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1、2017年辽宁省鞍山市第二十中学中考模拟试题英语 卷 I选择题(共 50 分) I.单项选择(本题共 20分, 每小题 1分) 1. Anshan is _ attractive city. Its such _ clean place that many tourists speak highly of it. A. a; a B. the; / C. an ; / D. an; a 解析:句意:鞍山是一个有魅力的城市。它如此干净的一个地方以至于许多游客高度评价它。第一空表示一个, attractive 是元音音素开头,故用不定冠词 an 修饰。第二空 clean是辅音音素开头,故用不定冠词

2、 a修饰。故选 D。 答案: D 2. Tom, you _ play football in the street. Sorry, I _ do it again. A. neednt; wont B. mustnt; wont C. cant; will D. wont; cant 解析:考查情态动词。句意: 汤姆,你不准在街道上踢足球。 对不起,我不会再做了 。 neednt不需要; mustnt; 不准,不能,一般指原则性的事件。所以选 B。 答案: B 3. Mrs. Black, the principal, has made a great _to the growth of t

3、he school A. contribution B. progress C. invention D. protection 解析:考查名词。句意:校长布莱克夫人对这所学校的成长作出了很大的贡献。contribution贡献; progress进步; invention发明; protection保护。所以选 A。 答案: A 4. _ does the iphone 5s belong to? Its _. A. Who, him B. Who, his C. Whose, him D. Whose, his 解析:考查疑问词。句意:这苹果 5s属于谁?是他的。 belong to sb

4、属于某人; who谁;whose谁的; him他, he的宾格; his他的。所以选 B。 答案: B 5. I called you but you didnt reply to me. Oh, sorry, I _ Dad, where are we going?(爸爸去哪儿) at the cinema. A. watched B. have watched C. was watching D. had watched 解析:句意: 我给你打电话,但是你没有回复我。 哦,对不起,我正在电影院观看爸爸去哪儿。根据 I called you but you didnt reply to me

5、可知此处表示过去某时正在做某事,故用过去进行时,故 选 C。 答案: C 6. Some parents might worry that their childrens hobbies can _ schoolwork. A. get the way of B. get on the way of C. get on well with D. get in the way of 解析:考查短语辨析 。 get the way of无此搭配用法; get on the way of无此搭配用法;get on well with 和 融洽相处; get in the way of妨碍,阻碍。句意

6、:一些父母可能担心他们的孩子们的嗜好会妨碍他们的学业。结合语境可知选 D。 答案: D 7. Inter Milan has won. Its one of _ football matches that I have ever seen. A. exciting B. more exciting C. the most exciting D. less exciting 解析:考查形容词的最高级。句意: Inter Milan赢了。它是我看见过的最令 人兴奋的一场比赛。 One of the +形容词最高级,表示 最 之一 ;最高级前一般要加 the,两个或两个以上音节的形容词用 most

7、+ 形容词原级,故选 C。 答案: C 8. Oh, Im thirsty. Mum, can I have the milk on the table? No, it smells _. A. terribly B. terrible C. good D. well 解析:考查形容词。句意:哦,我口渴了。妈妈,我可以喝桌上的牛奶吗?不,它闻起来很难闻。 terribly adv.很 ; 非常 ; 极 ; 非常糟糕地 ; terrible 可怕的; good 好的; well好。所填词在句中作表语,该用形容词。结合前面的 no,可知该选 B。 答案: B 9. I prefer speakin

8、g to listening in English learning. Oh, really! I think you should be good at _ of them. A. both B. neither C. some D. all 解析:考查不定代词的用法。句意: 在英语学习方面。和听力相比较我更喜欢说。 哦,真的。我认为你应该在这两个方面都很擅长。 both两个都; neither两者都不; some一些; all三者或三者以上都。所以选 A。 答案: A 10. I often laugh when I see my grandma learning pop songs. B

9、ut she says, One is never _ old to learn. A. too B. so C. very D. quite 解析:考查副词。句意:当我看到我的奶奶学习流行歌曲时,我经常笑。但是她说, 人要活到老学到老。 too太,常与 to一起构成固定句型 too to 太 而不能 ; so 如此,所以; very非常; quite很,十分。所以选 A。 答案: A 11. Could you tell me_? Perhaps on March 8. A. when will MH370 be lost B. when MH370 was lost. C. where M

10、H370 was lost. D. where was MH370 lost. 解析:考查宾语从句的用法。句意:你能告诉我 MH370什么时间失踪的吗?或许在三月八号。这是一个宾语从句,从句要用陈述语气,故排除 A D,根据回答 表时间 排除 D选 C。 答案: B 12. Half of the class _ done most of the work. The left _ rather difficult. A. has; is B. have; is C. have; are D. has; are 解析:考查主谓一致。一半的同学完 成了大部分工作,余下的相当难。 class 同学们

