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1、2017 年 福建 省中考真题英语 .听力(略) .选择填空(共 15 小题 , 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中 ,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。 21. Jack is such_ friendly boy. He gets along well with his classmates. A. a B. an C. the 解析: 结合 such 联想到 such+ a/an+ adj+名词单数,表示如此, friendly 是辅音音素开头,故选 A。 答案: A 22. China successfully hosted the Belt an

2、d Road Forum_ May, 2017. A. on B. in C. by 解析: 考查常用介词的辨析 。 根据题干 On 用于具体的某一天前, in 用于月份或年的前面,by:到这个时间点以前为止这一段时间,结合语境中国在 2017 年 5 月成功举办一带一路论坛 。 选择 B。 答案: B 23. Our English teacher will work for 2017 BRICS Summit (金砖峰会) this September. Great! I am so proud of_. A. she B. her C. hers 解析: be proud of 为感到自

3、豪, of 是介词后加名词 、 代词 、 动名词 。 代词需用宾格 her,she 主格, hers 名词性物主代词,故答案是 B。 答案: B 24. Joan has made great progress in speaking Chinese. She_ works hard at it, you know. A. never B. seldom C. always 解析: 考查频度副词词义辨析 。 never 意为从不; seldom 意为几乎不;很少; always 意为总是,根据句意 : 琼在讲汉语方面有了很大的进步 。 选择 C 符合语境 。 答案: C 25. The sci

4、entist has failed in the test many times, _ he never gives up. A. but B. so C. or 解析: 考查连词辨析 。 句意 “ 这位科学家在测试中多次失败了,但是他从不放弃 。” 根据题干前半句 The scientist has failed in the test many times. 这位科学家在测试中多次失败了 。 后半句 he never gives up. 他从不放弃 。 可知前后句子意思发生了转折 。 but 但是,表转折 。 so所以,表结果 or 或者,表选择 。 故选 A。 答案: A 26. Do

5、you know the Color Run, a five-kilometer race? Yes. So far it_ into quite a few cities in our country. A. comes B. came C. has come 解析: 结合 so far 至今,可知表达的动作发生在过去,对现在造成一定的影响,故用现在完成时 have/has+过去分词,故答案是 C。 答案: C 27. TFBOYS has a lot of fans. It_ thousands of young people. A. is popular with B. is satis

6、fied with C. is strict with 解析: be popular with 受欢迎的; be satisfied with 对感到满意; be strict with 对严格 。 根据 TFBOYS has a lot of fans.可知 TFBOYS 有很多粉丝 。 所以它非常受成千上万的年轻人欢迎 。 be popular with 受欢迎的故选 A。 答案: A 28. Mum, may I go swimming now? Yes, dear, but remember that you_ go with your dad. A. may B. can C. mu

7、st 解析: may 可以; can 可能; must 一定,必须 。 根据 Yes, dear, but remember that you_ go with your dad.可知可以游泳,但是一定和爸爸一起 。 所以这里用 must。 故选 C。 答案: C 29. Nowadays more and more foreigners are becoming interested in Beijing Opera. Thats true. Its an important part of Chinese_. A. culture B. invention C. custom 解析: cu

8、lture 文化,名词; invention,发明,名词; custom 习俗 。 根据 Beijing Opera,可知这里说的是有关中国文化方面的内容 。 culture 文化 。 故选 A。 答案: A 30. _ has Hong Kong been back to our motherland? For 20 years. How time flies! A. How soon B. How long C. How often 解析: 根据回答 For 20 years可知,此处询问时间段 。 A.多久之后; B.多长时间; C.多久一次 。 B 选项询问时间段,故答案为 B。 答案

9、: B 31. Eleven Chinese films_ during the 7th Chinese Film Festival in France last month. A. showed B. are shown C. were shown 解析: 主语 Eleven Chinese films 是动词 show 的承受者,结合 last month 可知表达的是过去的事情,故用一般过去时的被动语态 was/were+过去分词,主语 Eleven Chinese films 复数,故 用 were, 答案是 C。 答案: C 32. The students were singing

10、 happily_ I passed the school hall. A. when B. unless C. though 解析: 考查连词辨析 。 句意 “ 当我经过学校大厅的时候学生们正在欢快地唱着歌 。” 根据题干前半句 The students were singing happily 学生们正在欢快地唱着歌 。 后半句 I passed the school hall. 我经过学校大厅 。 可推知句子是一个时间状语从句 。 when 当时候 , unless 除非 , though 尽管 , 只有 A 选项符合题意 。 故选 A。 答案: A 33. Dont_ the wast

