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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 327及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.Poor management of the hospital.B.The health hazard at her work place.C.Decisions made by the head technician.D.The outdated medical testing procedures.A.Transfer her

2、 to another department.B.Repair the X-ray equipment.C.Cut down her workload.D.Allow her to go on leave for two months.A.They are virtually impossible to enforce.B.Neither is applicable to the womans case.C.Both of them have been subject to criticism.D.Their requirements may be difficult to meet.A.Or

3、ganize a mass strike.B.Compensate for her loss.C.Try to help her get it back.D.Find her a better paying job.A.In giving concessions.B.In the concluding part.C.In stating your terms.D.In the preparatory phase.A.He behaves in a way contrary to his real intention.B.He presents his arguments in a straig

4、htforward way.C.He responds readily to the other partys proposals.D.He uses lots of gestures to help make his points clear.A.Taking the more aggressive role.B.Saying something unexpected.C.Avoiding replying without thinking.D.Responding quickly to the cues.A.Both may fail when confronting experience

5、d rivals.B.The honest type is more effective than the actor type.C.Both can succeed depending on the specific situation.D.The actor type works better in tough negotiations.3.Section B_A.The shape of the cubes used.B.The size of the objects shown.C.The number of times of repeating the process.D.The w

6、eight of the boxes moving across the stage.A.Boys enjoy playing with cubes more than girls.B.Girls tend to get excited more easily than boys.C.Girls seem to start reasoning earlier than boys.D.Boys pay more attention to moving objects than girls.A.It is a breakthrough in the study of the nerve syste

7、m.B.It may stimulate scientists to make further studies.C.Its result helps understand babies language ability.D.Its findings are quite contrary to previous research.A.The two sides of their brain develop simultaneously.B.They are better able to adapt to the surroundings.C.Their bones mature earlier.

8、D.They talk at an earlier age.A.The new security plan for the municipal building.B.The blueprint for the development of the city.C.The controversy over the new office regulations.D.The citys general budget for the coming year.A.Whether the security checks were really necessary.B.How to cope with the

9、 huge crowds of visitors to the municipal building.C.Whether the security checks would create long queues at peak hours.D.How to train the newly recruited security guards.A.Irrelevant.B.Ridiculous.C.Straightforward.D.Confrontational.4.Section C_A.He is the only author of one report named “Turning th

10、e Tide“.B.He is the lead author of one novel called “Turning the Tide“.C.He is a lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.D.He is a senior lecturer at the Oxford University.A.To lower the tuition fees.B.To lower the pressure on students.C.To encourage students to work hard.D.To advocate

11、for more extracurricular activities.A.15.B.50.C.Over 15.D.More than 50.A.Its well-structured.B.Its well-supervised.C.Its mandatory.D.It can be helpful.A.It is a project that could change the way of public relation.B.It can make passengers travel at speed of up to 1,200 kilometers per day.C.It is a f

12、uturistic steel tube transportation system.D.It will be tested this year.A.It is safe and slow.B.It is safe, green and quick.C.It is solar-powered and slow-footed.D.It is wind-powered.A.On and above the ground.B.Above the ground only.C.On or below the ground.D.Above or below the ground.A.It often ge

13、ts closer to its owner.B.It often licks its owner.C.It often acts guilty and quietly moves away.D.It often barks at its owner.A.To teach dogs to recognize facial expressions.B.To teach dogs to memorize things.C.To teach dogs to dance.D.To teach dogs to identify the numbers.A.They were published in t

14、he journal Current Biology.B.They are the first solid evidences that humans are not the only species that can read the body language of another species.C.They prove that dogs have a good relationship with humans.D.They prove that wild wolves can be trained to recognize human facial expressions.大学英语六

15、级改革适用(听力)-试卷 327答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.Poor management of the hospital.B.The health hazard at her work place. C.Decisions made by the head technician.D.The outdated medical testing procedures.解析:解析:女士先说因为医

