
tain 350 pages of advertisements. Some radio stations devote 40 minutes of every hour to (2) .Then there is television. According to one estimate, Ame


1、tain 350 pages of advertisements. Some radio stations devote 40 minutes of every hour to 2 .Then there is television. Ac。

2、1828 and died on Feb. 14, 1910. His writings 1 influenced much of 20thcentury literature, and his moral 2 helped shape t。

3、ld email device and tried to read them during an exam: a classmate turned him in. At the University of Nevada at Las Veg。

4、 Sarah Sallon said of the date palm,whose parents may have provided food for the besieged Jews at Masada some 2 000 year。

5、erested, without judgment, in the way other people choose to live and behave, in order to turn it into a strategy which 。

6、ining ourselves.A hundred years ago, before all these devices were invented, if a person wanted to entertain himself wit。

7、try populated by extroverts外向型的人 or jump ship to a more reflective place where introverts like her were in the majorityC。

8、数:10.00二专项练习 2总题数:1,分数:10.002.17 天长假给我们带来了许多好处2长假也带来了一些问题3你的建议分数:10.00三专项练习 3总题数:1,分数:10.003.Some people criticize the s。

9、 Dr. Sarah Sallon said of the date palm,whose parents may have provided food for the besieged Jews at Masada some 2 000。


11、poorer students: It has built some special dormitories for poor students. More than 100 of the schools relatively poor s。

12、falseC.dishonestD.pretended2.Once a political system has been corrupted right from the very top leaders to the lowest r。

13、id expressions that we might use in more casual situations. Among the features of formal English are the careful explana。

14、ve up toB.stand up toC.go up toD.add up to2.The police are good persons to turn to in case of trouble, especially in big。

15、maintainingD.hindering2.Various measures intended to facilitate economic recovery in the affected area have been sugges。

16、A.turn toB.cling toC.take toD.cater to2.The descendants of prominent families have to learn to protect their privacy in 。

17、t home.B.I was going to, but I had an unexpected visitor.C.No way, as a visitor was coming to visit me.D.Im sorry. I won。

18、ree withC.interact withD.point to2.He was thoughtful and gravebut the orders he gave were enough to bewilder a crew.分数:1。

19、A.occasionalB.indifferentC.carelessD.frequent2.The outcome of the conflict shattered the Palestinians dream of peace and。

20、April 30,1828 and died on Feb. 14, 1910. His writings U1 U influenced much of 20thcentury literature, and his moral U2 U。

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