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1、 第1 页 2009年浙江省台州市中考英语试题 卷I 第一部分听力部分 一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共 25分) 第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。 1 . What can the girl play? 2. How does Linda usually go to work? 3. What did Jimmy do last weekend? 4. What animal does Cindy keep? 5. Where does the dialogue probably take place? 第二节:听长对话,

2、回答问题 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第6 7两小题。 6. Whose birthday is coming next week? A. Sallys. B. Johns. C. Peters. 7. What present will the girl buy? A. A book. B. A watch. C. A cake. 第2 页 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8 10三小题。 8. Where is Frank calling from? A. Beijing. B. New York. C. Sydney. 9. Which season is it in Franks city?

3、 A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. 10. What does Frank think of the food in his city? A, Bad and expensive. B. Not bad but expensive. C. Not bad and Not expensive. 第三节:听独白,根据内容,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。 Boy Lost Age: 11 Time: the 8th of 12 Place: in a small 13 Look: 14 with long hair and big eyes

4、Clothes: a 15 T-shirt and black pants Tel: 555 -8832 11. A. six B. seven C. eight 12. A. May B. June C. July 13. A. library B. hospital C. supermarket 14. A. tall B. short C. heavy 15. A. red B. blue C. brown 第二部分笔试部分 二、单项选择(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 16. 一Look! Can you guess

5、 whats in my hand? I think there is ping-pong ball in it. A. a B. an C. the D./ 17. Fathers Day is coming. What will you do for your father? 一Ill send a card. A. him B. her C. me D. you 18. 一I am usually those who cut in line. 一I also cant stand them. A. afraid of B. interested in C. angry with D. w

6、orried about 19. My English teacher told me that I the test. 一Wow ! What a lucky guy ! A. failed B. passed C. took D. lost 20. 一 are you going to be a basketball player? 一Fm going to practice basketball every day. A. Why B. When C. What D. How 第3 页 21. Dont walk so fast. You must cross the road as a

7、s possible. OK, I will. A. carefully B. more carefully C. quickly D. more quickly 22. 一 Could you please call me you go to the party? No problem. Lets go there together. A. though B. since C. after D. before 23. 一 My family where we will go on vacation. 一 Why dont you go to Taiwan Island? A. didnt d

8、ecide B. havent decided C. Wont decide D. arent decided 24. 一 We will go to Old Peoples Home this Saturday. Would you like to go with us? 一 . I am free then. A. Sorry, I cant B. That would be very nice C. It doesnt matter D. Yes, please 25. Look at the picture on the right. What will the boy probabl

9、y say? A. OK. B. I agree. C. Let me try. D. Sony , I cant. 三、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 The weather in some parts of the United States changes a lot and often very quickly. James and Jennifer were 26 from Nevada to Idaho with their five-month-old son. Shortly after t

10、hey left home it began to snow. The snow was soon so 27 that it became a blizzard (暴风 雪).The blizzard went on for many hours. By the time it was 28 , there was about 1.5 meters of snow on the road and it was 29 to drive. They looked around for a house to stay in, 30 they could see nothing. They look

11、ed for another 31 , but there wasnt one to travel on. They 32 stay where they were. They stayed there for 33 days. They had very little to eat or drink. They ate some cookies they had in the car, and they even had 34 for water. Jennifer was able to feed her baby herself. After five days, they knew t

12、hey could 35 stay in their car. James made a large hole (洞) in the snow for Jennifer and the baby to stay in , and he started the long walk to 36 . In 22 hours he walked over 45 kilometers. At last he got to the town of Vya. James was very 37 and could only just speak , but he was able to tell the p

13、eople in the town 38 Jennifer and his son were. The people in the town hurried to 39 Jennifer and her baby. When they found them, the baby was crying loudly. They took them to hospital, where the doctors 40 them. Many people thought it was a miracle (奇迹)that the family didnt die in such a blizzard.

14、26. A. driving B. flying C. walking D. sailing 27. A. thin B. strong C. cold D. white 28. A. back B. near C. over D. out 29. A. safe B. quick C. dangerous D. easy 第4 页 30. A. and B. but C. so D. or 31 . A. town B. person C. hole D. road 32. A. could B. might C. neednt D. had to 33. A. six B. five C.