11、,表示复数含义,谓语用复数 ; the left余下的, the +adj.指事物时,看作单数,故选 A。 答案: B 13. Its cruel _him to kill _many children with a knife. A. of ; such B. for ;such C. of ;so D. for ;so 解析:考查固定句型。句意:他用刀残酷地杀了很多孩子。 Its + 形容词 + of/for sb to do sth 是一个固定句型,当形容词描述人的性格特征时用 of,其他情况下用 for。 so 副词,意思是 如此、这样 ,后面常接形容词或副词; such形容词,意思是

12、 如此、这样 ,修饰名词,既可接可数名词,也可以接不可数名词。 such 修饰单数可数名词时,不定冠词 a/an 通常放在 such之后紧挨着;而 so 则不同,不定冠词位置不同。其结构分别为: such a/ an +形容词+单数可数名词; so +形容词 +a/an+单数名词。 such 除了修饰单数可数名词外,还可以修饰复数名词和不可数名词, so 是副词,修饰形容词或副词。如果复数名 词前有 few, many 等形容词;不可数名词前有 little, much 等形容词,就必须用 so,而不能用 such。所以选 C。 答案: D 14. The guide said that mu

13、ch attention must _ these details. A. pay B. be paid C. pay to D. be paid to 解析:考查 被动语态的用法 。句意:导游说,必须注意这些细节,此题考查的是被动语态,注意必须被用在细节上,故选 D。 答案: D 15. Excuse me ,could I take the seat here? _.The child sitting here will come soon. A. Youd better not B. No, thanks C. Yes, please. D. Im afraid so. 解析: 考查交际

14、用语。 句意:对不起,我可以坐在这里吗?你最好不要。坐在这儿的孩子很快就来了。 Youd better not.你最好不要; No, thanks.不,谢谢你; Yes, please,是的,请;Im afraid so.恐怕是这样。根据语境可知该选 A。 答案: A 16. Ive been thinking about those questions _ you asked me last week. Oh, really? Have you got any valuable idea? A. which B. who C. what D. why 解析:句意: 我一直在思考那些你上周问的

15、那些问题。 哦,真的吗?你有任何宝贵的意见吗? which引导定语从句,作主语或宾语,修饰事物。 who引导定语从句,作主语,修饰人; what位于名词性从句中做主语,宾语,表语,表示事物; why引导定语从句,作状语,修饰表示原因的名词。先行词 questions 表示事,故用代词 which 引导定语从句,故选 A。 答案: A 17. Mother told her daughter that the sound _ more slowly than the light. A. went B. would go C. goes D. is going 解析:句意:母亲告诉她的女儿,声音比

16、光传播得更慢。 表示声音比光传播得慢,是客观事实,故用一般现在时表示,故选 C。 答案: C 18. Many students won t take part in the after-school activities today. _.We have so much homework to do! A. So will I B. So do I C. Neither will I D. Neither do I 解析:句意: 今天许多学生不愿意参见课外活动。 我也不愿意。我们有那么多作业 要做。 So+助动词 +主语,表示与前面的肯定形式一致,表示也。 Neither+助动词 +主语,表

17、示与前面的否定形式一致,表示也不。这两种部分倒装结构中的助动词与前一句的助动词一致,根据 Many students won t take part in the after-school activities today.可知此处 wont表示否定形式,故用 Neither + will+主语,故选 C。 答案: C 19. Can you make sure _? Sorry, I cant. A. when will she arrive B. whether she will join us or not C. why she would speak in the meeting D.

18、 where can she have a discussion with me 解析:句意: 你能确定她是否加入我们。 对不起,我不能。此处作为动词短语make sure的宾语从句,用陈述语序:疑问词 +主语 +谓语 +宾语。故排除 AD两项。根据 can可知此处用一般现在时或一般将来时, C项是过去将来时,故排除。 故选 B。 答案: B 20. Thanks to the mans efforts, more and more toys from his factory _ to sell abroad every year. A. were produced B. are produc

19、ed C. produce D. will produce 解析:句意:幸亏那个人的努力,每年他的工厂的越来越多的玩具被生产,被销售到国外。根据 every year可知此处用一般现在时,结合句意,此处表示被动,故选 B。 答案: B II完形填空(共 10分 , 每题 1分) One day, a poor young man went to Paris to visit one of his fathers friends and 21 that his fathers friend could help him find a simple job for living. Are you

20、good at math, his fathers friend asked him. The young man shook his head. How are your history and geography? The young man shook his head again. How about your law? The young man 22 his head embarrassedly. His fathers friend asked again and again, 23 the young man could only shake his head and told

21、 him he himself couldnt find out any 24 . Then write down your address first. The young man wrote down his address and turned to leave, but he was stopped by his fathers friend. Your name is written very 25 , which is your advantage. You shouldnt satisfy yourself with finding a job only for 26 . Yea

22、rs later, the young man wrote the classical works that won the world fame. He was Alexandre Dumas, a famous French writer of 18th century. One of his greatest works 27 The Three Musketeers was popular 28 a great number of readers. There are many ordinary persons in the world who all have many 29 adv

23、antages, but they are neglected(忽视 ) because of their self-abasement(自卑 ). In fact, there is a gold mine (矿 ) in every ordinary life. If you re willing to dig, you will dig out treasures to 30 yourself. 21. A. wondered B. expected C. learn D. thought 22. A. touched B. lowered C. raised D. nodded 23.

