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1、2008 年福建省泉州市中考英语试卷 (满分: 150 分 考试时间: l20 分钟 ) 本试卷分为第一卷和第二卷两大部分。试卷内容:听力部分 (20 )和笔试部分 (80 ),全卷满分为 l50 分,考试时间为 120 分钟。 第卷 第一部分 听力考查 (30 分 ) 第一节 听句子:根据你所听到的问句,选择恰当的答语。 (5 分 ) 1. A. Good morning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening. 2. A. Fine, thanks. B. See you. C. You are welcome. 3. A. Yes, I am. B. No

2、, he hasnt. C. No, never. 4. A. Monday. B. Summer. C. July. 5. A. May 23rd. B. Since 1995. C. 14 year old. 第二节听对话: (A)从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三幅图画中选出符合对话内容的图画。 (6 分 ) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. (B)根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的答案。 (14 分 ) 听第一段对话,回答第 l 2、 13 小题: 12. The man is looking for a_. A. bank B. library C. hotel 13. The wo

3、man tells him to go there by_. A. car B. bus C. train 听第一段对话,回答第 l 4、 15 小题: 14. Mary has gone to _. A. fly kites B. plant trees C. grow vegetables 15. Where did the boy find Marys dictionary? A. Behind the door. B. Under the chair. C. On the desk. 听第三段对话,回答第 l 6、 17 小题: 16. Mike has got a_ticket fo

4、r the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. A. tennis B. basketball C. volleyball 17. What time will Mike watch the game? A. 9 :00 12 :30 on August 12. B. 8:00-11:30 on August 12. C. 9 :00 12 :30 on August 20. fUHlimS, 18, 19/JnM: 听第四段对话,回答第 l 8、 19 小题: 18. Bob is _than he was two years ago. A. taller B. stro

5、nger C. both A and B 19. What does Bob usually do after he gets up every morning? A. He climbs the hills. B. He listens to music. C. He makes the bed. 听第五段对话,回答第 20、 21 小题: 20. Toms mother wants him to buy three kilos of_. A. tomatoes B. potatoes C. oranges 21. Hows the weather? A. Its cloudy. B. It

6、s sunny. C. Its rainy. 听第六段对话,回答第 22、 23 小题: 22. Can Jane go swimming with the boy? A. Yes, she can. B. No, she cant. C. Sony, I dont know. 23. Jane wants to borrow some books about_. A. pollution B. space C. science 听第七段对话,回答第 24、 25 小题: 24. Jims family will have a_ party at the Forest Restaurant.

7、A. birthday B. welcome C. graduation 25. Why doesnt Jim like the Forest Restaurant? A. Because its crowded and noisy. B. Because the service is not so good. C. Because the food is terrible. (C)听下面一段访谈对话,根据你所听到的对话内容选择正确的答案。 (5 分 ) 26. How long has Peter been in Quanzhou? A. For more than a year. B. F

8、or about half a year. C. For less than a month. 27. Mr. Lee is_. A. a maths teacher B. an old man C. a funny young man 28. What does Peter think of Chinese? A. Too difficult and boring. B. Easy and interesting. C. Difficult but interesting. 29. Peter always talks with his _ on the Internet in his fr

9、ee time. A. cousin B. friends C. pen pals 30. Peter can _ very well. A. play the piano B. play the guitar C. draw pictures 第二部分选择填空 (20 分 ) (A)单项选择:从每小题 A、 B、 C 三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(10 分 ) 31. I feel thirsty. I want something to drink. What about you? OK. Lets go and buy some _. A. coke B. cakes C.

10、apples 32. I love China. Im proud _ her. So do I. A. with B. in C. of 33. Mr. Chen is good at dancing. Who taught him? No one. He learnt it by _. A. he B. his C. himself 34. When did you know the fact? I didnt know about it_ray aunt told me. A. after B. until C. unless 35. Have you finished _the let

11、ter? Not yet. A. writing B. to write C. write 36. We must take a taxi, _well be late for the meeting. Dont worry. We have a little time left. A. and B. but C. or 37. Which of the twins jump _? Its hard to say. Now their scores are the same. A. far B. farther C. farthest 38. Is there _ in todays news

12、paper? Yes. Its raining heavily in the south of China. A. anything new B. new something C. new anything 39. Mike, you _the magazine since last week. Can you return it now? Sure. A. borrowed B. have borrowed C. have kept 40. Could you tell me _ last year? I went to Sanya. A. where did you travel B. w

