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1、2015 年 山西省中考真题英语 第 I 卷 I. 听力试题(略) . 单项选择(每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 请你从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. Nowadays many travelers usually take photos with koalas in Australia. These photos are_ good memories. A. is B. her C. their 解析:此题考查人称代词用法。观察句子我们可以看出此处的代词是代替这句话中的名词 travelers,我们可以看出应该使用复数形式。 答案: C 17

2、. Every time I see the strawberries, the sweet_ and beautiful color always make my mouth water. A. voice B. taste C. shape 解析:此题考查名词辨析。根据句意:每次我看到草莓,它甜美的味道和美丽的颜色总是使我的嘴里都是它的汁液。 答案: B 18. The drivers have to_ the traffic rules and control themselves if they want to be safe on the road. A. follow B. bre

3、ak C. make 解析:此题考查动词辨析。根据句意可知:司机如果想在路上安全的话,就得遵守交通规则,控制好自己。 答案: A 19. Reading a large number of books_ make us wiser. The more we read, the more we know. A. can B. would C. need 解析:此题考查情态动词。根据句意:多读书能够使我们变得更明智。我们读得越多,我们知道的越多。 答案: A 20. This is the_ time that I come to Paris. I have been here twice. Me

4、 too. The world is so large that I want to see more of it. A. first B. second C. third 解析:此题考查序数词。根据本题的 I have been there twice.可知这是我第三次来巴黎。 答案: C 21. Have you finished the poster for the party? Not yet. I_ it in two days. A. finish B. finished C. will finish 解析:此题考查时态。根据句子中的 Not yet.可知我现在还没有完成,所以应该

5、是将在两天内完成。 答案: C 22. Running Man, is a popular show these days. Some well-known stars challenge themselves to finish all kinds of tasks in it. A. luckily B. bravely C. easily 解析:此题考查副词辨析。根据句意:奔跑吧兄弟是近些日子来很受欢迎的节目。很多著名的明星都在里面勇敢地挑战他们自己完成各种各样的任务。 答案: B 23. The “teacher-free exam” means that students take

6、their exams_ teachers. Students must be more honest. A. without B. against C. through 解析:此题考查介词。根据句意:无人监考考试意思就是学生在没有老师的情况下参加考试。学生必须更诚实,所以答案为: A。 答案: A 24. A Spring Morning is my favorite poem_ its words are beautiful and I can feel the sense of spring in it. A. until B. because C. though 解析:此题考查连词。根

7、据句意:春天的早晨是我最喜欢的一首诗,因为他的语言很美,而且我能够感受到里面的春天的气息。 答案: B 25. Xiao Jie is a good friend indeed. He is always there whenever I am_. I think so. He is just like the cute Baymax(大白 ). A. in trouble B. in style C. in order 解析:此题考查介词短语。根据句意:小杰确实是个好朋友。每当我遇到困难时,他总在那里。 答案: A 26. In our daily life, we must learn t

8、o_ ourselves well at any time. Its as important as studying. A. deal with B. worry about C. look after 解析 : 此题考查动词短语辨析。根据句意:在我们的日常生活中,我们必须学会在任何时候都照顾好自己。这像学习一样重要。 答案: C 27. As a teacher, I love being with my students. You cant imagine how much they_ knowledge ! A. are thirsty for B. are famous for C.

9、 are good for 解析:此题考查短语辨析。 Be thirsty for 渴望得到; be famous for 因为 .而出名; be good for 对 .有好处;根据句意:作为一个老师,我愿意和我的学生在一起。你不能想象他们有多么渴求知识。 答案: A 28. A lot of old people feel lonely. We should try our best to care for them. _ . I mean, were all going to be old one day, too. A. lake teasy B. Not at all C. Your

10、e right 解析:此题考查情景交际。根据句意: 很多老人感到孤独。我们应该尽我们的最大努力去关心他们。 你说得对。我的意思是说我们有一天也会变老。 答案: C 29. You look unhappy, John._ ? Well, I found my mother looking through my mobile phone yesterday. A. You want to rest B. Whats wrong C. How do you do 解析:此题考查情景交际。根据句意: 约翰,你看起来不开心呀。怎么了? 昨天我发现我的妈妈在翻看我的手机。 答案: B 30. 2015

