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1、2014 年 重庆市高三考前冲刺(三诊)英语 一、单项填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分 ) 请从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项的标号涂黑。 例 : It is generally considered unwise to give a child _ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 答案是 B 1. -Jim isnt responding to my email requests to send over the cop

2、y of contract. -_. Maybe hes just busy. A. Oh, hes so rude B. Thats ridiculous C. Its wrong D. Well, remail him 解析: 本题考察交际英语。 A 他太粗鲁了; B 那真是太荒谬了! C 那是错的; D 好的,再给他发邮件。句义: Jim 没有回复我的邮件,请求他回复合同的请求。 也许他很忙,你再给他发邮件吧!根据后半句 Maybe hes just busy 可知你再给他发邮件吧!故选 D 项。 答案: D 2. For many, winning remains_ dream, bu

3、t they continue trying their luck as therere always _chances that they might succeed. A. /; / B. a; the C. a; / D. the; the 解析: 本题考察冠词。句义:对于很多人来说,获胜是梦想,但是他们继续尝试他们的运气,直到他们成功。本题第一空使用 a dream 表示一类事物;第二空使用复数形式表示一类事物。故选 C 项。 答案: C 3. -May I see your ticket please? I think you_ in my seat. -Oh, you are ri

4、ght. Im terribly sorry. A. sit B. are sitting C. will sit D. sat 解析: 本题考察时态。句义: 我可以看一下你的 票吗?我认为你坐了我的位置。 你是对的,对不起。根据句义可知本句叙述的是正在发生的事情,所以使用一般现在时。故选 B项。 答案: B 4. In the case of black hole, we think it swallows_ that slips into it. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. someone 解析: 本题考察代词辨析。 A 所有东西; B

5、 一些事情; C 没有事情; D 某个人;句义:以防黑洞,我们认为它吞没了滑进去的所有东西。根据句义说明 A 正确。句中的 that slips into it是一个定语从句,修饰前面的 everything。故选 A 项。 答案: A 5. Traditionally_ as one of the safest planes, the Boeing 777s reputation has been damaged by the second crash in less than a year. A. to be regarded B. regarded C. having been rega

6、rded D. regarding 解析: 本题考察分词做状语。本句中的 regard 与后面句子主语 the Boeing 777 构成逻辑上的被动关系,所以使用过去分词,过去分词 done 更多强调的是被动,而 having been done 更多强调的是已经完成,两者和做状语的时候可以互换使用。句义:传统上被看作为最安全的飞机 -波音 777 的名誉在一年之内的两次撞击事件而受到了破坏 。故选 B 项。 答案: B 6. Italy calls an emergency meeting to save the ancient city of Pompeii_ falling down.

7、 A. on B. off C. from D. against 解析: 本题考察介词短语辨析。 save from 从 中挽救出 ;句义:意大利号召召开紧急会议把庞贝古城从沉没的危险中挽救出来。根据句义选 C 项。 答案: C 7. She_ be the wisest woman on this planet, for she has lived Up to the three words seize the moment. A. will B. must C. shall D. can 解析: 本题考察情态动词。 A 将要;会; B 必须,一定。非得,偏偏; C 将要; D 可能,能够;

8、句义:她一定是这个星球上最聪明的人 ,因为她已经符合了这三个词“抓住这个时刻”。根据句义可知本句中的 must 是对现在情况的肯定推测。故选 B 项。 答案: B 8. Asia _ the popularity of South Korean culture that has been flooding other countries since turn of the century. A. had been increasingly feeling B. increasingly felt C. will increasingly feel D. is increasingly feel

9、ing 解析: 本题考察时态。句义:自从世纪之交以来,其他国家正在感受韩国文化席卷其他国家。本句使用现在进行时表示最近一段时间以来一直发生的事情或者存在的状态,所以使用现在进行时。故选 D 项。 答案: D 9. A great person believes ones real value first lies in to_ degree and sense he sets himself. A. whose B. where C. how D. what 解析: 句义: 一个人的真正价值首先决定于他在什么程度上和在什么意义上自我解放出来。本句是一个固定搭配 to some degree 在

10、某种程度上。一个宾语从句 to what degree and sense he sets himself。因为后面的 sense and degree 都是名词,所以 使用 what 进行修饰。故选 D 项。 答案: D 10. The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, _ makes you unique. A. which B. that C. as D. when 解析: 本题考察定语从句。先行词指代前面一句话的内容, which 指代前面一句话的内容在后面句中做主语。句义:你越喜欢自己,你就越不喜欢别

