2014年名校模拟试题分类汇编英语 专题15 完形填空 夹叙夹议.docx

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1、2014 年名校模拟试题分类汇编英语 专题 15 完形填空 夹叙夹议【2013 届江苏扬州中学高三最后一卷】完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)When 16-year-old Ella Fitzgerald stepped onto the stage to perform at Harlems Apollo Theater in 1934, she had no idea that her life was about to change. Her childhood had been 36 . After the death of her parents, Fitz

2、gerald had been placed in a boarding school. 37 , the teachers at the school mistreated her, 38 she ran away. Homeless and orphaned, Fitzgerald was trying her best to 39 on the streets of New York City when she won a contest to perform during an amateur night at the Apollo. She had 40 planned to dan

3、ce, but at the last second, she decided to sing her mothers favorite song 41 . Her performance earned her 42 from several well-known musicians. Ella Fitzgerald went on to become a 43 jazz singer.During a musical career that spanned six decades, Fitzgerald 44 more than 200 albums. She won 13 Grammy A

4、wards, the last of which she received in 1990. She worked with some of the greatest American singers of the twentieth century, including Frank Sinatra, Louis Armstrong, Count Basie, and Dizzy Gillespie. Her talent and charm 45 a wide range of listeners around the world. The worldwide 46 of Ella Fitz

5、gerald helped make jazz a more popular genre. Until the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, the United States 47 African American citizens the same treatment 48 white citizens received. Fitzgeralds manager and her band 49 to perform at places where discrimination was practiced. They also decided not

6、 to perform unless they were paid the same 50 as white singers and musicians. Ellas fight for 51 received support from numerous celebrity admirers, including Marilyn Monroe. Fitzgerald never took her good fortune for granted. She gave money to charities and organizations that contributed to 52 disad

7、vantages children. For her many civic contributions, in 1992 President George Bush 53 her the Presidential Medal of Honor, one of the highest honors 54 to civilians. In 1991, Fitzgerald gave her 55 performance in New Yorks Carnegie Hall. Although Ella Fitzgerald died in 1996, the American “First Lad

8、y of Song” continues to live in the hearts and ears of music lovers worldwide. 【小题 1】36.A. rich B. roughC. tiresome D. happy 【小题 2】37. A. ImportantlyB. UnforgettablyC. NaturallyD. Unfortunately【小题 3】38. A. thereforeB. butC. soD. then【小题 4】39.A. surviveB. experienceC. learnD. stand 【小题 5】40. A. stran

9、gelyB. blindlyC. originally D. probably 【小题 6】41. A. in spiteB. insteadC. in placeD. though【小题 7】42. A. jealousy B. recognitionC. reputationD. gratitude 【小题 8】43. A. creative B. dependent C. undiscoveredD. distinguished 【小题 9】44.A. releasedB. soldC. copiedD. showed【小题 10】45. A. compared with B. appe

10、aled to C. composed of D. depended on【小题 11】46.A. celebrationB. admiration C. relaxationD. indication【小题 12】47. A. deniedB. supportedC. offeredD. hated【小题 13】48. A. whichB. whatC. thatD. like【小题 14】49. A. decidedB. refusedC. startedD. afforded【小题 15】50. A. numberB. quantityC. amountD. lots【小题 16】51.

11、 A. wealthB. futureC. equalityD. agreement【小题 17】52. A. caring forB. playing withC. preferring toD. taking after【小题 18】53. A. rewardedB. awardedC. paidD. presented【小题 19】54. A. accessibleB. inadequateC. availableD. official 【小题 20】55. A. best B. vividC. openD. final解析:文章介绍 Ella Fitzgerald 是如何从无家可归的女

12、孩成为世界著名的爵士乐歌手的,以及她为争取平等和慈善事业所做出的贡献。【小题 1】B 从后面的句子: After the death of her parents, Fitzgerald had been placed in a boarding school. 可知她的童年很艰辛。A. rich 富有;B. rough 艰辛的,困难的;C. tiresome 厌烦的;D. happy 高兴的。【小题 2】D 从后面的 the teachers at the school mistreated her, 可知她很不幸。A. Importantly 重要地;B. Unforgettably 难忘

