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1、大学六级-1587 及答案解析(总分:710.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:103.00)1.1)调查显示,现在大学生每月的花销越来越高,很多大学生花钱如流水,根本没有节俭的概念2)分析产生这一现象的原因3)“我”的看法Extravagant Spending on Campus_(分数:103.00)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:1,分数:70.00)Taking the ChallengeCOCA-COLA once famously defined its market as “throat share“, meanin

2、g its stake in the entire liquid intake of all humanity. Not to be outdone, Indra Nooyi, the boss of COCA-COLAs arch-rival, PepsiCo, wants her firm to be “seen as one of the defining companies of the first half of the 2lst century, a “model of how to conduct business in the modern world“. More speci

3、fically, she argues that Pepsi, which makes crisps (potato chips) and other fatty, salty snacks as well as sugary drinks, should be part of the solution, not the cause, of “one of the worlds biggest public-health challenges, a challenge fundamentally linked to our industry: obesity.“To that end, on

4、March 22nd she unveiled a series of targets to improve the healthiness of Pepsis wares. By 2015 the firm aims to reduce the salt in some of its biggest brands by 25%; by 2020, it hopes to reduce the amount of added sugar in its drinks by 25% and the amount ofsaturatedfat(饱和脂肪) in certain snacks by 1

5、5%. Pepsi also recently announced that it would be removing all its sugary drinks from schools around the world by 2012.Although Ms Nooyi talks about the need to “cherish“ employees, and once wrote to the parents of her senior managers thanking them for bringing up such wonderful offspring, she reje

6、cts the notion that these goals are soft-headed or decorative. She argues that they are necessary to prevent food companies from going the way of tobacco firms, which are perennially(永久地) held responsible by governments for the health problems associated with their products, and penalised accordingl

7、y. As it is, several countries in Europe and various localities in America have banned transfats(反式脂肪), a particularly unhealthy ingredient in much junk food.In the 1990s virtually all of Pepsis products were bad for you-or “fun for you“, as the firm likes to put it. Under Ms Nooyi, who became boss

8、in 2006, it has stepped up its diversification into products it calls “better for you“ and “good for you“, including fruit juices, nuts and porridge. Ms Nooyi does not see this as a case of trading profits for virtue. Instead, she insists both are possible an idea expressed in the firms syrupy motto

9、: “Performance with purpose.“There is no shortage of sceptics(怀疑者), both about the sincerity of Pepsis social mission and, more recently, its performance, which was decidedly flat in 2009. Indeed, this week, at the firms first meeting with investment analysts since 2006, in New Yorks Yankee Stadium,

10、 Ms Nooyi admitted to a series of disappointments, before promising that lessons had been learned and that “we wont make the same mistakes“. As well as being hurt by the economic downturn, Pepsi suffered from a flawed financial hedging strategy that left it paying too much for commodities. And it ha

11、s suffered from some recent marketing disasters, including a campaign for Tropicana fruit juice that is widely regarded as one of the worst brand makeovers since Coca-Cola launched New Coke.Yet investors seem to be taking seriously Ms Nooyis claim that Pepsis future is bright. It helps that the firm

12、 has raised its dividend and announceda big share buyback. Investors also seem to be reappraising Pepsis decision last year to acquire the two independent firms that bottle its drinks. The deal had received a tepid( 太热情的) reception, not least because Coca-Cola had insisted tbat keeping syrup-making

13、and bottling separate made sense. Now, however, Coca-Cola has decided to follow Pepsis lead by acquiring its main bottlera move Ms Nooyi describes as “vindication(证明无罪) “.The hope is that integrating the bottling company into Pepsi will bring greater control over an increasingly diverse drinks portf

14、olio, and promote cross-marketing between the food and drink divisions. Pepsi, which jointly markets several different brands, dubs the clout this gives it with retailers and customers “Power of One“. The bottling acquisition should boost this tactic by ending the need to negotiate a division of the

15、 spoils on every big deal. When Wal-Mart calls asking for ajoint promotion of, say, Pepsi and Doritos, as it did for the Super Bowl in February, Pepsi can “respond in 24 hours, instead of six weeks“.Ms Nooyi wants to take this idea further, with a strategy she snappily dubs “Power of Power of One“.

