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1、 2008年浙江省嘉兴市中考英语试题 一、听力 (本题有 15 小题,第一节每小题 1 分,第二、三节每小题 2 分;满分 25 分 ) 第一节:听小对话,请从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。 1. What does the boys aunt do? 2. What are they going to do? 3. How will children study in the future? 4. Where is the bank? 5. Whom are the foreigners talking about? 第二节:听小对话,请从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选

2、择正确的选项。 6. When are they going to see the film? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening. 7. How much is the sweater? A. 13 dollars. B. 15 dollars. C. 17 dollars. 8. Which club would the boy like to join? A. The music club. B. The science club. C. The sports club. 9. What festival i

3、s held at Meimeis school? A. Art festival. B. English festival. C. Culture festival. 10. Which book is Lingling reading? A. Treasure Island. B. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. C. Alices Adventures in Wonderland. 第三节:听独白,根据内容。请从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选择正确的选项完成海报。 Poster 11 Match Place: 12 Time; 13 this Saturday

4、 afternoon Teams: Our 14 team vs 15 Junior High School team 11. A. Football B. Basketball C. Volleyball 12. A. Zhongshan Stadium B. Jiaxing Stadium C. Hongqiao Stadium 13. A. At 5:00 B. At 4:00 C. At3:00 14. A. class B. grade C. school 15. A. Nanhu B. Jiahe C. Xiushui 二、单项填空 (本题有 15 小题,每小题 l 分;满分 l5

5、 分 ) 请从 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 16. Can I help you, sir? _map of Sichuan, please. A. A B. An C. The D. 不填 17. Would you like to go to the_? Yes, Id like to. I like pandas very much. A. cinema B. zoo C. school D. station 18. Excuse me. Have you seen my bike? Look at that one next to the red b

6、ike. Is it_? A. hers B. his C. yours D. mine 19. I got an e-mail this morning. Its_my best friend John. A. in B. on C. at D. from 20. May I smoke here? No, you_, only do that in the smoking room. A. can B. need C. mustnt D. couldnt 21. It snowed _ this February. Many people had to stay at home inste

7、ad of going travelling. A. heavily B. quickly C. slowly D. weakly 22. Jack, wheres my small round mirror? Sorry, Betty. I_it. A. break B. broke C. will break D. am breaking 23. Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge is_cross-sea bridge in the world. A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest 24. Ssh! _talk

8、loudly. The baby is sleeping right now. A. Do B. Does C. Dont D. Doesnt 25. _did you stay in Guilin last summer? Two weeks. A. How soon B. How long C. How far D. How often 26. Last night Judy worked_late_she didnt catch the first bus this morning. A. as; as B. as; that C. so; that D. so; unless 27 B

9、etty often falls ill these days. Her father asks her_with him. A. do sports B. to do sports C. doing sports D. does sports 28. If I _, I will go to the tea party this evening. A. invite B. invited C. will invite D. am invited 29. What can you see in the right picture? A lady is_the fire. A. lighting

10、 B. passing C. playing D. throwing 30. Many more people were saved! _. I hope theyll be better soon. A. Good idea B. No problem C. Not at all D. Glad to hear that 三、完形填空 (本题有 l5 小题,每小题 l 分;满分 l5 分 ) Mary was four years old. Her neighbour, Donald, owned a 31 company. One day Donald gave Mary a new to

11、y. Mary played with it. She said, This is fun! A few weeks 32 Donald gave her another toy. She played with it and said, I dont like this toy. It doesnt work. She was a (an) 33 little girl. Donald liked her honesty, and they became 34 For years Donald gave Mary new toys, and she gave him very good id

12、eas 35 the toys. 36 Mary was thirteen years old, Donald showed her a new ball. The ball 37 a balloon inside it. Mary wanted to fill the balloon with water. She wanted to 38 the ball different colours. She wanted to put rice in it to make it noisy. The company made these 39 and sold thousands of the

13、balls. That Christmas, Donald gave Mary a 40 gift. He made her a vice ( 副的 ) president of the toy company. Her job was to see 41 the new toys were fun. She made $200,000 a year. She 42 for three hours a day at her job, and then she had to do her homework. Mary was 43 , but she also spent time with h

14、er family. 44 parents taught her that working hard and doing her best is very important. Today Mary works at a college. She 45 students make decisions about their careers ( 生涯 ). Today the little president with bright ideas helps students think about their future. 31. A. computer B. toy C. ball D. b

15、alloon 32. A. later B. after C. before D. ago 33. A. shy B. honest C. quiet D. active 34. A. neighbours B. relations C. friends D. classmates 35. A. to B. at C. over D. about 36. A. Whether B. While C. When D. Whenever 37. A. had B. put C. made D. sold 38. A. paint B. create C. imagine D. think 39.