13、的;C. Naturally 自然地;D. Unfortunately 不幸地。【小题 3】C 老师虐待她,所以她逃跑了。 A. therefore 因此;B. but 但是;C. so 所以;D. then 然后。 【小题 4】A Fitzgerald 尽最大努力在纽约的街头生存。 A. survive 幸存;B. experience 经历;C. learn 学习;D. stand 忍受。【小题 5】C 她原来打算跳舞的,但是最后一刻她决定用唱歌代替了。A. strangely 奇怪地;B. blindly 盲目地; C. originally 原始地;D. probably 可能地。【小

14、题 6】B 参考上题解析。A. in spite 虽然;B. instead 代替;C. in place 在适当的位置;D. though 虽然。【小题 7】B 她的表演赢得了几个著名音乐人的认可。 A. jealousy 嫉妒;B. recognition 认可;C. reputation 名气;D. gratitude 感激。【小题 8】D Ella Fitzgerald 继续成为著名的爵士歌手。 A. creative 有创造力的;B. dependent 依赖的; C. undiscovered 没有发现的;D. distinguished 著名的。【小题 9】A 在 60 年的音乐

15、生涯中, Ella Fitzgerald 发行了 200 多张唱片。A. released 发行;B. sold 买;C. copied 复制; D. showed 展示。【小题 10】B 她的才能和魅力吸引了全世界很多人。 A. compared with 和相比;B. appealed to 吸引;C. composed of 组成;D. depended on 依赖。【小题 11】B 全世界对 Ella Fitzgerald 的敬佩帮助爵士乐成为更受欢迎的种类。 A. celebration 庆祝;B. admiration 羡慕,敬佩;C. relaxation 放松;D. indic

16、ation 暗示。【小题 12】A 直到 20 世纪 60 年代的人权运动,美国一直否认非洲裔美国公民和白人公民有同样的待遇。A. denied 否认;B. supported 支持;C. offered 提供;D. hated 憎恨。【小题 13】C 先行词是 the same treatment,定语从句中缺少宾语,用 that 引导定语从句。【小题 14】B Ella Fitzgerald 的经理和乐队拒绝在有歧视的地方演出。 A. decided 决定;B. refused 拒绝;C. started 开始; D. afforded 提供。【小题 15】C 这里表示得到同样数量的报酬即

17、钱(不可数名词) ,用 amount。A. number 数量,修饰可数名词;B. quantity 数量,修饰可数或不可数名词; C. amount 数量(强调数额),修饰不可数名词。D. lots 许多。【小题 16】C Ella Fitzgerald 为平等做出的斗争得到很多名人仰慕者的支持。A. wealth 财富;B. future 未来; C. equality 平等;D. agreement 协议。【小题 17】A 她把钱捐给慈善机关,为关心弱势儿童做贡献。A. caring for 关心,想要,照顾;B. playing with 戏弄,玩弄,与一起玩耍; C. preferr

18、ing to 更喜欢;D. taking after 长得像。【小题 18】B 布什总统授予她总统荣誉奖。 A. rewarded 回报;B. awarded 授予奖项;C. paid 付款;D. presented 呈现。【小题 19】C 这是公民获得的最高荣誉之一。 A. accessible 易到达的;B. inadequate 不适合的;C. available 可获得的;D. official 官方的。【小题 20】D 1991 年,她在纽约卡内基音乐厅举行最后一场表演。A. best 最好的;B. vivid 生动的;C. open 开放的; D. final 最终的。答案:【小题

19、 1】B【小题 2】D【小题 3】C【小题 4】A【小题 5】C【小题 6】B【小题 7】B【小题 8】D【小题 9】A【小题 10】B【小题 11】B【小题 12】A【小题 13】C【小题 14】B【小题 15】C【小题 16】C【小题 17】A【小题 18】B【小题 19】C【小题 20】D【2014 届四川省成都市高三摸底试题】完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I sat next to my close friend,Tina,in my

20、 history class.Our teacher,Miss Turner announced a new 11 .We were to create a 12 about cultures.As required,we wrote the names of two friends we wanted in our group.Miss Turner informed us that she would 13 our choices and let us know the result.I had no 14 that I would work with Tina because I kne

21、w we had chosen each other.The next day,I waited anxiously when Miss Turner started to call out 1 5.When she reached group three,Tina was called. 16 ,my name was not included.“There must have been some 17 !I thought to myself.Than I heard 18 .The last group with Mauro and Karina! How 19 ! How could

22、I face being in that groupthe boy who hardly spoke English and the girl who wore 20 clothes a11 the time?I went to Miss Turner to 21 I should be in a “good” group.She gently placed a hand on my shoulder.“I know what you want,Rachael , ”she said,but your group 22 you more.Only you can help them get a