16、By that she means partnerships with other frrms to cut the cost ofprocurement (采购) , or research and development. Pepsi has already signed a supplies and ad-purchasing deal with Anheuser-Busch, a big brewer.In the long run, much will depend on the success of Pepsis strategy to convince the public an

17、d regulators that it is on the side of reducing obesity, not creating it. This strategy will have several prongs, including reducing the amount of obviously unhealthy ingredients in its existing products, adding new healthier products to its portfolio, promoting healthier lifestyles and trying to po

18、int the finger of blame away from how many calories people consume to how few calories they burn.Pepsis growing portfolio of “good for you“ products now accounts for around $10 billion in revenues (nearly a fifth of the total). Ms Nooyi expects that figure to grow to $30 billion within ten years. Th

19、e firm has been hiring an army of experts on health to work in its research and development business, to give credibility to its claim that it is applying science to creating products that are better for its customers.Pepsi already claims to be making significant progress in making its “fun-for-you

20、products better for you“ by voluntarily removing trans fats long before it was required to do so, and reducing the amount of sugar, fat and salt.Quaker, which makes porridge, cereal, cereal bars and rice crackers, is Pepsis leading healthy brand. Pepsi hopes to use its expertise in product design an

21、d packaging to make these goods more enticing, especially to children at breakfast time. It is already testing oatmeal drinks and biscuits, as well as new flavours of porridge. Quaker Oats packaging will also get a more contemporary look, although the black-hatted Quaker mascot will survive. “Our go

22、al“, says Ms Nooyi, in typically forthright style, “is to rewrite the rules of breakfast“.There is no doubting the seriousness of Ms Nooyis drive to increase Pepsis sales of healthy products. But it will not be easy to push them without undermining sales of its other, less wholesome wares or appeari

23、ng to nanny its customers. Moreover, politicians and public-health campaigners may not regard selling more healthy products, while continuing to profit handsomely from unhealthy ones, as the best way to tackle obesity.(分数:70.00)(1).PepsiCos goal in the first half of the 2lst century is to _.A. outdo

24、 its biggest rival COCA-COLA B. become one of the defining companiesC. stop producing food that tend to lead to obesityD. enrich its product categories(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(2).According to Ms Nooyis plan, Pepsi will _ by 2012.A. reduce the salt in some of its biggest brands by 25%B. reduce the amount of

25、 added sugar in its drinks by 25%C. remove the saturated fat in certain snacksD. remove all its sugary drinks from school(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(3).In terms of her employees, Ms Nooyi _.A. thinks they are sometimes soft-headedB. often writes to their parents to praise themC. cherishes and accepts their op

26、inions without doubtD. holds an objective attitu de towards their notion(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(4).According to the passage, at Pepsis first meeting with investment analysts since 2006, Ms Nooyi _.A. criticized those who suspect PepsiB. demonstrated development blueprint of PepsiC. promised Pepsi wouldnt

27、commit mistakes any moreD. admitted some aspects that Pepsi hadnt done well(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(5).What do investors think of Ms Nooyis claim about Pepsis future?A. They worry about the sincerity of Pepsi.B. They doubt whether her claim will work out.C. It seems to turn their attitude to a bright side

28、on Pepsis future.D. It produces a light impact on their thought to Pepsi.(分数:7.00)A.B.C.D.(6).The strategy of “Power of Power of One“ will aim at _.A. getting greater control over more companiesB. promoting cross-marketing between food and drink divisionsC. improving output and qualityD. cutting the

29、 cost of procurement or R over 10,000 illustrations, including photographs, drawings, maps, and flags; and more than 75,000 definitionsThe quality of EB material, both in scope and detail, is legendary. For the new electronic formats, editors have completely reworked material from the printed editio

30、n for compatibility with Netscape Navigator Internet Web browser, already familiar to many computer users. Subscribers need only click the icon for EB on their personal computers (Windows or Macintosh), and within it, space for the question to be answered. The software processes the question, scanni

31、ng hundreds of thousands of files in seconds, and then presents possible answers. After browsing through these offerings, the information can be copied electronically and “passed“ into users own document.(分数:60.00)(1).Compared with the paper encyclopedia, the new electronic Encyclopedia Britannica c

32、an save you a lot of effort and time by fast providing you with _ items once you type in key words.(分数:12.00)填空项 1:_(2).The most important standard for valuing information sources is _ which their publishers care about.(分数:12.00)填空项 1:_(3).What has facilitated readers of EB on CD-ROM to easily deliv

