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1、同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语-词汇(六)及答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection A/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.The loans were made based on fake certificates of deposit issued by bank branch officials.(分数:1.00)A.artificialB.falseC.dishonestD.pretended2.Once a political system has been corrupted right from the very top leaders to t

2、he lowest ranks of the government, the problem is very complicated.(分数:1.00)A.rottenB.disintegratedC.boiledD.spoiled3.Three days later, the IOC announced that Johnsons test had been positive and he had disgraced the sports movement.(分数:1.00)A.dishonoredB.destroyedC.discriminatedD.disguised4.That nig

3、ht Peter swore to be free or die in the cause the freedom of slaves.(分数:1.00)A.determinedB.vowedC.promisedD.declared5.The guilty verdict was widely expected, although harsher than many had predicted.(分数:1.00)A.judgmentB.crimeC.juryD.convict6.In the months and years that followed as I transit the Nor

4、thwest Passage, I came to accept such surprises as commonplace.(分数:1.00)A.passed acrossB.passed awayC.passed onD.passed over7.The month which started with the fall of Rome witnessed also the fall of other cities and the German Fortress was successfully besieged.(分数:1.00)A.suppressedB.surveyedC.surro

5、undedD.surrendered8.Chinatown has been the center of San Franciscos Chinese community since the 1850s. Its boundaries have expanded significantly since the 1960s, and the neighborhoods built there are generally Uwealthy/U.(分数:1.00)A.plentifulB.attractiveC.friendlyD.rich9.Before treating the injuries

6、, the victims feet should be elevated, otherwise it might make the abdominal injuries more serious.(分数:1.00)A.liftedB.loweredC.leveledD.separated10.As a masters candidate, he was always diligent in his study and research.(分数:1.00)A.instructiveB.industriousC.intelligentD.intense二、BSection B/B(总题数:10,

7、分数:10.00)11.Only sharp _ can enable man to be just right and good in his conduct, and can produce such a sharp sense in the highest degree.(分数:1.00)A.energyB.capacityC.volumeD.intuition12.That nations relationship with its neighbors was reflected in the mistrust, misunderstanding, and _.(分数:1.00)A.c

8、omprehensionB.concessionC.hostilityD.hospitality13.The president believed that the _ of his personality and of his travels would compete forcefully against the “image-making“ publicity tours of his rivals.(分数:1.00)A.gloryB.glamourC.gloomD.glance14.Educational specialists argued that omitting such su

9、bject areas as the arts, foreign languages, _ education could lead to a “narrowing“ of what is taught in schools.(分数:1.00)A.occasionalB.positionalC.vocationalD.personal15.Responding to voters concern over crime, Congress passed a $30.2 billion anticrime bill, and _ $6.9 billion for programs aimed at

10、 crime prevention.(分数:1.00)A.abolishedB.accountedC.accumulatedD.allotted16.Meg did not say this _, and when she had finished, she turned to Ethel with a smile.(分数:1.00)A.rudelyB.toughlyC.routinelyD.kindly17.A Boeing 747 crashed into a hillside while attempting to land during a nighttime storm; 228 o

11、f the 254 people who were on board the plane _.(分数:1.00)A.patrolledB.perceivedC.perishedD.plunged18.I have been for years troubling the pages of historians, to find out what our fathers have done to the native Americans, but I must say, that my researches have _ been to no effect.(分数:1.00)A.therefor

12、eB.hithertoC.howeverD.nevertheless19.A final _ was the faulty analysis of the vote in the primary election.(分数:1.00)A.blunderB.blendC.boltD.block20.There is nothing so lovely as to be beautiful. Beauty is a gift of the nature and we should _ it as such.(分数:1.00)A.cheatB.chooseC.cherishD.choke同等学历人员申

13、请硕士学位英语-词汇(六)答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection A/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.The loans were made based on fake certificates of deposit issued by bank branch officials.(分数:1.00)A.artificialB.false C.dishonestD.pretended解析:该句意为:这笔贷款是根据银行支行出具的一份假的存款证明发放的。artificial:人造的;false:假的;dishonest:不诚实的;pretended:假装的。2

