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1、英汉翻译教程自考题模拟 17 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、PART ONE(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、ADirections: This p(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.Chou En-lai was a quiet and thoughtful man, even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors._(分数:2.00)A.周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,在招呼他们时,甚至还有些腼腆。B.周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,因为招呼他们,甚至还有些腼腆。C.周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,由于招呼他们,甚至还有些腼腆。D.周

2、恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,作为招呼他们,甚至还有些腼腆。2.The universities also took little interest in modem or scientific studies; and they were closed to those who did not conform to the Church of England._(分数:2.00)A.大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;这两所大学还离不信奉英国国教的人 很近。B.大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;这两所大学还把不信奉英国国教的人关 在门外。C.大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;这些学

3、科还把不信奉英国国教的人关在 门外。D.大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;这两所大学还把不符合英国教堂的人关 在门外。3.Last summer, people stayed in those roomsthis was a summer resort._(分数:2.00)A.上一个夏天,那所房子还有人住过。这是一个避暑胜地。B.最后一个夏天,那所房子还有人住过。这是一个避暑胜地。C.前一个夏天,那所房子还有人住过。这是一个避暑胜地。D.去年夏天,那所房子还有人住过。这是一个避暑胜地。4.In short, China has improved the economic well-bei

4、ng of its people._(分数:2.00)A.在很短的范围内,中国提高了人民生活水平。B.简短地说,中国提高了人民生活水平。C.总之,中国提高了人民生活水平。D.在短期范围内,中国提高了人民生活水平。5.For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home._(分数:2.00)A.对我们英国来说,参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。B.对我们英国来说,参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历将这一点带回家。C.对我们英国来说,

5、欧盟和世界贸易组织的会员身份将这一点带回家。D.对他们英国来说,参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。6.从 1929 年到 1948 年这 20 年中间,我写得快,也写得多。_(分数:2.00)A.In the middle of the 20 years from 1929 to 1948. I wrote very quickly and wrote a great deal.B.Among the 20 years from 1929 to 1948. I wrote very quickly and wrote a great deal.C.In the middle

6、of the 20 years from 1929 to 1948, I wrote very quickly, wrote a great deal.D.In the 20 years between 1929 and 1948, I wrote very quickly and wrote a great deal.7.五四运动的杰出的历史意义,在于它带着为辛亥革命还不曾有的姿态。_(分数:2.00)A.The outstanding historical significance of the May 4th Movement is to be seen in a feature whi

7、ch was absent from the Revolution of 1911.B.The outstanding historical means of the May 4th Movement is to be seen in a feature which was absent from the Revolution of 1911.C.The outstanding historical significance of the May 4th Movement is to be seen in a gesture which was absent from the Revoluti

8、on of 1911.D.The outstanding historical means of the May 4th Movement is to be seen in a gesture which was absent from the Revolution of 1911.8.我国的对外政策,是以和平为宗旨的。_(分数:2.00)A.China“s foreign policy is peaceful-oriented.B.China“s foreign policy is peace-oriented.C.China“s foreign policy is peaceful-ori

9、enting.D.China“s foreign policy is peace-orienting.9.它的弱点,就在只限于知识分子。_(分数:2.00)A.Its shortcoming was that it was confined to the intellectuals.B.Its shortcoming was that it was confined with the intellectuals.C.1ts shortcoming was that it was confined in the intellectuals.D.Its shortcoming was that i

10、t was confined within the intellectuals.10.这样的速度与过去 46 年年均递增 3.1%相比,是比较低的。_(分数:2.00)A.Compared to the annual average increase rate of 3.1 percent of the per unit area yield in the passed 46 years, this is fairly low.B.Comparing to the annual average increase rate of 3.1 percent of the per unit area

11、yield in the past 46 years, this is fairly low.C.Comparing to the annual average increase rate of 3.1 percent of the per unit area yield in the passed 46 years, this is fairly low.D.Compared to the annual average increase rate of 3.1 percent of the per unit area yield in the past 46 years, this is f

12、airly low.三、BDirections: This p(总题数:5,分数:10.00)11.以下说法正确的是_(分数:2.00)A.英语重形合,汉语重意合B.英语重意合,汉语重形合C.英语和汉语都重意和D.英语和汉语都重形和12.下列哪一位强调翻译时“应该更富有创造性”_(分数:2.00)A.杨宪益B.王佐良C.戴乃迭D.瞿秋白13.选项中关于王佐良教授的观点,哪一项是正确的_(分数:2.00)A.原作是细致说理的,译文发挥想象B.原作富于想象,译文应细致说理C.译者的任务在于再现原作的面貌和精神D.一篇文章的风格是外加的、美化的成分14.下列关于科技英语的说法正确的是_(分数:2.0

