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1、 2015 年山东省东营市中考真题英语 一、单选题(共 20 小题) 1.Good news! Well have _ one-day holiday in order to celebrate the 70th annzversary(纪念日) of the victory in World War II. A.a B.an C.the D. 解析:冠词 。 句意:好消息!为了庆祝抗日战争胜利 70 周年,我们将有一个一天的假期。a/an 一个,是不定冠词,表示泛指,修饰可数名词单数。 an 用于元音发音开头的单词前;the 这个,表示特指。 a one-day holiday 一个一天的假

2、期,故应选 A。 答案: A 2.-When is the World Book and Copyrigh,t Day(世界读书日) ? -Its_23 April. A.in B.at C.on D.during 解析:介词介词短语 。 句意: -世界读书日是什么时候? -是在 4 月 23 日。 in 用于泛指在上午、下午或晚上;用在季节、月份、年代的前面; at 在具体的某一时刻; on 在具体某一天;或具体某一天的上午、下午或晚上; during 在 期间。 4 月 23 日是具体的一天,故选 C。 答案: C 3.We cant make a sandwich without _。

3、A.bread B.onions C.yogurt D.tomatoes 解析:名词 。 句意:没有面包我们不能制作三明治。 bread 面包; onions 洋葱; yogurt 酸奶;tomatoes 西红柿。制作三明治需要面包,其他东西都是可以不需要的。因此根据句意应该选 A。 答案: A 4.Ta_ri Apps(打车软件) can help us travel around more easily. _more and more people like using them. A.Or B.So C.And D.But 解析:连词连接词 。 句意:打车软件能帮助我们更轻松的旅行。因此

4、越来越多的人们喜欢使用它们。 Or 否则,或者; So因此,所以,表示因果关系; And 和,而且,表示并列;But 但是,表示转折。根据句意可知,第一句话是原因,第二句是结果,因此应选 B。 答案: B 5.On snowy days, a driver must drive as_as possible. A.fast B.slowly C.wisely D.carefully 解析: 副词 。 句意:在下雪天里,司机必须尽可能小心的开车。 fast 快的; slowly 慢地;wisely 明智地; carefully 仔细地。这四个选项中的词都是副词,用来修饰句中的谓语动词drive。

5、根据句意可知,下雪天,司机开车要小心,故应选 D。 答案: D 6.-Whose iPhone 6+is it? - _Im looking for it here and there. A.I B.Me C.Mine D.Myself 解析:代词不定代词 。 句意: -这是谁的苹果 6 手机? -我的,我正在到处找它呢。 I 我,人称代词主格形式; Me 我,人称代词宾格形式; Mine我的,名词性物主代词;myself 我自己,反身代词。根据句意可知, Whose是问东西是谁的,因此我们应该用物主代词来回答这个问题。 mine将相当于 My iPhone 6.故选 C。 答案: C 7.I

6、 love the air it rains because it smells fresh. A.since B.after C.before D.whenever 解析:连词连接词 。 句意:我喜欢雨后的空气,因为它闻起来非常新鲜。 since自从;after 在 之后; before在 之前; whenever 无论什么时候。这四个选项都是可以表示时间的连词,根据常识我们知道,下雨之后的空气是非常新鲜的,因此应该选 B。 答案: B 8. interesting TV program 6/Running Man is ! I watch it every week. A.How B.Wh

7、at C.What a D.What an 解析:祈使句感叹句 。 句意:奔跑吧,兄弟是多么有趣的一个电视节目啊!我每周都看。 How 多么; What 多么,他们都可以引导感叹句,句型是 What a/an +形容词 +单数可数名词或者 What +形容词 +复数名词或不可数名词; How +形容词 +a/an+单数可数名词或How+形容词或副词。根据句意可知,奔跑吧,兄弟是一个电视节目,是可数名词,空后的 Interesting 又是元音发音开头的,故应选 D。 答案: D 9.-Which way do you prefer, reading online or reading on p

