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1、2014 年广东省广州市中考真题英语 一、听力 (共两节,满分 20 分) ( 略 ) 二、语言知识及运用(共两节,满分 20 分) 第一节 单项选择 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 从 1625 各题所给的 A、 B、 C 和 D 项中,选出可填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. - Would you like tea or coffee? - _, thanks! Id prefer a coke. A. Both B. Neither C. All D. Some 解析: 考查不定代词。题目中一人提问另一人需要喝茶或者咖啡吗?而横线后的回答是我更想要喝可乐,可见回答需要用

2、不定代词 Neither。 答案: B 17. Yesterday for dinner I had a piece of beef, vegetables and _. A. some rice B. a few rice C. a little rices D. a rice 解析: 考查不可数名词。 rice 为不可数名词,故没有复数形式。想表示一些饭,用 some + rice即可。 答案: A 18. Be quiet! The students _ a physics test in the next room. A. had B. have had C. were having

3、D. are having 解析: 考查现在进行时。 ”Be quiet” 可以看出说话者让人安静,那可以推测到其后所要说的便是学生正在在隔壁房间进行物理考试,时态需要用现在进行时。 答案: D 19. He is very surprised that all the houses in the village _ white. A. paint B. painted C. are painting D. are painted 解析: 考查被动语态。句中想表达 “他对村子里所有的房子都被粉刷上白色感到惊讶 ”,因为房子是不能自己刷上白色的,所以必须用被动语态。 答案: D 20. Do y

4、ou know the man _ is talking to Miss Wu? A. he B. whom C. who D. which 解析: 考查定语从句的关系词。句中 the man 是人,在从句中作主语,因此选择关系词 who。 答案: C 21. - Sorry Im late. - _ tell me the bus broke down again! A. Never to B. Not C. Dont D. No 解析: 考查祈使句的否定形式。 答案: C 22. - Do you want to eat here? - No. Just fish and chips to

5、 _, please. A. get away B. take away C. send away D. throw away 解析: 考查动词词组的辨析。 get away: 离开,逃跑; take away: 带走,外带; send away:解雇 ; throw away: 扔掉。根据题目,选择 take away,表示食物需要外带。 答案: B 23. I have a lovely room. Its the _ in the hotel. A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. most nice 解析: 考查形容词最高级。 答案: C 24. Mum says

6、 _ I do my homework now, I can watch TV for an hour tonight. A. if B. though C. because D. while 解析: 本句为 if 引导的条件状语从句,句意为 “妈妈说如果我现在做作业,我就可以在今天晚上看一个小时的电视 ”。 答案: A 25. I dont understand _ such a silly question in class yesterday. A. why did John ask B. why John asked C. why is John asking D. why John

7、asks 解析: 考查宾语从句。根据宾语从句的陈述语序,排除 A、 C,再根据宾语从句的时态规律,可见主句是一般现在时 understand,从 句中出现 yesterday,则从句用一般过去时。 答案: B 第二节 语法选择 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从 2635 各题所给的 A、 B、 C和 D 项中选出最佳选项。 As two women walked into a New Jersey hospital, they laughed. It showed the love that had held them

8、together 26 forty years as best friends. Although they were laughing, one of these ladies would soon put her life in danger 27 her best friend. Patty Hurley and Eileen Riley met at high school and have been close friends ever since. But when Eileen, 28 nurse, became ill with kidney (肾 ) disease, she

9、 didnt go running to her friend Patty came to help her, after 29 Eileen was sick. “My kidneys are failing,” Eileen explained. “Can I give you one of mine?” 30 the immediate reply. The offer was so simple 31 Eileen thought she had heard wrong. But Patty repeated she was willing to help, and their jou

10、rney to the operating table began. Eileen always knew that her friend would help. She said 32 , “When Patty makes a promise, she keeps 33 .” The operation went ahead in May, and both women are now very healthy and 34 than ever. “There are no words to describe 35 amazing this woman is,” Eileen said a

11、fterwards. “She gave me my life.” 26. A. in B. for C. since D. with 解析: 这是一个现在完成时的句子,后面要接一段时间用到介词 for。所以选 B。 答案: B 27. A. save B. saved C. saves D. to save 解析: 根据语境理解,挽救她最好朋友的生命是目的,不定式 to do 表目的。所以选 D。 答案: D 28. A. a B. an C. the D. / 解析: 根据语境理解, Eileen 是一个护士的时候, nurse 前面的冠词用 a, 所以选 A. 答案: A 29. A.