13、0)A.科技文章不属于严肃的书面语体B.科技文一般崇尚文采C.科学叙述要按时间顺序精确地表达出概念的复杂体系D.科技英语要求叙述开门见山,简短明快,使读者立即抓住问题的重点15.需要对某事发表评论或表明态度时,英语的语序和汉语不同,以下说法正确的是_(分数:2.00)A.英语是先表态或先评论,然后再说有关的事情或情况B.英语是先评论或先表态,然后再说有关的事情或情况C.英语是先说有关的事情或情况,后表态,然后再评论D.汉语评论或表态性的话往往是放在句子的最前四、PART TWO(总题数:0,分数:0.00)A16.level voice (分数:1.00)_17.pottery industr

14、y (分数:1.00)_18.ghost town (分数:1.00)_19.emerging market (分数:1.00)_20.rainy season (分数:1.00)_21.hunt up pedigree (分数:1.00)_22.range of mountains (分数:1.00)_23.vegetable oil (分数:1.00)_24.environmental statutes (分数:1.00)_25.distinguished guests (分数:1.00)_六、BDirections: Put th(总题数:10,分数:10.00)26.社会进步 (分数:

15、1.00)_27.小资产阶级 (分数:1.00)_28.历史遗迹 (分数:1.00)_29.畜产品 (分数:1.00)_30.井蛙 (分数:1.00)_31.小叔子 (分数:1.00)_32.旧社会 (分数:1.00)_33.滩涂 (分数:1.00)_34.注册资本 (分数:1.00)_35.区域自治 (分数:1.00)_八、ADirections: Each o(总题数:5,分数:10.00)36.原文:Western cities flourished as centres for the slaughter and dressing of meat. 译文:西部的城市因成了屠宰业和装扮肉

16、类的中心而繁荣起来。 (分数:2.00)_37.原文:I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers. 译文:我还记得小时候各种小草和隐蔽的小花的名字。 (分数:2.00)_38.原文:Countless homes are still illuminated with oil-burning lamps. 译文:现在没有家庭仍在用油灯照明。 (分数:2.00)_39.原文:Such issues as clean air, pure water and freedom from noise pollution were

17、 not important public concerns. 译文:诸如空气清新、水质洁净、自由的噪声污染都不是公众关注的重要问题。 (分数:2.00)_40.原文:Can two nations surmount and indeed draw upon these differences to build an unprecedented and distinctive relationship in world affairs? 译文:这两个国家是否能够超越这些差异并吸引它在世界事务中建立一种前所未有的、独具特色的关系? (分数:2.00)_九、BDirections: Each o(

18、总题数:5,分数:10.00)41.原文:五四运动是在当时世界革命号召之下,是在俄国革命号召之下,是在列宁号召之下发生的。 译文:The May 4th Movement came as being at the call of the world revolution, of the Russian Revolution and of Lenin. (分数:2.00)_42.原文:我国先秦思想家就提出了“亲仁善邻,国之宝也”的思想。 译文:Chinese thinkers of the pre-Qin days advance the doctrine “loving people and

19、treating neighbours kindly are most valuable to a country“. (分数:2.00)_43.原文:目前,中国同一类型地区粮食单产水平悬殊,高的每公顷 750015000 公斤,低的只有30005000 公斤。 译文:At present, the per unit area yield of grain varies widely in the same districts, the highest yield being 7,500 g to 15,000 g hectare, and the lowest 3,000 g to 5,00

20、0 g. (分数:2.00)_44.原文:他在国内旅游过的地方,除了井冈山以外,都是我没有到过的! 译文:In China, he has been to many places which I have never visited, but the exception of Jinggang Mountains. (分数:2.00)_45.原文:罗马时建在七山之上的城市,拥有大小 500 座教堂,我几乎都去过了。 译文:Rome was located on seven hills with 500 churches, big and small, I visited nearly all

21、of them. (分数:2.00)_十一、ADirections: Transl(总题数:1,分数:15.00)46.Two things are outstanding in the creation of the English system of canals, and they characterise all the Industrial Revolution. One is that the men who made the revolution were practical men. Like Brindley, they often had little education,