11、e paper. We can collect and recycle it. You re right. Everyone should be a greener person. A. blow away B. put away C. throw away 解析: blow away 吹走; put away 放好; throw away 扔掉 。 根据 We can collect and recycle it,可知我们可以收集和回收它 。 所以前面应该是不要把废纸扔掉 。 throw away 扔掉 。 故选 C。 答案: C 34. Do you like the weekly tal

12、k show, The Reader, on CCTV? Sure. It s a great TV programme_ brings the habit of reading back into the public A. who B. that C. what 解析: who 意思是 “ 谁 ” 引导定语从句的时候,在从句中作主语; that 意思是 “ 那个 ” 引导定语从句的时候,在从句中作主语或宾语; what 不能引导定语从句 。 根据 a great TV programme一个很棒的电视节目 , 这是一个表示物的先行词,所以要用 that 来引导定语从句,综上所述,故选 B。

13、 答案: B 35. Michael, could you tell me_? I d like to join the dancing club. A. why you like the dancing club B. which club you are going to join C. whether there are any clubs in your school 解析: tell 后接宾语从句,引导词 +陈述句语序,结合下文 Id like to join the dancing club. 可知上文是说哪个俱乐部,故选 B。 答案: B III.完形填空(共 10 小题 ; 每

14、小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 Jadav Payeng is a forestry worker from Jorhat, India. Over the past 38 years, he has planted trees on a sandbar (沙洲 ) of the Brahmaputra River and has 36 it into a forest. One day in 1979, 16-year-old Payeng was walking 37 the bank of the Brahm

15、aputra River. He saw many snakes on the sandbars. These snakes died in a few days time 38 the heat and the absence of trees. Payeng felt very 39 when he saw this. He decided to plant some trees. Single-handedly, he started planting bamboo trees, as only bamboo trees could survive (存活 ) in the sandba

16、rs. To water the trees was a difficult 40 for one man. With his hard work and great effort, day by day the 41 bamboo trees grew into a forest. His tree planting has changed the soil (土壤 ).Now the sandbar is a thick forest and 42 to thousands of plants and animals. A large group of around 100 elephan

17、ts visit the forest every year and 43 there for a few months. Payeng is now in 44 fifties. He has planted close to 1,400 acres (英亩 )of forests and is 45 as the Forest Man of India. In 2015, he was honored with Padma Shri, one of the top awards in India. 36. A. divided B. put C. turned 解析: 考查动词 。 A 表

18、示分成 ; B 表示放; C 表示变成,转变 。 由 he has planted trees on a sandbar (沙洲) of the Brahmaputra River 可推测此处表示的是将它变成了一片森林,选 C。 答案: C 37. A. along B. through C. across 解析: 考查介词 。 A 表示沿着; B 表示通过; C 表示跨过 。 the bank of表示的岸边, 所以此处应该表示沿着雅鲁藏布江的岸边行走,选 A。 答案: A 38. A. according to B. because of C. as for 解析: 考查对语境的理解 。

19、A 表示根据; B 表示因为; C 表示至于 。 分析语境可知 the heat and the absence of trees 是 These snakes died in a few days time 的原因,选 B。 答案: B 39. A. lonely B. sad C. tired 解析: 考查形容词 。 A 表示孤单的; B 表示伤心的; C 表示累的 。 由 These snakes died in a few days time 和 He decided to plant some trees 可推测此处表示的是看到这个场景, Payeng 感到伤心,选 B。 答案: B

20、 40. A. task B. journey C. condition 解析: 考查名词 。 A 表示任务; B 表示旅程; C 表示条件 。 结合语境可知此处表示对一个人来说,要浇水是一个很难的任务,选 A。 答案: A 41. A. wild B. tall C. young 解析: 考查形容词 。 A 表示野生的; B 表示高的; C 表示年轻的,小的 。 由 day by day 可推测此处表示的是幼小的竹子树长成了森林,选 C。 答案: C 42. A. way B. guide C. home 解析: 考查名词 。 A 表示方法; B 表示向导; C 表示家园 。 结合语境可知此

21、处表示现在这个沙洲是成千上万种植物和动物的家园,选 C。 答案: C 43. A. stay B. lie C. sit 解析: 考查动词 。 A 表示呆在; B 表示躺下; C 表示坐 。 由 A large group of around 100elephants visit the forest 可推测此处表示的是在这里呆几个月,选 A。 答案: A 44. A. her B. his C. its 解析: 考查代词 。 A 表示她的; B 表示他的; C 表示它的 。 此处的主语 Payeng 指人,且由he 可知他的性别是男,对应的形容词性物主代词要用 his,选 B。 答案: B