16、A. cards B. changes C. conversations D. mistakes 40. A. great B. same C. common D. simple 41. A. what B. who C. which D. if 42. A. sang B. danced C. worked D. slept 43. A. happy B. angry C. busy D. free 44. A. His B. Her C. Their D. Your 45. A. sees B. hears C. feels D. helps 四、阅读理解 (本题有 15 小题,每小题 2

17、 分;满分 30 分 ) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A One afternoon little David was playing with his friends in the street when he was hit by a motorcycle. He fell and broke his arm. And he was immediately taken to a hospital. There a doctor operated on his arm and put it in a cast(石膏 )- David could

18、nt move it at all. You must keep your arm in the cast for a month, the doctor said. That will give your arm a chance to become healthy again. At the end of a month David went back to the hospital. The doctor cut the cast and took Davids arm out of the cast. Can you move your arm, David? he asked. Da

19、vid tried to move his arm. At first it was difficult, but soon he could move it easily. Yes, its fine, he said. Thank you very much. In a few days it will be as good as new, the doctor said. Just exercise it a little. Will I be able to play the violin? David asked. The doctor smiled. Of course you w

20、ill, he said. Youll have no problems. That is good news, David said happily. Because I couldnt play it at all before. 46. How was Davids arm broken? A. He hurt it himself. B. A motorcycle hit him. C. His friend broke it. D. He fell off a motorcycle. 47. He had to keep his arm in a cast for about_day

21、s. A. twenty B. thirty C. forty D. fifty 48. The doctor told David to_after the cast was taken off. A. keep his arm still B. play the violin C. exercise his arm a little D. ride a motorcycle 49. At last David was pleased because_. A. he would get a violin B. he would not have to play the violin agai

22、n C. he would play the violin with his friends D. he thought he would be able to play the violin B 鹎发 Parents always ask, How can I get my child to eat fruit and vegetables? One answer is to teach your children to fill their bodies with colour. Fruits and vegetables come in so many beautiful colours

23、. Every different colour is good for us. Orange Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables such as sweet potatoes: and oranges are healthy. They have many kinds of vitamins ( 维生素 ) , such as Vitamin A, B and C. Green Dark green foods like,spinach (菠菜 ) are very healthy. Red Red foods like tomatoes and

24、strawberries have Vitamin C. Blue Blue or purple fruits and vegetables such as blueberries and red cabbage are also good for you. What about the colour white? White is not a colour of the rainbow( 彩虹 ) ! White bread is not very healthy, but whole wheat bread is good for you. Too much sugar and salt

25、are not good for you. Of course, some white foods, like milk and tofu are very good for you. Finally, remember the most important thing. Parents need to be good examples. You need to eat a rainbow, too! 50. From the passage we know that_are red foods. A. milk and tofu B. spinach and red cabbage C. t

26、omatoes and strawberries D. sweet potatoes and oranges 51. Which of the following foods has no Vitamin C in it? A. Tofu. B. Tomatoes. C. Strawberries. D. Oranges. 52. In the last sentence, eat a rainbow means _. A. eat different colours B. eat the seven colours C. eat foods of different colours D. e

27、at the rainbow in the sky 53. The main idea of the passage is_. A. colour foods have many vitamins B. dark green foods are very healthy C. eating much sugar and salt is not good for you D. eating fruits and vegetables of different colours is good for you C Students are leaving the junior high school

28、. What are they taking with them? A lot of things for sure, but the most important thing is friends. We asked some teachers to give us one last lesson. The lesson is proverbs(谚语、格言 ) about friends. Proverbs teach people about life. Older people often teach proverbs to younger people. Every culture h

29、as proverbs. They are short and easy to remember. Mrs Minelli says, It is important to remember this Sicilian proverb, Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty. It means that only good friends tell you when you are making a mistake. Mr Schmidt says, I have a favourite proverb abo