22、 and in fact school education as it then was could only dull an inventive mind. (分数:15.00)_十二、BDirections: Transl(总题数:1,分数:15.00)47.腊月二十三灶王爷上天,后台封上戏箱,要等年初一开戏。封箱回戏,等于演员们封嘴,大家可苦了,各自找生活的路子,我们女孩儿就做点女孩子能做的活,我同几个女孩子去东亚毛纺织厂当小工,分线头、扫地等干点杂活。 (分数:15.00)_英汉翻译教程自考题模拟 17 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、PART ONE(总题数:

23、0,分数:0.00)二、ADirections: This p(总题数:10,分数:20.00)1.Chou En-lai was a quiet and thoughtful man, even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors._(分数:2.00)A.周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,在招呼他们时,甚至还有些腼腆。 B.周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,因为招呼他们,甚至还有些腼腆。C.周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,由于招呼他们,甚至还有些腼腆。D.周恩来举止优雅,待人体贴,作为招呼他们,甚至还有些腼腆。解析:解析 这一题考查的是 as 的意思,as 在引导从句

24、时有不同的意思,在这句话中指“当时”。2.The universities also took little interest in modem or scientific studies; and they were closed to those who did not conform to the Church of England._(分数:2.00)A.大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;这两所大学还离不信奉英国国教的人 很近。B.大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;这两所大学还把不信奉英国国教的人关 在门外。 C.大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;这些学科还把不信奉英

25、国国教的人关在 门外。D.大学对现代的或科学的学科也不怎么感兴趣;这两所大学还把不符合英国教堂的人关 在门外。解析:解析 这一题注意四点:be close to 是离很近,而原文是 be closed to 将拒之门外;后半句中的 they 指代的是 the universities;Church of England 指英国国教,因而前面的 conform to也相应地译作“信奉”。3.Last summer, people stayed in those roomsthis was a summer resort._(分数:2.00)A.上一个夏天,那所房子还有人住过。这是一个避暑胜地。B

26、.最后一个夏天,那所房子还有人住过。这是一个避暑胜地。C.前一个夏天,那所房子还有人住过。这是一个避暑胜地。D.去年夏天,那所房子还有人住过。这是一个避暑胜地。 解析:解析 这一题考查 last 的译法,只有“去年夏天”最符合表达习惯。4.In short, China has improved the economic well-being of its people._(分数:2.00)A.在很短的范围内,中国提高了人民生活水平。B.简短地说,中国提高了人民生活水平。C.总之,中国提高了人民生活水平。 D.在短期范围内,中国提高了人民生活水平。解析:解析 这一题考查 in short 这一

27、短语,意思是“总之”。5.For Britain our membership of the European Union and the World Trade Organization has brought this home._(分数:2.00)A.对我们英国来说,参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。 B.对我们英国来说,参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历将这一点带回家。C.对我们英国来说,欧盟和世界贸易组织的会员身份将这一点带回家。D.对他们英国来说,参加欧盟和世界贸易组织的经历使我们对这一点深有感触。解析:解析 需要注意这一题的视角,Britain 就是“我们”;brin

28、g home 是一个习语,意思是 cause to realize fully。6.从 1929 年到 1948 年这 20 年中间,我写得快,也写得多。_(分数:2.00)A.In the middle of the 20 years from 1929 to 1948. I wrote very quickly and wrote a great deal.B.Among the 20 years from 1929 to 1948. I wrote very quickly and wrote a great deal.C.In the middle of the 20 years fr

29、om 1929 to 1948, I wrote very quickly, wrote a great deal.D.In the 20 years between 1929 and 1948, I wrote very quickly and wrote a great deal. 解析:解析 从(时间)到(时间)中间,指的实际上是“期间”,并不是方位或方向上的中间,A,B 不正确;后半句两个动词间应有连词,C 不正确;故选 D。7.五四运动的杰出的历史意义,在于它带着为辛亥革命还不曾有的姿态。_(分数:2.00)A.The outstanding historical significa

30、nce of the May 4th Movement is to be seen in a feature which was absent from the Revolution of 1911. B.The outstanding historical means of the May 4th Movement is to be seen in a feature which was absent from the Revolution of 1911.C.The outstanding historical significance of the May 4th Movement is