23、n ideal 23 .Will you help them?I 24 walked to where the others in my group sat. Halfway through the week, I 25 myself enjoying working with my partners.There was no need to 26 I grew sincerely interested in learning something about then. Mauro, I found out, was 27 with English after he came to this

24、country. Karina wanted to be a fashion designer and she had a lot of 28 ideas.They were the ones no one cared enough about to try to understandexcept Miss Turner.Miss Turner gave us an A on that newspaper. But I think she is the one who truly 29 it. I really 30 that Miss Turner gave me a chance to s

25、ee other people in a new light.11.A.plan B.subject C.project D.lesson12.A.story B.group C.test D.newspaper13.A.make use of B.pay attention toC.put into practice D.take into consideration14.A.idea B.doubt C.intention D.promise15.A.names B.numbers C.students D.topics16.A.Besides B.However C.Thus D.Fin

26、ally17.A.mistake B.coincidence C.problem D.reason18.A.her B.it C.them D.him19.A.interesting B.am using C.annoying D.disappointing20.A dirty B.plain C.strange D.formal21.A.warn B.remind C.request D.inform22.A.needs B.refuses C.misses D.ignores23.A.design B.job C.chance D.grade24.A slowly B.swiftly C.

27、suddenly D.bravely25.A.found B.kept C.had D.set26.A.speak B.pretend C.refuse D.panic27.A dealing B.helping C.beginning D.struggling28.A.funny B.general C.bright D.new29.A.offered B.deserved C.neglected D.proved30.A believed B.appreciated C.admitted D.agreed解析:【文章大意】这篇短文中的作者在一开始对于老师的分组安排并不是很满意,但是通过一个

28、星期的合作之后,她开始发现搭档们的优点,并认真地完成了这次合作。通过这篇短文我们也应该知道,有时候换一种眼光看别人是多么的重要。11.C 联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是,我们的老师宣布了一个新的计划。故选 C,计划,项目。12.D 联系最后一段 Miss Turner gave us an A on that newspaper.描述,可知我们被要求创作一份关于文化的报纸。故选 D,报纸。13.D 短语辨析。A.使用,利用;B.注意;C. 实行,实施;D.顾及,考虑到。联系下文第二三四段描述,可知此处老师说的是,她会考虑我们的选择。故选 D。14.B 联系下文 because I knew w

29、e had chosen each other 描述,可知此处指的是,我确信无疑我会和蒂娜一起合作。短语 have no doubt 毫不疑问。故选 B。15.A 联系下文 Tina was called 描述,可知此处指的是,特纳老师开始喊名字。故选 A,名字,姓名。16.B 词义辨析。A.此外,而且;B.然而,可是;C. 因此; D.终于,最后。联系上下文,可知前后是选择关系。故选 B,叫到了蒂娜。然而,不包括我的名字。17.A 名词辨析。A.错误,误会;B.巧合,重合;C. 难题,问题;D.理由,动机。联系前文I had no 14 that I would work with Tina

30、 because I knew we had chosen each other.描述,可知我是认为除了一些错误。故选 A。18.B 联系上文 my name was not included.描述,可知此处人称代词指的是我的名字。非生命单数事物,故用 it,选 B,它。19.D 联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是,多么令人失望啊!故选 D。20.C 形容词辨析。A 脏的;B.简单的,朴素的;C. 奇怪的,陌生的; D.正式的,有条理的。联系下文 Karina wanted to be a fashion designer 描述,可知此处指的是,这个女孩穿着奇怪的衣服。故选 C。21.C 动词辨析

31、。A.警告,提醒;B.提醒,使想起;C. 请求,要求; D.通知,告诉。联系下文描述,可知此处指的是,我请求我是否能去一个好组。故选 C。22.A 联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是,但是你的组更需要你。故选 A,需要。23.D 名词辨析。A.设计,图案;B.工作;C. 机会;D.等级,成绩。联系下文 Miss Turner gave us an A on that newspaper.描述,可知此处指的是,只有你才能帮助他们获得一个理想的成绩。故选 D。24.A 副词辨析。A 慢慢地;B.敏捷的,很快地;C. 突然地;D.勇敢地。联系上文老师拒绝了我的要求,可知我的心情不会太好。故选 A,我慢慢