11、人,这会让你很独特。 As 引导非限制性定语从句,有正如的意思。故选 A 项。 答案: A 11. How I wish _ more when I was at university, which is too late now. A. I would learn. B. I would have learned C. I had learned D. I learned 解析: 本题 考察虚拟语气。 I wish 后的宾语从句的虚拟语气。如果宾语从句与现在事实相反,就使用一般过去时;如果与过去事实相反就使用过去完成时;如果表示与将来事实相反,就使用过去将来时。根据本句中的 when I w

12、as 说明这是与过去事实相反,所以使用过去完成时。句义:我多么希望我在大学的时候多学些东西啊!但是一切都晚了。故选 C 项。 答案: C 12. Not only a little girl but also adults_ a growing appetite for junk food nowadays A. were having B. have C. has D. was having 解析: 本题考察主谓一致。 not only but also 引导的短语在句中做主语的时候,谓语动词要与教近的名词在人称和数上保持一致。句义:不仅是那个小女孩,而且成年人对于垃圾食物也越来越有食欲。

13、A 项的时态与句中的 nowadays 不一致。故选 B 项。 答案 : B 13. _ you get no applause, you should accept a curtain call gracefully and appreciate your own efforts. A. Even though B. As long as C. Until D. As far as 解析: 本题考察连词辨析。 even though 尽管,即使; as long as 只要; until 直到 才 ; as far as 据 ;就 ;句义:尽管你没有得到掌声,但是你应该谢幕并欣赏自己的努力。

14、根据句义可知上下文之间存在这转折关系,故选 A 项。 答案: A 14. If women are mercilessly exploited by fashion year after year, they have only themselves _. A. blame B. to blame C. having blamed D. blaming 解析: 本题考察动词 blame 的用法。 Be to blame 应受责备;该短语不用于被动语态,也不用于进行时。通常使用主动语态表示被动含义。句中 to blame 是不定式在句中做宾语补足语。Have themselves to blam

15、e 让自己受到责备。故选 B 项。 答案: B 15. -Arent you tired of workout? - _ . I stick to it every clay in order to keep fit. A. Mind your own business B. Yes, very much C. Not in the least D. Its nothing, though 解析: 本题考察交际用语。 A 不要多管闲事; B 是的,非常; C 一点也不; D 不过没关系,不严重;句义: 你厌倦锻炼吗? 一点也不,为了保持健康我坚持每天坚持锻炼。故选 C项。 答案: C 二、完形

16、填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分 ) 请阅读下面两篇短文,掌握大意;然后从 16 35 各题所给的 四个选项 (A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项的标号涂黑。 A Horror seized the heart of the World War I soldier as he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle. 16 in a trench(战壕 ) with continuous gunfire whizzing over his head, the soldier asked his lieu

17、tenant if he might rush our into the No Mans Land between the trenches to bring his 17 comrade back. You can 18 , said the Lieutenant, but I dont think it will be worth it. Your friend is probably dead and you may 19 your own life. The Lieutenants words didnt 20 , and the soldier headed there anyway

18、. Amazingly he 21 to reach his friend, lifted him onto his shoulder, and brought him back to their companys trench. As the two of them roiled over together to the 22 of the trench, the officer checked the wounded soldier, then looked kindly at his friend. I told you it wouldnt be worth it, he said.

19、Your friend is dead, and you are seriously wounded. It was worth it, 23 , sir, the soldier said. How do you mean worth it? responded the Lieutenant. Your friend is dead! Yes sir, the private answered. But it was worth it because when I got to him, he was still 24 , and I had the 25 of hearing him sa

20、y, Jim, I knew youd, come. Many a time in life, whether a thing is worth doing or not really 26 how you look at it. Take up all your 27 and do something your heart tells you to do so that you may not 28 not doing it later in life. 16. A. Occupied B. Caught C. Employed D. Lost 解析: 本题考查固定搭配。 Be caught

21、 in 被卡住,陷入 ;句义:被压制在战壕里,头顶上都是呼啸而过的子弹,士兵问上尉他是否可以冲过那片无人地带去把受伤的同伴救回来。本句中的 caught in 在句中做伴随状语。 答案: B 17. A. unconscious B. dead C. fallen D. stricken 解析: 本题考查形容词辨析。 A 没有意识的; B 死亡的; C 倒下的; D 被击打的;根据第一行 he saw his lifelong friend fall in battle可知他看见自己的战友倒了下去。所以这里使用 fallen来修饰自己的好友。 答案: C 18. A. leave B. sta

