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1、 2013 年 江苏省苏州市中考真题英语 一、单项填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分 ) 从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 。 1. 一 Hurry up, or well be late. 一 Take your timeits just _short distance from here to _cinema. A.; the B. the; a C. a; the D.; a 解析: a short distance 一段很短的距离。当 distance 有形容词修饰或与数字搭配表示具体的 “一段 的距离 ”时是可数名词,表示泛指,因

2、此要用 a;而后面提到的 cinema 应是说话者双方都知道的地点,表示特指,因此要用 the。 答案: C 2. Sandy is a real book lover and she often brings home many books to read_ the library. A. in B. for C. by D. from 解析: 句意为:桑迪是一个真正的书迷,她经常从图书馆带许多书回家读。 “从 带来 ”用介词 from。 答案: D 3. 一 Have you heard about that car accident near the school? 一 Yes, luc

3、kily no one_. A. hurt B. was hurt C. has hurt D. we re hurt 解析: 主语 no one 是不定代词,谓语动词用单数。句意是:没有一个人受伤,故要用被动语态。 答案: B 4. 一 Frank, you look worried. Anything wrong? 一 Well, I _a test and Im waiting for the result. A. will take B. took C. am taking D. take 解析: 答语句意:奥,我参加了考试,我正在等考试成绩。用过去时, take 的过去式是 took

4、。 答案: B 5. Peter speaks Chinese well indeed, but of Course not _a local speaker in China. A. so fluently as B. more fluent than C. as fluent as D. much fluently than 解析: 句意:彼得汉语讲得不错 ,但当然不如在中国的本地人说的那么流利。此题考查 not so adj./adv. as 和 not as adj. / adv. as 用法。 B 项 more fluent than 比母语说的更流利; D 项 much不能构成比较

5、级,而是修是比较级;在这里要修饰动词 speak,要用副词而不用形容词。 答案: A 6. 一 Julie, what _in your hand? 一 Look! Its a new iPad for my daughter. A. do you hold B. are you holding C. were you holding D. will you hold 解析: 句意:一朱莉,你的手里拿的是什么?一看!这是给我女儿的一个新的 ipad。表示拿这个动作正在进行,故用现在进行时态。 答案: B 7. Paul made a nice cage _the little sick bir

6、d till it could fly. A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep 解析: make 此处译为 “制作 ”,用动词不定式作宾补。 答案: D 8. Were going to Suzhou Amusement Park in Lindas card. You can come with us_you can meet us there later. A. or B. but C. and D. then 解析: 句意:我们打算去在琳达的卡片中的苏州游乐园,。你可以跟我们一起或者你可以稍后在那儿与我们见面。 or 或者 ,表选择; but 但是,

7、表转折; and 表顺承; then 那时,表承接。A 项符合题干的要求。 答案: A 9. I am sure Cindy will be able to find the hotel-she has a pretty good _of direction. A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense 解析: 句意:我确信辛迪能找到那家旅馆,它有极好的方向感。 idea 主意;想法 feeling 感 觉;情绪 experience 经历;体验 sense 感觉;识别力, A 符合题意。 答案: D 10. If you _go, at least w

8、ait until the rain stops. A. can B. may C. must D. will 解析: 句意:如果你坚持要走,至少等雨停了。 must 表示主观看法,意为 “必须,应该 ”,符合题意。 答案: C 11._a beautiful car! Ive never seen it before. A. What B. Which C. How D. Whether 解析: 本句的感叹中心词是 car 可数名词,故用 what。注意感叹句的以下三个常用句型 :What a/an+adj.+名词单数 +主语 +谓语动词; What+adj.+名词复数或不可数名词; How

9、+副词或形容词 +主语 +谓语动词。故答案为 A。 答案: A 12. 一 Philip has gone to New Zealand. 一 Oh, can you tell me_? A. when did he leave B. when he is leaving C. when he left D. when is he leaving 解析: 宾语从句应该用陈述语序,选项 A、 D都是疑问语序,故排除,由问句菲利普已经去了新西兰,知离开这个动作是发生在过去,而不是将来, B项表将来,故排除,只有 A符合要求,故选 A。 答案: A 13. 一 Your tea smells gre