32、地走到我的组其他人做的地方。25.A 动词辨析。A.发现;B.保持,坚持;C. 有,从事;D.树立,点燃。联系下文,可知此处指的是,我发现我喜欢和我的搭档们一起工作了。故选 A。26.B 动词辨析。A.说;B.假装,伪装; C.拒绝;D. 恐慌;联系下文描述,可知此处指的是没有必要伪装。故选 B。27.D 联系前文 the boy who hardly spoke English 描述,可知莫罗正在努力学习英语。短语struggle with 与 斗争,努力做某事。故选 D。28.C 形容词辨析。A.有趣的;B.一般的,普通的;C. 明亮的,鲜明的; D.新的。联系后一句描述,可知此处指的是,

33、她有许多新的想法。故选 C。29.B 动词辨析。A.提供,提议;B.应受,应得;C. 疏忽,忽视; D.证明。联系后一句描述,可知我认为特纳老师才是应该获得这个 A 的人。故选 B。30.D 动词辨析。A 相信 ;B.欣赏,感激;C. 承认,容许;D.同意。联系下文,可知此处指的是,我真的很感激特纳老师给了我一个用新的眼光看别人的机会。故选 B。答案:11-15 CDDBA 16-20 BABDC 21-25 CADAA 26-30 BDCBD【2014 届浙江温州十校第一次联考】完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 21-40 各题所给的

34、四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。Five-year-old Marry loved to play in the street with her friends. This made her parents _41_. They did _42_ to keep her off the street. _43_, day after day they found her out there. Thankfully, the street wasnt very _44_. But it was often traveled by soldiers and sometimes

35、they would drive very fast. Every time h e drove by the lifeless animal that had _45_ in the road, Steven _46_ think of his daughter. And so he continued trying to teach her the _47_ with little _48_. Then one day as Steven was driving home, he saw something that helped _49_ an idea, which became an

36、 action by the time he got home. He walked over to where Marry was playing.“Come on, sweetheart,” he said. “You and Daddy are going for a _50_.”They drove back along the way he had just traveled, finally _51_ just behind a mound (堆) of something. “What is it, Daddy?” Marry asked as they got out of t

37、he _52_.“Look _53_, but dont touch it,” Steven said. “Cant you tell what it is?”She studied it for a few minutes, unsure of its _54_ until she picked out its familiar ears. “A rabbit! What happened?” Marry asked.“It was playing in the road, and a car came along and .”“. and squished (压扁) it?” Marry

38、broke _55_.“Thats right,” Steven said. “It got squished because it was playing in the road.”“Yuck!” Marry said. For the first time, Steven saw _56_ in his daughters eyes.The next evening, when Steven drove by a group of children playing in the street, he _57_ what Marry was shouting from the sidewal

39、k.“Come on, you guys! Stop playing in the street, _58_ youll get squished!”So, if your message isnt getting through to others, no matter how many times you _59_ it, you should try something _60_. This is Stevens lesson.【小题 1】A. disappointed B. worriedC. ashamedD. puzzled【小题 2】A. something B. nothing

40、C. anythingD. everything【小题 3】A. ThusB. StillC. ThenD. Also【小题 4】A. flat B. dirty C. wide D. busy【小题 5】A. wanderedB. bannedC. competedD. gathered【小题 6】A. might B. couldC. wouldD. need【小题 7】A. accident B. experience C. lesson D. practice【小题 8】A. success B. hope C. approval D. panic【小题 9】A. createB. d

41、iscoverC. decideD. cause【小题 10】A. walkB. rideC. talkD. visit【小题 11】A. stoppingB. passingC. stayingD. hiding【小题 12】A. bus B. car C. train D. boat【小题 13】A. quietlyB. deliberatelyC. closelyD. steadily【小题 14】A. weightB. colorC. identityD. shape【小题 15】A. out B. in C. away D. through【小题 16】A. delight B. u

42、nderstandingC. angerD. regret【小题 17】A. realized B. watchedC. heardD. felt【小题 18】A. orB. andC. but D. yet【小题 19】A. representB. respondC. repeat D. refresh【小题 20】A. funnyB. simpleC. easyD. different解析:文章大意:Steven 一再告诫孩子不要在街上玩,却不起作用,最后他让孩子亲眼见到了一只被碾压而死的兔子,收到了预期的效果。文章给我们的启示是:当一种方式行不通时,换种方法可能就会有意外的收获。【小题