8、aper? -_Sometimes I read online, sometimes I read on paper. A.Both B.None C.Either D.Neither 解析:代词不定代词 。 句意: -你更喜欢哪种方式,网上阅读还是读报纸? -两个都喜欢。有时候我在网上阅读,有时候看报纸。 Both 两者都; None一个也没有,表示三个或三个以上; Either 或者 或者 ,两者中任何一个; Neither 两者都不。根据句意可知,说话人这两种方式都喜欢。 故选 A。 答案: A 10.It is a world of flowers in spring in Dongy

9、ing. You can see flowers_ A.here B.there C.somewhere D.everywhere 解析: 考查副词。 句意:春天东营就是一个花的世界,到处你都可以看到花。 here这儿;there那儿; somewhere某个地方; everywhere每个地方,到处。根据句意可知,春天的东营是花的世界,因此处处都可以看到花,故选 D。 答案: D 11.Police: Whats in your wallet? Owner: There some money and two tickets for todays e-sports competition. A

10、.is B.was C.are D.were 解析: 考查主谓一致。 句意:警察:你的钱包里有什么?失主:里面有一些钱,还有两张今天电子运动比赛的门票。 is 是,单数形式; was 是 is 的过去式形式; are是,复数形式;were是 are的过去式。根据句意可知,这里使用的是 there be句型,表示 “有 ” ,并且这个对话用的是一般现在时态,故排除 B和 D。 there be句型中, be动词的单复数形式应根据就近原则,这里 some money 是不可数名词,因此应该用单数,故选 A。 答案: A 12.Drinking alcoh.ol ( 白酒 ) can be_ you

11、r brains. So people in China arent allowed to drink it if they are younger than 18. A.good at B.good with C.harmful to D.thirsty for 解析: 考查 词组短语 。 句意:喝白酒可能对你的大脑有害。因此在中国如果你在 18 岁以下,就不允许喝酒。 be good at 擅长做某事; be good with 对某人友好; be harmful to 对 有害; be thirsty for 渴望 。根据句意可知,喝白酒对大脑是有害的,故应选 C。 答案: C 13.-

12、_ is it from your new neighborhood to Dongying Lotus (雪莲 ) Theatre? -About twenty minutes ride. A.How far B.How long C.How much D.How soon 解析: 考查 词组短语 。 句意: -从你的新小区到雪莲剧院有多远? -骑车大约需要 20 分钟。How far 多远,提问距离; How long 多长时间,对一段时间提问; How much 多少,修饰不可数名词,提问数量;多少钱,提问价格; How soon 多快,多久。根据对话的意思和下面的回答可知这里问的是距离

13、,故选 A。 答案: A 14. It is reported that nearly foreign kids joined a British boarding school last year, and a third of them came from China. A.nine thousand B.nine thousands C.nine thousand of D.nine thousands of 解析: 考查 数词量词 。 句意:据报道去年将近九千名外国小孩参加了英国的寄宿学校,其中三分之一来自中国。 nine thousand 9 千; nine thousands 形式

14、不对, thousand 跟数词连用时,不用复数形式; nine thousand of 形式不对,不跟 of 短语; nine thousands of 形式不对。因此应选 A。 答案: A 15.-This apple watch is expensive. Do you have any ones7 -Yes, Madam. Look, this one is¥ 4188, and that one costs only¥ 2588. A.cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D.the cheapest 解析: 考查形容词。 -这个苹果手表是非常贵的,你有没有更便宜一点

15、的? -是的,夫人。 看,这块手表是 4188 元,那一块是 2588 元。 cheap 便宜的; cheaper 更便宜的,是cheap 的比较级形式; cheapest 最便宜的,是最高级形式; the cheaper 表示两个中较便宜的一个。根据句意可知,这里是把其他手表跟苹果手表相比较,说话人想要一个更便宜一点的,故应该用比较级形式,选 B。 答案: B 16.Could you please teach me _ to give out Red enve/ope(红包 ) on WeChat? Sure.Let me show you. A.how B.why C.when D.wh

