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1、 2016 年江苏省泰州市中考真题英语 第一部分选择题 (共 60 分 ) 一、 单项选择从下列每题所给的选项中 . 选择一个最佳答案。 (15 分 1. When leaders of Chinese mainland( 大陆 ) and Taiwan met in Singapore for _ first time since 1949. President Xi said, Today will be remembered in history. A. the; the B. the;/ C. /; / D. /; the 解析: 考查冠词的用法。 句意:当中国大陆和台湾领导人自从 1

2、949 年来第一次在新加坡会面时,习近平总书记说:“历史会记住今天的”。定冠词 the 用在序数词,形容词最高级和表示方位的名词前。 first 是序数词所以前面加 定冠词 the; in history 在历史上,固定结构,故选 B。 答案: B 2. -What _ will you get after winning the competition in the programme Stay to the end ( 一站到底 ) ? -A free trip to Bali Island. A. award B. attention C. advice D. ability 解析: 考

3、查名词辨析。 句意:在节目 一站到底 赢了比赛后你会获得什么奖品? -(可以获得)一次去巴厘岛的免费旅行。 A. award 奖品,奖项; B. attention 注意; C. advice 建议;D. ability 能力。结合句意,故选 A。 答案: A 3. Simon used to be _, but now he takes part in different activities and has made many new friends. A. honest B. lively C. active D. quiet 解析: 考查形容词辨析。 句意 :西蒙以前很文静,但是现在他

4、参加不同的活动并且交了许多新朋友。 A. honest 诚实; B. lively 活泼的,热闹的; C. active 积极的; D. quiet 安静的。 used to 表示过去的情况现在已经变了,根据后文的转折,故选 D。 答案: D 4. Lunar Probe( 月球探测器 ) Change-5_ into space this year. It will land on the moon and return with lunar samples(样品 ). A. sends B. will be sent C. will send D. is sent 解析: 考查 动词的时态

5、及 语态。 句意:月球探测器嫦娥 5 号将在今年被发送到太空。它将在月球着陆,并带样品回来。根据主语和谓语动词之间是动宾关系,所以用被动结构 be done;根据时间可知用一般将来时态, 结合句意,故选 B。 答案: B 5. - -Could I smoke here? - Sorry. I am afraid you _. Look at the sign No smoking! A. couldnt B. neednt C. cant D. wont 解析: 考查情态动词的用法。 句意: -我可以在这里吸烟吗? -对不起,恐怕你不能。请看标语“禁止吸烟” A couldnt 不能, 表示

6、过去不能; B. neednt 不必,不要; C. cant 不能;D. wont 将来时态的否定句。上句中的 could 表示 委婉语气,不是代表过去时态,回答时用can,根据句意,可知是否定回答,故选 C。 答案: C 6. Firemen in Jingjiang together with those from other areas, successfully_the big fire after sixteen hours hard work. A. put in B. put through C. put up D. put out 解析: 考查动词短语的用法。 句意:在靖江的消

7、防员和这些来自其他地区的消防员在十六个小时的努力工作后一起成功的扑灭了了这场大火。 A. put in 放入; B. put through 接通; C. put up 举起; D. put out 熄灭。结合句意,故选 D。 答案: D 7. -The service is very wonderful and the weather is quite fine. -Yes, this holiday is so great, we have never had _ before. A. the better one B. a good one C. a better one D. the

8、best one 解析: 考查比较级的用法。 句意: -服务非常周到,并且天气相当好。 -是的,这个假期如此的棒。以前我们从来没有过比 这更好的假期了。在比较句型中使用 ”never , no, nobody,nothing+better than.等表示最高级的含义。结合句意,可知这里表示类别,所以用不定冠词,故选 C。 答案: C 8. -Excuse me. wheres the meeting room? - _ . I will show you there. A. This way. please B. Thats right C. I can manage D. In your

9、dreams 解析: 考查交际 用语 。 句意: -打扰一下,请问会议室在哪里? -请走这边。我将带你去那里。 A. This way. please 这边请。 B. Thats right 那是正确的。 C. I can manage 我能对付; D. In your dreams 做梦 去吧。结合后文,故选 A。 答案: A 9. -Is there else in the classroom? - -It is empty, _ is listening to a speech in the school hall. A. anyone; Anyone B. anyone; Everyo

10、ne C. everyone; Anyone D. everyone; Everyone 解析: 考查不定代词的用法。 句意: -在教室里有人吗? -教室 是 空的,大家在学校礼堂正在听演讲。 anyone=anyone,任何人,经常用于疑问句或者否定句中 ;everyone 大家,每一个人。结合句意,故选 B。 答案: B 10. - -As a nurse, her work goes_ taking care of her patients. -Yes, she always thinks of others. A. beyond B. beside C. behind D. betwe