12、hear B. heard C. hearing D. to hear 解析: 动词在介词 after 后面需要用到动名词,所以选 C。 答案: C 30. A. came B. comes C. come D. coming 解析: 根据全文,发现时态是一般过去时,用 came, 所以选 A。 答案: A 31. A. as B. which C. that D. until 解析: 从前面的 so simple 可以发现本题考点是 sothat, 所以选 C。 答案: C 32. A. simple B. simply C. simpler D. simplest 解析: 从前面的 sai

13、d 可以看出此处需要用到副词来修饰,所以选 B。 答案: B 33. A. it B. them C. its D. ones 解析: 从前面的 a promise 可以看出此处代词用到 it 来指代,所以选 A。 答案: A 34. A. closest B. most close C. closer D. closely 解析: 紧接后面的 than 马上可以判断出用到比较级 closer,所以选 C。 答案: C 35. A. so B. why C. what D. how 解析: 仔细观察后面 amazing this woman is 可以发现此处是感叹句的考查, 句子中没有出现名

14、词,只需用 how,所以选 D。 答案: D 三、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后 3645 各题所给的 A、 B、 C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。 One morning a fox was searching for his breakfast. He went down to the lake to 36 some fish. Suddenly he saw a rabbit digging a hole on the bank of the lake and decided to eat it instead. Not wan

15、ting the rabbit to discover him, the fox moved 37 towards his meal. As he got closer, he stepped on some dry leaves. The rabbit then 38 in fear. When he saw the fox, he started to shout. “Quiet! Why do you rabbits shout so much?” asked the fox, slightly annoyed that he had lost his 39 . “I am sorry,

16、 but you scared me. Your sharp teeth make me 40 ,” replied the rabbit. “But I dont want to eat you,” lied the fox, “I am only here to help with your 41 . I will be back tomorrow and help you dig your hole.” The next day, the fox returned to the 42 . There he saw a group of rabbits busily digging hol

17、es on the bank. He thought about catching one. At that moment the rabbit he had met the day before started jumping up and down, making a 43 noise to warn his friends. All the rabbits and even the fish quickly 44 . The poor fox could not find anything to catch for food and ended up 45 fruit. 36. A. c

18、atch B. buy C. smell D. cook 解析: 考动词。答案在文章的最后一句话重现。 ”catch for food and ” 答案: A 37. A. noisily B. silently C. confidently D. angrily 解析: 考副词。这句话的前一部分, not wanting the rabbit discover him 这里可以得出答案是B. silently。 答案: B 38. A. looked down B. looked away C. turned off D. turned around 解析: 考动词短语。根据意思,以及后面的

19、 when he saw the fox 可以判断答案是 D . turned around. 答案: D 39. A. time B. place C. meal D. fish 解析: 考名词。这题的答案在文章的第三行重现 his meal.可以确定答案 选 C. meal 答案: C 40. A. sad B. excited C. nervous D. happy 解析: 考形容词。根据意思,以及前面的 you scared me, 可以确定答案选 C. nervous. 答案: C 41. A. food B. work C. story D. friends 解析: 考名词。根据下

20、一句话 I will be back tomorrow and help you dig your hole.可以得出答案是 B. work. 答案: B 42. A. breakfast B. house C. lake D. mountain 解析: 考名词。答案在文章的第一行第二句话重现 , He went down to the lake to 可以得出答案选 C .lake 答案: C 43. A. loud B. low C. usual D. dangerous 解析: 考形容词。根据 to warn his friends 中的 “warn 警告 ”可以得出是 loud. 答案

21、: A 44. A. returned B. shouted C. entered D. disappeared 解析: 考动词。根据下一句话 The poor fox could not find anything to catch for food 可以判断这题 选 D disappeared 兔子和鱼都消失了。 答案: D 45. A. growing B. eating C. picking D. selling 解析: 考动词。根据意思以及第二行的 decided to eat it instead. 前一句话的 catch for food 以及全文理解可以选出是选 B. eati