16、ere 解析:句意: -请你教我怎样在微信上发红包好吗? -当然可以了,让我来告诉你。 how怎样; why 为什么; when 什么时候; where在哪里。根据句意 Let me show you 可知,对方不知道怎样发红包,因此应该选 A。 答案: A 17.Everyone should have dreams. With dreams and hard work, anything amazing can be_ A.met B.created C.expected D.practiced 解析: 考查 动词动词短语 。 句意:每个人都应该有梦想。有了梦想和努力的工作,任何奇迹都可以

17、被创造。 met 遇见,相遇; created 创造; expected 期望,期待; practiced 练习,实践。根据句意可知,有了梦想和努力的工作,一切都可以创造出来。 故应选 B。 答案: B 18.Girl: Im_ the trip which we can go whenever we want to go. Boy: Youll take me, and Ill take the money. A.taking part in B.taking care of C.looking back at D.looking forward to 解析: 考查 动词动词短语 。 句意:

18、女孩:我盼望着一次我们可以想去哪儿就去哪儿的旅行。 男孩:你可以带上我,我会带上钱。 taking part in 参加活动; taking care of 照顾;looking back at 回顾; looking forward to 盼望,期待。 根据句意可知,这个女孩盼望着一次说走就走的旅行,故应选 D。 答案: D 19.The actions and words of celebrities(名人) can have a great because many people may follow them.So they should pay more attention to t

19、heir behavior and speech. A.change B.surprise C.progress D.influence 解析: 考查 动词动词短语 。 句意:名人的行为和说过的话可能会有很大的影响,因为很多人都会效仿他们。因此他们应该更加注意他们的行为和言语。 change 变化,改变;surprise惊奇,吃惊; progress 进步; influence影响。根据句意可知,名人的行为和语言对人们是有很大的影响的,故应选 D。 答案: D 20.-Chris wants to know_truth.or dare(真心话大冒险游戏) ”at your birthday p

20、arty. -Yes.But if he doesnt like it, well play guessing games instead. A.who will play B.whether we played C.if we will play D.why we are going to play 解析: 考查 宾语从句 。 句意: -Chris 想知道在你的生日晚会上我们是否会玩真心话大冒险的游戏。 -是的,但是如果他不喜欢,我们就玩猜谜游戏。 who will play 谁会玩;whether we played 我们是否玩过; if we will play 我们是否会玩; why

21、we are going to play 我们为什么打算玩。根据句意可知,这里的事情是还没有发生的,应该用一般将来时态,而且这里宾语从句的引导词是 if 或者 whether,表示是否。 故应选 C。 答案: C 二、阅读理解(共 5 小题) 21.阅读下列短文,然后从每小题 A.B.C.D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 One day Frank was walking with his mother when they came to a pretty garden. Frank looked in, and saw that it had clean gravel

22、(碎石) walks and beautiful flowers. He called to his mother and said, 6/Mum, come and look at this pretty garden.1 wish I might open the gate, and walk in.” The gardener(园丁) heard what Frank said, and kindly invited him and his mother to come into the garden. Franks mother thanked the man.Then she sai

23、d to her son, “Frank, if I take you to walk in this garden, you must take care not to medclle(乱动 )with anything in it.” Frank walked along the tidy gravel walks, and looked at everything, but touched nothing that he saw. He did not step on any of the borders(草坪边的狭长花坛), and was careful that his cloth

24、es should not brush the tops of the flowers so that he might not break them. The gardener was much pleased(满意的) with Frank, because he was so careful to behave well.He showed him the seeds, and told him the name of many of the flowers and plants. While Frank was admiring the beauty of a flower,a lit

25、tle boy came to the gate, and finding it locked, he shook it hard.But it would not open.Then he said, “Let me in.Let me in.Will you not let me in this garden? “No, said the gardener,“1 will not let you in, Tom.When I let you in yesterday you meddled with my flowers, and pulled some of my fruit. I do