24、 A. so B. or C. and D. but 24. A. ideas B. chances C. advantages D. feelings 25. A. badly B. carefully C. clearly D. beautifully 26. A. fun B. house C. living D. hobby 27. A. written B. called C. read D. given 28. A. with B. for C. by D. of 29. A. big B. small C. clear D. exact 30. A. surprise B. in

25、tent C. believe D. frighten 解析: 21.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. wondered 想知道; B. expected 期盼,预料; C. learn 学习; D. thought认为;句意:一天,一个贫穷的男人去巴黎看望他父亲的一个朋友,期望他父亲的朋友能帮助他找到一个简单的工作谋生。根据 his fathers friend could help him find a simple job for living.此处让别人帮助找工作,这是一种期望,故选 B。 22.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. touched 触碰; B. lowered 降低; C. ra

26、ised 提升; D. nodded点头;句意:那个年轻人尴尬地低下了头。根据后文的 His fathers friend asked again and again,可知父亲的朋友又问他会不会别的东西,故此处表示他不会法律,因此尴尬地低下了头,故选 B。 23.考查连词及语境的理解。 A. so 所以; B. or 或者; C. and 而且; D. but但是;句意:他父亲的朋友又问他,但是那个年轻人只能摇头,告诉他自己没有发现任何优点。前半句表示别人问他会什么,后半句表示他没有优点,故前后表示转折关系,故用连词 but,故选 D。 24.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. ideas 主意;

27、B. chances 机会; C. advantages 优点; D. feelings感觉;句意:他父亲的朋友又问他,但是那个年轻人只能摇头,告诉他自己没有发现任何优点。根据 the young man could only shake his head可知那个男人认为自己什么也不会,因此没有发现自己有任何优点,长处,故选 C。 25.考查副词及语境的理解。 A. badly非常; B. carefully仔细地; C. clearly 清楚地; D. beautifully漂亮地;句意:你的名字写得非常漂亮。根据后文的 which is your advantage.可知他有长处了,故表示

28、他的字写得漂亮,故选 D。 26.考查名词及语境的理解。 A. fun 兴趣; B. house 房子; C. living 谋生; D. hobby爱好;句意:你 不应该满足自己找一份工作,只是为了谋生。根据前文的 his fathers friend could help him find a simple job for living. 可知他找工作只是为了谋生,故选 C。 27.考查动词及语境的理解。 A. written 写; B. called 被称为; C. read 阅读; D. given 给;句意:他的被称为三个火枪手的伟大作品之一,深受很多读者的欢迎。此处表示作品的名字被

29、称为三个火枪手,故选 B。 28.考查介词及语境的理解。 A. with 和 一起; B. for 为了; C. by 凭借; D. of 的;句意:他的被称为三个火枪手的伟大作品之一,深受很多读者的欢迎。 be popular with受 的欢迎,故选 A。 29.考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. big 大的; B. small 小的; C. clear 清楚的; D. exact准确的;句意:世界上有许多普通人有许多小的优点,但是他们因为自卑被忽视了。根据 many ordinary persons可知普通人身上的优点,被人忽视的优点,应是小优 点,故选 B。 30.考查动词及语境的理解。

30、 A. surprise 使惊讶; B. intent 打算; C. believe 相信; D. frighten吓人;句意:如果你愿意挖掘,你将挖掘出是你自己惊讶的财富。根据 If you re willing to dig, you will dig out treasures可知表示自己挖掘发现出的财富,之前不知道,因此会感到惊讶,故选 A。 答案: 21. B 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. A 29. B 30. A III.阅读理解。(共 20分 ,每小题 1分) A Can you write down a Chinese wor

31、d being read to you? Sometimes it can be difficult when you find the word is not included in most dictionaries. Lu Jialei, 14, from Hangzhou Foreign Language School, won the CCTV Chinese Character (汉字 ) Spelling Contest on Oct 18th, 2013. About 160 people competed. The host read a word to the contes

32、tant, explained its meaning and gave sample sentences. The contestant was required to write down the word. Winning the contest was a surprise to Lu. I was not the smartest one, she said. But I paid attention to details. To prepare for the contest, she and her teammates studied the Modern Chinese Dic