15、 three D. two 34. A. fruit B. cookies C. snow D. plants 35. A. no longer B. as usual C. later on D. after all 36. A. make money B. get help C. see a doctor D. repair his car 37. A. strange B. interested C. sad D. tired 38. A. where B. why C. who D. what 39. A. ask B. visit C. save D. feed 40. A. loo

16、ked after B. looked up C. looked for D. looked like 四、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Two lovely puppets (玩偶) Hello! Im Bim. Im made of wood. I have arms and legs, and hands and feet. I have black hair and green eyes. There are strings on my arms and legs. There are also

17、strings on my hands and feet. Children like to play with me. They pull my strings. They move my arms and legs,and my hands and feet. Hi! Im Pip. Im made of cloth. Im a glove (手套)puppet. I have arms and hands, but I dont have legs or feet. I dont have any strings. Children like to play with me, too.

18、They can put their small hands in- side me. They can put their fingers in my hands and make them move. 41. What is Bim made of? A. Cloth. B.Wood. C. Paper. D. Metal. 42. How do children make Pip move? A. By pulling his fingers. B. By pulling his arms and hands. C. By putting their fingers in his leg

19、s. D. By putting their fingers in his hands. 43. Which picture shows what Bim is like? B The train started moving. It was full of people of all ages , mostly working men and women and young college students. Near the window sat an old man with his 30-year-old son. As the train went, the son was exci

20、ted by the sight outside. See, dad, the sight of green trees moving away is very beautiful. 第5 页 This behavior(行为)from the 30-year-old son made the others on the train feel strange about him. Everyone started saying something about this son quietly. This guy seems to be a crack(古怪的人),newly married A

21、nup said to his wife. Suddenly it started raining. Raindrops fell on the travelers through the open window. The 30- y ear-old son, filled with happiness, said, See, dad, how beautiful the rain is! Anups wife became angry with the raindrops, because they were dropping on her new suit and leaving mark

22、s on it. Anup , cant you see its raining? You , Old man , if your son is not feeling well , get him to a mental(精神的)hospital soon and dont influence others. The old man hesitated (犹豫)first and then in a low voice replied, We are on the way back from hospital. My son was blind at birth. Only last wee

23、k he was able to see again. Rain and nature are new to his eyes. Please excuse us for the unhappy things caused. 44. How was the son feeling when he saw the rain? A. Angry. B. Sad. C, Happy. D. Bored. 45. Anups wife became angry because . A. her husband was a crack B. the train was full of people C.

24、 the old man was talking loudly D. the son kept the window open and the raindrops made her new suit dirty 46. The son became blind . A. only last week B. on the way back from hospital C. when he was bom D. when he was 30 years old 47. The people on the train would probably after they heard what the

25、old man said. A. feel strange B. laugh at the son C. take the son to a mental hospital D. understand what the son was doing and excuse him C Many years ago there were airships in the skies. Airships were large balloons (气球),They were full of gas(气体)to keep them in the air, but the gas was dangerous

26、and burned quickly. One huge airship was called the Hindenburg. This was a German(德国的) airship. It was 245 meters long and it carried more than 100 people. It could move through the sky at 120 kilometers an hour. Its trip across the Atlantic Ocean took a week. The Hindenburg had 16 bags of gas insid

27、e it. When the airship was on the ground these bags were empty. When the pilot of the airship wanted to leave the ground , he filled the bags with gas. For 4 months in 1935 the Hindenburg flew every week between Germany and America. Most of the passengers were rich people. They liked the Hindenburg

28、because although the trip cost a lot of money, it was very comfortable. On 6 May 1935 when the Hindenburg was landing in America, it caught fire (火)and crashed ( 殳).The people on the ground could do nothing to 第6 页 help the passengers in the airship. 34 people died. 97 people jumped to the ground al

29、ive. For many years after the Hindenburg crash, everyone stopped using airships. They thought they were too dangerous. Now,however, there are new gases that do not bum quickly. There will soon be many airships in the skies again because they are much cleaner and quieter than planes. 48. What do we k

30、now about the Hindenburg? A. It was an American airship. B. It traveled 245 kilometers an hour. C. There were only 16 seats in it. D. When it left the ground, the gas bags were full. 49. People liked the Hindenburg because . A. it was not expensive to travel in it B. the trip made them feel relaxed