22、ng. 答案: B 四、阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读 下面短文,掌握其大意,然后 4665 各题所给的 A、 B、 C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。 (A) I had hidden the long black bag in the garage for the past two days. Tonight, in the dark, I would finally take it away. If everything went OK, it would be done by morning. But I had to be sure no one, n

23、ot even my wife, saw me. It was more difficult to get away from the party than I expected. I said that the children were tired and needed to get to bed. It was partly true. But the main reason for leaving was that I wanted to complete my plan. First I had to get the kids to sleep. That was never eas

24、y at any time and tonight it was even more difficult. The eldest one wanted to know why we left the party early. I told him 10:30 pm was not early. As usual, I read them a bed time story, but I had to stop myself reading too quickly or they would learn my secret. Silence finally came, and feeling li

25、ke a thief in the night, I went out of the house and into the garage. Taking one end, I dragged the bag out from its hid ing place and took it into the garden. I was worried that my neighbours might see me and call the police. It was already eleven oclock. By the light of the moon I started working,

26、 trying to make as little noise as possible. And that was not easy with a saw (锯子 ) and a hammer. After much effort, my work was finally completed. I looked down at my watch. It was exactly 4:00 am. Then I went inside to have a shower and get a few hours of sleep. It wouldnt be long now before the k

27、ids would rush into my room and wake me up to tell me about the new tree-house Father Christmas had brought them this year. 46. Why did the man feel nervous? A. He left the party too late. B. He was afraid of the darkness. C. He didnt know where the black bag was. D. He worried that others would dis

28、cover his secret. 解析: 考查细节题。第一段没有直接有定位词 nervous,但是却用了高中语法条件状语从句的虚拟语气。即使学生没有学过高中语法,从第一段的转折词 but 也可以读出作者的心理状态。 答案: D 47. The underlined word “they” in Paragraph 3 refers to _. A. thieves B. parents C. children D. neighbours 解析:考查 猜词题中的指代题,考查理解文中的语法衔接。 children 对应文中的 kids. 首先指代题的答案一定在它 所在位置的前面。因为这个 the

29、y 对应的答案不是在 they 所在句子的前一句,而且在这一个段落的第一句,距离 they 比较远。 答案: C 48. In what order did the man do the following? a. Read the kids a story. b. Had a shower. c. Worked in the moonlight. d. Dragged the bag from the garage. e. Went to a party. A. e-d-a-b-c B. e-a-d-c-b C. a-b-e-d-c D. a-e-d-c-b 解析: 考查排序题,这是记叙文的

30、经典考题。可以用首尾排序法。由于 B 篇是一篇按时间顺序写的文章,可以先排除第一二位出答案。第一位是 e 与 a,可以在文中第二段找到 e,在第三段找到 a,因此可以排除 C 和 D。第二位是 a 与 d,可以在文中第四段找到 d,所以可以选出答案 B。 答案: B 49. What did the man want to do after finishing his plan? A. Go to sleep. B. Wake up his children. C. Open the bag. D. Call the police. 解析:考查 推断题。文中没有明确给出可以与题目 want t

31、o do 同义替换的定位词,但是可以推断作者劳累奔波一晚之后的心情,而且最后一段说 Then I went inside to have a shower and get a few hours of sleep. 所以可以推断出答案是 A. Go to sleep. 答案: A 50. How would the children feel when they saw the mans work? A. Confused. B. Excited. C. Tired. D. Angry. 解析: 考查记叙文故事情节发展的推断。文章没有直接给出答案,而是考查学生读完全文后预测文中孩子们的心情。我

32、们除了从文章内容出发,还可以从选项的感情色彩出发。选项A. Confused C. Tired D. Angry 都是贬义词,而 B 是褒义词,根据 3:1 的比例,很可能答案就是 B。而我们从文章内容来理解答案也是 B. Excited。 答案: B (B) In early November of 1503, during Christopher Columbus fourth and final trip America, his ship was seriously damaged in a storm. Columbus and his men had to live on a sm

