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1、2004年 1月 TOEFL(托福)真题试卷及答案解析(总分:232.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:7,分数:100.00)1.Section One:Listening Comprehension_A.She reads more slowly than the man does.B.She has a 1ot of material to read before she has coffee.C.The man does more work than is necessary.D.The man seems to be taking a

2、long time preparing for philosophy class.A.The woman should have shown him the newspaper.B.He thinks the woman will win the contest.C.The womans pictures are on top of the newspapers.D.The new photograph does not look anything like her others.A.Return his literature books to the bookstore.B.Keep his

3、 books from the literature class.C.Sell his literature books to the woman.D.Visit the reference section of the library.A.Give the secretary Janets new address and phone number.B.Ask Janet a question about his health.C.Get information about Janet from the secretary.D.Visit Janet at her new school.A.S

4、he will help the man find the exhibit.B.She has already seen the exhibit.C.She will help the man read the map.D.She knows where to get a map.A.She is also planning to travel.B.She already picked up money for the trip.C.She has to study instead of traveling.D.She thinks the man should take more money

5、.A.The woman should not get involved in the situation.B.The woman should not be angry with he friends.C.He wants to talk to Sally and Mark.D.He will explain to the woman what happened.A.What travel plans Philip is making.B.How Philip s parents are going to travel.C.What Philip said.D.Where Philip he

6、ard the news.A.She will have to postpone her trip.B.She has already gotten her passport application.C.The passport office is closed.D.She was late in applying for her passport.A.He has not played tennis in a while.B.He does not know how to play tennis.C.His tennis racket is broken.D.He needs to rest

7、 before he plays.A.No one was interested in the discussion.B.Politics is a sensitive topic.C.The woman is not being serious.D.People avoided discussing politics.A.She already read the book.B.She will not lend her book to the man.C.The man can use her book whenever he likes.D.The man does not need th

8、e book.A.It is about to start raining.B.The rain will stop soon.C.It has been raining all day.D.It just stopped raining.A.She is not permitted to live off-campus this year.B.She has been living off-campus for a year.C.She is happy with her living arrangements.D.She is required to move next year.A.Sh

9、e misses her old roommate.B.She changes roommates often.C.She does not know Julie very well.D.She did not really enjoy living with Julie.A.Take a shorter route.B.Buy new sun glasses.C.Drive on a different road.D.Consider using Route 27.A.Give her ticket to the man.B.Borrow some jazz music from someo

10、ne else.C.Go to the concert without the man.D.Help the man to complete his paper.A.Sullivans has never been able to keep its chef.B.The service at Sullivans is dependable.C.The quality of the cooking at Sullivans is inconsistent.D.Customers get a lot of personal attention at Sullivans.A.She thinks t

11、he wearier is pleasant.B.She has been working hard in the lab.C.She is not feeling very well today.D.She has been staying up quite late recently.A.The woman can wear it all winter.B.The woman may have trouble paying for it.C.It may not be warm enough.D.It will not fit if the woman loses weight.A.Int

12、roduce Michelle to the other reporters.B.Take Michelle home.C.Take a tour of the office.D.Start working at his desk.A.They should turn left when they see a stop sign.B.He does not have the directions with him.C.He does not see the stop sign yet.D.He does not know which way to turn.A.Ho has not been

13、to the new restaurant yet.B.He would like to go to the new restaurant with the woman.C.The food at the new restaurant is not very good.D.A restaurants atmosphere is very important to him.A.She is planning to drop the class.B.She thinks the man wants to take the class.C.She only has one class on Tues

14、days and Thursdays.D.She has to leave for class.A.Ho does not feel very well.B.He had several teeth filled.C.The dentist gave him some medication.D.The woman is mistaken.A.Business courses have become popular.B.The school only offers business courses.C.The business school has a new program.D.The sch

15、ool has just started to offer business courses.A.His alarm clock is broken.B.He bas been late before.C.He prefers to study early in the morning.D.He worked in the lab last night.A.He will lend the woman moneyto buy a computer.B.The woman should wait a while before buying a computer.C.The woman shoul

16、d find a better way to invest her savings.D.The woman should buy a computer.A.There are none left.B.They are too expensive.C.They might be available at the concert.D.They need to be purchased in advance.A.She will go to the restaurant with the man.B.She will meet the man and his friends later in the

17、 evening.C.She has already had dinner.D.She will not change her original plans.A.A famous photographer.B.Photographic processes in the 1800s.C.Photographic equipment used in the 1800s.D.A new museum.A.Her subjects home.B.Her subjects social status.C.Her subjects personality.D.Her subject s role in h

