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1、大学四级-1518 及答案解析(总分:710.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1. Will the Computer Replace Man?1. 今天的计算机正在创造奇迹,似乎迟早要代替人类。2. 但计算机只是一种机器,没有完全代替人类的可能性。3. 离开人类,计算机是无所作为的。(分数:106.00)_二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、We have bigger house(总题数:5,分数:35.00)2.The passage talks about the paradox of ou

2、r times.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_3.It seems the more material things we get the less spiritual gain we will have.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_4.The more kinds of food we have, the more healthy we will be.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_5.The richer we are, the lower the morals are.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_6.We know how to make a living, therefor

3、e know how to make a life.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_四、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Questions 6 to 15 ar(总题数:2,分数:70.00)A.The doctor won t see her tomorrow.B.The doctor is busy now.C.The doctor is busy .all day today.D.The doctor will see her today.A.Tennis shoes.B.Some clothes.

4、C.Nothing yetD.Music records.A.She should have her spring dresses fitted.B.She should sell the old clothes.C.She should lose some weight before getting any new clothes.D.She should know how much money she has before going shoppinA.lie is imaginative.B.He is shy.C.He is helpful.D.He is talkativA.The

5、mans children saw many old movies.B.The man saw more old movies than the woman.C.The woman saw a good many old movies when she was young:D.The woman doesn t like old movies.A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C.Once every three weeks.D.Once every two weeks.A.She finished school.B.She opened a company toget

6、her with her father.C.She didnt do anything meaningful.D.She worked in her father s company.A.Its opposite to the hospital.B.It s right to the hospital.C.It s left to the hospital.D.It s at the second crossinA.The safety of cars has been decreased by the addition of seat belts.B.The safety of cars h

7、as been increased by the addition of seat belts.C.Some people pay no attention to seat belts when driving.D.Some people don t use seat belts when drivinA.In the office.B.In the street.C.At home.D.At a party.七、Questions 16 to 18 a(总题数:1,分数:21.00)A.Environment.B.Genes.C.Parents.D.Both A and BA.Individ

8、ual humans share 90 percent of their DNAB.Individual humans share 95 percent of their DNAC.Individual humans share 99.9 percent of their DNAD.Individual humans share 99 percent of their DNAA.B.C.D.八、Questions 19 to 20 a(总题数:1,分数:14.00)A.Husband and wife.B.Boss and secretary.C.Friends.D.Neighbors.A.T

9、he man thinks the woman should do more housework.B.The man thinks he is very busy each day.C.The woman is complaining about her busy life.D.The woman is complaining the lack of variety in her lif九、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十、Passage One(总题数:1,分数:35.00)A.An argument between a man and a woman.B.A love a

10、ffair between a man and a woman.C.The man kidnaps the woman.D.An incident in a subway train.A.In his early twenties.B.In his late twenties.C.In his early thirties.D.In his late thirties.A.He pushes the woman.B.He sits next to the woman.C.He grabs the woman by the arm.D.He smokes in the subway where

11、smoking is not alloweA.She yells at the man.B.She reminds the man not to smoke on the subway.C.She hates the smell of cigarettes.D.She quarrels with him.A.He is very polite and considerate.B.He is very rude and inconsiderate.C.He is very cynical and laughable.D.He is careless and inconsiderat十一、Pass

12、age Two(总题数:1,分数:35.00)A.It was so called by the native inhabitants.B.It was named after Amerlgo Vespucci.C.It was named after Christopher Columbus.D.It was named by Amerigo VespuccA.Christopher Columbus.B.Amerigo Vespucci.C.Martin Waldseemueler.D.Unknown.A.An Italian navigator.B.A young geographer

13、and map-maker,C.A sailor.D.A politician.A.Happy.B.Angry.C.Sad.D.DesperatA.Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian navigator.B.Amerigo Vespucci was a Spanish navigator.C.Christopher Columbus visited America four times.D.The Spanish began to use the name America in the 19th century.十二、Passage Three(总题数:1,分数:3

14、5.00)A.The structure of genes.B.The transformation of medical care.C.The completion of the human genetic map.D.The diagnosis of diseases.A.Diseases can be diagnosed earlier.B.Medicines will be targeted more accurately.C.Scientists can identify and replace the faulty genes.D.All of the abovA.They wil

15、l place that information above everything else.B.They will fire those with faulty genes.C.They will ask employees to do more research work.D.They will increase the medical insurance of employees.A.People in Asian countries.B.People in African countries.C.People in underdeveloped countries.D.People i

16、n wealthy countries.A.Biological companies.B.Nobody.C.Scientists.D.Government.十三、Section C(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十四、The young members of(总题数:1,分数:75.00)S36(分数:75.00)(1).S36(分数:15.00)填空项 1:_(2).S37(分数:15.00)填空项 1:_(3).S38(分数:15.00)填空项 1:_(4).S39(分数:15.00)填空项 1:_(5).S40(分数:15.00)填空项 1:_十五、Part Reading Compr(总

