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1、同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语-词汇(一)及答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection A/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.Some college students in China maintain a casual correspondence with their former high school teachers.(分数:1.00)A.occasionalB.indifferentC.carelessD.frequent2.The outcome of the conflict shattered the Palestinians dream o

2、f peace and prosperity.(分数:1.00)A.fulfilledB.strengthenedC.destroyedD.confirmed3.Economists and government officials are trying to get at the cause of the current inflation.(分数:1.00)A.discoverB.eliminateC.inaugurateD.devise4.Companies can maintain good business relations by abiding by their promises

3、 and agreements.(分数:1.00)A.coming up withB.breaking away fromC.living up toD.getting rid of5.As stock prices plunged during the banking crisis, some investors were beginning to lose hope.(分数:1.00)A.tumbledB.dispersedC.collapsedD.dripped6.No amount of talking could obscure the fact the president had

4、run out of excuses now.(分数:1.00)A.darkenB.exposeC.distortD.hide7.Despite his remarks that triggered bitter debates, the president insisted he was telling the truth.(分数:1.00)A.terminatedB.disseminatedC.extinguishedD.initiated8.The arrangement of the meeting has to be kept confidential for the sake of

5、 security.(分数:1.00)A.confidentB.secretC.flexibleD.positive9.Some experts fear that these regulations will be so strict as to paralyze economic activities.(分数:1.00)A.make. ineffectiveB.render. necessaryC.keep. strongD.leave. alone10.This aged patient complied with the physicians orders, hoping for a

6、quick recovery.(分数:1.00)A.obeyedB.defiedC.memorizedD.contemplated二、BSection B/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)11.A national authority is to conduct on-site inspections of these laboratories and _ legal penalties for violations.(分数:1.00)A.composeB.exposeC.imposeD.suppose12.The parents of the bride _ my presence at

7、 the wedding as we had been neighbors for years.(分数:1.00)A.persisted inB.clung toC.stuck toD.insisted on13.A _ contest is intended to eliminate less qualified competitors before decisive contests.(分数:1.00)A.fundamentalB.deliberateC.preliminaryD.tough14.This old man lives more in the present than in

8、the past and _ sports in a big way.(分数:1.00)A.falls back onB.ends up withC.goes in forD.comes up with15.It is now impossible to assess whether such research is of an _ or defensive nature.(分数:1.00)A.activeB.offensiveC.aliveD.optional16.The US biodefence research is particularly controversial because

9、 of the sheer _ of the effort.(分数:1.00)A.latitudeB.magnitudeC.aptitudeD.attitude17.These openness measures are equally important in the _ of public health.(分数:1.00)A.occasionB.contextC.conditionD.landscape18.Many argue that efforts like this will _ the line between socialism and capitalism.(分数:1.00)

10、A.blurB.enforceC.separateD.extend19.We cannot comment on whether _ international standards should be developed under this convention.(分数:1.00)A.bindingB.windingC.decayingD.cunning20._ the 2008 Olympic Games, the air quality in Beijing would not be so good these days.(分数:1.00)A.Except forB.But forC.A

11、s forD.For all同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语-词汇(一)答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection A/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.Some college students in China maintain a casual correspondence with their former high school teachers.(分数:1.00)A.occasional B.indifferentC.carelessD.frequent解析:该句意为:中国的一些大学生偶尔与以前的中学老师联系。casual 的意思是“漫不经心的,随意的

12、,偶尔的”,与 occasional同义。indifferent:不在乎的,漠不关心的,冷淡的;frequent:屡次的,经常的。2.The outcome of the conflict shattered the Palestinians dream of peace and prosperity.(分数:1.00)A.fulfilledB.strengthenedC.destroyed D.confirmed解析:该句意为:冲突的后果是巴勒斯坦人和平和繁荣的梦想破灭了。shatter 的意思是“打破,粉碎,破坏”。fulfill:实现,履行,满足;strengthen:加强,增强;des

13、troy:毁灭,摧毁;confirm:证实,验证。3.Economists and government officials are trying to get at the cause of the current inflation.(分数:1.00)A.discover B.eliminateC.inaugurateD.devise解析:该句意为:经济学家和政府官员在试图弄清楚目前涨价的原因。get at 的意思是“理解,弄明白,接近”,在此句中意思与 discover接近。eliminate:消灭,清除;inaugurate:就职;devise:设计,策划。4.Companies ca

14、n maintain good business relations by abiding by their promises and agreements.(分数:1.00)A.coming up withB.breaking away fromC.living up to D.getting rid of解析:该句意为:公司只要信守诺言并履行协议就能保持良好的业务关系。abide by 的意思是“遵守”。come up with:想到,想出来;break away from:脱离,挣脱;live up to:达到,实现,无愧于;get rid of:摆脱,扔掉,甩掉。5.As stock

15、prices plunged during the banking crisis, some investors were beginning to lose hope.(分数:1.00)A.tumbled B.dispersedC.collapsedD.dripped解析:该句意为:银行信贷危机中股票价格下跌,一些投资者开始心里没底。plunge 的意思是“陷入,下跌,投入”。tumble:翻跟头,下降,跌落;disperse:驱散,散开;collapse:崩溃,解体,垮台;drip:滴入。6.No amount of talking could obscure the fact the p