31、and pleased C. they thought it was safer than planes D. it was the only airship in the world at that time 50. The Hindenburg crashed because . A. the pilot made a mistake B. there were too many passengers in it C, the bags were filled with dangerous gas D. the airship was flying too near the ground

32、51. The writer thinks in the future . A. airships will be popular B. people will use airships instead of planes C. it will be impossible to find gases for airships that do not bum quickly D. people will stop using airships because planes will be much cleaner and quieter D If you ask someone the reas

33、ons to wear clothes , the answer will probably be To keep warm and to cover my body. These are the basic(基本的)reasons we wear clothes, but people also want to look attractive (好看的)and appear successful to others. If people only wor clothes for warmth and to cover their bodies , most clothing would be

34、 sim ple and cheap. In many countries, However, clothing is sometimes very expensive. The main rea son for this is not the cost of the cloth or the cost of making the clothes. The clothes are expensive because of fashion. Successful businessmen , for example , often wear very expensive suits , shirt

35、s and ties. Some times they pay thousands of dollars for a suit and hundreds of dollars for a tie. Its still just a suit and tie but they pay these prices because of the famous name of the designer. A suit costing much less would be just as warm and would cover the wearers body just as well. Fashion

36、 is changing all the time , which means that people who want to be in fashion have to buy new clothes every few months , even if last months clothes have only been worn once or twice. Some people have closets(壁樹)full of clothes that have hardly been worn but are no longer in fashion. So, being in fa

37、shion can be very expensive. 52. The first passage tells us . A. how people choose clothes B. why people wear clothes C. what clothes people often wear D. who often wear expensive clothes 53. According to the passage, some successful businessmen pay very high prices for a suit and tie mainly because

38、 . 第7 页 A. the cloth is fine B. they are well made C. the designer is famous D. the businessmen want to wear them for long 54. What does the underlined sentence A suit costing much less would be just as warm mean? A. A much cheaper suit would be just as warm as a very expensive one. B. A very expens

39、ive suit is much wanner than a cheaper one. C. A tie would cost much less than a warm suit. D. A much cheaper suit would be just used for keeping warm. 55. Whats the best title (标題)of the passage? A. Fashion. B. Fashion is changing all the time. C. The basic reasons to wear clothes. D. Its not neces

40、sary to be in fashion. 卷 II 五、词汇运用(本题有18小題,每小题1分,只要做对15趙即得满分15分) A. 根据短文内容和所给汉语提示,写出短文空白的处各单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。 Imagine sailing across the ocean. If you go 56 (远)enough, you would end up in Japan. Japan is a small country that is made up of 57 (许多)islands. The 58 (四)main islands are on the tops of the mo

41、untains. These mountains sit on the ocean floor. VolcaNoes(火山) and earthquakes often 59 (发生)in Japan. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. It is one of the 60 (最大的)cities in the world. It is a very 61 (繁忙的)and crowded modem city. A lot of things in Japan are different from 62 (别的)parts of the world. For e

42、xample, the Japanese eat their food 63 (用)chopsticks. Its impolite to 64 (发出)noise while eating noodles in some countries, but in Japan they are 65 (被允许)to do so. When they meet for the first 66 (次)they are supposed to bow. The 67 (桌子)are low, so the Japanese kneel on the cushions (跪在垫上)when they ea

43、t a 68 (一餐). B. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每个单词限用一次。 move ram do slow milk 69. Miss Green often tells her students to some listening after class. 70. Toms family to Beijing last year. They enjoy living there. 71. Could you please speak more ? I cant follow you. 72. We are a little thirsty, and wed like two bag

44、s of . 73.1 dont like days. They often make me sad. 六、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 以下是张雷在校园网BBS上发表的对于校报英语栏目的评论和该拦目的调查表。假如 你是张雷,请根据评论内容完成调查表。请在第74 -77小题的空格中写上字母A或D, 分别表示同意或不同意,并在第78小题的空格上写上合适的单词。 第8 页 Here are my comments about our school newspaper. Every time I get the newspaper, I will look through the

45、English Column(栏目)first. By reading the School News I know more about our school events. The Culture & Sports opens up my eyes to the outside world. Some students say the Advice Column is really a great help for them, but I don t agree. I never ask it for help whenever I am in trouble. And I hardly ever read the column of the Ways of Learning. It is not so useful as I expect. I don t like the pictures in the newspaper. They are not clear enough. I hope they will improve the


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