17、题数:0,分数:0.00)十六、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)A7.(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_8.(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_9.(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_10.(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_11.(分数:18.00)填空项 1:_十八、Section B(总题数:0,分数:0.00)十九、Passage One(总题数:5,分数:44.50)12.Even as a young man Disraeli realized that one day his lettes would be _.(分数:8.90)A.discardedB.well-co

18、nnectedC.destroyedD.widely read13.This passage appears to be written by _.(分数:8.90)A.a friend of Disraeli sB.a contemporary of DisraeliC.a literary criticD.an autobiographer14.“. his capacity to observe was matched only by his ability to describe. “ means _.(分数:8.90)A.he was as accomplished an obser

19、ver as he was a descriptive writerB.his capacity to observe and his ability to describe were unrivalledC.he was capable of adapting descriptions to fit his observationsD.his observations and descriptions reflected his own personal ambitions15.Disraeli s two premierships and his friendship with the Q

20、ueen are described as being _.(分数:8.90)A.hurdles to surmountB.insurmountable obstaclesC.peaks of successD.impossible challenges16.During his life time Disraeli pursued the career of _.(分数:8.90)A.a correspondentB.a politicianC.a novelistD.a consultant二十、Passage Two(总题数:5,分数:44.50)17.“Sound“, as defin

21、ed by the psychologist, _.(分数:8.90)A.can be measured in the same way that “noise“ is measuredB.may be extremely harmful to healthC.is not at all different from “noise“D.can be measured by machines18.People enjoy listening to music, _.(分数:8.90)A.though they are receiving a lot of decibels of sound in

22、 factB.because it doses not have any negative effectC.because they do not have to tolerate the noise around themD.even though it is sometimes unpleasant hearing strange sounds19.People waiting at an airport _.(分数:8.90)A.enjoy hearing airplanes taking off and landingB.are usually not troubled by the

23、noiseC.can easily tell sound from noiseD.are often physically affected by the noise20.According to the passage, people _.(分数:8.90)A.can not work better in a noisy situationB.will suffer from complete deafness because of noise pollutionC.can be psychologically affected by working in very noisy factor

24、iesD.may cooperate well in noisy surrounding21.We can conclude from the passage that we need to control noise pollution if _.(分数:8.90)A.we want to stay both psychologically and physically healthyB.we don t want to be physically destroyedC.we want to cooperate wellD.we don t want to be anxious二十一、Par

25、t Error Correct(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二十二、One of the advantage(总题数:10,分数:70.00)22.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_23.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_24.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_25.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_26.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_27.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_28.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_29.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_30.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_31.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_二十三、Part Translation(总题数:1,分数:35.00)32.

26、Richard Nixon and John Kennedy were bitter political enemies - Kennedy s victory over Nixon in 1960 had put him in the White House. Mrs. Kennedy and her children had not been back there since just after the assassination. But by 1971 the official White House portraits of John and Jacqueline Kennedy

27、were ready to be unveiled.(分数:35.00)_大学四级-1518 答案解析(总分:710.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.00)1. Will the Computer Replace Man?1. 今天的计算机正在创造奇迹,似乎迟早要代替人类。2. 但计算机只是一种机器,没有完全代替人类的可能性。3. 离开人类,计算机是无所作为的。(分数:106.00)_正确答案:(Will the Computer Replace Man?We are in the computer age today. Computers

28、are working all kinds of wonders now. They are very useful in automatic control and data processing. At the same time, computers are finding their ways into the home. They seem to be so clever and can solve such complicated problems that some people think sooner or later they will replace us.But I d

29、on t think that there is such a possibility. My reason is very simple: computers arc machines, and machines only. They can only carry out duties assigned by man.Probably the greatest difference between man and the computer is that the former can do things of his own accord while the latter can do no

30、thing without being programmed. In my opinion, computers will remain nothing but an extension of our human brains, no matter how clever and complicated they may become.)解析:二、Part Reading Compr(总题数:0,分数:0.00)三、We have bigger house(总题数:5,分数:35.00)2.The passage talks about the paradox of our times.(分数:

31、7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:Y)解析:分析 本句意为“文章主题是我们时代的矛盾”,文章中提到的矛盾成对出现,显而易见。3.It seems the more material things we get the less spiritual gain we will have.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:Y)解析:分析 本句意为“看起来我们得到的物质上的东西越多,精神上的收获就越少”,文章提到我们拥有更大的房子、更多的便利、更多的文凭等物质上的东西,却爱得很少、不懂生活、不愿等待、道德低下等,精神上的收获似乎确实不多。4.The more kinds of food

32、 we have, the more healthy we will be.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:N)解析:分析 本句意为“我们拥有的食品越多,我们越健康”,与原文more kinds of food,but less nutrition不相符。5.The richer we are, the lower the morals are.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:Y)解析:分析 参见原文 We have multiplied our possessions,but reduced our values6.We know how to make a li

