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1、同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语-翻译(二)及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B汉译英/B(总题数:20,分数:100.00)1.人们公认坐飞机是最快捷的交通方式,但有人担心不安全。实际上,每年死于车祸的人要远远多于空难。多数人选择坐火车的原因是省钱,费用相当于飞机的 1/4。随着中国人生活水平不断提高,越来越多的人选择坐飞机,以节省时间。铁路主管部门一直在努力给客车加速,以增强竞争力。(分数:5.00)_2.成功,不论大小,都取决于一些因素,包括努力、机遇和灵感。人们取得成功的方式也不同。商人只有抓住机遇才能获利;运动员不经过长期的严格训练不可能夺冠。同样,艺术家找不到灵

2、感时也难实现突破。总之,机遇垂青那些有准备的头脑。(分数:5.00)_3.计算机能帮助人们从事复杂的计算。几十年前可能需要数月完成的计算现在只需几分钟。计算机的出现使经济全球化成为可能。信息技术产业具有巨大的发展空间。产品设计、自动化生产和空间探索将越来越依赖计算机。21 世纪才是真正意义上的数字化时代。(分数:5.00)_4.热带雨林被喻为地球之肺,其重要功能是生产二氧化碳和调节全球气候。由于当地居民人数和木材需求量的增加,雨林的面积在逐渐减少,直接威胁许多珍稀物种的生存。追求短期效益将导致长期的痛苦。保护生物多样性需要牺牲个人的利益。可惜的是相关国家政府并未达成共识。(分数:5.00)_5

3、.世界已进入知识爆炸时代。据不完全统计,全球的知识量每 5年翻一番。许多领域的趋于一致并不意味着新知识的减少。任何一个人都不可能完全掌握每一领域在不断更新的知识。随时了解自己研究领域的最新发展动向绝非易事。(分数:5.00)_6.健康在很大程度上取决于运动、饮食和情绪。随着学习和工作压力的增加,情绪对健康的影响已引起人们更多的注意。情绪好的人患慢性病的概率较低,工作效率也高,而长期抑郁的人不仅对什么都不感兴趣,而且容易自杀。防止抑郁的有效方法是寻找放松方式以缓解紧张情绪。(分数:5.00)_7.工业化和城市化所付出的代价就是对环境的严重破坏。水质恶化、沙漠扩大、海洋污染和某些珍稀物种的灭绝无不

4、与人类活动有关。庆幸的是,人们越来越明确地意识到采取行动保护环境的重要性,保护我们所居住的地球就是保护我们自己。(分数:5.00)_8.亚太地区经济合作组织是为了促进亚太地区各国之间的经济合作于 1989年组建的。亚太经合组织旨在通过促进各国之间的自由贸易帮助各成员国发展经济,提高人民生活水平。共同的利益和共同的未来要求各成员国共同肩负起责任,抓住经济全球化带来的机遇,携手并进。(分数:5.00)_9.中国是个严重缺水的国家,全国人均可用水量为 2200立方米,仅为世界人均用水量的四分之一。在中国的城市缺水的问题更加严重,在 660个城市中有 440多个城市面临水荒。现在一些大学里已经采取了措


6、比 1998年降低了 8.7%,而且总人口中只有 5%的人经常读书。然而这一调查结果并不需要我们过分担心。读书人数的减少反映了人们生活方式的变化,人们获取信息的渠道已不再仅限于出版物了。越来越多的人承认他们一般都是通过上网而不是通过读书和杂志来获得信息的。(分数:5.00)_13.如果没有计划生育政策,现在中国的人口将会是 16亿而不是 13亿。计划生育政策不仅使中国人口减少了 3个亿,而且缓解了人类对自然资源、环境和社会的压力,因此在很大的程度上促进了中国经济的快速发展。(分数:5.00)_14.超重对人健康产生的危害是不可低估的。有证据表明许多种疾病与超重有关。值得注意的是到健身俱乐部健身


8、考和创造。等他们上了高中,他们解答题的速度和准确性要超过女孩。(分数:5.00)_18.自然保护区的增加表明环保意识在增强。保护濒危动物和维护生物多样化已变得更加迫切。目前该项目面临的最大的困难是缺少资金和动物栖息地的缩小。希望有关部门能向前看,而不是只顾眼前利益。(分数:5.00)_19.把大部分时间用在学习上的学生最有可能通过所有考试。 2由于科学进步,几十年前看起来不可能的事已变成现实。 3事实使我们得出的结论是诚实和无私一样重要。 4大学毕业两年后,她决定考研以更新自己的知识。 5人口的增加使地球必须生产更多的粮食。(分数:5.00)_20.减少温室气体的排放是减缓全球变暖的有效方法之

9、一。 2把每篇英语课文背下来并不一定意味着能主动使用英语。 3必须考虑到国与国习俗不同的这个事实。 4给我印象最深的是中国已发生的巨大变化。 5我一直在琢磨这个句子是否有更好的译法。(分数:5.00)_同等学历人员申请硕士学位英语-翻译(二)答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、B汉译英/B(总题数:20,分数:100.00)1.人们公认坐飞机是最快捷的交通方式,但有人担心不安全。实际上,每年死于车祸的人要远远多于空难。多数人选择坐火车的原因是省钱,费用相当于飞机的 1/4。随着中国人生活水平不断提高,越来越多的人选择坐飞机,以节省时间。铁路主管部门一直在努力给客车加速,以增