31、 to be seen in a gesture which was absent from the Revolution of 1911.D.The outstanding historical means of the May 4th Movement is to be seen in a gesture which was absent from the Revolution of 1911.解析:解析 这一题考查词义的正确理解,“意义”所指为“重要性”,means 一词的意思是“手段,方法,财产”;“姿态”的内在含义是“特点”,gesture 是动作上的姿势,用在这里便不合适了。8.我

32、国的对外政策,是以和平为宗旨的。_(分数:2.00)A.China“s foreign policy is peaceful-oriented.B.China“s foreign policy is peace-oriented. C.China“s foreign policy is peaceful-orienting.D.China“s foreign policy is peace-orienting.解析:解析 “以和平为宗旨的”正确表达为 peace-oriented。9.它的弱点,就在只限于知识分子。_(分数:2.00)A.Its shortcoming was that it

33、was confined to the intellectuals. B.Its shortcoming was that it was confined with the intellectuals.C.1ts shortcoming was that it was confined in the intellectuals.D.Its shortcoming was that it was confined within the intellectuals.解析:解析 be confined to 是固定搭配,“局限于,限制在”的意思。10.这样的速度与过去 46 年年均递增 3.1%相比

34、,是比较低的。_(分数:2.00)A.Compared to the annual average increase rate of 3.1 percent of the per unit area yield in the passed 46 years, this is fairly low.B.Comparing to the annual average increase rate of 3.1 percent of the per unit area yield in the past 46 years, this is fairly low.C.Comparing to the a

35、nnual average increase rate of 3.1 percent of the per unit area yield in the passed 46 years, this is fairly low.D.Compared to the annual average increase rate of 3.1 percent of the per unit area yield in the past 46 years, this is fairly low. 解析:解析 这一题考查两点,后半句 this 与 compared 的关系是被动,所以应该用过去分词;要区分pa

36、ss 和 past,past 是副词,pass 是动词。三、BDirections: This p(总题数:5,分数:10.00)11.以下说法正确的是_(分数:2.00)A.英语重形合,汉语重意合 B.英语重意合,汉语重形合C.英语和汉语都重意和D.英语和汉语都重形和解析:解析 就句子内部而言,英语重形合,句内各成分联系紧密;汉语重意合,结构松散,更多依赖句内各成分的顺序。12.下列哪一位强调翻译时“应该更富有创造性”_(分数:2.00)A.杨宪益B.王佐良C.戴乃迭 D.瞿秋白解析:解析 在谈及是否认为译者应改写原文时,戴乃迭答道:“应该更富有创造性。”13.选项中关于王佐良教授的观点,哪

37、一项是正确的_(分数:2.00)A.原作是细致说理的,译文发挥想象B.原作富于想象,译文应细致说理C.译者的任务在于再现原作的面貌和精神 D.一篇文章的风格是外加的、美化的成分解析:解析 译者的任务在于再现原作的面貌和精神:原作是细致说理的,译文也细致说理;原作是高举想象之翼的,译文也高举想象之翼,C 正确;一篇文章的风格只是作者为表达特定内容而运用语言的个人方式,它与内容是血肉一体,而不是美化的、外加的成分,D 不正确。14.下列关于科技英语的说法正确的是_(分数:2.00)A.科技文章不属于严肃的书面语体B.科技文一般崇尚文采C.科学叙述要按时间顺序精确地表达出概念的复杂体系D.科技英语要

38、求叙述开门见山,简短明快,使读者立即抓住问题的重点 解析:解析 科技文章属于严肃的书面体,一般崇尚严谨周密,要求行文简练,语法正确,重点突出,科学叙述要按逻辑顺序精确地表达出概念的复杂体系。故 A,B,C 不正确,选 D。15.需要对某事发表评论或表明态度时,英语的语序和汉语不同,以下说法正确的是_(分数:2.00)A.英语是先表态或先评论,然后再说有关的事情或情况B.英语是先评论或先表态,然后再说有关的事情或情况 C.英语是先说有关的事情或情况,后表态,然后再评论D.汉语评论或表态性的话往往是放在句子的最前解析:解析 英语是先评论,或先表态,然后再说有关的事情或情况;汉语则相反,评论或表态性的话往往是放在句子的最后。四、PART TWO(总题数:0,分数:0.00)A16.level voice (分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:平稳的语调17.pottery industry (分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:陶瓷工业18.ghost town (分数:1.00)_正确答案:()解析:鬼镇/废弃的城市19.emerging market (分数:1.00)_


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