11、is an El Nino(厄尔尼诺) year. Many places may be short of water. Being a student, I want to do something, but I wonder_. Oh, you can do some small things such as turning off the tap while brushing teeth. A. what I am supposed to do B. how should I protect our home C. why it can cause such bad weather 解析

12、:此题考查语境理解能力。根据句意: 2015 年是夜歌厄尔尼诺 现象年。很多地方会缺水。作为一个学生,我想做点什么,但是我想知道我应该做些什么。 哦, 你可以做一些小事,比方说刷牙时把水龙头关掉。可知答案。 答案: A . 完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 l5 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 Yesterday is Fathers Day. Many things happening between my father and me crowded my mind. But one thing made a deep impr

13、ession on me. It was a Sunday morning, and I was in a 31 mood(情绪) . Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadnt invited me. I was in my room 32 ways to make them sorry when my father came in.“Want to go for a ride today, Beck? Its a beautiful day.” “No! Leave me alone!”Those

14、were the 33 words I said to him that morning. My friends called and 34 me to go to the mall with them a few hours later. I forgot to be 35 with them and then went with them. When I came home, I found a 36 0n the table. My mother put it where I would be sure to see it “Dad has had an 37 Please meet u

15、s at Highland Park Hospital ” When I reached the hospital, my mother came out and told me a car hit my father and his injuries were extensive(大面积的) “Your father told the driver to leave 38 alone and just call 911, thank God! If he had moved Daddy, ” My mother may have said more, but I didnt hear. I

16、didnt hear anything 39 those terrible words: Leave me alone. My dad said them in order to 40 himself. He didnt want to be hurt more How much had I hurt him 41 I shouted out those words at him earlier in the day? It was several days later that he was 42 able to have a talk. I held his hand gently, af

17、raid of hurting him “Daddy I am so sorry ” “Its okay, sweetheart. Ill be okay.” “No, I said,“I mean about 43 I said to you that day. You know, that morning?” He looked at me and said, “Sweetheart, I remember 44 about that day, not before, during or after the accident. I remember telling you goodnigh

18、t the night before, though.”He managed a weak smile My English teacher once told me that words have great power. They can hurt or they can heal(治愈) . And we all have the power to 45 our words. I am going to do that very carefully from now on. 31. A. good B. terrible C. peaceful 解析:此题考查形容词辨析。根据文章后面的叙

19、述说我的两个朋友前一天晚上去看电影却没有邀请我,让我感到很生气。所以说我当时的情绪很不好。 答案: B 32. A. thinking up B. giving up C. looking up 解析:此题考查动词短语辨析。 think up 想; give up 放弃; look up 查;根据句意:我正在房间里想办法让他们对我说抱 歉,这时爸爸进来了。 答案: A 33. A. common B. last C. careless 解析:此题考查形容词辨析。根据句意:那是我那天早晨最后对我爸爸说的话。所以可知答案为: B。 答案: B 34. A. led B. encouraged C.

20、 invited 解析:此题考查动词词义辨析。根据句意:我的朋友打电话来邀请我和他们一起去购物。所以可知答案。 答案: C 35. A. strict B. angry C. pleased 解析:此题考查形容词辨析。根据前文的叙述和此处的语境,我忘了和他们生气。所以可知答案。 答案: B 36. A. letter B. diary C. note 解析:此题考查名词辨析。根据文章的语境可知,我回来的时候,我看见桌上有张纸条。 答案: C 37. A. accident B. illness C. examination 解析:此题考查名词辨析。根据文章的叙述可知,是父亲遇到了车祸。 答案:

21、 A 38. A. me B. him C. her 解析:此题考查代词用法。结合前文那我对父亲说的话的语境,以及后面的句子:“ .Leave me alone.”再结合本句话,可知是父亲对司机说别管他,赶快拨打 911. 答案: B 39. A. except B. among C. towards 解析:此题考查介词用法。根据本句的语境,除了这些可怕的花之外我什么都没有听见。 答案: A 40. A. hide B. save C. express 解析:此题考查动词辨析。根据本句的句意:父亲说这些话是为了救自己,是不想让自己再受到伤害。 答案: B 41. A. when B. unti