11、en 解析: 考查介词的用法。 句意: -作为护士,她的工作超出了照顾病人的范畴。 -是的,她总是为其他人考虑。 beyond 超过 , go beyond,超过,超出; beside 旁边; behind 在 后面; go between,作中间人。结合句意,故选 A。 答案: A 11. - -Mom, I want to watch The Legerut of Miyue (芈月传 ) on Channel 8 tonight. -Oh, dear, it _ for a few minutes. Come on! A. has begun B. will begin C. has b

12、een on D. will be on 解析: 考查现在完成时的用法。 句意: -妈妈,我想今天晚上在八频道看半月传。 -喔,亲爱的,它已经开始几分钟了,快点吧!现在完成时可以用来表示发生在过去某一时刻的,持续到现在的动作(用行为动词表示)或状态( be 动词表示)常与 for 时间段 ), since 寸间点或过去时的句子)连用现在完成时中,非延续性动词不能与 for 和 since 引导的表示一段时间的状语连用,通常是用相应的延续性动词来代替。 begin 对应的延续性 状态词是 be on c 故选 C。 答案: C 12. -Wechat (微信 ) really influence

13、s peoples life. - _ . It is easier for us to keep in touch with others. A. Mainly B. Exactly C. Simply D. Mostly 解析: 考查副词辨析。 句意: -微笑真的对人的生活有影响。 -确实。对于我们来说,和其他人保持联系更简单了。 A. Mainly 主要的; I3. Exactly 完全正确; C. Simply 简单地; D. Mostly 主要地。结合句意,故选 B。 答案: B 13. -The novel seems a little boring. -You wont enjo

14、y it_ you put your heart into it. A. when B. if C. after D. unless 解析: 考查连词的用法。 句意: -这部小说似乎有点儿无聊。 -如果你不用心读的话,你不会享受到这本书。 when,当 的时候; if 如果; after 在 之后; unless,如果不,除非。结合句意,故选 D。 答案: D 14. -Mr Ling, I have some difficulty_ the article. - Remember it three or four times at least. A. to understand; readi

15、ng B. understanding; reading C. understanding; to read D. to understand; to read 解析: 考查非谓语动词的用法。 句意: -凌先生,我在理解这篇文意时有困难。 -记住要至少读三四遍。 have difficulty doing sth, 在做某事的时候有困难; remember to do sth,记得做某事,表示该事情还没有做, remember doing sth,记得 做过某事。结合语境,故选 C。 答案: C 15. - Could you tell me _? -Every four years. The

16、 24th will take place in China in 2022. A. how long the Winter Olympic Games last B. how long do the Winter Olympic Games last C. how often are the Winter Olympic Games held D. how often the Winter Olympic Games are held 解析: 考查宾语从句的用法。 句意: -你能告诉我冬季奥运会多久举行一次吗? -每四年一次。第二十四届将在 2022年在中国举行 。 how long多长时间

17、 ; how often多久一次。根据回答可知引导词用 how often;宾语从句用陈述句语序,故选 D。 答案: D 二、完形填空阅读短文,从每题所给选项中宣传可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( 15 分) On Thursday, I dropped my kid off at school and was on my way to San Francisco. When turning a corner, I noticed an eagle which seemed to be 16 in the middle of the road. I changed my direction to

18、go round but saw it 17 in my rear-view mirror(后视镜 ). So I slowed down and turned around. He was alive! I 18 the car, went over and took him quickly back to my car. Sitting with the eagle, I spoke 19 to him. He was beautiful. His eyes were golden orange. He seemed scared 20 was not badly hurt, only h

19、is feet were curled(扭曲 ). Then I drove to a vet(兽医 ). The eagle sat on my 21 and he seemed to be improving the whole way there. We 22 twenty minutes later. When I stopped the car, the sudden movement made 23 nervous. He was looking at me 24 his mouth open wide. Therefore, we sat there and looked int

20、o each others eyes. I wanted to tell him that he was not 25 and my only wish was love. He seemed to understand and 26 on my leg. When the vet came up to the car with a 27, the eagle got frightened and flew to the back seat. Once again I 28 the amazing animals eyes and told him it was OK. I placed hi

21、m in the box. He trusted me. He didnt move wildly any more. Suddenly a feeling came over me that felt like sweet bitterness(难过 ). I was 29 to leave this bird, but I was full of joy. I think I will see those golden 30 eyes for the rest of my life. 16. pretty B. alive C. dead D. nervous 解析: 考查形容词及语境的理

