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1、大学英语六级-139 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.龙与文化活动在中国先民的心目中,龙既然是神物,当然也就在观念上将龙同祥瑞联系到一起了。人们用龙比喻美好的事与物,龙的形象深入到社会生活的方方面面。在各种艺术作品中,在语言文字中,在各类手工艺上,都不乏龙的形象。“食”的领域更是与龙结下了不解之缘,食品中有龙虾、龙井茶、龙须面等。这些食品名称,有的是取其形似,有的则是寓意吉祥。此外,在元宵节人们要舞龙灯,端午节要赛龙舟,这些都属于与龙相关的文化活动。 (分数:20.00)_2.墨子在中国古代“诸子百家”之中,

2、墨子占有非常特殊的一席之地。墨子认为,劳苦大众的痛苦是由当时“饥而不得食,寒而不得衣,劳而不得息”的社会状况造成的。他谴责一切与民众福利相悖的事物,提出了使国家富足的措施。墨子认为,某些统治阶层的人生活奢靡,导致人们食不果腹,衣不蔽体。他的思想在某种程度上代表了处于上升时期的自由民的利益。 (分数:20.00)_3.道教起源于举世闻名的道家哲学的道教是中国的本土宗教,建立于东汉时期(公元 25 年公元 220 年),已有1800 多年的历史。在封建社会时期,和佛教一样,道教对中国的经济、文化、政治产生了巨大的影响,是当时封建统治阶级推崇的主流思想意识之一。道教后来传播到了日本和东南亚国家,对这

3、些国家产生了一定影响,其经文在欧洲和美洲国家也广为知晓,受人敬仰。 (分数:20.00)_4.闯关东17 世纪,发源于黑龙江地区的满族人统一中国,建立了清朝。清朝在建立之初遭到汉族人的激烈抵抗。1668 年,清朝政府将整个东北地区封禁起来,把这个所谓的“龙兴之地”当作他们一旦失败之后的退路。1840 年鸦片战争后,俄国人从北方入侵,边疆危机严重,清政府不得不放宽对东北的封禁政策。于是,大批的移民从山东、河北等地涌入黑龙江地区。这段移民史被称为“闯关东”。哈尔滨人大多是移民的后代。 (分数:20.00)_5.中国武术中国武术是中国传统文化的一部分。武术的创立与发展主要是为了自卫和生存、打猎及军事

4、训练等需要。中华人民共和国成立以后,武术通常作为中国传统文化,在学校、专门的训练机构和协会里以体育运动形式教授。中国武术流派众多,通常有以下三种分类的方法:南派与北派;内功和外功;少林派、武当派、峨眉派。这一杰出文化不仅仅是中国的,更是全人类的智慧结晶。 (分数:20.00)_大学英语六级-139 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:5,分数:100.00)1.龙与文化活动在中国先民的心目中,龙既然是神物,当然也就在观念上将龙同祥瑞联系到一起了。人们用龙比喻美好的事与物,龙的形象深入到社会生活的方方面面。在各种艺术作品中,在语言文字中,在各类

5、手工艺上,都不乏龙的形象。“食”的领域更是与龙结下了不解之缘,食品中有龙虾、龙井茶、龙须面等。这些食品名称,有的是取其形似,有的则是寓意吉祥。此外,在元宵节人们要舞龙灯,端午节要赛龙舟,这些都属于与龙相关的文化活动。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Ancient Chinese people believed that, since the dragon is holy, it is naturally connected with auspiciousness. People link the dragon with favorableness and the image of

6、dragon has become an integral symbol of social life. The image of dragon is ever present in a variety of works of art, in languages and scripts, and in all kinds of artifacts. Culinary culture has also forged indissoluble connection with the dragon. In terms of food names, there are Longxia (lobster

7、s), Dragon Well tea (originates from Longjing Village, West Lake District), Longxu mian (Sauted Fine Noodles with Shredded Chicken), etc. Some of these names are derived from their shapes which resemble the form of the dragon and some are named for the sake of denoting good fortune. In addition, on

