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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 355及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.It is getting things done through other people.B.It is helping an organization find the right staff.C.It is assembling people of different abilities.D.It is communica

2、ting between colleagues.A.Developing plans to co-ordinate activities.B.Selecting the communication channels.C.Determining what tasks to be done.D.Correcting significant deviations.A.They should be avoided by all means.B.They are bad for effective management.C.They can be good for an organization.D.T

3、hey are surprisingly complicated.A.Delegation is a ticket to foreign trade.B.Managers shouldnt merely be a “doer“.C.Leadership is a born ability.D.Delegation is the most important thing in management.A.Many of her books are bestsellers.B.She is a shrewd bookstore owner.C.She is promoting her book in

4、 person.D.She is a salesperson at the bookstore.A.It has been the bestseller for weeks.B.It advises people to change themselves.C.It is being sold at a very low price.D.It distinguishes cooperators.A.A man careful with money.B.A book-lover.C.A noisy reader.D.A trouble-maker.A.Someone who always talk

5、s about himself.B.The most violent type of co-workers.C.Someone who stabs your back.D.The most common annoying type of people.3.Section B_A.He worked in a supermarket for tuition.B.He helped someone to learn to read.C.He gave single mothers the help that they needed.D.He went to a training program t

6、o help a volunteer.A.She knew where the goods were in the supermarket.B.She asked others to take her to the right place.C.She managed to find the goods by their looks.D.She remembered the names of the goods.A.Marie benefited a lot from the practical lessons.B.Marie was able to read stories with the

7、help of her son.C.Marie decided to continue her studies in school.D.Marie found her lessons more challenging than her childrens.A.They were controlled less strictly by the authorities.B.They treated their workers more humanely.C.They completely ignored consumers health.D.They turned out more unhealt

8、hy products at will.A.Paid much attention to the results of scientific discoveries.B.Seldom introduced safety laws before disasters occurred.C.Hardly ever looked into the causes of tragedies.D.Imposed safety rules as soon as accidents took place.A.There are altogether three departments which protect

9、 customers and workers.B.A company with poor or dangerous working conditions is likely to be punished.C.Stores dealing in foods and drugs are controlled by the local government.D.The protection of workers health and safety is still not well ensured.A.Industries in the past and at present.B.Changes i

10、n the development of industries.C.The protection of industrial workers and customers.D.The freedom of industries today and in the past.4.Section C_A.Making small talks with many people.B.Staying till very late in a large party.C.Talking to only a small group of people.D.Having conversations on diffe

11、rent topics.A.Quiet and confident.B.Bold and loud.C.Shy and energetic.D.Tricky and timid.A.They are always alone by themselves.B.They are tired of charging their batteries.C.They do not like socializing with people.D.They need time to prepare for social activities.A.Being quiet and bookish.B.Ignorin

12、g peoples judgment.C.Suffering from stage fright.D.Having an outgoing personality.A.Drinking during dinner time.B.Drinking to celebrate weddings.C.Drinking at someones birthday.D.Drinking with friends after work.A.Alcohol use will cause diseases.B.Women drink more than men.C.Europe has the highest a

13、lcohol use.D.Alcohol is addictive to everyone.A.Protecting people from alcohol abuse.B.Increasing tax on alcohol production.C.Raising the legal age for drinking.D.Forbidding alcoholic drinks marketing.A.It is one of the richest countries in the world.B.It is one of the most modern African countries.

14、C.It has all the best rail and road systems in Africa.D.It has two-thirds of all Internet users in Africa.A.Poor Internet connectivity in the country.B.Expensive Internet-ready mobile phones.C.The lack of schools and work places.D.Difficult access to Internet cafes.A.Internet connectivity will be gu

15、aranteed.B.The rich will have access to the Internet.C.A new generation of Internet will become rich.D.Middle-class Internet users will increase.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 355答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.It is getting th

16、ings done through other people. B.It is helping an organization find the right staff.C.It is assembling people of different abilities.D.It is communicating between colleagues.解析:解析:对话开头女士就请男士给 management下定义,A 是男士的话的同义表达,为答案。A.Developing plans to co-ordinate activities.B.Selecting the communication c

17、hannels.C.Determining what tasks to be done. D.Correcting significant deviations.解析:解析:男士说到管理的组织功能时,说它意味着经理会决定要完成的任务、谁来完成任务、如何分组和谁向谁汇报,等等,C 属于他讲到的第一点,故 C正确。A 属于管理的规划功能(planning),B 属于领导功能(leading),D 属于控制功能(controlling).A.They should be avoided by all means.B.They are bad for effective management.C.Th