43、1】B 形容词辨析。A 失望的;B 担心的; C 羞愧的; D 困惑的。五岁的孩子喜欢在街上玩,所以家长应该是很担心。从语境判断 B 选项正确。【小题 2】D 不定代词的考查。 A 某物, 用于肯定句 B 没什么,否定意义;C 任何事物;D 一切事物。为了孩子安全,家长应该是做了一切能做的事情让孩子远离街道。所以 D 选项正确。【小题 3】B 副词辨析。 A 因此 ;B 仍然; C 然后; D 也。家长想尽办法,孩子仍然一天天的在街道上玩。所以从句意可知 B 选项正确。【小题 4】D 形容词辨析。A 扁的;B 脏的; C 宽的; D 繁忙的。所幸的是,街道不是很繁华。形容街道交通的繁忙,一般用

44、 busy,所以 D 选项正确。【小题 5】 A 动词辨析。A 漫游,闲逛;B 禁止; C 竞争; D 聚集,收集。Steven 开车从一只已经没了生命气息的动物旁边经过,从常识可知这只动物应该是在街道上乱跑乱窜而被轧死的。所以 A 选项正确。【小题 6】 C 情态动词考查。A 可能; B 可能, 能够; C 常常,总会,表示过去的习惯;D 需要。每次看到那些被车碾过的动物们,Steven 总会想起他女儿。从语境 C 选项正确。【小题 7】C 名词辨析。A 事故,意外; B 经验,经历;C 教训,课;D 练习,实践。看到被车轧死的小动物门,Steven 继续试图让孩子接受这个教训。从语境判断C

45、 选项正确。【小题 8】A 名词辨析。A 成功; B 希望; C 同意,赞同;D 恐慌。Steven 想让孩子接受这个教训, 但是没有成功。所以从语境判断 A 为正确选项。【小题 9】A 动词辨析。A 创造;B 发现; C 决定;D 造成,开车回家的路上,他看到了个东西这让他产生了一个想法。create an idea, 产生了一个想法。所以 A 选项正确。【小题 10】B 考查短语搭配。A 散步 go for a walk 外出散步; B 骑车开车,go for a ride 开车兜风;C 谈话;D 参观,访问。从下文“They drove back along the way he had

46、 just traveled”可知 Steven 是开车去的,所以 B 选项正确。【小题 11】A 动词辨析。A 停止;B 路过,传递;C 停留,保持;D 躲藏。他们开车顺着他走过的路,最后应该是停在某一堆东西前面。文章中是 Steven 有意让孩子看到这东西,所以 A 正确。【小题 12】B 名词辨析。A 公共汽车;B 小汽车;C 火车; D 船。从上文可知他们是开车去的,所以 Marry 一边从车里出来一边问。【小题 13】C 副词辨析。A 安静地;B 难以置信地;C 密切地;D 稳步地。Steven 让孩子仔细看,但是不要动它。watch closely 仔细观察。所以 C 选项正确。【

47、小题 14】C 名词辨析。A 重量;B 颜色; C 身份; D 形状。孩子仔细查看,但是不能辨认出是什么东西,所以 C 选项正确。【小题 15】 B 短语搭配。A break out 爆发;B break in 插嘴;C break away 脱离,摆脱;D break through 突破。Steven 讲述兔子过马路时,来了一辆车,这时孩子是插嘴说话,所以 B 选项正确。 【小题 16】B 名词辨析。A 高兴; B 理解,明白;C 生气,愤怒;D 后悔,遗憾。孩子看到这情形,听到这样的解释,心里自然明白了,眼里露出的应该是明白了然的神色,所以 B 选项正确。【小题 17】C 动词辨析。A

48、意识到,实现;B 观看,注视; C 听到,听说;D 感觉到。Steven 开车经过从街上玩的孩子们身边时,他听到了 Marry 从人行道上的喊声。从文中的“shouting”判断 C 选项正确。【小题 18】A 连词辨析。A 否则; B 并且;C 但是;D 然而。别在街上玩了,否则你们会被车碾压的。所以 A 选项正确。【小题 19】C 动词辨析。A 代表;B 反应;C 重复;D 恢复精力。不管你重复了多少次,你都应该尝试一些不同的做法。从文中可知 Steven 告诫了他女儿好多次,所以应该是重复,故 C 选项正确。【小题 20】D 形容词辨析。 A 滑稽可笑的;B 简单的; C 容易的;D 不同的。不管你重复了多少次, 你都应该尝试一些不同的做法。文中 Steven 反复告诫,后来就让孩子亲眼见到惨状,所以是换不同的做法,D 选项正确。答案:【小题 1】B【小题 2】D【小题 3】B【小题 4】D【小题 5


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