10、at! 一 Its from India. Would you like_? A. it B. this C. some D. 1ittle 解析: 句意 “一你的茶味道不错!一它来自印度。你先要一些吗? it 上下文是同一事物; this 指下文要提到的事; 1ittle 表否定意义,几乎没有; some 可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词,用在疑问句中,表示希望得到对方肯定的回答,符合题意,故选 C。 答案: C 14. 一 Have you finished your homework? _Just half of it. How about you? A. Not at all B. N

11、ot likely C. Not a bit D. Not yet 解析: 句意为 :你完成你的作业了吗? 还没呢。才刚刚完成了一半。你呢 ?A 项 “一点也不 ”;B项为 “不可能 ”;C 项为 “一点也不 ”; D 项为 “还没有 ”。问句 Have 开头的,说明是一个完成式的疑问句, Not yet ,就是用于回答完成式的否定形式。意思是 “还没有 ,只有 D项符合题意。 答案: D 15. I used to quarrel a lot with my parents, but now we_ just fine together. A. get along B. get up C.

12、get away D. get off 解析: 我以前老是和我父母吵架,不过我们现在相处的很好。 get along 相处; get up 起床;get away 离开,逃掉; get off 下车,离开;只有 A 项符合句意。 答案: A 二、完形填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分 ) 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 You have probably heard the expression, “Its raining cats and dogs outside.”That means

13、16 its raining very hard I not that 17 cats and dogs are falling from the 18 .However, one day in June, 1882, it really did rain 19 over Dubuque, Iowa. The frogs 20 falling along with hailstones(冰雹 )during a 21 storm. Hail is formed when drops of rainwater are 22 by heavy winds and are carried high

14、up into the air. There the raindrops become frozen. Many drops may freeze 23 to form balls of ice; these ice balls, or hailstones, then 24 to earth. During the storm in Dubuque, the strong winds lifted small frogs from nearby ponds(池塘 ) 25 the air along with raindrops. When some of these frogs becam

15、e covered with ice, both hailstones and “frog-stones” fell onto the ground. 16. A. that B. how C. why D. if 解析: 这里是需要引导宾语从句,且在从句中不做成分。句意 :它意思是天正在下大雨。 A项符合题意。 答案: A 17. A. careless B. blind C. dead D. real 解析: 根据上下文判断那并不是真猫和狗落下来。 careless 粗心的;无忧无虑的, blind 失明的;盲目的, dead 死去的, real 真的;现实的,故选 D。 答案: D 18

16、. A. hill B. tower C.sky D. building 解析: 根据下文提示可知是 ,故选 C。 答案: C 19. A. cats B. frogs C. dogs D. birds 解析: 根据下文判断可知是 frogs,故选 B 。 答案: B 20. A. stopped B. enjoyed C. began D. forgot 解析: 根据句意应是青蛙随着冰雹开始降落,故选 C 。 答案: C 21. A. popular B. terrible C. weekly D. common 解析: 根据下文判断是一场可怕的风暴,故选 B 。 答案: B 22. A.

17、divided B. added C. changed D. caught 解析: 根据句意应是雨点被强风抓住,故选 D。 答案: D 23. A. together B. alone C. so D. almost 解析: 根据句意应是雨点冻结在一起形成冰球,故选 A 。 答案: A 24. A. hold B. lose C. keep D. fall 解析: 根据句意应是这些冰球或冰雹,然后下降到地球,故选 D 。 答案: D 25. A. from B. into C. after D. by 解析: 从 进入 用 from into ,故选 B。 答案: B 三、阅读理解(共 15

18、小题; 每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项 。 A According to one story the idea for making the first teddy bear came from a newspaper cartoon drawn in 1904. This cartoon showed President Teddy Roosevelt on a hunting trip refusing to shoot (射杀 ) a young bear. The young bear became a

