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1、英汉翻译教程自考真题 2011 年 04 月及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BA(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.A nations greatest wealth is the industry of its people. _ A.一个国家最大的财富就是民族工业。 B.一个国家最大的财富就是人民的勤劳。 C.一个民族最大的财富就是人民的工业。 D.一个民族最大的财富就是民众的兴旺。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.2.Scientists are confident about the formation of coal,

2、but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. _ A.科学家们确实知道煤是怎样形成的,但要是问他们石油是怎样形成的,他们似乎就不那么有把握了。 B.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油的形成时,他们好像没有那么确信。 C.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么确信了。 D.科学家们确实知道煤的形成,但要是问他们石油的形成时,似乎就不那么有把握了。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.3.I wasnt their enemy, in fact or in feeling. I was their a

3、lly. _ A.在事实上或感情上,我不是他们的敌人。我是他们的盟友。 B.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或感情上。我是他们的盟友。 C.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或者在感情上,而是他们的盟友。 D.无论在事实上,还是在感情上,我都不是他们的敌人,而是他们的盟友。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.4.His preoccupation with business left him little time for his family. _ A.他全神贯注于事业,为他的家庭留下了很少的时间。 B.他对事业的全神贯注留给他的家庭的时间就很少。 C.他对事业全神贯注。他能与家人共度的时间就很少。 D.他

4、全神贯注于事业,因而能与家人共度的时间就很少。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.5.A jeep, full, sped past, drenching me in spray. _ A.一辆吉普车载满了人,速度很快,溅了我一身水。 B.一辆载满了人、速度很快的吉普车溅了我一身水。 C.一辆载满了人的吉普车疾驶而过,溅了我一身水。 D.一辆吉普车溅了我一身水。它载满了人,疾驶而过。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.6.惟有相互了解,国与国才能增进信任,加强合作。_ A.Without mutual understanding, it is impossible for countries to

5、 build trust and promote cooperation with one another. B.It is mutual understanding which makes it possible for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with one another. C.Only mutual understanding can be one way for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with one another. D.Mutua

6、l understanding is one way only for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with one another.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.7.这 20 年间,世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。时而波澜壮阔,令人振奋;时而风雨如磐,惊心动魄。_ A.Over the past 20 years, the world has changed greatly. It is sometimes sweeping and inspiring and it is sometimes stormy and disqu

7、ieting. B.Over the past 20 years, the world has witnessed great changes which are sweeping and inspiring at times and stormy and disquieting at others. C.Over the last 20 years, the world has changed greatly, sometimes sweepingly and inspiringly and sometimes stormily and disquietingly. D.Over the l

8、ast 20 years, the world has witnessed great changes, at times sweepingly and inspiringly and at others stormily and disquietingly.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.8.对发展中国家而言,首先要摆脱贫穷。要摆脱贫穷,就要找出一条比较快的发展道路。_ A.For developing nations, first of all, they will throw off poverty. To throw it off, they have to find a way t

9、o develop fairly rapidly. B.To developing nations, first of all, they will throw off poverty. To throw it off, a way has to be found to develop fairly rapidly. C.For developing nations, the first thing is to throw off poverty. To do that, they have to find a way to develop fairly rapidly. D.To devel

10、oping nations, the first thing is to throw off poverty. To do that, a way has to be found to develop fairly rapidly.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.9.他睡得很死,连打雷都没有把他惊醒。_ A.He slept like a log and was not even awoken by the thunder. B.He slept like a log and was not even awakened up by the thunder. C.He slept like a

11、 log and was even not awoken up by the thunder. D.He slept like a log and was even not awakened by the thunder.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.10.这支歌唱遍了神州大地,唱过了 50 年悠悠岁月,余音袅袅,一曲难忘。_ A.This song has been singing all over China for 50 long years. The melody still lingers in the air. B.This song has been sung all ove

12、r China for 50 long years. The melody still lingers in the air. C.This song has been singing all over China for 50 long years, the voice of which cannot yet be forgotten. D.This song has been sung all over China for 50 1ong years, the voice of which cannot yet be forgotten.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.三、BB(总题数:

13、5,分数:10.00)11.针对鲁迅提出的“宁信而不顺”的主张,瞿秋白提出_ A.“宁顺而不信” B.“信”和“顺”不应对立起来 C.要容忍“多少的不顺” D.要保存原作的丰姿(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.12.王佐良认为译者在处理个别的词时,他面对的是_。 A.两种语言 B.两种文体 C.两大片文化 D.两套语法体系(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.13._于 1790 年提出了著名的翻译三原则。 A.泰特勒 B.费道罗夫 C.哲罗姆 D.西塞罗(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.14.傅雷认为翻译重在_。 A.理论 B.实践 C.创新 D.观察(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.15.代词

14、在英语和汉语里都经常使用,但总的说来,_。 A.英语代词用得多,汉语代词用得少 B.英语代词用得多,汉语代词也用得多 C.汉语代词用得多,英语代词用得少 D.汉语代词用得少,英语代词也用得少(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D.四、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、BA(总题数:10,分数:10.00)16.appreciation dinner(分数:1.00)_17.birth defect(分数:1.00)_18.applied entomology(分数:1.00)_19.member state(分数:1.00)_20.maternity hospital(分数:1.00)_21.ov

15、er-the-counter medicine(分数:1.00)_22.green belt(分数:1.00)_23.inland waters(分数:1.00)_24.room temperature(分数:1.00)_25.debt chain(分数:1.00)_六、BB(总题数:10,分数:10.00)26.中低纬度(分数:1.00)_27.双向贸易(分数:1.00)_28.噪音污染(分数:1.00)_29.版权保护(分数:1.00)_30.客串演出(分数:1.00)_31.福利基金(分数:1.00)_32.社会保障(分数:1.00)_33.国际竞争力(分数:1.00)_34.候机室(分

16、数:1.00)_35.防火墙(分数:1.00)_七、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)八、BA(总题数:5,分数:10.00)36.原文:When the girl saw the thief, her otherwise attractive face turned sour, violently so. 译文:那姑娘一看见小偷,她那在其他情况下还挺妩媚的面孔突然变色,变得怒气冲冲。(分数:2.00)_37.原文:No household can get on without water. 译文:没有家庭可以没有水而继续生活。(分数:2.00)_38.原文:The lawyer will ta

17、ke the cases of the poor for nothing. 译文:这位律师无缘无故地受理穷人的案件。(分数:2.00)_39.原文:I believe the Beijing Municipal Government has recognized the problem and the twelfth Five-Year Plan will address it effectively. 译文:我相信北京市政府已认识到了这个问题,在第十二个五年计划中将有效地提出这一问题。(分数:2.00)_40.原文:Both parties shall comply with the pro

18、visions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the Peoples Republic of China. 译文:合约双方将遵守中华人民共和国法律、法令和有关条例规定。(分数:2.00)_九、BB(总题数:5,分数:10.00)41.原文:大凡远方对我们都具有诱惑力,不是由于它的传说,就是由于它的美景。 译文:A faraway land always poses as a temptation that lures not with its legends but with its beautiful scenes.(分数

19、:2.00)_42.原文:钻石湖风景秀丽,是这个城市的几大景点之一。 译文:The Diamond Lake, noting for its beautiful scenery, is one of the major scenic spots of the city.(分数:2.00)_43.原文:他说:“我不是文学家,不属于任何派别,所以我不受限制。” 译文:He said, “I am not aman of letters , either do I belong to any particular school. Thus I am not restricted in any way

20、.“(分数:2.00)_44.原文:微笑永远是微笑者个人的“专利”,它不能租,又不能买。 译文:Smile is always a “patent“ of its owner, it can neither be rented nor bought.(分数:2.00)_45.原文:中国海域有丰富的海水资源和海洋可再生能源。 译文:Chinas sea territory abounds in seawater resources and re-generable marine energy resources.(分数:2.00)_十、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十一、BA(总题数:1,分数

21、:15.00)46.Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals, and they characterize all the Industrial Revolution. One is that the men who made the revolution were practical men. Like Brindley, they often had little education, and in fact school education as it then was could