22、45. A. invited B. served C. known 解析: 考查动词 。 A 表示邀请; B 表示服务; C 表示知道 。 结合语境可知此处表示作为印度森林人而出名,选 C。 答案: C IV.阅读理解(共两节, 25 小题 ; 满分 45 分) 第一节阅读下面 A、 B、 C、 D 四篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 (共 20 小题 ; 每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) A 46. The text is mainly about how to_. A. be a careful driver B. buy MTR tic

23、kets C. be a good passenger D. keep safe at home 解析: 考查细节理解题 。 根据文中的标题 Safety rules on the MTR trains 地铁列车安全规则可知主要告诉我们如何成为一名好的旅客,故答案是 C。 答案: C 47. People who will get on the train should_. A. wait in line B. open the door C. ask for help D. leave the seats 解析: 考查细节理解题 。 根据文中的第一段 Line up on the platf

24、orm and wait for the train 可知在月台上排队等火车,故答案是 A。 答案: A 48. When you hear a “beep” sound, _ . A. close the door B. rush onto the train C. get off the train at once D. stop and wait for the next train 解析: 考查细节理解题 。 根据文中的第一段最后一点: Do not get the train. The door is closing. Wait for anther train 可知不要上地铁,门已

25、经关了,等下一辆地铁,故答案是 D。 答案: D 49. Which picture shows the good behavior on the train according to the text? A. B. C. D. 解析: 考查细节理解题 。 根据文中的第二段最后一句: Give up your seat to old men or women可知在地铁上应该主动让座是好的行为,故答案是 D。 答案: D 50. The text is probably a_. A. report B. notice C. diary D. poem 解析: 考查主旨题 。 根据文章大意;主要介

26、绍了在地铁站要有耐心、有礼貌、及乘坐地铁时不要乱扔垃圾等要注意的事项 。 可知应该是个通知,故答案是 B。 答案: B B I was traveling alone through the UK. To reach places that were off the public transportation map, I bought an old car, which cost most of my money. I couldnt afford to stay in the hotel, so I had to camp in my car for the rest of the tri

27、p. One morning I awoke in my old car on a country road in Ireland and saw a single house. The water in my thermos (保温瓶 ) had gone cold, so I knocked on the door of the house. A woman opened it. I asked her for some hot water. But she wouldnt let me get away with just that! I was invited indoors. She

28、 asked me to sit at the table and have breakfast with her family. They filled my thermos before I left. I was greatly moved. And I decided to pass the kindness on. The other day I met a young man who had been driving around to look for a parking lot. He looked increasingly upset. I was glad that I w

29、as able to point one out to him. His thankful smile was the hugest reward (奖赏 ) for me. 51. The writer bought the car in order to_. A. serve the public B. travel more easily C. take the trip alone D. save more money 解析: 考查细节理解题 。 根据文中的第一段 To reach places that were off the public transportation map,

30、I bought an old car, which cost most of my money.可知为了到一些地图以外的地方,也就是为了更方便的旅行,故答案是 B。 答案: B 52. Why did the writer camp in his car? A. He was short of money. B. It was his habit. C. He could have a better rest. D. It would be warmer. 解析: 考查细节理解题 。 根据文中的第一段 I couldnt afford to stay in the hotel, so I h

31、ad to camp in my car for the rest of the trip. 可知因为没有钱所以才在车里住宿,故答案是 A。 答案: A 53. The writer asked the woman for_. A. a map B. a thermos C. some hot water D. a light breakfast 解析: 考查细节理解题 。 根据文中的第二段 I asked her for some hot water 可知是想要一些热水,故答案是 C。 答案: C 54. How did the young man feel at last? A. Funn

32、y. B. Upset. C. Disappointed. D. Thankful. 解析: 考查细节理解题 。 根据文中的第三段 His thankful smile was the hugest reward(奖赏)for me. 可知 他感激的微笑对我来说是最大的奖励,故答案是 D。 答案: D 55. Whats the main idea of the text? A. Traveling alone is interesting. B. Sharing food is a pleasure. C. Kindness is the sunshine in life. D. Smile

33、 is important to everybody. 解析: 考查主旨题 。 根据文中的大意文章大意:主要描述了作者在一次旅行时得到他们的帮助,也决定帮助他人的故事 。 可知选择 C 仁慈是社会生活的阳光符合语境, 故答案是 C。 答案: C C No one knows when the first kite was made. The first record of a kite was more than 2,000 years ago in China. Han Xin, the leader of an army, wanted to bring down a king. He d

34、ecided to dig a tunnel (隊道 ) into the kings palace. He flew a kite over the wall of the palace to make sure the length (长度 ) of its string (线 ).In this way, he could determine how long the tunnel should be. His men in the tunnel took the kite string with them. When they reached the end of the string