26、 not choose to let a boy into my garden who meddles with the plants. Tom looked ashamed, and when he found that the gardener would not let him in, he went slowly away. Frank saw and felt how much happier a boy may be by not meddling with what does not belong to him. He and his mother then continued

27、their walk in the garden, and enjoyed the day very much.Before they left, the gardener gave each of them some pretty flowers. 1.Frank couldnt see_in the garden. A.seeds B.fruit C.flowers D.animals 解析: 推理判断题。根据文意可知, Frank 是去了一个花园,再根据 He showed him the seeds,以及后面园丁说的话 When I let you in yesterday, you

28、meddled with my flowers, and pulled some of my fruit 可知,花园里有花、有果实和种子,但是没有提到动物,故 Frank 在花园里看不到动物,故选 D。 答案: D 2.Tom did everything except_. A.meddling with the flowers B.pulling some fruit C.admiring the beauty of plants D.shaking the door hard 解析: 细节理解题。根据短文中 he shook it hard.以及后面园丁说的话 “1 will not le

29、t you in, Tom. When I let you in yesterday, you meddled with my flowers, and pulled some of my fruit. I do not choose to let a boy into my garden who meddles with the plants.可知, Tom 使劲摇动花园的门,来到花园里后,乱动花园里的花,摘果实,但是没有欣赏花的美丽,故应选 C。 答案: C 3.Which is NOT true about Frank?_. A.He touched nothing in the gar

30、den B.He didnt step on the borders of the garden C.He didnt have a good time in the garden D.He tried not to brush the top of the flowers with his clothes 解析: 推理判断题。根据短文的最后 He and his mother then continued their walk in the garden, and enjoyed the day very much.可知, Frank 在花园里和妈妈玩得非常开心,故 C说的是不对的。根据 l

31、ooked at everything, but touched nothing that he saw.可知 A是对的;根据 He did not step on any of the borders 可知 B是对的;根据 was careful that his clothes should not brush the tops of the flowers so that he might not break them 可知 D是对的。 答案: C 4.The gardener didnt_. A.show Frank any seeds B.let Tom in the garden

32、a second time C.give Frank and his mother any flowers D.tell Frank the names of many of the flowers 解析: 细节理解题。根 据短文中 Will you not let me in this garden? “No, said the gardener,“1 will not let you in, Tom.可知,当 Tom 还想去花园里的时候,园丁拒绝了他,没有让他再次进入花园,故应选 B。根据 He showed him the seeds、 Before they left, the gar

33、dener gave each of them some pretty flowers.、 told him the name of many of the flowers and plants.可知, A、 C和 D都是园丁做过的事情,故选 B。 答案: B 5.We can learn from the story that_. A.it is bad manners to break flowers B.youll be happy if youre friendly to others C.no one wants to make friends with sel.fish.(自私的

34、)people D.you may be happy if you dont meddle with the things of others 解析: 主旨大意题。根据文意可知,这篇短文讲述的是 Frank 去了一个美丽的花园玩,他按照园丁说的,没有乱动花园里的花。而且他也因为没有乱动花园里的东西而感到开心。因此从这篇短文中我们可以知道,如果我们不乱动别人的东西,我们可能会非常开心。 故应选 D。 答案: D 22.阅读下列短文,然后从每小题 A.B.C.D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 Here is a dog with a lantern (灯 )in his m

35、outh, he is looking for his master(主人 ). Carlo, a lovely dog, had been taught to be useful. The roads, in the place where his master lived, were often so bad that it was not safe for any person to go out without a light on dark nights. So Carlos master taught him to carry a lantern for him at night;

36、 and he did it as steadily(稳固地 ) as any boy could have done. Carlo never trotted(小跑 ) too far before his master so that the bright light of the lantern might guide his masters steps. When he came to a deep rut(车辙 )or hole in the road, he would turn round to his master, seemed to say, 6/Take care, th

37、ere is a hole here. The dogs master lived about a mile from the town; and when he could not get home before dark, Carlo used to be sent to him with the lantern. Carlo knew where to go.He also knew the road which his master would take. But Carlo didnt always find his master right away. When he reache