16、院没有人受理她的投诉,感到不知所措,接着说医院的设备会给人带来健康的隐患,因为设备陈旧。A.Transfer her to another department. B.Repair the X-ray equipment.C.Cut down her workload.D.Allow her to go on leave for two months.解析:解析:女士曾经要求自己的主管将自己调离到另外的部门,然而主管在拒绝之后对其提出了具有辞退风险的警告。A.They are virtually impossible to enforce.B.Neither is applicable to

17、the womans case.C.Both of them have been subject to criticism.D.Their requirements may be difficult to meet. 解析:解析:当女士向男士咨询处理问题的办法时,男士提到了两个法案,然而,男士认为,要达到这两个法案的相关要求比较难。A.Organize a mass strike.B.Compensate for her loss.C.Try to help her get it back. D.Find her a better paying job.解析:解析:当女士问他应该怎么办时,男士

18、说如果女士在投诉期间因此受到辞退,她将会收到来自工会的帮助,工会将帮助她讨薪并且恢复工作。A.In giving concessions.B.In the concluding part.C.In stating your terms.D.In the preparatory phase. 解析:解析:男士说谈判既是艺术又是科学,在准备的过程中,科学的方式是可取的。因此,男士的观点是准备中最能体现出科学。A.He behaves in a way contrary to his real intention. B.He presents his arguments in a straightf

19、orward way.C.He responds readily to the other partys proposals.D.He uses lots of gestures to help make his points clear.解析:解析:男士讲到一个谈判的原则,也就是说对于自己特别喜欢的东西要装作不喜欢,而对于实际不感兴趣的东西要装作很喜欢,选项 A就是对该陈述的同义替换。A.Taking the more aggressive role.B.Saying something unexpected.C.Avoiding replying without thinking.D.Re

20、sponding quickly to the cues. 解析:解析:男士说商谈过程中的艺术就在于对信息线索作出迅速回应。A.Both may fail when confronting experienced rivals.B.The honest type is more effective than the actor type.C.Both can succeed depending on the specific situation. D.The actor type works better in tough negotiations.解析:解析:男士在整段话的末尾明确说,两种人

21、都有成功的机会。并且简单论述了两种不同的情况。3.Section B_解析:A.The shape of the cubes used.B.The size of the objects shown. C.The number of times of repeating the process.D.The weight of the boxes moving across the stage.解析:解析:文章先介绍了实验由两组场景构成,首先介绍第一场景,然后说第二个与之相似,只是使用的实验立方体较小。推测可知区别在于立方体的尺寸。A.Boys enjoy playing with cubes

22、more than girls.B.Girls tend to get excited more easily than boys.C.Girls seem to start reasoning earlier than boys. D.Boys pay more attention to moving objects than girls.解析:解析:在第二场景中,女孩很快兴奋,而男孩的反应较之前没有变化,科学家认为,这表明女孩在推理。因此,可以推测出,女孩推理更早。A.It is a breakthrough in the study of the nerve system.B.It ma

23、y stimulate scientists to make further studies. C.Its result helps understand babies language ability.D.Its findings are quite contrary to previous research.解析:解析:定位句说到该实验为科学家接下来进一步的研究提供了素材。A.The two sides of their brain develop simultaneously.B.They are better able to adapt to the surroundings.C.Th

24、eir bones mature earlier.D.They talk at an earlier age. 解析:解析:定位句说到科学家发现,相比男孩,女孩还有一个强项,她们开始说话的时间点比男孩早。A.The new security plan for the municipal building. B.The blueprint for the development of the city.C.The controversy over the new office regulations.D.The citys general budget for the coming year.解

25、析:解析:定位句说到 Adorno 将市政大楼新的安保计划介绍给大家,因此,Adorno 陈述的主题是市政大楼的新安保计划。A.Whether the security checks were really necessary.B.How to cope with the huge crowds of visitors to the municipal building.C.Whether the security checks would create long queues at peak hours. D.How to train the newly recruited security

26、 guards.解析:解析:定位句中,Adorno 考虑到的问题是:新的安全检测系统会不会使得人们像在机场一样排长队等待。A.Irrelevant.B.Ridiculous.C.Straightforward.D.Confrontational. 解析:解析:定位句提到问题有对抗性,并且提出问题的记者也表示出敌意。因此,D) 选项正确。4.Section C_解析:A.He is the only author of one report named “Turning the Tide“.B.He is the lead author of one novel called “Turning