22、 only dull an inventive mind. The other outstanding feature is that the new inventions were for everyday use. The canals were arteries of communication: They were not made to carry pleasure boats, but barges. And the barges were not made to carry luxuries, but pots and pans and bales of cloth, boxes

23、 of ribbon, and all the common things that people buy by the penny worth.(分数:15.00)_十二、BB(总题数:1,分数:15.00)47.不久前,我在上海展览馆看了一场特别的服装表演。“模特儿”都已人到中年甚至老年,从 42 岁直至74 岁。她们穿着自己设计裁剪的服装,随着迪斯科音乐,迈着没有经过训练的朴素的步子,面带羞怯而勇敢的微笑,走在长长的红色地毯上。她们逐渐镇定下来,有了自信,脚步渐渐合拍,并开始注意面对观众。(分数:15.00)_英汉翻译教程自考真题 2011 年 04 月答案解析(总分:100.00,做题

24、时间:90 分钟)一、B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、BA(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.A nations greatest wealth is the industry of its people. _ A.一个国家最大的财富就是民族工业。 B.一个国家最大的财富就是人民的勤劳。 C.一个民族最大的财富就是人民的工业。 D.一个民族最大的财富就是民众的兴旺。(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 本题关键是对 industry 翻译。industry 不光含有工业,产业的意思,它还可以表示勤奋。因此 the industry of its people 显然不是民族工业的

25、意思,我们应取其“勤奋”的意思,译为人民的勤劳。答案为 B。2.Scientists are confident about the formation of coal, but they do not seem so sure when asked about oil. _ A.科学家们确实知道煤是怎样形成的,但要是问他们石油是怎样形成的,他们似乎就不那么有把握了。 B.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油的形成时,他们好像没有那么确信。 C.科学家们对煤的形成非常有信心,但是当被问到石油是怎样形成的,似乎就不那么确信了。 D.科学家们确实知道煤的形成,但要是问他们石油的形成时,似

26、乎就不那么有把握了。(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 本题的关键是对前半个句子的翻译。be confident about 表示对有自信的,一般用来修饰人或事。然而本句中涉及到的是“煤”,如果还是翻译为“有信心”,有些不合逻辑,可以意译为“确信”,由此可以排除 BC 项。D 项中将 be confident about 译为了“知道”,意思和原来发生了变化。答案为 A。3.I wasnt their enemy, in fact or in feeling. I was their ally. _ A.在事实上或感情上,我不是他们的敌人。我是他们的盟友。 B.我不是他们的敌人,在

27、事实上或感情上。我是他们的盟友。 C.我不是他们的敌人,在事实上或者在感情上,而是他们的盟友。 D.无论在事实上,还是在感情上,我都不是他们的敌人,而是他们的盟友。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 本题主要考查语句的通顺。B 和 C 项按照原句的顺序翻译,显得很拗口,意思上也有些混乱。D 项选用了关联词语,使句子显得通顺简洁。答案为 D。4.His preoccupation with business left him little time for his family. _ A.他全神贯注于事业,为他的家庭留下了很少的时间。 B.他对事业的全神贯注留给他的家庭的时间就很少。

28、 C.他对事业全神贯注。他能与家人共度的时间就很少。 D.他全神贯注于事业,因而能与家人共度的时间就很少。(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 本题关键是对 left him little time for his family 的翻译的考查。A 项和 B 项按照字面意思翻译,虽然意思正确,但是显得较为生硬。C 项中前后两个句子主语一样,但是没有省略,使得句子有些重复。答案为 D。5.A jeep, full, sped past, drenching me in spray. _ A.一辆吉普车载满了人,速度很快,溅了我一身水。 B.一辆载满了人、速度很快的吉普车溅了我一身水。 C