13、here you traveled C. how you traveled (B)完形填空:从每小题 A、 B、 C 三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。(10 分 ) A Frenchman went to a small Italian town. He was staying with his 41 at the best hotel there. One night he went out for a walk alone. It was late and the small street was dark and quiet. Suddenly he felt 42 behind

14、 him. He turned his head and saw an Italian young man who 43 walked past him. The man was nearly out of sight when the Frenchman suddenly found that his 44 was gone. He thought that it must be the Italian who had taken his watch. He decided to follow and 45 back the watch. Soon the Frenchman caught

15、up with the Italian. 46 of them understood the others language. The Frenchman frightened the Italian 47 his fist( 拳头 ) pointed to the Italians watch. In the end the Italian 48 his watch to the Frenchman. 49 he returned to the hotle, the Frenchman told his wife what had happened. He was greatly 50 wh

16、en his wife pointed to the watch on the table. Now he realized that by mistake he had robbed(抢劫 ) the watch and it was the Italians. 41. A. daughter B. wife C. son 42. A. no one B. anyone C. someone 43. A. quickly B. nearly C. hardly 44. A. purse B. bag C. watch 45. A. got B. get C. getting 46. A. N

17、either B. Both C. Either 47. A. in B. with C. on 48. A. gave up B. put away C. gave away 49. A. Before B. Since C. As soon as 50. A. surprised B. glad C. interested 第三部分 口语运用 (15 分 ) (A)情景反应:搭配左右两栏的句子,组成意思通顺的对话。 (5 分 ) 51. Whats the price of this hat? A. Very well, thank you. 52. How are you doing t

18、hese days? B. Its $ 100. 53. Jim hurt himself in the accident. C. Good idea. 54. Shall we play soccer tomorrow? D. Have a good time. 55. Im going to Xiamen for this summer holiday. E. Im sorry to hear that. (B)补全对话:根据对话内容,从方框的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(10 分 ) A: Hello. This is East English Club. 56 B; Hello.

19、 I want to joing the English club. A: Welcome! 57 B; Li Wei. A: What do you do? B: Im a student. A: 58 B . Because Beijing will host the 2008 Olympics. 59 A: Thats right. 60 A. Whats your telephone number? B. What can I do for you? C. I want to learn more English to help foreign friends. D. Whats yo

20、ur name ,please? E. Why do you want to join our club? B; 0595-29253216. A; OK. Thank you. Goodbye. B : Bye-bye. 第四部分 阅读理解 (45 分 ) (A) In America, do-it-yourself is a way of life. Many people repair their own cars, build their own garages, even rebuild their own houses. Soon many of them will also be

21、 writing their own books. In Hollywood there is a company that publishes( 印刷 ) childrens books with the help of computers. This company is not like the others. It allows the young reader to become the leading character ( 主要人物 ) in the stories with the help of computers. Here is how they do it. Let u

22、s suppose(假设 ) the child is named Jenny. She lives in New York, and has a dog named Hody. The computer uses this information to make up a story with pictures. The story is then printed up. A child who receives such a book might say, This is a book about me , so the company calls itself the Me -Books

23、 Publishing Company. Children like the Me-Books because they like to see in print their own names and names of their friends and their pets. More important, in this way, readers are much more interested in reading the stories. Me-Books are helping children to learn to read. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确,对的涂 (A)

24、,错的涂 (B)。 (10 分 ) 61. Do-it-yourself is a way of American life. 62. Children can become the leading characters in the stories with the help of computers. 63. Me-Books Publishing Company is named by Jenny. 64. Readers are interested in reading the stories about themselves. 65. Me-Books can help child

25、ren to learn how to write a sentence. (B)(C)(D)三篇 根据短文内容,从每小题 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 (30 分 ) (B) Some students are talking about: Should the children of migrant workers(农民工 ) study in the cities or in their hometowns? Here are their opinions. Speaker Opinions In the cities Kangkang The children of m

26、igrant workers could get better educations in the cities. The teachers and schools are better there. They could live with their parents, too. Li Ming Children should live with their parents. Parents can look after them well. The children of migrant workers may feel lonely if they stay in their homet

27、owns. They may not go to school. Wang Tao Studying in a city doesnt only mean getting a better education, it means having much more chances in the city than in their hometowns. The kids see lots of things they wouldnt be able to see in their hometowns. In their hometowns Lingling Its easy for childr

28、en to go to school in their hometowns. In the city, things are much more difficult. First, there are so few schools for the children of migrant workers. Second, their parents may have to change jobs often. This means the kids may have to change schools a lot too. Han Mei The children of migrant work

29、ers may find it hard to adapt (适应 ) to life in the city. In city school, they may get bullied( 被欺负 ). Also, these children may fall behind because of the different levels (水平 ) of education. Lily Studying in the city costs a lot more than studying in the countryside. The cost may add to the burdens(