22、l C. before 解析:此题考查连词用法。根据句意:那天早晨当我对他喊出那些话的时候,我对他的伤害该有多大! 答案: A 42. A. really B. finally C. suddenly 解析:此题考查副词用法。根据句意:几天之后,他终于能走路了。 答案: B 43. A. how B. why C. what 解析:此题考查连词。根据句意:我的意思是关于那天我对你说的话。此处 what 引导的是介词的宾语从句。 答案: C 44. A. something B. everything C. nothing 解析:此题考查不定代词。根据语境,我们可以看出这里父亲是在安慰孩子,说那

23、天的事情我什么都不记得了,在车祸之前,之中,之后。但是我却记得前一天晚上和你道晚安的事情。所以可知答案。 答案: C 45. A. keep B. choose C. understand 解析:此题考查动词词义辨析。根据语境可知我们能做的就是可以选择我们说的话。从现在起,我要很认真地去对 待这件事情。 答案: B . 阅读理解(一)(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 (A) We spend hours, days and years of our lives in education. But how perfec

24、t do you think your school is? Imagine you could design(设计 ) your ideal(理想的) school. What would it be like? We wanted to find out what teenagers around the world thought. Here is some designing from four children of different countries. ( A ) 46. Ma thinks his dream school should provide for student

25、s. A. more enjoyable things 46. Ma thinks his dream school should provide for students. A. more enjoyable things Ma, China My dream school would have an Olympic-size swimming pool, two football pitches and a golf course. It would also have a cinema, a gym, a restaurant and a shopping centre. My scho

26、ol has none of these and I think there should be more enjoyable things for pupils to do while they are studying. Sonia, Italy Id like a room where we can go and relax and play computer games and chat with friends. Some older pupils in the school have this but I think there should be a place for ever

27、yone to So when they want to switch off (转换注意力 ) from the lessons. Richard, USA I think it would be great to have a day off every week, as well as the weekend. If that day was a Friday or a Monday, we would have a long weekend every week. What fun! I also think school should start later, at about 10

28、 oclock, and finish earlier. We spend a lot of time at school doing nothing at all. Im sure we could learn just as much in fewer hours. Rebecca, Australia My dream school would be big and roomy with a computer for every person in the school. Id also like to have a music room where we can just go and

29、 play instruments when we want. We need a recording studio, too. I hope that teachers can respect(尊重) our opinions. 46. Ma thinks his dream school should provide for students. A. more enjoyable things B. a comfortable computer room C. a place to switch off from the lessons 解析:此题考查细节查找能力。根据文章中 Ma 的叙述

30、: My school has none of these and I think there should be more enjoyable things.”可知,他希望她的学校里有这些令人愉快的东西。 答案: A 47. Sonia thinks students should share a room where they can . A. play sports B. play instruments C. play computer games 解析:此题考查细节查找能力。根据文章 Sonia 的叙述: Id like a room where we can go and rela

31、x and play computer games and chat with friends.”可知,她想要一个这样的房间是为了和朋友们在一起玩玩游戏,聊聊天。 答案: C 48. Richard wants to have off every week. A. two days B. three days C. four days 解析:此题考查细节查找能力。根据文章 Richard 的叙述: I think it would be great to have a day off every week, as well as the weekend.”可知理查德希望一周有三天的休息时间。

32、答案: B 49. Rebecca may like according to the passage. A. playing music B. chatting with friends C. doing some shopping 解析:此题考查细节查找能力。根据文章 Rebecca 的叙述:“ I d also like to have a music room where we can just go and play instruments when we want.”可知她想要一个能够随时去练乐器的地方,我们由此可推知她喜欢音乐。 答案: A 50. We can infer (推

