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1、同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语-词汇(三)及答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection A/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.Parents in China still cherish the notion that the only way out for their children is to enter college.(分数:1.00)A.turn toB.cling toC.take toD.cater to2.The descendants of prominent families have to learn to protect their

2、privacy in one way or another.(分数:1.00)A.eminentB.affluentC.thriftyD.considerable3.In spite of the adverse circumstances, this young athlete turned out to be a great success.(分数:1.00)A.arbitraryB.insignificantC.unfavorableD.disharmonious4.The receding prices of these stocks sent many investors panic

3、king and despairing.(分数:1.00)A.diminishingB.soaringC.flourishingD.piercing5.These veterans still remember the rigorous discipline and hard training in these camps.(分数:1.00)A.strictB.vigorousC.looseD.imaginary6.Teachers of elementary schools are giving more weight to nurturing a students talent in Ch

4、ina.(分数:1.00)A.exaggeratingB.confiningC.probingD.developing7.Im afraid there are people in the world who literally do not know how to boil water.(分数:1.00)A.liberallyB.actuallyC.theoreticallyD.solely8.Survivors of the accident gave similar accounts of how all this had come about.(分数:1.00)A.besiegedB.

5、happenedC.revolvedD.intervened9.Although business slumped after the holidays, shop owners began to prepare for the next one.(分数:1.00)A.recoveredB.vanishedC.lessenedD.swelled10.Voters fear that the candidates provincial outlook and inexperience might be in his way.(分数:1.00)A.sacredB.regionalC.narrowD

6、.popular二、BSection B/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)11.This college graduate tried our company a third time, _ to be turned down again.(分数:1.00)A.butB.onlyC.yetD.as12.If you expect too much of the students, you are sure to _ disappointed and miserable.(分数:1.00)A.grow upB.bring upC.end upD.come up13.Only when you

7、 have accumulated enough credits will you be _ to apply for the degree.(分数:1.00)A.elementaryB.ethnicC.eligibleD.elegant14.Improving the English _ of graduate students is actually a demanding undertaking.(分数:1.00)A.sufficiencyB.proficiencyC.deficiencyD.efficiency15.During volcanic _, dark clouds of s

8、moke fill the sky, bringing fears to local residents.(分数:1.00)A.eruptionB.ejectionC.erosionD.erection16.A mere touch at the wall of the cabin can _ the astronauts flying about in the space ship.(分数:1.00)A.enableB.sendC.makeD.place17.The _ to the biggest desert in China comprised two senior experts a

9、nd seven young scholars.(分数:1.00)A.expansionB.exploitationC.excursionD.expedition18.Beginners of English are _ to make many grammatical errors in speech.(分数:1.00)A.possibleB.probableC.subjectD.likely19.Playing electronic games for hours _ does great harm to ones eyesight.(分数:1.00)A.on purposeB.on en

10、dC.on businessD.on schedule20.Many words in English have _ new senses with the passage of time and social development.(分数:1.00)A.embarked onB.concentrated onC.taken onD.turned on同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语-词汇(三)答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、BSection A/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)1.Parents in China still cherish the notion th

11、at the only way out for their children is to enter college.(分数:1.00)A.turn toB.cling to C.take toD.cater to解析:该句意为:中国的家长们一直认为孩子的唯一出路就是上大学。cherish 的意思是“珍视,保护,长期持有”。turn to:求助于,转向;cling to:依附于,紧贴,不离开;take to:喜欢上;cater to:迎合,满足。2.The descendants of prominent families have to learn to protect their priv

12、acy in one way or another.(分数:1.00)A.eminent B.affluentC.thriftyD.considerable解析:该句意为:地位显赫的家族的后代必须学会以某种方式保护隐私。prominent 的意思是“著名的,突出的,明显的”。eminent:著名的;affluent:充足的,大量的,有钱的,富裕的;thrifty:节俭的;considerable:多的,程度大的。3.In spite of the adverse circumstances, this young athlete turned out to be a great success

13、.(分数:1.00)A.arbitraryB.insignificantC.unfavorable D.disharmonious解析:该句意为:尽管身处逆境,这位年轻的运动员后来成绩很好。adverse 的意思是“不利的,逆的,不良的”。arbitrary:武断的,没联系的;insignificant:不重要的,不显著的;unfavorable:不利的;disharmonious:不和谐的。4.The receding prices of these stocks sent many investors panicking and despairing.(分数:1.00)A.diminish

14、ing B.soaringC.flourishingD.piercing解析:该句意为:这些股票价格在下跌,使投资者惊恐不安,甚至绝望。recede 的意思是“下降,后撤,后退,逐渐减少”。diminish:减小;soar:上升;flourish:兴旺,茁壮;pierce:穿透,刺进。5.These veterans still remember the rigorous discipline and hard training in these camps.(分数:1.00)A.strict B.vigorousC.looseD.imaginary解析:该句意为:这些退伍老兵仍记得在这些营地

15、经历的严格纪律和艰苦训练。rigorous 的意思是“严格的,严谨的,”。vigorous:精力充沛的;loose:松的,松散的;imaginary:想象的,虚构的。6.Teachers of elementary schools are giving more weight to nurturing a students talent in China.(分数:1.00)A.exaggeratingB.confiningC.probingD.developing 解析:该句意为:中国的小学老师开始重视培养孩子的能力。nurture 的意思是“培育,培养,后天形成”。exaggerate:夸张