27、the Tide“.C.He is a lecturer at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. D.He is a senior lecturer at the Oxford University.解析:解析:选项都是以代词 He 开头的,是关于他怎么样的。题目问的是主持人讲了关于 Richard Weissbourd 的什么事情。文中提到 Richard Weissbourd 是“Turning the Tide”这篇报告的首席作者,他是 Harvard Graduate School of Education(哈佛大学教育研究生院)的高级

28、讲师。由此可知,答案为C)。A.To lower the tuition fees.B.To lower the pressure on students. C.To encourage students to work hard.D.To advocate for more extracurricular activities.解析:解析:选项都是以动词不定式开头的,是关于什么事情的目的的。题目问的是这篇报告的目的是什么。文中提到哈佛大学教育研究生院的报告呼吁大学给学生减压。由此可知,答案为 B)。A.15.B.50.C.Over 15.D.More than 50. 解析:解析:选项都是数

29、字,猜测应该与数目有关。题目问的是有多少大学的招生处长在这份报告上签了字。文中提到超过 50 个大学的招生处处长在报告上签了字。由此可知,答案为 D)。A.Its well-structured.B.Its well-supervised.C.Its mandatory.D.It can be helpful. 解析:解析:选项都是以 It 开头的,是关于它怎么样的。题目问的是 Richard Weissbourd 认为社区服务怎么样。A)、B)、C)项都是假设,均错误。社区服务可以是有益的,D)正确。A.It is a project that could change the way of

30、 public relation.B.It can make passengers travel at speed of up to 1,200 kilometers per day.C.It is a futuristic steel tube transportation system. D.It will be tested this year.解析:解析:选项都是以代词 It 开头的,是关于它怎么样的。题目问的是我们了解了 Hyperloop (超回路列车)的什么。文中提到美国的一家公司正在研究一个能改变公共交通的项目,这个项目能让乘客以每小时 1 200 千米的速度行进,这个项目被称

31、为超回路列车。工人们计划明年开始测试该项目。由此可知,答案为 C)。A.It is safe and slow.B.It is safe, green and quick. C.It is solar-powered and slow-footed.D.It is wind-powered.解析:解析:选项都是以代词 It 开头的,是关于它怎么样的。题目问的是 Hyperloop(超回路列车)的特点什么。文中提到该系统是安全、环保和快速的。由此可知,答案为 B)。A.On and above the ground.B.Above the ground only.C.On or below th

32、e ground.D.Above or below the ground. 解析:解析:选项都是介词短语,是关于地点的。题目问的是该系统被设计在什么地方运行。文中提到系统被设计在地上或地下运行。由此可知,答案为 D)。A.It often gets closer to its owner.B.It often licks its owner.C.It often acts guilty and quietly moves away. D.It often barks at its owner.解析:解析:选项都是以代词 It 开头的,是关于它怎么样的。题目问的是当狗狗的主人冲它叫喊的时候,狗狗

33、会做什么。文中提到当狗狗的主人冲它叫喊或用强劲、尖锐的声音跟它说话时,狗狗会表现出愧疚的表情,并会安静地离开。由此可知,答案为 C)。A.To teach dogs to recognize facial expressions. B.To teach dogs to memorize things.C.To teach dogs to dance.D.To teach dogs to identify the numbers.解析:解析:选项都是以动词不定式开头的,是关于目的的。题目问的是兽医大学所做实验的目的是什么。文中提到兽医大学做了许多实验来教狗狗识别人的面部表情。由此可知,答案为 A

34、)。A.They were published in the journal Current Biology.B.They are the first solid evidences that humans are not the only species that can read the body language of another species. C.They prove that dogs have a good relationship with humans.D.They prove that wild wolves can be trained to recognize human facial expressions.解析:解析:选项都是以代词 They 开头的,是关于它们怎么样的。题目问的是研究人员的发现的意义是什么。文中提到研究人员的发现为“人类不是唯一能够读懂其他物种肢体语言的物种” 提供了第一手证据。由此可知,答案选 B)。

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