14、.Once a political system has been corrupted right from the very top leaders to the lowest ranks of the government, the problem is very complicated.(分数:1.00)A.rotten B.disintegratedC.boiledD.spoiled解析:该句意为:一旦一个国家政府的政治系统中从上到下都腐败的话,那么问题就相当复杂了。corrupted:腐败的;rotten:腐烂的,腐败的;disintegrated:分解的;boiled:煮沸的;sp

15、oiled:宠坏了的。3.Three days later, the IOC announced that Johnsons test had been positive and he had disgraced the sports movement.(分数:1.00)A.dishonored B.destroyedC.discriminatedD.disguised解析:该句意为:三天后,国际奥委会宣布约翰逊的尿检呈阳性并称他玷污了这项体育活动。disgrace:玷污,使蒙受耻辱;dishonor:玷污,使蒙羞;destroy:破坏;discriminate:歧视;disguise:伪装,

16、掩饰。4.That night Peter swore to be free or die in the cause the freedom of slaves.(分数:1.00)A.determinedB.vowed C.promisedD.declared解析:该句意为:当晚 Peter发誓要为奴隶解放事业献出自己的一生,不自由,宁可死。swore(swear 的过去时):发誓;determine:决心;vow:发誓;promise:许诺;declare:声明。5.The guilty verdict was widely expected, although harsher than m

17、any had predicted.(分数:1.00)A.judgment B.crimeC.juryD.convict解析:该句意为:虽然判决比许多人预计的要严,但是人们都期望判处有罪。verdict:判决,裁决;crime:罪;jury:陪审团;convict:罪犯。6.In the months and years that followed as I transit the Northwest Passage, I came to accept such surprises as commonplace.(分数:1.00)A.passed across B.passed awayC.p

18、assed onD.passed over解析:该句意为:在我后来横跨西北航道的日子里,对这种奇景也就见怪不怪了。transit:横跨;pass across:横穿;pass away:去世;pass on:递给,传给;pass over:忽略,省略。7.The month which started with the fall of Rome witnessed also the fall of other cities and the German Fortress was successfully besieged.(分数:1.00)A.suppressedB.surveyedC.sur

19、rounded D.surrendered解析:该句意为:这个月一开始就攻陷了罗马,接着又攻下了许多城市并成功地包围了德国的要塞。suppress:镇压,抑制;survey:调查;surround:包围;surrender:投降。8.Chinatown has been the center of San Franciscos Chinese community since the 1850s. Its boundaries have expanded significantly since the 1960s, and the neighborhoods built there are ge

20、nerally Uwealthy/U.(分数:1.00)A.plentifulB.attractiveC.friendlyD.rich 解析:该句意为:自 19世纪 50年代起唐人街就已成为旧金山华人社区的中心。20 世纪 60年代以来其范围扩大很多,而这时在此建立的居民社区一般都比较富裕。wealthy:有钱的,富裕的;plentiful:大量的;attractive:吸引人的;friendly:较好的。9.Before treating the injuries, the victims feet should be elevated, otherwise it might make th

21、e abdominal injuries more serious.(分数:1.00)A.lifted B.loweredC.leveledD.separated解析:该句意为:在治疗这种伤之前,应先抬高伤者的脚,否则的话可能使腹部的伤更加严重。elevate:提高,抬高;lift:提高,抬高;lower:降低;level:放平 separate:分开。10.As a masters candidate, he was always diligent in his study and research.(分数:1.00)A.instructiveB.industrious C.intellig

22、entD.intense解析:该句意为:在他读硕士的时候,学习和研究都非常勤奋。diligent:勤奋的,用功的;instructive:有教育意义的;industrious:勤勉的,刻苦的;intelligent:聪明的,有才的;intense:强烈的,激烈的。二、BSection B/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)11.Only sharp _ can enable man to be just right and good in his conduct, and can produce such a sharp sense in the highest degree.(分数:1.0