18、istory.A.Backlighting.B.Flashbulbs.C.Time-lapse photography.D.Soft focus.A.Children.B.Historical scenes.C.Well-known people.D.Landscapes.A.Which major the woman will be choosing.B.An anthropology course the woman is taking.C.How to find a job in publishing.D.Which anthropology professors the man rec

19、ommends.A.It is not as difficult as she had thought it would be.B.She would like her professor to explain it more clearly.C.She took a class on it last semester.D.Her professor will write a book on it soon.A.lt might lead to a job in publishing.B.It is being taught by a famous anthropologist.C.It wi

20、ll help her with her courses overseas.D.It will prepare her for future work in anthropology.A.Her professor.B.A classmate.C.Her former boss.D.A foreign diplomat.A.So they can feel its weight.B.So they can examine its contents.C.So they can guess its age.D.So they can admire its beautiful color.A.How

21、 amber changes shape when heated.B.How clear amber is.C.How common is around the world.D.How easily amber can break.A.Tropical insects.B.Decayed leaves.C.Tree resin.D.Bird feathers.A.Its amber contains numerous fossils.B.Its amber is the most durable.C.Its amber is opaque.D.It is the site of the old

22、est amber deposits.A.Amber mined from the Appalachian Mountains.B.Amber with no imperfections.C.Amber containing organic material.D.Amber with no inclusions.A.The difficulties faced by the colonists.B.The skill of military heroes.C.The courage of one man.D.The cause of the Revolutionary War.A.He did

23、 not fight in the Revolution my War.B.He did not really exist.C.He was an important town leader.D.He was not the only messenger.A.It was well planned.B.It was completed in a short time.C.It was led by military commanders.D.It helped him get elected to public office.A.To explain how angles are measur

24、ed.B.To prove that Mesopotamiansdid not know how to use square numbers.C.To discuss a mistaken historical interpretation.D.To explain why tablets are reliable historical records.A.They did not use square numbers.B.They used complex measuring instruments.C.They recorded math exercises on tablets.D.Th

25、ey calculated the length of triangle sides.A.Pictures of triangles.B.Calculations using square numbers.C.Measurements of angles.D.Greek symbols.A.They taught the Mesopotamians about square numbers.B.They were less advanced in mathematics than the Mesopotamians.C.They did not use square numbers.D.The

26、y knew how to measure angles.二、Structure certain of these lichen colonies have been established for an estimated 2,000 years.20 For decades, scientists wondered how the offspring of an alga and a fungus got together to form a new lichen, it seemed unlikely that they would just happen lo encounter on

27、e another. It was finally discovered that in many cases the two partners have never been separated. Stalklike “buds“ that form on certain lichens are broken off by the wind or by animals; these toll or are blown to a new location(分数:22.00)(1).Which of the following questions does the passage answer?

28、(分数:2.00)A.Where can the oldest lichens be found?B.How long does it take for lichens to establish themselves?C.How large can lichens he?D.Where do lichens usually occur?(2).The word “hardiest“ in line I is closest in meaning to _.(分数:2.00)A.most unusualB.most basicC.most abundantD.most vigorous(3).T

29、he word “framework“ in line 5 is closest in meaning to _.(分数:2.00)A.structureB.fragmentC.conditionD.environment(4).The author mentions “the green film of plant life that grows on stagnant pools“ (lines 6-7) in order to explain _.(分数:2.00)A.how the sun affects lichensB.why plants depend on waterC.whe

30、re fungi become algaeD.what algae arc(5).It can be inferred from the passage that lichens use less energy and grow more slowly when _.(分数:2.00)A.the environment is pollutedB.they are exposed to ultraviolet raysC.they are very oldD.the supply of water is inadequate(6).Which of file following terms is

31、 defined in the passage?(分数:2.00)A.anchors (line 6)B.stagnant (line 7)C.dew (line 14.)D.ultraviolet (line 16)(7).The word “prolonged“ in line 13 is closest in meaning to _.(分数:2.00)A.preciseB.extendedC.approximateD.regular(8).All of the following are mentioned in the discussion of lichens EXCEPT _.(

32、分数:2.00)A.They are capable of producing their own food.B.They require large amounts of minerals lo prosper.C.They are a union of two separate plants.D.They can live thousands of years.(9).What does the phrase “lichen colonies (line 19) suggest?(分数:2.00)A.Nothing but lichens live in some locations.B.