22、y C. go D. fight 解析: 本题考查动词辨析。 A 离开; B 待着,留下; C 去; D 战斗,努力;根据 if he might rush our into 可知他要去救战友,上尉对他说:你可以去,但是我认为这不值得。因为他已经死了,你会丢了自己的性命。 答案: C 19. A. throw away B. put away C. call off D. take off 解析: 本题考查短语辨析。 A 扔掉; B 收拾,整理,储蓄; C 取消; D 脱掉;上尉告诉他:你的朋友可能已经死了,如果你去,你也可能会把自己的消磨扔在那里。 答案: A 20. A. respond

23、B. bother C. affect D. matter 解析: 本题考查动词辨析。 A 回复; B 麻烦,努力; C 影响; D 重要,有关系;根据下句 the soldier headed there anyway 可知这个士兵还是朝朋友倒下的地方去了,说明上尉的话对他没起作用。 答案: D 21. A. attempted B. meant C. tended D. managed 解析: 本题考查动词辨析。 A 尝试;企图; B 意味着; C 倾向于; D 设法;通过下文可知他成功地把朋友的尸体带了回来,说明他想方设法靠近了自己的朋友。故使用 manage to do sth设法成功

24、做某事。 答案: D 22. A. bottom B. top C. edge D. side 解析: 本题考查名词辨析。 A 底部; B 顶部; C 边缘; D 边;当他们两个人一起滚到战壕的底部的时候,上尉检查了这两位受伤的士兵。 答案: A 23. A. therefore B. moreover C. though D. otherwise 解析: 本题考查副词辨析。 A 因此; B 而且; C 然而,可是; D 否则,要不然;上尉说:你的朋友已经死了,你也受了伤。这不值得。而他对上尉的话进行了反驳:然而这是值得的。在下面两段他阐述了自己认为值得的理由。 答案: C 24. A. aw

25、ake B. alive C. injured D. refreshed 解析: 本题考查形容词辨析。 A 醒着的; B 活着的; C 受伤的; D 精神抖擞的;句义:这是值得的,因为当我到他身边的时候,他还活着,他对我说:我知道你会来的。 答案: B 25. A. pleasure B. satisfaction C. honor D. privilege 解析: 本题考查名词辨析。 A 快乐; B 满意; C 荣耀,光荣; D 特权;本句是指当他听见朋友对他说的话很满意。说明他认为自己这样做是值得的。 答案: B 26. A. concentrates upon B. contribute

26、s to C. deals with D. counts on 解析: 本题考查短语辨析。 A 集中注意力; B 致力于,做贡献;导致; C 处理; D 依赖,在于; 句义:在生活中,一件事情是否值得做在于你如何看待它。如果你积极地看待,就认为是值得的。 答案: D 27. A. courage B. love C. mind D. inspiration 解析: 本题考查名词辨析。 A 勇气; B 爱; C 思维; D 激励;鼓起勇气去做你的内心深处告诉你应该做的事,免得后悔自己没有做这样的事情。 答案: A 28. A. forget B. remember C. regret D. ad

27、mit 解析: 本题考查动词辨析。 A 忘记; B 记得; C 后悔,遗憾; D 承认;鼓起勇气去做你的内心深处告诉你要做的事情,免得后悔自己没有做这样的事情。 答案: .C B How difficult is it to get on a plane with a stolen passport? Not as 29 as you might think. In any major international airport, its not 30 to have your passport checked four times or more between check-in and 3

28、1 the aircraft. But if passenger documents arent checked against International Criminal Police Organizations database of Stolen and Lost Travel Documents, travelers using those documents can slip through layers of 32 . Reports that two passengers on missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 were travelin

29、g on stolen Austrian and Italian passports have highlighted security 33 that have troubled Interpol for years. Not all lost passports are 34 stolen passports, Some passports lost are actually sold by the passport holder. The flight, carrying over 200 passengers, disappeared from 35 on Saturday and h

30、asnt been seen or heard from since. 29. A. possible B. evident C. hard D. accessible 解析: 本题考查形容词辨析。 A 可能的; B 明显的; C 困难的; D 可以进入的;可以得到的;使用偷来的护照上飞机有多么困难?并不像你想象的那么困难。 答案: C 30. A. necessary B. uncommon C. inconvenient D. optional 解析 : 本题考查形容词辨析。 A 必要的; B 不平常的; C 不方便的; D 可供选择的;在一些国际机场,在登机之前,护照被核对 4 次以上是