18、ey can be good for an organization. D.They are surprisingly complicated.解析:解析:提到 conflict时,两人做了详细探讨,对于女士问的“So you mean conflicts can be good for an organization?”,男士的回答是 yes,故 C正确。A.Delegation is a ticket to foreign trade.B.Managers shouldnt merely be a “doer“. C.Leadership is a born ability.D.Deleg

19、ation is the most important thing in management.解析:解析:男士在结尾处说,没有 delegation的话,经理可能会成为 doer,所以他不赞成这样做,即B正确。对话中对 delegation一再提及并给出了一个定义,是一个需要格外重视的信息点。A.Many of her books are bestsellers.B.She is a shrewd bookstore owner.C.She is promoting her book in person. D.She is a salesperson at the bookstore.解析:

20、解析:女士频频劝男士把书买回家好好读,最后说自己是作者,因此推断她在亲自推销自己的书,即 C。A.It has been the bestseller for weeks.B.It advises people to change themselves. C.It is being sold at a very low price.D.It distinguishes cooperators.解析:解析:选项描述的是某商品的特征,答案为明示信息,即 B。A 错在时间;C、D 未提及。A.A man careful with money. B.A book-lover.C.A noisy rea

21、der.D.A trouble-maker.解析:解析:选项描述的是男士的特点,从他两次提及 pay,可见花钱很谨慎,故 A正确。B、D 从原文内容无法推断;C 利用与该书有关的原词 noise干扰。A.Someone who always talks about himself.B.The most violent type of co-workers.C.Someone who stabs your back.D.The most common annoying type of people. 解析:解析:选项为某类人,对话中提到很多种人,但是详细定义的是被称作 boundary-bust

22、er的,属于听到的明示信息。注意此题不要错误理解 chews your ear off(实指絮絮叨叨)的字面意思而选 B。3.Section B_解析:A.He worked in a supermarket for tuition.B.He helped someone to learn to read. C.He gave single mothers the help that they needed.D.He went to a training program to help a volunteer.解析:解析:推断题。录音开头提到,去年夏天我参加了一个培训课程,成为了一名扫盲志愿者

23、。由此可以直接推知,speaker 在暑期里教别人识字,故 B正确。而且下文还有暗示:“我的第一位学生Marie”,这可以让考生更加肯定 B为正确答案。D 为强干扰项,错在 help一词上,应为 become才正确,speaker 是要成为一名扫盲志愿者而不是帮助一位志愿者。虽然录音中提到 speaker的第一个学生是单亲妈妈,但并不表示他只帮助单亲妈妈,C 属于过度推断,故不正确。A.She knew where the goods were in the supermarket.B.She asked others to take her to the right place.C.She

24、managed to find the goods by their looks. D.She remembered the names of the goods.解析:解析:细节题。录音提到,Marie 需要靠视觉来识别商品。由此可知,C 正确。D 与文意相悖,因为 Marie是文盲,她并不识字。A.Marie benefited a lot from the practical lessons. B.Marie was able to read stories with the help of her son.C.Marie decided to continue her studies

25、in school.D.Marie found her lessons more challenging than her childrens.解析:解析:推断题。speaker 列举了 Marie通过学习所取得的一系列收获,如:自信心增强;能乘坐公车去超市;甚至能帮助自己的儿子学习等,故 A为正确答案。B、C 的部分内容与录音原文不符,而且选项描述也比较片面、不完整,故均不正确。A.They were controlled less strictly by the authorities. B.They treated their workers more humanely.C.They c

26、ompletely ignored consumers health.D.They turned out more unhealthy products at will.解析:解析:细节题。短文首句就提到,在过去,工业生产的自由度比现在大,不必像现在这样小心行事,A为正确答案。A 只是对录音原文换了一种说法而已,符合“同义替换”的解题原则。本题反映了比较级常为考点这个命题规律。B、C 与原文相悖。A.Paid much attention to the results of scientific discoveries.B.Seldom introduced safety laws befor

27、e disasters occurred. C.Hardly ever looked into the causes of tragedies.D.Imposed safety rules as soon as accidents took place.解析:解析:推断题。短文提到,然而这些新的制度来得太迟了,无法保护那些已经死亡或病重的人了。由此可推断,rules 多在事发后才出台,故 B正确。A.There are altogether three departments which protect customers and workers.B.A company with poor o