35、, they knew to dig up. Kites have been flown in Japan for hundreds of years. In the 1700s, kites were flown in autumn to give thanks for a good harvest. They were also flown to send good wishes to couples who had their first son. Today in Japan, kites are often flown as part of a celebration, such a

36、s the beginning of a new year. And kite festivals are held each year in many parts of the country. Kites have been used for scientific purposes in the western world. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin tied a key to a kite and flew it in a storm to find out that lightening was a form of electricity. In the 1

37、890s, Lawrence Hargrave invented the box kite to test ideas about flight. From 1898 until 1933, the United States Weather Bureau (气象局 ) used box kites to collect weather data. The Wright brothers also experimented (试验) with kites. What they learnt helped them make the first airplane flight in 1903.

38、56. Why did Han Xin want to dig a tunnel? A. To pull down the palace. B. To fight against the king. C. To search for the kings treasure. D. To find out the length of the kite string. 解析: 细节题 。 结合 第一段 Han Xin, the leader of an army, wanted to bring down a king 可知是为了打败一个国王,故选 B。 答案: B 57. What does th

39、e underlined word “determine” in Paragraph 1 probably mean in Chinese? A.测定 B.选择 C.了解 D.考察 解析: 词义猜测题 。 结合 He flew a kite over the wall of the palace to make sure the length(长度 ) of its string(线 ).可知是为了测量宫殿长度,也就是隧道的长度,故可知这里的 determine 表示测量,故选 A。 答案: A 58. One of the purposes of flying kites in Japan

40、is_. A. to give thanks for a good harvest in summer B. to express good wishes to the first-born daughter C. to celebrate the beginning of a new year D. to hold kite festivals all over the country 解析: 细节题 。 结合第二段 Today in Japan, kites are often flown as part of a celebration, such as the beginning of

41、 a new year 可知日本人放风筝是庆祝,例如新年,故选 C。 答案: C 59. When did the United States Weather Bureau begin to use box kites? A. In 1752. B. In 1898. C. In 1903. D. In 1933. 解析: 细节题 。 结合最后 From 1898until 1933, the United States Weather Bureau(气象局) used box kites to collect weather data 可知是 1898 年开始使用,故选 B。 答案: B 6

42、0. What would be the best title for the text? A. The History of Kites B. The Experiments of Kites C. The Invention of a Kite D. The First Record of a Kite 解析: 标题判断题 。 结合第一句 No one knows when the first kite was made 可知本文是介绍风筝的历史,故选 A。 答案: A D On May 5,2017, Chinas home-made passenger aircraft (飞机) G9

43、19 completed its 90-minute first flight and landed safely back at Pudong Airport in Shanghai. G919 is developed by COMAC, a Chinese aircraft company. It is designed to compete with Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. The first C919 aircraft can carry 168 passengers and is able to fly a distance between 4,07

44、5 and 5,555 kilometers. Its reported that a C919 costs around 50 million dollars, less than half of a Boeing 737 or an Airbus A320. Up to now, more than 570 aircrafts have been ordered from 23 customers, mostly Chinese, but also American and Thai companies or airlines. COMAG aims to take one fifth o

45、f the worlds narrow-body aircraft market and one third of the Chinese market by 2035. The name G919 has its special meanings. The letter C stands for both “COMAC ”China”. The number 9 is pronounced as jiu in Chinese, which means “forever”. And the number 19 refers to its capacity (容量 ) of 190 passen

46、gers. The large passenger aircraft is praised as “the flower of modern industry”. It is a symbol of the nations industrial and technological standards as well as the comprehensive (综合的 ) power. In order to realize the century dream of flying in the sky and the strategy (战略 ) of the nation, COMAC bea

47、rs the nations dream and peoples trust. China considers it as a national pride. 61. G919 is produced by_. A. Boeing B. a Thai aircraft company C. Airbus D. a Chinese aircraft company 解析: 细节理解题 。 根据第二段第一句 G919is developed by COMAC, a Chinese aircraft company. 可知 C919 是由中国的飞机公司研制 。 故选 D。 答案: D 62. Whi

48、ch of the following is TRUE about the first C919 aircraft? A. It can carry 190 passengers at most. B. It can only fly a distance of 4,075 km. C. It costs less than half of a Boeing 737. D. It costs more than half of an Airbus A320. 解析: 细节判断题 。 根据第二段第二行句子 Its reported that a C919costs around 50million dollars, less than half of a Boeing 737. 据报道, C919 的费用约 5000 万美元,不到一架波音737 的一半 。 可知它的成本不到一架波音 737 的一半 。 故选 C。 答案: C 63. Which picture shows COMACs aim to take the narr


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