33、断 ) that in the four childrens opinion, the ideal school should be a place where . A. students can learn more knowledge B. students can get on well with their teachers C. students wishes and interests can be respected 解析:此题考查推理判断能力。根据四个孩子的叙述,我们可以看出,他们都比较希望学校能够满足他们对自己的爱好追求的需求。所以可知答案。 答案: C ( B) Lets

34、suppose it is a common day of 2060. Of course, things have changed and life is very different. Trips to the moon are being made every day. Taking a holiday on the moon today is as easy as taking a holiday in Europe in the 2010s. At a number of scenery sport(风景胜地) on the moon, many hotels have been b

35、eat. In order that everyone can enjoy the beautiful scenery on the moon, every room has at least one picture window. Everything imaginable is provided for entertainment of the young and old. What are people eating now? People are still eating food. But many foods now come in pill(药片 ) form, and the

36、food that goes into the pill comes mainly from green plants. Because people in the world today are many more than those about fifty years ago, most of the earths surface has to be filled. The deserts are irrigated with water and crops are no longer eaten by pets(害虫 ). The harvest is always good. Far

37、ming, of course, is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm. It is possible to run the farm by just using a few computers. People are now largely vegetarians, and they eat only bread, vegetables, fruit and so on and they dont eat meat or fish. You see, as the number of people

38、 increases, the number of animals decreases. So people have to be vegetarians. We are healthier both in our bodies and in our minds, and we know how to deal with all kinds of illnesses. No one has to be ill any more. Such would be our life in 2060. 51. What will be on the moon in 2060 according to t

39、he passage? A. Many green plants. B. Many wild animals. C. Many interesting places. 解析:此题考查细节理解能力。根据文章地一段的叙述可知,在 2060 年月球上有很多的风景胜地。 答案: C 52. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “irrigated”? A. 冲刷 B. 灌溉 C. 淹没 解析:此题考查细节理解能力。根据语境,我们可以猜测出来。由于 2060 年地球上的人口比以前多了很多,所以人们把沙漠都浇了水种庄稼。 答案: B 53. Which of

40、the following is TRUE? A. People only eat foods in pill form. B. People dont have plenty of crops. C. People run the farms by using high technology. 解析:此题考查细节理解能力。根据第五段的叙述:“ Farming ,of course ,is very highly developed. Very few people have to work on the farm.”可知那时农业高度发达,人们没有必要去农田里劳动。 答案: C 54. Why

41、 do people have to be vegetarians in 2060? A. Because they want to be healthier. B. Because vegetables can make the patients well. C. Because there will be more people and fewer animals. 解析:此题考查细节理解能力。根据文章倒数第二段的叙述:“, as the number of people increases, the number of animals decreases”可知,是 因为动物的数量减少了,

42、人们才素食的。 答案: C 55. What attitude(态度 ) does the writer have about the future life? A. He feels pretty hopeful about the future. B. He is not very satisfied with some things of the future. C. He seems really sad about what is happening in the future. 解析:此题考查推理判断能力。根据作者的叙述我们可以看出,作者对未来的生活是很向往的。 答案: A (C)

43、 Old Dawson had the best apples in town, but kids knew they mustnt go into his yard to pick a delicious apple, even off the ground, because Dawson, a bad-tempered(坏脾气的 ) man, they said, would come after you with his gun. One Friday, 12-year-old Janet was going to stay all night with her friend Amy.

44、They had to walk by Dawsons house on the way to Amys house. Like most of the children, Janet was scared of the old man because of the stories shed heard about him. Amy said that Mr. Dawson wouldnt hurt anyone. Still, Janet was growing more nervous with each step closer to the old mans house. When th

45、ey got close enough, Dawson looked up with his usual frown(皱眉 ), but when he saw it was Amy, a big smile changed his whole face as he said, “Hello, Miss Amy. I see youve got a little friend with you today. ” Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying overnight and they were going to listen to mu

46、sic and play games. Dawson told them that sounded fun, and offered them each a fresh picked apple off his tree. As they walked on, Janet asked Amy, “Everyone says hes the meanest man in town. Why was he so nice to us?” Amy explained that when she first started walking past his house, he wasnt very friendly and she was afraid of him, but she always smiled at him. It took a while, but one day he hal


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