19、symbol for Teddy Roosevelt. Morris Michtom owned a small candy and toy store in New York City. He and his wife made many of the toys they sold. When he saw the cartoon, he had a wonderful idea. He decided to make a toy bear with eyes and legs and arms that moved. The bear was put in the store window

20、 next to a copy of the cartoon. Mr. Michtom called it “Teddys Bear”. Many of these bears were sold. The bears became so popular that Mr. Michtom thought he might need President Roosevelt permission to use his name. He wrote to the president and sent him a “Teddy Bear”. The president answered, saying

21、 that Mr. Michtom could use his name. Mr. Michtom borrowed money so that he could make thousands of toy bears. His company became the Ideal Toy Corporation. Today this is one of the biggest toy companies in the United States. 26. People will remember Morris Michtom because he was_. A. a candy store

22、owner B. a toy store owner C. the inventor of the teddy bear D. Teddy Roosevelt friend 解析: 通读全篇我们会知道人们会记得莫里斯 米奇汤姆因为他是泰迪熊的发明者,故答案选 C。 答案: C 27. The idea for making the first teddy bear came from_. A. a movie B. a magazine story C. a TV advertisement D. a newspaper cartoon 解析: 根据 According to one stor

23、y the idea for making the first teddy bear came from a newspaper cartoon drawn in 1904.可知。 答案: D 28. From this passage we can see that_. A. many people liked Teddy Roosevelt B. many people did not like Teddy Roosevelt C. President Roosevelt cared only about important people D. President Roosevelt di

24、d not like young bears 解析: 根据最后一段米奇汤姆的公司成为理想玩具公司。今天,这是一个在美国最大的玩具公司。可推知许多人喜欢泰迪罗斯福。 答案: A B Tony Wheeler was born to travel. His father worked for an airline. For the first 16 years of his life, Wheeler and his family lived in many different countries. In the early 1970s, Wheeler met a young woman nam

25、ed Maureen. They soon married. Before getting jobs, Tony and Maureen wanted to travel. They took a year-long trip from London,through Asia, to Australia. On the trip, they visited places like India, Iran, and Afghanistan. When Tony and Maureen arrived in Australia, people asked many questions about

26、their trip. To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a guidebook called Across Asia on the Cheap. The book told people about different countries weather, customs(风 俗 ), and places to see. But unlike travel guides in the 1970s, Wheelers book also talked about places most tourists did not go. He also

27、wrote about unusual things to see and do. The book was very popular. Wheeler and Maureen started a company called Lonely Planet. They continued travelling. They wrote guidebooks for each place they visited. Today, 400 people work for Lonely Planet. The company has over 650 guidebooks. Wheeler still

28、writes about travel “hot spots” (for example,Cambodia in Asia and Croatia in Europe). For more information, read the books! 29. Which trip was Tony Wheelers first guidebook about? A. The United Kingdom. B. From Asia to England. C. From Australia to Afghanistan. D. From England to Australia. 解析: 根据 “

29、They took a year-long trip from London, through Asia, to Australia.”可知。 答案: D 30. Why did Tony Wheeler write his first guidebook? A. He needed the money. B. His wife asked him to do it. C. Many people asked questions about his travels. D. He liked writing books. 解析: 根据 “people asked many questions a

30、bout their trip. To answer these questions, Wheeler wrote a guidebook called Across Asia on the Cheap .”可知。 答案: C 31. How was Across Asia on the Cheap different from other travel guides? A. It talked about places most tourists did not go. B. It was longer and more expensive. C. It told people about

31、a countrys weather, customs, and places to see. D. It was the first guidebook about Asia. 解析: 根据 “The book told people about different countries weather, customs(风俗 ), and places to see. But unlike travel guides in the 1970s, Wheelers book also talked about places most tourists did not go.可知。 答案: A

32、32. Which sentence below is true? A. Tony Wheeler still travels and writes guide books. B. Tony Wheelers first guidebook was not popular. C. After their first trip, Maureen did not travel with Tony. D. Today, Lonely Planet is still a small company. 解析: 由 “The book was very popular.”可知, B 项错误;由 “They