10、强竞争力。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:It is universally (generally) believed that the plane (air travel / traveling by air) is the quickest way (form) of transportation. There is, however, the concern (fear) about its safety. In fact, far more people die from traffic accidents than from air crashes (traffic acci

11、dents kill many more people / claim (take) far more lives than) annually. The reason why most people choose the train is to save money (that they can save money), at about a quarter of the cost (expense) of the plane. With the continuous improvement of the living standard (as. keeps improving) in Ch

12、ina, more and more (an increasing / growing number of) people prefer / opt for air travel (to take a plane) to save time. Railway authorities have been working hard (made constant effort) to accelerate / speed up the passenger train to enhance (improve) their competitiveness (competitive edge).2.成功,

13、不论大小,都取决于一些因素,包括努力、机遇和灵感。人们取得成功的方式也不同。商人只有抓住机遇才能获利;运动员不经过长期的严格训练不可能夺冠。同样,艺术家找不到灵感时也难实现突破。总之,机遇垂青那些有准备的头脑。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:Success, big or small, depends on some factors, including effort, opportunity and inspiration. People achieve success in different ways (the way success is achieved is differe

14、nt). Businessmen (merchants) can never make profit without seizing the opportunity (can make profit only by seizing.); an athlete cant become a champion (win the championship) without chronic (long) and scientific training. Likewise (similarly), it is difficult for artists to make any breakthroughs

15、without (in the absence of) inspiration / when no inspiration strikes them. In a word, chance favors the mind which is prepared.3.计算机能帮助人们从事复杂的计算。几十年前可能需要数月完成的计算现在只需几分钟。计算机的出现使经济全球化成为可能。信息技术产业具有巨大的发展空间。产品设计、自动化生产和空间探索将越来越依赖计算机。21 世纪才是真正意义上的数字化时代。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:The computer can help people with

16、(assist. in) complicated (complex) calculations. What used to take months decades ago to calculate can be finished in minutes. The popularization of the computer has made economic globalization possible. IT promises huge space for development. The design of products (product design), assembly lines

17、and space probe (exploration) will become increasingly dependent on the computer. The 21st century is the age (era) of digitalization in the real sense (is really the age of digitalization).4.热带雨林被喻为地球之肺,其重要功能是生产二氧化碳和调节全球气候。由于当地居民人数和木材需求量的增加,雨林的面积在逐渐减少,直接威胁许多珍稀物种的生存。追求短期效益将导致长期的痛苦。保护生物多样性需要牺牲个人的利益。可

18、惜的是相关国家政府并未达成共识。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:Rain forests are compared to the earth lung (lung of the earth), whose main function is the production of carbon dioxide and regulation (conditioning) of the world climate (is to produce, and condition.). Because of the growth (increase) of the local population (r

19、esidents) and the demand for timber, rain forests continue to shrink (keep shrinking) / the size of rain forests is diminishing (declining / becoming smaller), posing a direct threat to (directly threatening) the survival of many rare species. Seeking (pursuing) short-term interests will lead to lon

20、g-term pain (suffering). Biodiversity conservation (protection of biodiversity) involves (makes it necessary to) sacrificing (giving up) ones personal interests. Unfortunately, the governments of countries concerned have yet to reach (have not reached) consensus (an agreement).5.世界已进入知识爆炸时代。据不完全统计,全

21、球的知识量每 5年翻一番。许多领域的趋于一致并不意味着新知识的减少。任何一个人都不可能完全掌握每一领域在不断更新的知识。随时了解自己研究领域的最新发展动向绝非易事。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:The world has entered the age of knowledge explosion. According to incomplete statistics, the total amount of knowledge worldwide doubles every five years. The convergence of many fields doesnt mean

22、 the decrease of new knowledge. No one can master all the continuously-updated knowledge related (relating / associated / connected with) to his job (profession / occupation). It is by no means easy (far from easy) to keep oneself informed of the latest development in his sphere of research.6.健康在很大程

23、度上取决于运动、饮食和情绪。随着学习和工作压力的增加,情绪对健康的影响已引起人们更多的注意。情绪好的人患慢性病的概率较低,工作效率也高,而长期抑郁的人不仅对什么都不感兴趣,而且容易自杀。防止抑郁的有效方法是寻找放松方式以缓解紧张情绪。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:Health largely (to a great extent) depends on exercise, diet (food) and mood. With the increasing pressure from study and work, the effect of mood on health has at

24、tracted more attention. Good mood makes chronic diseases less likely (brings less chance of developing chronic diseases) / Those in a good (happy) mood are less likely to develop chronic diseases and are more efficient at work / can work more efficiently / have a higher work efficiency while those w