23、0)A.energyB.capacityC.volumeD.intuition 解析:该句意为:只有敏锐的直觉才能使人的行为正直端正,才能产生这种最高等的敏锐的感觉。energy:精力,活力;capacity:容量,能力,才能;volume:体积,量;intuition:直觉,直觉的知识。12.That nations relationship with its neighbors was reflected in the mistrust, misunderstanding, and _.(分数:1.00)A.comprehensionB.concessionC.hostility D.ho

24、spitality解析:该句意为:该国与其邻国的关系主要反映在不信任、误解和敌意方面。comprehension:理解;concession:让步;hostility:敌意;hospitality:好客。13.The president believed that the _ of his personality and of his travels would compete forcefully against the “image-making“ publicity tours of his rivals.(分数:1.00)A.gloryB.glamour C.gloomD.glance

25、解析:该句意为:总统认为他个人性格的魅力以及他的到处游说有力地胜过了其对手为树立公众形象而进行的宣传所造成的影响。glory:光荣;glamour:魅力;gloom:阴暗;glance:一瞥。14.Educational specialists argued that omitting such subject areas as the arts, foreign languages, _ education could lead to a “narrowing“ of what is taught in schools.(分数:1.00)A.occasionalB.positionalC.v

26、ocational D.personal解析:该句意为:教育专家们坚持认为如果把美术、外语和职业技能教育取消的话,那么学校教育面就会太窄了。occasional:偶然的,不经常的;positional:位置的;地位的;vocational:职业的;personal:个人的。15.Responding to voters concern over crime, Congress passed a $30.2 billion anticrime bill, and _ $6.9 billion for programs aimed at crime prevention.(分数:1.00)A.ab

27、olishedB.accountedC.accumulatedD.allotted 解析:该句意为:为了回应选民对犯罪问题的关心,议会通过了一项 302亿美元的法案,并决定拨款 69亿美元用以预防犯罪。abolish:废除;account:认为,说明;accumulate:积累;allot:分配,拨款。16.Meg did not say this _, and when she had finished, she turned to Ethel with a smile.(分数:1.00)A.rudely B.toughlyC.routinelyD.kindly解析:该句意为:Meg 在说这

28、些时显得很有礼貌,当她说完时还转过身对 Ethel微笑了一下。rudely:无礼地;toughly:坚强地;routinely:例行地;kindly:和蔼地。17.A Boeing 747 crashed into a hillside while attempting to land during a nighttime storm; 228 of the 254 people who were on board the plane _.(分数:1.00)A.patrolledB.perceivedC.perished D.plunged解析:该句意为:一架波音 747飞机在夜晚风暴中试图着

29、陆时坠毁在山腰上,机上 254人中有 228人丧生。patrol:巡逻;perceive:察觉,感知;perish:死亡;plunge:投入,陷入。18.I have been for years troubling the pages of historians, to find out what our fathers have done to the native Americans, but I must say, that my researches have _ been to no effect.(分数:1.00)A.thereforeB.hitherto C.howeverD.

30、nevertheless解析:该句意为:我花了几年的时间来阅读历史学家的书,为的是找到我们的祖先对美国印第安人做了什么事,但是我必须说到目前为止,我的研究还没有什么成效。therefore:因此;hitherto:至今;however:无论如何;nevertheless:仍然,不过。19.A final _ was the faulty analysis of the vote in the primary election.(分数:1.00)A.blunder B.blendC.boltD.block解析:该句意为:最后的一项重大失误是对初选中选票的错误分析。blunder:重大失误;blend:混合;bolt:门闩,螺钉;block:块,街区。20.There is nothing so lovely as to be beautiful. Beauty is a gift of the nature and we should _ it as such.(分数:1.00)A.cheatB.chooseC.cherish D.choke解析:该句意为:美比什么都可爱,美是自然赐予我们的,我们应该珍惜它。cheat:欺骗;choose:选择;cherish:珍惜;choke:窒息,噎住。


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