28、r dangerous working conditions is likely to be punished. C.Stores dealing in foods and drugs are controlled by the local government.D.The protection of workers health and safety is still not well ensured.解析:解析:推断题。短文末尾提到,另一个部门着眼于人们工作的地方,并会将那些违反工人健康安全法规的公司上报。由此可推断,B 为正确答案。录音结尾处往往是考点所在。录音中举了 3个例子,但这并不

29、表明只有 3个部门保护消费者及劳动者,故 A错误;C 与原文不符:D 与原文相悖。A.Industries in the past and at present.B.Changes in the development of industries.C.The protection of industrial workers and customers. D.The freedom of industries today and in the past.解析:解析:主旨题。短文通过对工业生产的过去和现状的比较,着重论述了关于保护消费者和工人的不同状况:过去很糟糕,现在改善了很多,故 C正确。解答

30、主旨题要从宏观角度去理解,抓住主题句和脉络。通过录音反复出现的 safety、health、rules、work place、protect、customers、workers 等关键词,不难推断出 C正确。A、B、D 在录音中都有提及,但它们只是某些细节而已,并不是短文的主要话题。4.Section C_解析:A.Making small talks with many people.B.Staying till very late in a large party.C.Talking to only a small group of people. D.Having conversatio

31、ns on different topics.解析:解析:四个选项均为动名词短语,推测问题应与某种做法或行为有关。本题问哪种行为会被认为是更为内向的。录音开头描述了一个聚会情景,指出如果一个人只和很少人说话并且早早离开,他可能相对内向。因此 C项“只和很少人说话”是正确答案。A 项“和很多人搭讪”、B 项“在大型聚会待到很晚才走”、D 项“聊不同的话题”都属于外向的行为表现。A.Quiet and confident.B.Bold and loud. C.Shy and energetic.D.Tricky and timid.解析:解析:选项均为描述人的个性特征的形容词词组,问题可能与某人的

32、性格特点有关。题目问我们对外向的人有什么印象,录音中指出外向的人给人的印象可能是“大胆”“自信”“大嗓门”和“充满活力”,B 中的 bold“大胆”和 loud“大嗓门”均为录音原词,故本题选 B项。根据录音,A 项中的 Quiet“安静”、C 项中的 Shy“害羞”和 D项中的 timid“胆小”都是内向的人可能留下的印象,所以这三项均可排除。A.They are always alone by themselves.B.They are tired of charging their batteries.C.They do not like socializing with people.

33、D.They need time to prepare for social activities. 解析:解析:选项都是以 They为主语的陈述句,根据选项的内容,推测问题可能与某一类人的特点相关。题目问自认为内向的人的情况。录音中部的转折处(However)提到,内向之人仍然是喜欢社交活动的,只是这些活动需要时间去准备,D 项“他们需要时间去为社交活动做准备”为该处录音内容的同义转述,故为答案;同时也可排除 C项“他们不喜欢社交”。录音中提到他们可能会说需要独处为自己充电,但并不等同于他们总是自己一个人,故 A项错。录音还提到他们可能会说和一大群人一起很累(tired),而非 B项所说的“

34、对为自己充电感到厌倦”。A.Being quiet and bookish.B.Ignoring peoples judgment.C.Suffering from stage fright. D.Having an outgoing personality.解析:解析:选项都是动名词短语,推测问题可能与行为有关。录音接近末尾处通过 Barbra Streisand怯场(stagefright)的例子说明开朗外向的人也可以是一个害羞的人,所以怯场是害羞的表现,故 C项为正确答案。录音靠后部分提到 Bill Gates和 Barbra Streisand的例子,说明害羞不等同于内向。Bill G

35、ates虽然是个安静的、喜欢看书的内向之人,但他并不害羞,故排除 A项。录音中对害羞的定义是“一种对于别人消极评价的恐惧”,恐惧并不等同于忽视,故 B项所说的“忽视别人的评价”不是害羞的表现。Barbra Streisand是个开朗热情的人,但这与“害羞”并无必然联系,故 D项不选。A.Drinking during dinner time.B.Drinking to celebrate weddings.C.Drinking at someones birthday.D.Drinking with friends after work. 解析:解析:选项讲的都是 drinking,并且有各种