16、,夸大;confine:限制;probe:探索,探测器。7.Im afraid there are people in the world who literally do not know how to boil water.(分数:1.00)A.liberallyB.actually C.theoreticallyD.solely解析:该句意为:恐怕世界上有人实际上不知道如何烧水。literally 的意思是“实际上”,与“文学”无关。liberally:慷慨地,自由地;theoretically;理论上;solely 仅仅,完全。8.Survivors of the accident g

17、ave similar accounts of how all this had come about.(分数:1.00)A.besiegedB.happened C.revolvedD.intervened解析:该句意为:事故的幸存者对于事故发生的经过说法相似。come about 的意思是“发生,出现”。besiege:包围;revolve:旋转;intervene:介入,干涉。9.Although business slumped after the holidays, shop owners began to prepare for the next one.(分数:1.00)A.re

18、coveredB.vanishedC.lessened D.swelled解析:该句意为:节日后生意量减少,但店主们开始为下一个节日做准备。slump 的意思是“暴跌,下跌”。recover:恢复,康复;vanish:消失,失踪;:lessen:下降,减少;swell:膨胀,肿。10.Voters fear that the candidates provincial outlook and inexperience might be in his way.(分数:1.00)A.sacredB.regionalC.narrow D.popular解析:该句意为:选民担心候选人狭隘的观点和缺乏经

19、验可能对他不利。provincial 的意思是“省的,地方的,狭隘的”。sacred:神圣的;regional:地区的;popular:流行的。二、BSection B/B(总题数:10,分数:10.00)11.This college graduate tried our company a third time, _ to be turned down again.(分数:1.00)A.butB.only C.yetD.as解析:该句意为:这位大学毕业生第三次来我们公司找工作,结果又被拒绝了。only to do (be)用在句子后面,表示“出乎预料”的结果;而 yet to do常表示“

20、还没有”,如,we have yet to realize12.If you expect too much of the students, you are sure to _ disappointed and miserable.(分数:1.00)A.grow upB.bring upC.end up D.come up解析:该句意为:如果你对学生期望过高,结果就会失望难受。end up 可接 with接形容词、名词和分词,表示“结局”;come up:出现,发生。13.Only when you have accumulated enough credits will you be _

21、to apply for the degree.(分数:1.00)A.elementaryB.ethnicC.eligible D.elegant解析:该句意为:你只有积累足够的学分才有资格申请学位。elementary:基本的,基础的;ethnic:种族的;eligible:有资格的;elegant:优雅的。14.Improving the English _ of graduate students is actually a demanding undertaking.(分数:1.00)A.sufficiencyB.proficiency C.deficiencyD.efficiency

22、解析:该句意为:提高研究生的英语水平实际上不容易。sufficiency:充足,够用;proficiency:熟练,精通;deficiency:缺乏;efficiency:效率。15.During volcanic _, dark clouds of smoke fill the sky, bringing fears to local residents.(分数:1.00)A.eruption B.ejectionC.erosionD.erection解析:该句意为:火山爆发时,天空中到处都是浓烟云,使当地居民十分恐惧。eruption:爆发,喷发;ejection:弹出,射出;erosio

23、n:腐蚀,(水土)流失;erection:竖立。16.A mere touch at the wall of the cabin can _ the astronauts flying about in the space ship.(分数:1.00)A.enableB.send C.makeD.place解析:该句意为:宇航员在舱内轻轻接触舱壁就能飞来飞去。要注意句中 flying这个动词形式,排除了enable和 make;send sb. doing:使某人进入动作状态。17.The _ to the biggest desert in China comprised two senio

24、r experts and seven young scholars.(分数:1.00)A.expansionB.exploitationC.excursionD.expedition 解析:该句意为:到中国最大沙漠的探险队由两名资深专家和七名年轻学者组成。expansion:扩大,延伸;exploitation:探索,探险,勘探;excursion:远足;expedition:探险,探险队。18.Beginners of English are _ to make many grammatical errors in speech.(分数:1.00)A.possibleB.probableC

25、.subjectD.likely 解析:该句意为:初学英语的人讲话时很可能经常出错。本句考查 possible与 likely的用法区别。这两个词不仅意义有细微差别,而且用法上更是不同,有时不能互换。以人或物作主语时,possible 后的不定式不能自带宾语,例如:we are possible (easy) to see the difference. 就是典型错句。与比较级连用时,几乎不用 possible。19.Playing electronic games for hours _ does great harm to ones eyesight.(分数:1.00)A.on purpo

26、seB.on end C.on businessD.on schedule解析:该句意为:连续玩几个小时电子游戏对视力有害。on purpose:故意;on end:连续(in a row);on business:因公;on schedule:准时。20.Many words in English have _ new senses with the passage of time and social development.(分数:1.00)A.embarked onB.concentrated onC.taken on D.turned on解析:该句意为:随着时间的流逝和社会的发展,许多英语单词包含了新的意思。embark on:开始从事,承担;concentrate on:集中于;take on:雇用,呈现出,具有。

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