33、Many lichens live together in one area.C.Lichens displace the plants that surround them.D.Certain groups of lichens have never been separated.(10).The word “encounter“ in line 21 is closest in meaning to _.(分数:2.00)A.loseB.supportC.meetD.create(11).The word “these“ in line 24 refers to _.(分数:2.00)A.

34、partnersB.budsC.lichensD.animalsThe languages spoken by early Europeans are still shrouded in mystery. There is no linguistic continuity between the languages of Old Europe (a term sometimes used for Europe between 7000 and 3000 B.C.) and the languages of the modem world, and we cannot yet translate

35、 the Old European script, Scholars have deciphered other ancient5 languages, such as Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian, which used the cuneiform script, because of the fortuitous discovery of bilingual inscriptions, When cuneiform tablets were first discovered in the eighteenth century, scholars co

36、uld not decipher them. Then inscriptions found in baa at the end of the eighteenth century provided a link: these inscriptions were written in cuneiform and in two other ancient languages, Old Persian10 and New Elamite-languages that had already been deciphered. It took several decades, but scholars

37、 eventually translated the ancient cuneiform script via the more familiar Old Persian language: Similarly, the hieroglyphic writing of the Egyptians remained a mystery until French troops unearthed the famous Rosetta stone in the late eighteenth century. The stone carried15 the same message written

38、in ancient Greek, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Egyptian hieratic, a simplified form of hieroglyphs. The Rosetta stone thwarted scholars efforts for several decades until the early nineteenth century when several key hieroglyphic phrases were decoded using the Greek inscriptions. Unfortunately, we have

39、no Old European Rosetta stone to chart correspondences between Old European script and the languages that20 replaced it. Tim incursions of Indo-European tribes into Old Europe from the late fifth to the early third millennia B.C. caused a linguistic and cultural discontinuity. These incursions disru

40、pted the Old European sedentary farming lifestyle that had existed for 3,000 years As the Indo-Europeans encroached on Old Europe from the east, the continent underwent25 upheavals. These severely affected the Balkans, where the Old European cultures abundantly employed script. The Old European way

41、of life deteriorated rapidly, although pockets of Old European culture remained for several millennia, new peoples spoke completely different languages belonging to the Indo-European linguistic family. The Old European language or languages, and the script used to write them, declined and eventually

42、 vanished.(分数:20.00)(1).What does the passage mainly discuss?(分数:2.00)A.Reasons for the failure to understand the written records of Old European cultureB.Influences on the development of Old European scriptC.Similarities between Old European script and other ancient writing systemsD.Events leading

43、to the discovery of Old European script(2).According to the passage, New Elamite is _.(分数:2.00)A.a language that was written in the cuneiform scriptB.a modem language that came from Old PersianC.one of the languages spoken by the Old EuropeansD.a language that was understood by the late eighteenth c

44、entury(3).According to the passage, scholars were able to decipher cuneiform script with the help of _.(分数:2.00)A.the Sumerian, Akkadian, and Babylonian languagesB.Old Persian.C.tablets written in Old EuropeanD.a language spoken in eighteenth century Iran(4).The word “fortuitous” in line 6 is closet

45、 in meaning to _.(分数:2.00)A.importantB.suddenC.earlyD.lucky(5).The word “them“ in line 7 refers to _.(分数:2.00)A.Sumerian, Akkadian, and BabylonianB.bilingual inscriptionsC.cuneiform tabletsD.scholars(6).When does the passage suggest that ancient Egyptian hieroglypttic script was finally deciphered?(

46、分数:2.00)A.At around the same time as cuneiform script was decipheredB.Shortly before the Rosetta stone was unearthedC.As soon as additional bilingual inscriptions became available to scholarsD.A few decades after the hieratic script was decoded(7).According to the passage, which of the following is

47、true of the Rosetta stone?(分数:2.00)A.It was found by scholars trying to decode ancient languages.B.It contains two versions of hieroglyphic script.C.Several of its inscriptions were decoded within a few months of its discovery.D.Most of its inscriptions have still not been decoded.(8).The word “thwa

48、rted“ in line 16 is closest in meaning to _.(分数:2.00)A.continuedB.influencedC.encouragedD.frustrated(9).According to the passage, Indo-European incursions caused Old European populations to _.(分数:2.00)A.separate into different tribesB.move eastwardC.change their ways of living obtaining foodD.start

49、recording historical events in Writing(10).The author mentions the Balkans in the passage in order to explain why _.(分数:2.00)A.Indo-European languages were slow to spread in Old EuropeB.the inhabitants of Old Europe were not able to prevent Indo-European incursionsC.the use of the Old European script declinedD.the Old European culture survived for a time after the Indo-European incursionsNext to its sheer size, the p


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