36、场合的描写,推测问题可能与喝酒的场合有关。录音中说下班后与朋友、同事喝一杯,就叫做“快乐时光”,故 D项为正确答案。A 项“吃饭时饮酒”、B 项“婚庆饮酒”、C 项“饮酒庆生”都是社交饮酒的例子,不是对“快乐时光”的解释,故均可排除。A.Alcohol use will cause diseases.B.Women drink more than men.C.Europe has the highest alcohol use. D.Alcohol is addictive to everyone.解析:解析:录音中后部分说到,报告指出欧洲是饮酒率最高的地区(Europe is the are

37、a with the highest alcoholuse),C 项是对该处信息的同义表达,故为正确答案。录音靠前部分虽然提到饮酒能增加患某些疾病的风险,但并未说饮酒会直接致病,故 A项错。录音中提到喝酒的女性人数逐渐增加(more women are drinking alcohol),但并不是 B项所说的“女人比男人喝得多”。录音中指出对于一些人来说(in some people)喝酒会上瘾,但并非 D项所说的“每个人”。A.Protecting people from alcohol abuse.B.Increasing tax on alcohol production.C.Raisi

38、ng the legal age for drinking. D.Forbidding alcoholic drinks marketing.解析:解析:选项均为动名词短语,推测问题可能与行为或做法有关。题目问 WHO就如何控制饮酒给出了什么建议。录音末尾处提到 WHO给出了几条控酒建议,其中包括“提高饮酒的年龄限制”,C 项“提高饮酒的法定年龄”即为该处录音信息的同义表达,故选 C项。A 项“保护人们免受酒精滥用之害”其实是对题目问题的同义转述,并不是具体的建议。录音中提到要提高对酒精销售所征的税,而不是提高对酒精生产的征税,B 项与录音信息不符。WHO 提的最后一点建议是要“控制”(con

39、trolling)含酒精饮料的销售,D项错在“禁止”(Forbidding)。A.It is one of the richest countries in the world.B.It is one of the most modern African countries. C.It has all the best rail and road systems in Africa.D.It has two-thirds of all Internet users in Africa.解析:解析:选项均以 It开头,从选项内容可推测问题与某一国家的特点有关。题目问对于南非的认识。录音开头介绍,

40、南非是非洲其中一个最现代化和科技化的国家,B 项“它是最现代化的非洲国家之一”符合录音原文,故为答案。录音中提到南非是非洲其中一个最富有的国家,并未提到是世界最富有的国家之一,故不选 A项。南非有着一些最好的交通道路系统,而不是所有最好的道路系统,故 C项错。录音开头说的是有三分之二的南非人没有使用过网络,而不是 D项所说的“南非拥有非洲三分之二的网民”。A.Poor Internet connectivity in the country.B.Expensive Internet-ready mobile phones. C.The lack of schools and work plac

41、es.D.Difficult access to Internet cafes.解析:解析:选项均为名词性短语,且选项均为消极含义的内容,推测题目可能跟弊病、问题或不良影响相关。题目问是什么阻碍了南非的穷人上网,即南非穷人不能上网的原因。录音中间部分提到可以上网的手机价格很高(high prices of Internet-ready mobile phones)是导致南非穷人上网难的一个原因(kept the poor disconnected),B 项“昂贵的可上网手机”是该处录音原文的同义表达,故为答案。录音中提到的另一个原因是农村地区的网络连接力很弱,A 项错在“整个国家”(in th

42、e country)这个范围。根据录音,还有一个原因是学校和工作场所这些多数人生活的地方没有网络,而不是 C所说的缺乏学校和工作场地。录音虽然提到了网吧收费很贵,但并不等同于 D项所说的“网吧难以进入”。A.Internet connectivity will be guaranteed.B.The rich will have access to the Internet.C.A new generation of Internet will become rich.D.Middle-class Internet users will increase. 解析:解析:选项都使用将来时,预测问题可能与某事物的未来发展有关系。题目问在南非网络使用未来会有什么发展。关于南非网络使用方面的发展,录音末尾处提到一批中产阶级的新生代正快速成为网络使用者,D 项“中产阶级网络使用者增加”是该处录音内容的同义转述,为正确答案。de Lanerolle 先生说南非的网络接入率正在改善,并非说网络连接会得到保证(guaranteed),故 A项错。富人本来就是网络使用者(once reserved for the rich),故 B项“富人将会有途径使用网络”不对。录音说中产阶级新生代会像富人一样拥有网络,而不是说新的网络一代会变成富人,C 项错误。


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