33、 continued travelling.”可知 C错误;由 “Today, 400 people work for Lonely Planet. The company has over 650 guidebooks.”知 D 项错误; A 项符合文章内容,是正确的。 答案: A C Computers are good tools(工具 ) .The Internet is also good. But some people spend too much time online. They cant stop. Doctors say this is a new sickness. T

34、hey call this sickness Internet Addiction Disorder (互联网成瘾症)( IAD). People with IAD are online a lot. They spend hours chatting to their friends or playing online games. Many people with IAD spend more time on the Internet than with family or friends. Some people with IAD even quit(辞掉 )their jobs! Do

35、 you have IAD? Think about these questions: How many hours a day are you online? Is it a lot or a little? When you are not online, are you thinking about playing a computer game or checking your messages? When you are online, do you forget the time? Do you get angry when you cant play a game? If you

36、 have IAD, what can you do? Dr. Ivan Goldberg and Dr. Kimberly S.Young have some ideas. First, ask yourself “Why am I online a lot?” Then try to take a break. For example, use the computer or play games twice a week, not every day. In this way, you can have a good social life with other friends. 33.

37、 The passage is mainly about_. A. a new sickness B. an online game C. messages D. computer jobs 解析: 本文主要围绕着一种新的疾病 互联网成瘾症展开论述的,故选项 A 符合题意。 答案: A 34. If you have Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD), you are_. A. online for an hour a week B. send e-mall messages at work C. are on the Internet more than w

38、ith friends D. never use the computer 解析: 由 “Many people with IAD spend more time on the Internet than with family or friends.”可知。 答案: C 35. According to the passage, which is NOT a sign of IAD? A. Quitting your job to spend more time online. B. Spending time with family and friends. C. Forgetting t

39、he time when you are online. D. Getting angry when you can, t play a game. 解析: A、 C、 D 三项文章中都进行了列举,只有 B 项不是互联网成瘾症的表现。 答案: B 36. Ivan Goldberg and Kimberly S. Young_. A. quit their jobs B. are online a lot C. have IAD D. help people with IAD 解析: 根据 “If you have IAD, what can you do? Dr. Ivan Goldberg

40、 and Dr. Kimberly S. Young have some ideas.”可知。 答案: D D If you plan to take your pet on a trip, prepare ahead of time. At least two weeks before you leave, take your pet to a vet. See if he or she is tit for travel and ask if he or she should have any medicine before leaving. The vet may suggest cer

41、tain pills for sickness or for calming the pet. Some states or foreign countries have health laws that say animals must have certain injections(注射 )before they can be allowed to enter. Your vet may have this information. You can also get help on the United States and Canadian laws from a book publis

42、hed by the Department of Agriculture which some libraries have. For information on foreign countries, check with their consulates (领事馆 ).You can also ask the airlines on which you are travelling. Find out if the places where you plan to stay allow pets because many do not. If you are going by plane

43、or train, ask if pets are allowed. If they are, ask where they will be kept and who will care for them. The big bus lines in this country do not allow pets. Choose your pets box carefully. Plastic boxes are better than cardboard or wooden ones because they can be chewed(嚼碎 ). If going by plane or tr

44、ain during warm weather, try to go in the cooler early morning or evening hours. Also try to avoid (避免 )very cold winter weather because pets often suffer from cold. Even in your own car, be careful. Do not leave the animal inside with the windows closed because the car may become too hot or too col

45、d. 37. The main idea of this passage is to_. A. warn people to leave their pets at home B. give general information about pet travel C. tell people how to choose their pet boxes D. tell people about foreign pet laws 解析: 通读全文我们知道文章主要观点是给出了带宠物旅行的一些一般信息。 答案: B 38.When taking a pet on a trip, a pet owne

46、r_. A. doesnt need to make any special plans B. should stay at friends homes C. should make plans before leaving home D. should travel by bus instead of plane 解析: 根据 “If you plan to take your pet on a trip, prepare ahead of time.”这句可知。 答案: C 39. From the passage, we can learn that_. A. it costs too much to take pets on trips B. some pets may not be well enough to travel C. all train lines treat pets exactly the same D. pets are welcome everywhere 解


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