16、resident had run out of excuses now.(分数:1.00)A.darkenB.exposeC.distortD.hide 解析:该句意为:不论总统说多少话,都无法掩饰他理屈词穷的事实。obscure 的意思很多,有“暗淡的,不明了的,晦涩的等”。虽然有时与 darken同义,但此句中选 darken不合适。expose:暴露,袒露,接触;distort:歪曲,扭曲。7.Despite his remarks that triggered bitter debates, the president insisted he was telling the truth

17、.(分数:1.00)A.terminatedB.disseminatedC.extinguishedD.initiated 解析:该句意为:尽管总统的话引发激烈的争论,但他坚持认为自己讲的是实话。trigger 的意思是“诱发,引发”。terminate:中止,结束;disseminate:传播,散布,普及;extinguish:扑灭,灭绝;initiate:发动,开始,策划。8.The arrangement of the meeting has to be kept confidential for the sake of security.(分数:1.00)A.confidentB.se

18、cret C.flexibleD.positive解析:该句意为:为了安全起见,会议的安排要保密。confidential 与 secret是同义词,与 confident无关。flexible:灵活的;positive:正面的,积极的。9.Some experts fear that these regulations will be so strict as to paralyze economic activities.(分数:1.00)A.make. ineffective B.render. necessaryC.keep. strongD.leave. alone解析:该句意为:有

19、些专家担心这些规定过于严格,会严重影响经济活动。paralyze 的意思是“使瘫痪,使失去作用,使惊愕”,在此句中的含义是“使无任何效果”。Render necessary:使有必要;leavealone:不理会。10.This aged patient complied with the physicians orders, hoping for a quick recovery.(分数:1.00)A.obeyed B.defiedC.memorizedD.contemplated解析:该句意为:这位老病号按医嘱去做,希望早日康复。comply with 的意思是“按去做,遵守”,与 obe

20、y同义。defy:蔑视,公开对抗,使很难;memorize:记住,背;contemplate:思考。二、BSection B/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)11.A national authority is to conduct on-site inspections of these laboratories and _ legal penalties for violations.(分数:1.00)A.composeB.exposeC.impose D.suppose解析:该句意为:国家主管部门应对这些实验室进行现场检查并对违规现象采取法律制裁。 compose:作曲,编写,构成(

21、be composed of);expose:接触,暴露;impose:强加,征收。12.The parents of the bride _ my presence at the wedding as we had been neighbors for years.(分数:1.00)A.persisted inB.clung toC.stuck toD.insisted on 解析:该句意为:新娘的父母与我们是老街坊,一定要我出席婚礼。persist in:坚持做,不停止;cling to:依附,不离开;stick to:坚持(习惯或信仰),不放弃;insist on:坚决要求。13.A _

22、 contest is intended to eliminate less qualified competitors before decisive contests.(分数:1.00)A.fundamentalB.deliberateC.preliminary D.tough解析:该句意为:预选赛的目的是在决赛前使水平差的竞争者出局。fundamental:基本的,根本的;deliberate:蓄意的,故意的;preliminary:初步的,预先的;tough:难对付的,顽强的,激烈的(a tough game)。14.This old man lives more in the pre

23、sent than in the past and _ sports in a big way.(分数:1.00)A.falls back onB.ends up withC.goes in for D.comes up with解析:该句意为:这位老人的生活更接近当代人,是体育迷。fall back on:依赖;依靠;end up with:结局是;go in for:参与,感兴趣;come up with:想到。15.It is now impossible to assess whether such research is of an _ or defensive nature.(分数

24、:1.00)A.activeB.offensive C.aliveD.optional解析:该句意为:现在无法判定此类研究是进攻性的还是防御性的。该句的选项要参考 defensive一词,与其相反的就是 offensive:冒犯的,不礼貌的,进攻性的;optional:选择性的,选修的。16.The US biodefence research is particularly controversial because of the sheer _ of the effort.(分数:1.00)A.latitudeB.magnitude C.aptitudeD.attitude解析:该句意为:

25、由于力度过大,美国生物防御研究的争议很大。latitude:纬度;magnitude:强度,力度;aptitude:能力,天赋;attitude:态度。17.These openness measures are equally important in the _ of public health.(分数:1.00)A.occasionB.context C.conditionD.landscape解析:该句意为:在公共健康的背景之下这些公开化措施同样重要。occasion:场合;时刻,与介词 on连用;context:形势,背景,上下文,in the context of 指在背景下;co

26、ndition:条件(under),状态(in);landscape:风景,景色。18.Many argue that efforts like this will _ the line between socialism and capitalism.(分数:1.00)A.blur B.enforceC.separateD.extend解析:该句意为:许多人争辩说,这样的努力将淡化资本主义与社会主义的界限。blur:使模糊不清;enforce:实施,执行;extend:延伸,表示,延长。19.We cannot comment on whether _ international stand

27、ards should be developed under this convention.(分数:1.00)A.binding B.windingC.decayingD.cunning解析:该句意为:我们无法评论能否根据此公约制定有约束力的国际标准。binding:有约束力的;winding:弯曲的,蜿蜒的;decaying:衰败的,腐烂的;cunning:狡猾的。20._ the 2008 Olympic Games, the air quality in Beijing would not be so good these days.(分数:1.00)A.Except forB.But for C.As forD.For all解析:该句意为:如果不是因为这场雨,空气质量不会这么好。except for:除之外;but for:如果不是的缘故,如果不是因为;as for:至于;for all:尽管。

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