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1、2009 年 11 月 14 日新托福写作机经及答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:120 分钟)1.Task 1INTEGRAED Argent avis,一种灭绝的鸟,Reading 里面说这个鸟不能飞,给了三个理由 1、不能flit off,因为翅膀很长,会碰到地; 2、太重,68KG 即使能飞,那 muscle 也不 strong enough 来支持,说他太重了; 3、进化一定要有目的,这种鸟太大不需要靠飞行躲避天敌,同时也不需要靠飞行猎食 Listening 就各个论点反驳了一下 1、说这种鸟能够 flit off,并且是靠助跑 running to help them fly的

2、,起飞时不一定要用站立姿势,可以起跑然后从山上飞下高空。而且这种鸟生活的环境周围有很多山,够他飞的。另外在 fossil 里面发现了一个 strong “fire bone”这个 bone 说明了这种鸟可以 running。 2、说这种鸟飞是靠 thermals help them to stay in the atmosphere,然后举例说其他的大型鸟 condor, eagle use the same method to fly 3、说 flying 不是 advantage 是错误的,因为这种鸟是 scavenge, which means they are feed on othe

3、r dead animals, because they are too large, they need sufficient food.而 flying can help them cover a larger area to find food. (分数:10.00)_2.Task 2 INDEPENDENT It is important to have the rules about types of clothing that people are allowed to work and school, do you agree or disagree?(分数:10.00)_200

4、9 年 11 月 14 日新托福写作机经答案解析(总分:20.00,做题时间:120 分钟)1.Task 1INTEGRAED Argent avis,一种灭绝的鸟,Reading 里面说这个鸟不能飞,给了三个理由 1、不能flit off,因为翅膀很长,会碰到地; 2、太重,68KG 即使能飞,那 muscle 也不 strong enough 来支持,说他太重了; 3、进化一定要有目的,这种鸟太大不需要靠飞行躲避天敌,同时也不需要靠飞行猎食 Listening 就各个论点反驳了一下 1、说这种鸟能够 flit off,并且是靠助跑 running to help them fly的,起飞时

5、不一定要用站立姿势,可以起跑然后从山上飞下高空。而且这种鸟生活的环境周围有很多山,够他飞的。另外在 fossil 里面发现了一个 strong “fire bone”这个 bone 说明了这种鸟可以 running。 2、说这种鸟飞是靠 thermals help them to stay in the atmosphere,然后举例说其他的大型鸟 condor, eagle use the same method to fly 3、说 flying 不是 advantage 是错误的,因为这种鸟是 scavenge, which means they are feed on other de

6、ad animals, because they are too large, they need sufficient food.而 flying can help them cover a larger area to find food. (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:2.Task 2 INDEPENDENT It is important to have the rules about types of clothing that people are allowed to work and school, do you agree or disagree?(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:


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