30、 负担 ) of the parents. 66. Kangkangthinks the children of migrant workers may _ in the city. A. feel lonely B. get fewer chances C. get better educations 67. Who thinks that children should live with their parents? A. Li Ming and Wang Tao. B. Kangkang and Li Ming. C. Wang Tao and Kangkang. 68. Whats

31、Linglings opinion? A. There are no enough schools for migrant workers children in the city. B. Its difficult for the children to go to school in their hometowns. C. It is good for the children to change schools often. 69. Han Mei worries about the children of migrant workers _. A. may not go to scho

32、ol B. may fall behind with their study C. cant be looked after well 70. Lily is afraid that_. A. the children may makeiad friends B. the children can not get on well with their classmates C. the migrant workers may pay much more money for their childrens studying in the city (C) Many earthquakes(地震

33、) happen without warning, so it is important to know what to do wherever you are during an earthquake. Here are some top tips on how to stay safe in an earthquake. Keep a cool head. Worry may make bad decisions. Think about what you should do. The first several seconds are important. If you are indo

34、ors during an earthquake, hide under a heavy desk and protect your head. Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you. If you are in a crowded hall away from the door, dont rush to the exit. You will find too many people trying to get out at the same time. Instead, hide under a desk or

35、 a table. Do not get into a lift during an earthquake! Stay in a safe area until you are sure its OK to leave. Some aftershocks( 余震 ) may follow an earthquake. These are as dangerous as the earthquake. If you are at home and you smell gas, open a window and leave the building quickly. If you are out

36、doors, find a clear place away from buildings, trees, street lights and power lines. If you are buried in debris (埋在废墟 ) , you may make noises by knocking at the rocks. Shouting will use up your energy. You could be without help for up to 72 hours. Try to find some water and food. These are importan

37、t for you. 71. The underlined words top tips mean _ A. useful advice B. boring news C. interesting stories 72. If you are in a crowded hall away from the door when an earthquake happens, you mustnt try to get out because _. A. its more dangerous outside B. you may lose the way C. people may hurt eac

38、h other when rushing out at the same time 73. Which one is right during an earthquake? A. If you smell gas, stay at home and wait for help. B. Hiding under a heavy desk if you are indoors. C. Using the lift to go downstairs. 74. You should _if yo, u are buried in debris. A. find a clear place B. kee

39、p shouting for help C. catch peoples attention by knocking at the rocks 75. From the passage we know that_. A. keeping a cool head is very important during an earthquake B. we can hide under the tree during an earthquake C. we neednt care about aftershocks (D) Fashion is moving into the twenty-first

40、 century. A coat can change its color with the weather; a shirt with stripes(条纹 ) that will disappear while you are wearing it; a blouse can be worn for days and days without a bad smell. . . These are not dreams of scientists. They were made possible in the fashion world. A jacket changes its color

41、 in warm weather and costs between $ 40 and $ 5 , 000. Peter White, a designer, says There are not much more designers can do with the old cloth. They need to make new kinds of cloth to keep fashion interesting. Massimo Osti is the man who has brought this unusual cloth to the shops. Another of Osti

42、s inventions has a design of the companys trademark( 商标 ) on the chest, which disappears when you breathe on it. Now there is a special kind of leisure wear(休闲服 ) for golfers who like to practice in any kind of weather. As golfers leave the warm club house, their clothes will change from white to ra

43、inbow ( 彩虹 ) of colors. A Japanese company has developed a man-made fiber( 纤维 ) , it can absorb( 吸收 ) sunlight and keep the wearer up to 10 warmer than usual fibers. A kind of new cloth for ski-wear can turn black to absorb sunlight when the temperature drops to below zero, and change to white at ab

44、ove 5 . In the Far East and Europe, there are many blouses which have a pleasing smell. The sweet smell lasts up to three hand-washes. 76. What does the word Fashion mean in Chinese? A食物 B饮料 C时装 77. Massimo Osti is _. A. a worker B. a doctor C. an inventor 78. When golfers go into the warm house, th

45、eir speical leisure wear will change from _to _. A. white. . . colorful B. colorful. . . white C. white. . . black 79. A man-made fiber can keep the wearer up to _warmer than usual one. A. 10 t B. 5 C.0 80. Which of the following is NQT TRUE? A. New kinds of cloth can keep the fashion world interesting. B. All kinds of cloth can change their colors when the temperature changes. C. Many blouses have a sweet smell which lasts up to three hand-washes in Europe. 第卷 (


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