8、the Lantern Festival, people perform Dragon Lantern Dance and on the Dragon Boat Festival people race dragon boats. These are all cultural activities related to dragon.2.墨子在中国古代“诸子百家”之中,墨子占有非常特殊的一席之地。墨子认为,劳苦大众的痛苦是由当时“饥而不得食,寒而不得衣,劳而不得息”的社会状况造成的。他谴责一切与民众福利相悖的事物,提出了使国家富足的措施。墨子认为,某些统治阶层的人生活奢靡,导致人们食不果腹,衣

9、不蔽体。他的思想在某种程度上代表了处于上升时期的自由民的利益。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Among the “Hundred Schools of Thought“ of ancient China, Mo Zi held a place of special importance. He thought that people“s pain and suffering was brought about by social conditions of the time because of the “short of food, clothing and proper re

10、st from toil“. He deplored everything that did not contribute to the general well-being, and proposed measures to enrich the country. Mo Zi thought it criminal for some leaders to live in luxury while there was insufficient food and clothing for the people. His thinking may be said to represent the

11、interests of the rising class of freemen to some extent.3.道教起源于举世闻名的道家哲学的道教是中国的本土宗教,建立于东汉时期(公元 25 年公元 220 年),已有1800 多年的历史。在封建社会时期,和佛教一样,道教对中国的经济、文化、政治产生了巨大的影响,是当时封建统治阶级推崇的主流思想意识之一。道教后来传播到了日本和东南亚国家,对这些国家产生了一定影响,其经文在欧洲和美洲国家也广为知晓,受人敬仰。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Taoism, derived from the distinguished Taoist

12、philosophy, is indigenous to China. Taking form as a religion during the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD), it has a history of more than 1800 years. In feudal China, Taoism, together with Buddhism, exerted great influence on the country“s economy, culture and politics, and it was one of the spiritual

13、 mainstreams respected by the feudal ruling class. Taoism had later spread to Japan and the Southeast Asia and made some influences there. Its scriptures are also known and respected in European and American countries.4.闯关东17 世纪,发源于黑龙江地区的满族人统一中国,建立了清朝。清朝在建立之初遭到汉族人的激烈抵抗。1668 年,清朝政府将整个东北地区封禁起来,把这个所谓的“

14、龙兴之地”当作他们一旦失败之后的退路。1840 年鸦片战争后,俄国人从北方入侵,边疆危机严重,清政府不得不放宽对东北的封禁政策。于是,大批的移民从山东、河北等地涌入黑龙江地区。这段移民史被称为“闯关东”。哈尔滨人大多是移民的后代。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Despite fierce opposition and resistance from the Hans in the 17th century, the Manchu people from the Heilongjiang area united China under the rule of Qing Dynast

15、y. In 1668, the Qing government decreed that the entire Northeastern region, the so-called “The Land of the Rising Dragon“, should be closed off. This was to give the Qing government a way of retreat in case they were defeated one day. After the Opium War in 1840, the Russians invaded from the north

16、, which created a territorial crisis and forced the Qing government to relax its restrictions on the region. As a result, many migrants from Shandong and Hebei Provinces subsequently relocated to the Heilongjiang area. This wave of migration has come to be known as “The Northeast Rush“. Most of the

17、residents of Harbin today are descendants of these migrants.5.中国武术中国武术是中国传统文化的一部分。武术的创立与发展主要是为了自卫和生存、打猎及军事训练等需要。中华人民共和国成立以后,武术通常作为中国传统文化,在学校、专门的训练机构和协会里以体育运动形式教授。中国武术流派众多,通常有以下三种分类的方法:南派与北派;内功和外功;少林派、武当派、峨眉派。这一杰出文化不仅仅是中国的,更是全人类的智慧结晶。 (分数:20.00)_正确答案:()解析:Chinese martial arts is one part of the tradi

18、tional Chinese culture. It has been created and developed mainly for self-defense and survival, hunting and military training. After the founding of the People“s Republic of China, martial arts was generally considered as the traditional Chinese culture, and was taught as a sport at schools, special training establishments and associations. Chinese martial arts has a great variety of sects. Generally it can be classified as Southern and Northern Sects; Internal and External Sects; “ Shaolin “ “ Wudang “, and “ Emei “ Sects. It is an outstanding Chinese culture which belongs to all mankind.


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