22、解。 pretty 漂亮的; B. alive 活着的; C. dead 死的; D. nervous紧张的。当拐弯的时候,我注意到在路的中间有一只似乎死了的小鹰。根据后文的转折可知,故选 C。 答案: C 17. A. move B. fly C. run D. fall 解析: 考査动词及语境的理解。 A. move 移动; B. fly 飞; C. run 跑; D. fall 落下。我改变方向绕行但是从后视镜里我看到它动了。根据上下文,可知小麿此时是动了动,故选 A。 答案: A 18. A. pushed B. drove C. pulled D. stopped 解析: 考查动词及

23、语境的理解。 A. pushed 推; B. drove 驾驶; C. pulled 拉; D. stopped 停止。我停下车,走过去快速的把它带回我的车里。作者把小鹰带回车里前,要停车,故选 D。 答案: D 19. A. loudly B. gently C. quickly D. coldly 解析: 考查副词及语境的理解。 A. loudly 大声地; B. gently 轻柔地; C. quickly 快速地;D. coldly 冷淡的,不友好的。和鹰坐在一起时,我轻柔的和它说话。根据上下文,故选 B。 答案: B 20. A. but B. so C. as D. or 解析:

24、考查连词及语境的理解。 A. but 但是,表示转折关系; B. so 所以,表示结果; C. as因为,表示原因; D. or 或者,表示选择关系。 它 似乎很恐惧,但是 它 受伤不严重。根据两句之间的转折关系,故选 A。 答案: A 21. A. foot B. leg C. hand D. arm 解析: 考查名词及语境的理解。 A. foot 脚; B. leg 腿; C. hand 手; D. arm 胳膊。根据后文He seemed to understand and 26 on my leg.可知 它 坐在了我的腿上。故选 B。 答案: B 22. A. came B. left

25、 C. went D. arrived 解析: 考查动词及语境的理解。 A. came 来; B. left 离开; C. went 去; D. arrived 到达。二十分钟后我们到了。根据句意,故选 D。 答案: D 23. A. the bird B. my kid C. the vet D. my car 解析: 考查名词及语境的理解。 A. the bird 鸟; B. my kid 我的孩子; C. the vet 兽医; D.my car 我的汽车。当我停车的时候,那种突然的移动使那只鸟紧张。根据上下文,故选 A。 答案: A 24. A. through B. in C. by

26、 D. with 解析: 考查介词及语境的理解。 A. through 通过; B. in 在 里;用; C. by 通过某种手段;D. with 用,使用某种工具。 它 大张着嘴看着我。 with.+ 形容词,表示伴随的状态,故选 D。 答案: D 25. A. in use B. in place C. in danger D. in order 解析: 考查短语及语境的理解。 A.in use 在使用; B. in place 在适当的地方; C. in danger 处于危险之中; D. in order 按顺序。我想告诉 它 , 它 不是处于危险之中。根据上下文,故选 C。 答案:

27、C 26. A. stood B. relaxed C. sang D. danced 解析: 考查动词及语境的理解。 A. stood 站立; B. relaxed 方松; C. sang 唱歌; D. danced跳舞。 它 似乎理解了,站在我的腿上。根据情景,故选 A。 答案: A 27. A. book B. bag C box D. basket 解析: 考查名词及语境的理解。 A. book 书; B. bag 包; C box 盒子; D. basket 篮子。当兽医带着箱子来到汽车旁,鹰感到害怕飞到了后座。根据医生平时出诊都带药箱,故选 C。 答案: C 28. A. look

28、ed after B. looked into C. looked through D. looked up 解析: 考査动词及语境的理解。 A. looked after 照顾; B. looked into 看着 C. looked through 浏览 ; D. looked up 査阅。又一次我看着这只感到吃惊的动物的眼睛,告诉他没有事情。结合情景及句意,故选 B。 答案: B 29. A. lucky B. happy C. scared D. sad 解析: 考查形容词及语境的理解。 A. lucky 幸运的; B. happy 高兴的; C. scared 恐怖的; D. sad

29、悲伤的。离开这只鸟我感到悲伤,但是我充满了快乐。根据句意,故选 D。 答案: D 30. A. orange B. red C. blue D. black 解析: 考查形容词及语境的理解。 A.orange 橙子; B. red 红色的; C. blue 蓝色; D. black黑色。我认为我的余生将会看到这双金橙色的眼睛。 答案: A 二、 阅读理解阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 (30 分 ) A Interesting festivals in the world Throwing tomatoes-Spain( 西班牙 ) Spain takes tomatoes figh