33、all island for several months while they tried to repair their ship and return to Spain. At first, the local people on the island were very kind to the European visitors, giving them all the food and clothes they needed to survive. However, as the months passed, the local people became more and more

34、 unhappy with their guests, who were tricking and stealing from them. Finally the locals decided to stop helping. Without food or any way to leave the island, Columbus group was soon in serious trouble. Luckily for Columbus, he had a book about the stars and planets on his ship. It described the mov

35、ements of all the objects in the night sky. The book, written by a well-known German scientist, said there would be a total lunar eclipse (月食 ) on the evening of February 29 , 1504 and how long it would last. Columbus worked out the difference in time between Germany and North America. He then had a

36、 meeting with the local leaders just before the eclipse would take place. In this meeting, Columbus told them his god was angry because the local people were no longer giving food. So his god would take away the moon to punish them. At the moment Columbus finished talking, just as he had planned, th

37、e moon began disappearing. The local leaders grew frightened and quickly agreed to provide Columbus with food and anything else he wanted. But first, Columbus god had to return the moon. Columbus told them he would have to discuss the idea with his god on his ship. Knowing the moon would stay comple

38、tely hidden for about 48 minutes, Columbus returned just before the moon began to reappear. From that day on, until they finally left, Columbus and his men no longer had any trouble getting the food they needed. 51. At first, the local people helped Columbus and his men by_. A. giving them food B. b

39、uilding a house for them C. repairing their ship D. providing them with a book 解析:考查 细节题,考查定位关键信息的能力。我们可以利用题目中的 at first 来定位,在文中第二段找到答案。文中的 giving them all the food 对应选项 A。所以答案选 A。 答案: A 52. The local people became angry because the Europeans_. A. looked very different B. had nothing to trade C. wer

40、e cheats and thieves D. wanted to take their land 解析:考查 细节题,考查同义替换的能力。从题目可以看到 angry,但是文中没有 angry,只有 unhappy。而且第二段中的 however 这个转折词表示 however 后的内容与前面的内容感情色彩不一样。这里 unhappy 后面所在的非限制性定语从句 who were tricking and stealing from them 对应选项 C。所以答案选 C。 答案: C 53. Where did Columbus learn about the lunar eclipse?

41、A. From a book. B. From the moon. C. From his group. D. From the locals. 解析:考查 细节题。同学们可能看到 the lunar eclipse 就因为不懂单词而遇到困难。其实这题文章有中文,我们用中文定位答案区间,然后我们在第三段第一句找到 答案 had a book。所以答案选 A. From a book。 答案: A 54. What did Columbus do after returning to his ship on the night of the meeting? A. He discussed th

42、e problem with his god. B. He waited for the eclipse to finish. C. He read about the stars and planets. D. He told his men what happened. 解析:考查 推理题。这一题比较难,要在综合理解第四段和第五段的基础上才能理解。其实这两段的意思就是哥伦布为了让当地人给他们食物和衣服,哥伦布就利用族人害怕月食的心理来骗他们。哥伦布假装回到船上与他的神讨论时候让月亮出来,其实哥伦布只是呆在船上等待月食结束。所以这一题选 B。 答案: B 55. What can we le

43、arn about the Europeans from the passage? A. They all believed in god. B. They never returned to Spain. C. They admired the local people. D. They caused their own problems. 解析:考查 推理题。首先 A 和 B 选项出现了绝对化选项 all 和 never,从文中也找不到这两个选项的答案,所以排除 AB。对于 C 项,理解全文后可知是当地人崇拜哥伦布,因为哥伦布可以说服他们的神让当地人重见月亮。而 D 选项可以从第二段的非限

44、制性定语从句 who were tricking and stealing from them 找到答案 D。 答案: D (C) In todays world of modern science and medicine, a more traditional treatment is once again becoming popular-animal friendship. It is now well-known that people with problems such as heart disease or cancer live longer and get better m

45、ore quickly if they have pets. Keeping pets lowers blood pressure and makes people less worried. Animals are increasingly important in treating older people who have memory loss and other brain problems. These people often feel nervous and upset. Activities w ith animals help them improve their physical condition and also give them joy, entertainment and loving friendship. Here is a case


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