38、d the town, he would run off to a house where his master often was. Still holding his lantern, he would scratch at the street-door with his feet and bark(吠叫 ); as much as to say, 6/Here am I, Master, wit h the lantern, are you ready for home? Someone would perhaps come to the door and say, 6/Your ma

39、ster is not here. Carlo would growl(嘟哝 ), seemed to say, Then he is somewhere else, and I must find him. He would then run off to one house after another, until he found his master, then the two went home together. 1.The roads in the place where Carlos master lived were_. A.bad B.dark C.dangerous fo

40、r people to go out D.full of deep ruts and holes 解析: 细节理解题。根据短文中 Carlo, a lovely dog, had been taught to be useful. The roads, in the place where his master lived, were often so bad that it was not safe for any person to go out without a light on dark nights. 可知, Carlo 居住的地方道路非常的糟糕,晚上没有灯走夜路的话,非常的不安全

41、。由此可知选 A。 答案: A 2.The master taught Carlo_. A.to speak B.where to go to look for him C.to know the road which he would take D.to carry the lantern to guide his steps at night 解析: 细节理解题。根据短文中 So Carlos master taught him to carry a lantern for him at night; 以及 the bright light of the lantern might gui

42、de his masters steps.可知, Carlo 教他的小狗在晚上为他带着一盏灯,这样灯光就能为他照亮。由此可知选 D。 答案: D 3.When Carlo came to the bad part of the road,he_. A.barked B.growled C.turned round to his master D.scratched at the ground 解析: 细节理解题。根据短文第四、五短的描述可知,当走到难走的那段路的时候,小狗会走在主人的附近,嘴里叼着等,给主人照亮道路。由此可知选 C。 答案: C 4.The meaning of the und

43、erlined word “scra tch , is_. A.咬 B.敲 C.撞 D.扒 ,抓 解析: 词义猜测题。根据短文的大意可 知,这篇短文讲述了一只给主人照明的小狗,他晚上的时候给主人照亮回家的路。当他找到主人的时候,根据 Still holding his lantern, he would scratch at the street-door with his feet and bark(吠叫 );可知,他仍然用最叼着等,用他的脚去扒门,并且吠叫。似乎是在告诉主人他来了。从这个句子结构来看, scratch 是一个动词,再结合句意,小狗应该用脚去扒们,故应选 D。 答案: D 5

44、.The best title for the story is_. A.A dog and his master B.The dog with the lantern C.How a dog guide his masters step D.How a dog found his master 解析: 主旨大意题。这篇短文给我们讲述了一个聪明可爱的小狗,他的主人住的地方路很难走,于是他晚上就会叼着灯,去给主人照明。他还会去主人在的那个小镇,挨家挨户的去找他的主人。 由此可知 B选项 The dog with the lantern 最能概括短文的大意 ,故选 B。 答案: B 23.阅读下列

45、短文,然后从每小题 A.B.C.D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 I am 22.I used to work in a hotel. It was boring. One day a guest and I had a conversation. She asked me, 6/Do you like your job? I was sad because I knew the answer.“No. She was 74 and gave me the most beautiful advice that I remember in all my life:6/Yo

46、u are too young to hate your job, young man. Go to get your passport and start your adventure(冒险 ). So I did. Since I was a little kid I was dreaming to know Europe. So next day I had my passport. And one week later, my plane tickets. It was impossible to have a long holiday. So I resigned(辞职 ). My

47、boss said I was crazy. My friends said that I was not responsible. I just paid no attention to those voices. It was Europe in winter. Not the best time to travel there. But Europe in winter is really cheap. I packed some books, a camera, 4 shirts, 2 pants, a coat, gloves, 2 pairs of walking shoes, c

48、andies and music to give away. I had little money. I just walked and walked. I went to high mountains and big cities. saw some beautiful sunsets(日落 ).I heard some of the best musicians (for free).I discovered that there was still love in the world. I realized that sunrises are not always blue or yellow. Sometimes they mix. I spent 22 days and $1,500 (i


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