33、er what needs fixing on EB?(分数:12.00)填空项 1:_(4).If you buy EB Online, you“ will be given _ for an access to the EB data through the Internet for one year.(分数:12.00)填空项 1:_(5).For the new electronic formats, the material from _ is reworked to fit the customer-favored Web browser.(分数:12.00)填空项 1:_九、Se

34、ction B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:60.00)It should come as no surprise that the typical American diet isnt exactly brimming with healthy goodnessrather, its laden with fat, sugar and salt. And now new research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association points to a troubl

35、ing reason: TV ads for food may be skewing (扭转) our decisions on what we eat in powerful ways.To figure out exactly how unhealthy a TV-guided diet would be, researchers studied food commercials that appeared during 84 hours of prime-time programming and 12 hours of Saturday-morning cartoons broadcas

36、t over the major U.S. networks during one month in 2004. When the research team calculated the nutritional content of a 2,000-calorie-a-day diet containing only foods that were advertised on television, they found that it exceeded the governments recommended daily amount of fat by 20 times and had 2

37、5 times the recommended daily intake of sugar. “Thats almost a months worth of sugar in one day,“ notes study leader Michael Mink at Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, Ga. In addition, the TV-marketed diet provided less than half the recommended daily servings of fruit, vegetables and

38、dairy.In fact, the sources of nutrition in the TV-ad diet were almost the exact opposite of what the governments food pyramid recommends. Instead of making up the smallest proportion of a days calories, as nutritionists advise, fats and sugars accounted for the largest portion of calories in a diet

39、based on television advertising. Couple this nutritional inversion with the fact that marketing campaigns are notoriously effective in influencing peoples behavior and the result is what many nutrition experts call a toxic environmentone that dissuades (劝阻) Americans from making healthy food choices

40、 and encourages inactivity.In the year the study took place, the authors point out that foodmakers spent $11.3 billion hawking their products, while the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which oversees national nutritional recommendations, spent only $268 million2% of the total that was funneled into

41、food marketing on nutritional education.Whats more, says Mink, advertising campaigns not only skew toward products that are high in fat, sugar and salt but also guide people away from foods that are rich in essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, contributing to a deficiency in many Amer

42、icans.The studys findings may not be revelatory to anyone with even a vague understanding of a proper diet, but they do remind us that television and mass-media messages wield great influence ever our behavior. They also offer hope, says Mink: if advertising can entice people to choose unhealthy foo

43、ds, it might also be co-opted to push people toward fruits, vegetables and other natural or less processed options.Mink acknowledges that a fundamental shift in food marketing may not be realistic, at least not now. While many restaurant chains and food manufacturers offer healthier choices, they st

44、ill highlight their more indulgent and unhealthy products in advertisements. “Its the perennial (长久的) question of whether these products are being advertised because we want them or because we want them because they are being advertised,“ Mink says. “Where we come down on it is that its a little bit

45、 of bothand its a reinforcing cycle. But that cycle can be changed./(分数:60.00)(1).According to the new research, the typical American diet isnt health partly because of _.A. the wrong recommendation of government B. the misdirecting of TV adsC. the popular consumption concept D. the poor supervision

46、 to food markets(分数:12.00)A.B.C.D.(2).The expenditure comparison between foodmakers and the US Department of Agriculture shows that _.A. the foodmakers disregard the management of the governmentB. foodmakers takes the responsibility which should belong to the governmentsC. the government should regu

47、late advertisement marketD. the government hasnt invested adequately on nutritional education(分数:12.00)A.B.C.D.(3).Why does Mink think the new findings offer us hope?A. The strong influence of advertising can also push people towards health food options.B. The findings give people a vague understand

48、ing of a proper diet.C. The findings will force government to better oversee national nutritional recommendations.D. People will realize the bad influence of food advertisement after the release of the findings.(分数:12.00)A.B.C.D.(4).What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Unhealthy foods can

49、not disappear in a short period.B. Its clear that unhealthy foods are being advertising because we want them.C. It is the restaurants that should take the responsibility of unhealthy food.D. People cannot resist the attractiveness of unhealthy foods.(分数:12.00)A.B.C.D.(5).What does the passage intend to show u


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