29、.一辆载满了人的吉普车疾驶而过,溅了我一身水。 D.一辆吉普车溅了我一身水。它载满了人,疾驶而过。(分数:2.00)A.B.C. D.解析:解析 原句中 full 是用来修饰 jeep 的定语,因此翻译时应译为“载满人的吉普车”,可以排除AD。原句的真正谓语是 sped(speed 的过去式),所以 B 项中将“sped fast(速度很快)”译成了主语的定语,就不合适了。答案为 C。6.惟有相互了解,国与国才能增进信任,加强合作。_ A.Without mutual understanding, it is impossible for countries to build trust an

30、d promote cooperation with one another. B.It is mutual understanding which makes it possible for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with one another. C.Only mutual understanding can be one way for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with one another. D.Mutual understanding

31、 is one way only for countries to build trust and promote cooperation with one another.(分数:2.00)A. B.C.D.解析:解析 B 项中选用了强调句来突出“惟有相互了解”,但是强调句的句型是 It is.that/who.,不可以用 which,因此 B 项错误。D 项中 only 的位置有错。A 项采用了双重否定的句式表达,而且 It is.形式主语的句子避免了头重脚轻的现象,比 C 项更为简洁清晰。答案为 A。7.这 20 年间,世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。时而波澜壮阔,令人振奋;时而风雨如磐,惊心

32、动魄。_ A.Over the past 20 years, the world has changed greatly. It is sometimes sweeping and inspiring and it is sometimes stormy and disquieting. B.Over the past 20 years, the world has witnessed great changes which are sweeping and inspiring at times and stormy and disquieting at others. C.Over the

33、last 20 years, the world has changed greatly, sometimes sweepingly and inspiringly and sometimes stormily and disquietingly. D.Over the last 20 years, the world has witnessed great changes, at times sweepingly and inspiringly and at others stormily and disquietingly.(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 witnessed

34、 the great changes 与 has changed greatly 相比,显得更加正式和生动,因此可以排除 AC。D 项中 at times 和 at other 的位置有误。答案为 B。8.对发展中国家而言,首先要摆脱贫穷。要摆脱贫穷,就要找出一条比较快的发展道路。_ A.For developing nations, first of all, they will throw off poverty. To throw it off, they have to find a way to develop fairly rapidly. B.To developing nati

35、ons, first of all, they will throw off poverty. To throw it off, a way has to be found to develop fairly rapidly. C.For developing nations, the first thing is to throw off poverty. To do that, they have to find a way to develop fairly rapidly. D.To developing nations, the first thing is to throw off

36、 poverty. To do that, a way has to be found to develop fairly rapidly.(分数:2.00)A.B.C. D.解析:解析 AB 项中运用了将来时态,与中文句子的时态不符合。D 项中前面句子的主语为 developing nations,前后两个句子应保持主语一致,可是后面的句子主语则变成了 a way,不符合原中文句子的意思。答案为 C。9.他睡得很死,连打雷都没有把他惊醒。_ A.He slept like a log and was not even awoken by the thunder. B.He slept lik

37、e a log and was not even awakened up by the thunder. C.He slept like a log and was even not awoken up by the thunder. D.He slept like a log and was even not awakened by the thunder.(分数:2.00)A.B.C.D. 解析:解析 even 做副词使用,表示甚至,连都,遇到否定词时,放在否定词的前面,因此 AB 错误。awake 是不及物动词,不与 up 连用,C 项错误。答案为 D。10.这支歌唱遍了神州大地,唱过了

38、 50 年悠悠岁月,余音袅袅,一曲难忘。_ A.This song has been singing all over China for 50 long years. The melody still lingers in the air. B.This song has been sung all over China for 50 long years. The melody still lingers in the air. C.This song has been singing all over China for 50 long years, the voice of which

39、 cannot yet be forgotten. D.This song has been sung all over China for 50 1ong years, the voice of which cannot yet be forgotten.(分数:2.00)A.B. C.D.解析:解析 for+一段时间出现时,句子一般为完成时态,不是进行时态,因此 AC 错误。melody 指悦耳的音调,可以突出“袅袅的余音”的效果,而 voice 就是指平常的声音,没有好听的意思。答案为 B。三、BB(总题数:5,分数:10.00)11.针对鲁迅提出的“宁信而不顺”的主张,瞿秋白提出_ A.“宁顺而不信” B.


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