:3.00)A.colors may have effect on our work and studyB.colors do have effect on our moods (情绪)C.light and bright colors make people happyD.factory

35、 workers can work better in a bright room(3).Which of the following is closest in meaning with the sentence: “I am feeling black“?(分数:3.00)A.I am sad.B.I am feeling well.C.I am dirty.D.I am very tired.(4).According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?(分数:3.00)A.One can know his friend

36、s better from their color preference.B.Workers can work better in a room with bright colors.C.The person who prefers dark colors can not be successful.D.We can change our mood by changing our clothes.(5).The main idea of this passage is _.(分数:3.00)A.one“s color preference shows one“s characterB.you

37、can brighten your life with wonderful colorsC.psychologists have been studying the meaning of color preferenceD.one“s color preference has something to do with his character and colors have effects on human beingsWhen a student, I was a member of the collegiate basketball team. It was mainly compose

38、d of bookish students. Only one could be counted as natural athlete, another half-qualified. That“s why we were defeated nine out of ten games. Our spirits, however, had never dampened, for we were a cheerful team. None would strive to get into the spotlight when we were gaining the upper hand; nor

39、would we blame each other when we were losing. Thus a cordial relationship between members prevailed in our team. Most recommendable of all was our morale which never lowered. Our sportsmanship also remained good. We persisted in carrying on to the last when suffering great loss. We knew we had done

40、 our best, showing no regret at failure. To the rest of the students our team was a good one though it lost the game. They kept encouraging us and none of them was disappointed. Recently I have avoided watching games, not even at a TV live coverage, still less to the match in person. That“s because

41、I know I couldn“t control myself. When watching a match, I“ll inevitably take sides and be emotionally involved, strongly wishing for the triumph of the side over its opponent. As I often side with the “weaker “ in a match, watching it will only spell worry and misery for me. Not long ago when I acc

42、ompanied my wife to a super world tennis match my horizons broadened as regards sports competition. It seemed to me that wins and losses were relative and transient. What mattered was the ever-higher level achieved through contest. Victory was a result of all the efforts made by both sides. As one o

43、f the audience, I should applaud the energetic performance of both to the neglect of the result. Why should I regard the contest as a life-and-death struggle, the winner as survival and the loser as dead?(分数:15.00)(1).The basketball team was often defeated because _.(分数:3.00)A.the team members didn“

44、t know how to play basketballB.the team members were students who only know how to study book knowledgeC.there were only one or two members who were qualified for basketballD.the morale of the team was low(2).Which of the following is true according to the article?(分数:3.00)A.The basketball team was

45、often defeated so their feelings were miserable.B.When they lost a match, they always complained about each other.C.They were not in good relationship with each other.D.They had a good sportsmanship even when they lost.(3).Why does the author avoid watching games recently?(分数:3.00)A.Because the stad

46、ium is far from his home.B.Because he can“t endure the team he supports being defeated.C.Because if his team is defeated, he will worry.D.Because he often watches the matches on TV at home.(4).What does “spell“ in the last sentence of the second paragraph most probably mean?(分数:3.00)A.Write outB.A p

47、eriod of timeC.A curseD.Lead to(5).Which of the following is most probably the best title?(分数:3.00)A.Lose and WinB.Basketball MatchC.Winning a MatchD.Watching a MatchMillions of stars are travelling about in space. A few form groups which journey together, but most of them travel alone. And they tra

48、vel through a universe so large that one star seldom comes near to another. We believe, however, that some two thousand million years ago, another star wandering through space, happened to come near our sun. Just as the sun and the moon raise tides on the earth, so this star must have raised tides o

49、n the surface of the sun. But they were very different from the small tides that are raised in our oceans; a large tidal wave must have travelled over the surface of the sun, at last forming a mountain so high that we cannot imagine it. As the cause of the disturbance (动荡) came nearer, so the mountain rose higher and higher. And before the star began to move away again, its tidal pull had become so powerful that this mountain was torn to pie


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