33、ving, therefore know how to make a life.(分数:7.00)填空项 1:_ (正确答案:N)解析:分析 本句与原文 We ve learned how to make a living,but not a life相矛盾。四、Part Listening Com(总题数:0,分数:0.00)五、Section A(总题数:0,分数:0.00)六、Questions 6 to 15 ar(总题数:2,分数:70.00)A.The doctor won t see her tomorrow.B.The doctor is busy now.C.The doct

34、or is busy .all day today. D.The doctor will see her today.解析:听力原文W: When can the doctor see me?M: He wont be free until tomorrow.Q: What does the man mean?分析 本题重点考查否定结构 notuntil 的含义,意为“直到才”。A.Tennis shoes.B.Some clothes.C.Nothing yet D.Music records.解析:听力原文W: I suppose you have been buying Christma

35、s gifts for your family.M: I bought tennis shoes for my son, but I havent decided what to buy for my wife. Probably some clothes or classical music records.Q: What has the man bought for his wife?分析 本题重点考查转折及否定、but I havent decided what to buy for my wife意为“我还未决定给妻子买什么”。A.She should have her spring

36、dresses fitted.B.She should sell the old clothes.C.She should lose some weight before getting any new clothes. D.She should know how much money she has before going shoppin解析:听力原文W: I have to go downtown tomorrow morning to have my spring dresses fitted.M: Don t you have other clothes to wear?W: No,

37、 none of them fit, and I can t even button up my dresses. I think I need some new clothes.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?分析 本题考查综合能力,题中男士建议女士先做运动减肥,然后考虑买衣服的事情。A.lie is imaginative.B.He is shy.C.He is helpful.D.He is talkativ 解析:听力原文W: Peter is a quiet boy. He seldom says a thing.M: Well,

38、let me tell you. His brother Tom is just the opposite.Q: What kind of person is Tom?分析 本题重点是 opposite 意为“相反”,Peter 很安静,Tom 却相反,因此 Tom 很健谈 talkative。A.The mans children saw many old movies.B.The man saw more old movies than the woman.C.The woman saw a good many old movies when she was young: D.The wo

39、man doesn t like old movies.解析:听力原文M: Yon know so much about old movies. Ill bet you saw a lot when you were young.W: Not as many as you might think.M: What kind of movies did you like most at that time?W: I liked Chaplin s movies most. In the movie The Pawnbroker, a broken alarm clock becomes a “si

40、ck“ patient undergoing surgery; and in his film The Gold Rush, boots were boiled and their soles eaten with salt and pepper like prime cuts of fish.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?分析 本题为综合判断题。题中女士知道很多老电影,因此推断她年轻时看过很多电影,女士的回答肯定了这一点。A.Once a week.B.Twice a week.C.Once every three weeks.D.On

41、ce every two weeks. 解析:听力原文W: What does your wife do in her spare time?M: Well, she goes to the cinema or to the theater every two weeks.Q: How often does the mans wife go to the cinema?分析 本题重点考查频率 once two weeks。A.She finished school.B.She opened a company together with her father.C.She didnt do an

42、ything meaningful.D.She worked in her father s company. 解析:听力原文W: What did Emily do after getting her BA?M: Well, as soon as she finished school, she worked in her father s company.W: Really?Q: What did Emily do after getting her BA?分析 本题为明示题,Emily 一毕业就到父亲的公司工作。A.Its opposite to the hospital. B.It s

43、 right to the hospital.C.It s left to the hospital.D.It s at the second crossin解析:听力原文M: Excuse me, Im looking for the post office. Would you tell me where it is?W: The post office? Let we think. Oh, sure, its that big glass building.M: How can I get there?W: You go down the street, then turn left a

44、t the second crossing. You will see a hospital on your right. Opposite it is the glass building.Q: Where is the big glass building?分析 本题为方位综合判断题,要到邮局,先沿着这条街走,然后在第二个十字路口左拐,右边有一家医院,医院的对面就是。A.The safety of cars has been decreased by the addition of seat belts.B.The safety of cars has been increased by

45、the addition of seat belts.C.Some people pay no attention to seat belts when driving.D.Some people don t use seat belts when drivin 解析:听力原文W: The safety of cars has been increased by the addition of seat belts.M: But some people don t take advantage of them when driving cars.Q: What does the man mea

46、n?分析 本题重点考查短语 take advantage of,意为“利用”,题中提到“有些人开车时没能利用安全带”。A.In the office. B.In the street.C.At home.D.At a party.解析:听力原文W: He said he used to edit a magazine when he was in college.M: So he s quite fit for the job, I believe?W: No, you misunderstand me. What Im saying is he lacks full-time work experience.Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place?分析 本题为综合判断题。题中提到他上大学时曾编过杂志,女士认为他缺乏全日制工作经验,因此对话可能发生在办公室。七、Questions 16 to 18 a(总题数:1,分数:21.00)A.Environment.B.Genes.C.Parents.D.Both A and B 解析:听力原文16-18W: Everybody is ta

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