33、tionary for 10 days. There are more than 56,000 entries (词条 ) including characters, words and phrases in it. She also had a secret weapon. She studied how Chinese characters were formed. When others paid attention to the plot of a story, she looked at how authors use words and sentences to express t

34、hemselves, said Su Yunsheng, Lus Chinese teacher. Su is happy to see students like Lu find the beauty of Chinese language. Besides using something Chinese and having Chinese traditional festivals, learning to write Chinese characters is also an important part of inheriting (传承 ) Chinese culture, sai

35、d Su. 31. Lu Jialei was born in _. A. 1997 B. 1999 C. 2001 D. 2002 32. Lu Jialei studied the Modern Chinese Dictionary _ for the contest. A. for more than one week B. as long as one week C. for more than half a month D. as long as half a month 33. The contestant was required to write down the word _

36、. A. after the contestant read the word to the host B. before the host read the word to the contestant C. after the host explained its meaning and gave sample sentences D. before the contestant explained its meaning and gave sample sentences 34. Lu Jialeis secret weapon was that _. A. she paid atten

37、tion to details B. she was the smartest contestant C. she found the beauty of Chinese language D. she studied how Chinese characters were formed 35. From the passage we can infer _ isnt an important part of inheriting Chinese culture. A. trying to write Chinese characters B. using chopsticks when ha

38、ving meals C. giving and receiving presents at Christmas D. spending the Spring Festival with families 解析: 31.推理判断题。根据文中第二段 Lu Jialei14岁, 2013年 10月 18 日参加 CCTV汉字拼写竞赛,可推断出 Lu Jialei出生在 1999年。故选 B。 32.细节理解题。根据第三段 she and her teammates studied the Modern Chinese Dictionary for 10 days.可知学习现代汉语字典 10天,故选

39、 A。 33.细节理解题。根据第二段 The host read a word to the contestant, explained its meaning and gave sample sentences. the contestant was required to write down the word.的理解可知选 C。 34.细节理解题。根据第三段 She also had a secret weapon. She studied how Chinese characters were formed.的理解。故选 D。 35.细节理解题。根据对文章大意的理解可以推断出在 圣诞节

40、给礼物或者是收礼物不是传承中国文化的一个重要部分。故选 C。 答案: 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. D 35. C B What did you do on April 23, World Book Day, last year? Did you find some interesting books to read? Now let me introduce some good books for you to read. 36. Who wrote the book The Methods and Madness Inside Room 56? A. Rafe Esquith

41、. B. Yamamoto Ryoichi. C. Randy Pausch. D. Long Yingtai Andreas. 37. From the book Climate Change+2 Degrees, we can know _. A. the earths temperature will surely go up 2 B. the future of different countries in the world C. proper and useful ways to protect our world D. something about the history of

42、 climate 38. Andreas and his mother know each other better by _. A. writing letters B. sending e-mails C. talking on the phone D. chatting on line 39. Which of the following is NOT true in the book The Last Lecture? A. The professor is from America. B. The professor was in his poor health. C. The pr

43、ofessor talked about getting over the difficulties. D. The professor talked a lot about his illness in his lecture. 40. The passage may be taken from _. A. a diary B. a book advertisement C. a novel D. a film review 解析: 36.细节理解题。根据题的要求 The Methods and Madness Inside Room 56是谁写的,及第三本书可知作者是 Rafe Esqui

44、th。故选 A.。 37.细节理解题。根据第二本书 The author also tells us proper and useful ways to protect our world.的理解,故选 C。 38.细节理解题。根据对文中第一本书 By writing letters to each other for more than three years , Long Yingtai says she clearly understands what an 18-year-old man is like, Andreas says he knows his mother better.

45、的理解,故选 A。 39.细节理解题。根据对文中最后一本书的理解排除 ABC,故选 D。 40.细节理解题。根据对整个文章的理解分析,故选 B。 答案: 36. A 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. B C As I grow up, I gradually know that life plays a very important role in my education I really wanted to achieve. What I mean is that life can teach you things no one else can. Luckily for you

46、, its time to have lessons of life. Pay attention and you can know what I call the school of life. Use Your Head You have to be smart to survive (生存 ) in this world. Anytime you need to make a move, stop and think. Obviously there will be times when you need to take action first, but if youve been t

47、aking the time to plan, youll always make the right choice. Fail to plan, plan to fail. Set Your Goals In my team, if you dont finish the job well, we will fire you. Your goals should be on building a basic of solid and complete work. Make certain a list of what you have to do and start with the biggest and most difficult task. The key here is goals. Respect Your Superiors (上级 ) Your boss is in his position for a reason, no matter what you think of him. If hes not the best one, be pat


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