30、ut friends. Friendship is a plant we must water. It is German. It means that we need to take care of friends like we take care of a garden. Mr Tulga says, My grandfather in Turkey told me, Nobody is so rich that he can throw away a friend. It means that everyone needs friends. Be good to them. The g

31、ood news is: there is no test for this lesson. The bad news is.- we will miss you. Goodbye, friends! Dont forget us! 54. As the proverb says, _will tell you when you are making mistakes. A. real friends B. older people C. some teachers D. younger people 55. Which is the best proverb to the meaning T

32、ake care of friends like we take care of a garden? A. A friend is easier lost than found. B. Friendship is a plant we must water. C. Nobody is so rich that he can throw away a friend. D. Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty. 56. Which of the following is true from the passage

33、? A. Only some countries have their proverbs about friends. B. After the last lesson, the students will have a test for it. C. If you are rich enough, you can throw away your friends. D. Proverbs are usually short, and they teach people about life. 57. The writer of the passage mainly wants us to kn

34、ow_. A. some proverbs about culture B. ways to take care of a friend C. the importance of friendship D. students feelings in the last lesson D Important tips for better flash(闪光灯、闪光 ) photos Dont stand too far back from your subject. The flash on most cameras will not cover any subject well over thr

35、ee metres away. Even in non-flash photos many photographers stand too far away from their subjects. As a result, the subjects are small with great areas of unimportant background. Watch the background carefully and be sure there are no mirrors or shiny things to reflect (反射 ) the flash back to the c

36、amera lens (镜头 ). When taking pictures of people, ask them not to look into the lens but at a point over your shoulder, because it is very possible that the flash will reflect from their eyes and there will be red eyes in the photo. Try to give the subjects an interesting background. If there is not

37、hing for two metres behind the subject, the background will come out black or very dark. Of course, you dont want an untidy background, because it will take peoples attention away from your subject. If taking a picture of a baby, be sure the room is as light as possible so that the flash does not hu

38、rt his / her eyes. 58. To avoid red eyes in the photo, the best place people should look at is_. A. the sun in the sky B. the mirror behind the photographer C. the lens of the camera D. a point over the photographers shoulder 59. Which of the following is the right way to take a flash picture of a b

39、aby in a room? A. Making the room as light as possible. B. Having the baby sit in front of a mirror. C. Helping the baby look at the camera lens. D. Keeping the baby five metres away from the camera. 60. When taking flash pictures, we should be sure that_. A. there is nothing shiny in the background

40、 B. there are interesting things in front of the subjects C. there are as many beautiful things as possible in the background D. there are great areas of black or dark background 五、词汇运用 (本题有 l0 小题,每小题 l 分;满分 l0 分 ) 根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出短文空白处各单词的正确形式。每空限填一词。 Do you know how to ride out the earthquake (地震

41、) ? If you can make a call: Remember to call 110. Tell the 61 (警察) where you are. If you are indoors; Check to see if you are in 62 (危险 ). If theres no way to run out, keep away from windows, and 63 (任何东西 ) that could fall. Hide under a desk or table, cover your face and head with your arms. Stay in

42、side 64 (直到 .为止 ) the shaking stops. Do not 65 (使用 ) lifts. If you are outdoors*. Dont 66 (担忧 ) . Just move away from buildings or 67 (树 ) . Do not try to go across the bridge that is shaking. If you are under debris (废墟 ) : Cover your mouth and 68 ( 鼻 ) with clothes. Dont move about. 69 (敲 ) at the

43、 wall so that 70 (其他的 ) people can find you. Do not light a match. Mr Greenall, 六、任务型阅读 (本题有 5 小题,每小题 l 分;满分 5 分 ) 玲玲在英语学习上遇到了困难,她想发个邮件给课本的英方主编 Simon Greenall 先生,希望得到帮助。在你的帮助下,她写好了邮件。当她去问老师邮箱地址时,调皮的同桌大明把邮件内容的顺序打乱并删除了最后一句的部分文字。请你帮玲玲重新排序并完成最后一句。 将 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项填入下面相应的横线上 (71-4 小题 ),并补全第 75 小题。 .71.

44、_ 72. _ 73. _ 74. _ 75. I hope_ Yours, Lingling A. Im very glad to write to you. Im a student from Jiaxing, Zhejiang, China. I know youre the writer of our English textbook. Ive got many problems in English learning. B. Second, when I read English, I meet many new words. So I cant understand the passages. C. The above problems trouble me a lot. What should I do? D. First, in English


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