25、ho suffer from chronic depression (have been depressed for a long time) are not only disinterested in anything / interested in nothing, but are prone to suicide. An effective way to prevent (ward off) depression is to relieve stresses and find relaxation.7.工业化和城市化所付出的代价就是对环境的严重破坏。水质恶化、沙漠扩大、海洋污染和某些珍稀

26、物种的灭绝无不与人类活动有关。庆幸的是,人们越来越明确地意识到采取行动保护环境的重要性,保护我们所居住的地球就是保护我们自己。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:The price that industrialization and urbanization have paid is the destruction to (undermining of) the environment. The deterioration of water quality, spread (expansion) of desert, pollution of oceans and the extinct

27、ion (disappearance) of rare species are all related to (linked to / have something to do with) human activities. Fortunately, man has become increasingly aware of (there is an increasing awareness of) the importance of taking action (doing something) to protect the environment. To protect (shield) t

28、he planet we inhabit (live on) is to protect ourselves.8.亚太地区经济合作组织是为了促进亚太地区各国之间的经济合作于 1989年组建的。亚太经合组织旨在通过促进各国之间的自由贸易帮助各成员国发展经济,提高人民生活水平。共同的利益和共同的未来要求各成员国共同肩负起责任,抓住经济全球化带来的机遇,携手并进。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) was formed in 1989 to promote economic co-operations a

29、mong the countries in the Asia-Pacific region. APECS goals are to facilitate the economic development and improvement of peoples living standard of member countries through promoting free trade. Common interests and common future require the members to shoulder common responsibility, to seize the op

30、portunities brought about by economic globalization, and to advance together.9.中国是个严重缺水的国家,全国人均可用水量为 2200立方米,仅为世界人均用水量的四分之一。在中国的城市缺水的问题更加严重,在 660个城市中有 440多个城市面临水荒。现在一些大学里已经采取了措施以提高学生们的节水意识,例如,有些学校开始使用水卡来计量学生的用水量等。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:China is a country seriously short of water. The water availability

31、 per person in the country is only 2200 cubic meters, which is only a quarter of the world average. The problem is more serious in Chinas cities, with more than 440 cities out of 660 facing water shortage. Now some universities have already taken steps to enhance students awareness of the significan

32、ce of saving water. For example, some universities have introduced a water card to measure the use of water.10.中国一直有重视教育的传统,尤其是儿童的教育。许多家长让孩子参加各种培训班,以增加被理想中学录取的可能性。但专家们指出,保持儿童对科学的好奇和兴趣有助于其智力发展。一个没有创造力和想象力的儿童很难有所作为。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:The Chinese have traditionally attached importance to education, es

33、pecially the education of children. Many parents have their children attend various training courses to increase their chance of being admitted by the ideal high schools. Experts, however, point out that keeping children curious about and interested in science will facilitate their intellectual deve

34、lopment. A child without any creativity and imagination can hardly go very far.11.对于很多人来说手机已不仅仅是通讯工具了。它可以是时钟、日历、电话号码簿、备忘录,甚至是女孩子防止讨厌的男孩子打扰的武器。一位女孩儿说当她看到讨厌的男孩向她走来时,她最好的办法就是拿起手机假装与某人打电话。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:To many people, the cell (mobile) phone is not just a means of communication. It can be a clock,

35、 a calendar, a directory, a memo, or even a weapon to protect girls from annoying boys. A girl said whenever she saw an annoying boy approaching her, the best way for her to get rid of him was to pick up the cell phone and pretend to talk to someone.12.最近的一项调查表明,中国读书和杂志的人数比 1998年降低了 8.7%,而且总人口中只有 5%

36、的人经常读书。然而这一调查结果并不需要我们过分担心。读书人数的减少反映了人们生活方式的变化,人们获取信息的渠道已不再仅限于出版物了。越来越多的人承认他们一般都是通过上网而不是通过读书和杂志来获得信息的。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:A recent survey suggests that the number of the Chinese who read books and magazines has fallen 8.7%, and only 5% of the total population are habitual book readers. However we sho

37、uldnt get too worried about the result. The decline in the number of book readers just reflects a changing lifestyle. Peoples access to information is no longer limited to printed publications. More and more people admit that they are turning to the Internet for information, instead of reading books

38、 and magazines.13.如果没有计划生育政策,现在中国的人口将会是 16亿而不是 13亿。计划生育政策不仅使中国人口减少了 3个亿,而且缓解了人类对自然资源、环境和社会的压力,因此在很大的程度上促进了中国经济的快速发展。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:Without family planning policy, Chinas population would have reached 160 billion instead of the present number of 130 billion. The family planning policy has not on

39、ly helped reduce the population by 300 million but alleviated human pressures on natural resources, the environment and society, therefore it has greatly promoted Chinas rapid economic development.14.超重对人健康产生的危害是不可低估的。有证据表明许多种疾病与超重有关。值得注意的是到健身俱乐部健身或开始跑步的人越来越多。在我看来,最不可取的是试图通过不吃早餐使自己苗条。(分数:5.00)_正确答案:()解析:The harm of overweight to health cant he underestimated (there is no underestimating the harm of.). There is evidence that many diseases are related to overweight. It is worth noticing that more and more people (an increasing number


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