30、ts to a whole new level. But the tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten. The festival takes place during the last Wednesday in August. Trucks (卡车 ) carry tomatoes into the square. People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd. Rolling cheese-England This festival is celebrated on the last

31、Monday in May. It takes place on Coopers Hill. A large wheel of cheese (奶酪 ) is roiled down Coopers Hill. The festival is actually a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese. The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese. Burning man-The Unit

32、ed States The Burning Man Festival lasts a week, it is from the Monday before Labor Day to Labor Day(which falls on the first Monday in September in America). The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert. The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture of a man. Pouring water-

33、Thailand The Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. Rather than a single day, Thailand celebrates the New Year from April 13th to April 15th. Thai people run after each other, pouring water. Songkran is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to the beautif

34、ul land. 31. How many festivals are mentioned in the passage? A. Ono. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four 解析: 细节理解题。根据表格中提及的四个不同国家的节日,故选 D。 答案: D 32. Where will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above in May? A. Spain. B. England. C. The United States. D. Thailand. 解析: 细节理解题。根据各个节日庆祝的时间,可知英国的滚奶酿节的

35、庆祝时间是 This festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May.和问题相符,故选 B。 答案: B 33. Which festival is held in Black Rock Desert? A. Throwing tomatoes. B. Rolling cheese. C. Burning man, D. Pouring water. 解析: 细节理解题。根据 Burning man-The United States 提及的 The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert.

36、故选 C。 答案: C 34. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The tomatoes are thrown into the crowd Io eat. B. Not all the festivals alive fall on the single day. C. Burning a large real man is the best part of the festival. D. Songkran is the only reason for attracting lots of touris

37、ts, 解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一个表格 Thailand celebrates the New Year from April 13th to April 15th. Thai people run after each 故选 B。 答案: B 35. The passage is most probably taken from _. A. a tour guide B. a science report C. a story book D. a fashion magazine 解析: 细节理解题。根据这篇短文主要介绍的是各地有趣的节日,结合选项,可知最有可能来自旅行指南。故选 A。

38、 答案: A B Emojis(表情符号) Have you found that more and more people are using emojis to communicate online? For example. Happy Birthday has become a cake with lit candles. And Im happy has become a smiling face. Emojis have been warmly welcomed since they were invented in the 1990s in Japan. According to

39、 a survey of a mobile technology company, 6 billion emojis are used in text messages around the world every day. Last year, 20 percent of all emojis used in the UK and 17 percent of those used in the US was the icon.It became the most widely-used icon in 2015. Emojis are now used as % new fo of expr

40、ession, and one which can cross language barriers(障碍 ). Emojis are popular among millennials, who were born between late 1980s and early 2000s, because they welcome new technology and new things and they think emojis are flexible(灵活的 ) and show meanings beautifully, president of Oxford Dictionaries

41、told The Wall Street Joural. Since millennials became the biggest part in the American workforce(劳动 ), emojis have been more accepted in the workplace. For many people, the tiny pictures also show that the users are part of mainstream(主流 ) society. In the digital age, emojis are how most people comm

42、unicate and show their personality many times every day. But not everyone thinks the use of emojis is a good thing. Jonathan Jones of The Guardian said that the success of emojis is a step back for humans, hurting peoples ability to use languages. There are strict limits on what you can say with pic

43、tures-the written word is necessary to express your ideas and feelings to their highest level, he said. Do you feel or about emojis? 36. What emoji is Happy Birthday according to the passage? A. B. C. D. 解析: 细节理解题。根据短文 For example. Happy Birthday has become a cake with lit candles.故选 C。 答案: C 37. Wh

44、ere were emojis invented? A. In Japan B. In China. C In the UK. D. In the US. 解析: 细节理解题。根据 Emojis have been warmly welcomed since they were invented in the 1990s in Japan.故选 A。 答案: A 38. What does the underlined word millennials in the 3rd paragraph mean in Chinese? A. 80 后 B. 00 后 C. 独生子女 D. 千禧一代 解

45、析: 词义猜测题。根据 who were born between late 1980s and early 2000s, 可知是指出生在二十世纪 y、十年 代末及二十一世纪处的人,即千禧一代,故选 D 答案: D 39. Why are emojis popular among millennials? A. Because emojis limit what they say with pictures. B. Because they think emojis are a step back for humans. C. Because 6 billion emojis are used in text messages eve day. D. Because young people are easily attracted by new technology and new things. 解析: 细节 理 解题。根据 because they welcome new technology and new things and they think


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