31、很平常的事情。本句中的 not uncommon 是双重否定表示肯定,语气较弱。 答案: B 31. A. boarding B. flying C. leaving D. reaching 解析: 本题考查动词辨析。 A 登机,登船; B 飞行; C 离开; D 到达;本句表示在登机之前,你的护照被多次检查。 答案: A 32. A. organization B. process C. requirement D. security 解析: 本题考查名词辨析。 A 组织; B 过程; C 要求; D 安全;如果乘客使用的文件没有被检查出与国际刑警的文件有冲突,那么使用这些文件的乘客就可以安

32、全登机了。 答案: D 33. A. examinations B. concerns C. backgrounds D. advantages 解析: 本题考查名词辨析。 A 考试; B 担心,担忧; C 背景; D 优势;马来西亚 Mh370 航班上两名乘客使用偷来的护照登机的报道引起了人们对飞机安全方面的担心。 答案: B 34. A. usually B. especially C. necessarily D. finally 解析: 本题考查副词辨析。 A 通常的,经常的; B 尤其,特别; C 必要地; D 最后,终于;并不是所有丢失的护照都是被偷走的护照,有些丢失的护照正是被护

33、照的主人卖掉的。 答案: C 35. A. radar B. airport C. radio D. spot 解析: 本题考查名词辨析。 A 雷达; B 机场; C 无线电; D 点;污点;有 200 多名乘客的MH370 航班星期六从雷达上消失了,从那以后就再也没有被看见或者听说过。 答案: A 三、阅读理解 (共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分 ) 请阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项的标号涂黑。 A Do you scream on a roller coaster ride? You slowly climb

34、 up a steep slope until an almost vertical(垂直的 ) drop, and then.Ahhhhhhhh! Thrill-seekers like me are in luck because theme parks are pushing the boundaries of technology to create the fastest, tallest, scariest roller coasters the world has ever known. Alton Towers in Britain opened the worlds firs

35、t 14-1oop roller coaster a few months ago, called The Smiler. Over in Abu Dhabi, Ferrari World claims to have the worlds fastest one. Ferrari Worlds Formula Rossa ride sends out passengers from 0-240km/h in just 4. 9 seconds. During this rapid acceleration they experience G-forces only fighter pilot

36、s usually feel: Up to 4. 8G. The designer of several rides at Alton Towers, said: While we can stand 6-8Gs for very short periods of time, ff we experience 5G for more than five seconds were likely to black out. On modern roller coasters passengers experience about 3G in tight turns and loops. But w

37、hile we may have reached the limit in terms of G-forces, there is no technological limit to how fast or how high roller coasters can go-its all down to money. Alton Towers The Smiler cost 18m to build. Some companies are finding other ways to keep us amused. Theres a move towards indoor rides where

38、the experience is improved by audio-visual technologies. For example, a company called Dynamic Structures is currently developing a coal-mine-themed ride for a client in Dubai that will combine speed and G-forces with 3D projection effects and robotics, which will trick your brain into thinking your

39、e really falling. I cant wait to enjoy this one. What about you: Do you like being upside down? 36. The underlined phrase black out in the second paragraph probably means_. A. stop breathing B. lose consciousness for a short time C. lose memory forever D. bleed to death 解析: 推理判断题。根据本句 The designer o

40、f several rides at Alton Towers, said: While we can stand 6-8Gs for very short periods of time, ff we experience 5G for more than five seconds were likely to black out.可知通常我们可以短时间地承受 6-8G,但是如果承受 5G 超过了 5 秒钟,我们就会承受不了。这已经到了我们能够承受的极限。身体会出现比较大的反应, A 项过于剧烈, B 项较为贴切。 答案: B 37. We can learn from the passag

41、e that _. A. all the theme parks are creating the fast roller coasters B. the Smiler sends out passengers from 0-240km/h in just 4.9 seconds C. it is unusual for fighter pilots to feel up to 4.8G D. the more the money is spent, the faster the roller coaster can go 解析: 推理判断 题。根据第 3 段 1,2 行 But while

42、we may have reached the limit in terms of G-forces, there is no technological limit to how fast or how high roller coasters can go-its all down to money.可知过山车的速度是没有技术限制的,只要你能够出得起钱,就可以获得更快速度的过山车。所以选 D 项。 答案: D 38. The feature of the coal-mine-themed ride is_. A. 3Dtechnologies B. indoor rides C. G-fo

43、rces D. dynamic structures 解析: 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段 For example, a company called Dynamic Structures is currently developing a coal-mine-themed ride for a client in Dubai that will combine speed and G-forces with 3D projection effects and robotics, which will trick your brain into thinking youre really falling.可知 coal-mine-themed项目把速度和 3D 技术结合在一起了。 3D 技术是它的亮点。故 A 正确。 答案: A 39. What is the best title for the passage? A. The Fastest Roll


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