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1、大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 367及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_2.Section A_A.He has booked a tour with the agent.B.His nephew wants to book a tour with the agentC.He wants to have some advice from the agent.D.He wants to pay the tour to France

2、.A.It should be the same as the ones they had before.B.It should be different from the ones they had before.C.It should be expensive enough.D.It should be extremely cheap.A.Interested.B.Indifferent.C.Suspicious.D.Negative.A.Because he used to live in France.B.Because he likes chatting with French pe

3、ople.C.Because he studies French at school.D.Because he likes French food.A.Travel on a boat.B.Take a plane trip.C.Swim on the ocean.D.Go fishing by the shore.A.She was very lucky to see many whales.B.She didnt go to the whale-watching trip.C.She didnt see a whale on her whale-watching trip.D.She li

4、ked the whale-watching trip very much.A.Spring.B.Summer.C.Autumn.D.Winter.A.One hour.B.Two hours.C.Three hours.D.Four hours.3.Section B_A.Because of the stress factors.B.Because of the leisure activities.C.Because of the TV watching.D.Because of the general American culture.A.One third.B.Almost two

5、thirds.C.More than two thirds.D.Almost half.A.Americans vow to change itB.It is not as bad as it used to be.C.Americans know how bad it is to their health.D.Americans do not want to give up more sleep.A.Rabbits are notable for their capacity of abundant production.B.Rabbits are born only in spring.C

6、.Rabbits are the symbol of love.D.Rabbits are notable for their cleverness and loveliness.A.They are like rays of the sun and the southern lights.B.They represent the beautiful season of spring.C.There is only a short tradition of decorating them.D.They have nothing different from the common eggs.A.

7、Its a traditional European festival.B.It falls on the day before Easter.C.The traditional celebration is decorating eggs.D.Its in memory of Jesus crucifixion.A.They didnt celebrate it at all.B.They celebrated it as a Hebrew festival.C.They celebrated it as the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

8、D.They exchanged eggs and rabbits.4.Section C_A.The executive supervisor of Human Resources.B.The senior vice president of Marketing ManagementC.The senior director of International Client Group.D.The executive vice president of Human Resources.A.Ignoring everyday fast changes.B.Learning lessons fro

9、m working hard.C.Using the advanced technologies.D.Making others more effective and efficient.A.Because they want to be impressed.B.Because they can share their perspectives.C.Because they will be intellectually curious.D.Because they gain knowledge through this.A.People who ask the first question.B

10、.People who speak with facts and data.C.People who have a can-do attitude.D.People who make their work productive.A.To start the school earlier.B.To improve the lives of children.C.To stop children from using cell phones.D.To put back school start times.A.Body clock.B.Education quality.C.Mobile devi

11、ce.D.Life quality.A.8-18.B.10-11.C.14-24.D.8-10.A.A single medium pear contains nearly 24 calories.B.Pear consumption is associated with lower body weightC.People who consume pears are more likely overweight.D.Pear consumption can reduce ones diet quality.A.Diet quality.B.A national sample.C.Nutrien

12、t adequacy.D.Representative dataA.The USA Pear Bureau.B.The Louisiana State University.C.The USDAD.The World Pear Association.大学英语六级改革适用(听力)-试卷 367答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Listening Comprehens(总题数:11,分数:50.00)1.Part II Listening Comprehension_解析:2.Section A_解析:A.He has booked a tour with the agent

13、.B.His nephew wants to book a tour with the agentC.He wants to have some advice from the agent. D.He wants to pay the tour to France.解析:解析:男士开门见山地说为出游来寻求一些建议,故选 C。A.It should be the same as the ones they had before.B.It should be different from the ones they had before. C.It should be expensive enou

14、gh.D.It should be extremely cheap.解析:解析:男士说自己没有办法做决定,因为想要与以前不同的旅行,故选 B。A.Interested.B.Indifferent.C.Suspicious.D.Negative. 解析:解析:女士建议男士选择坐游船去希腊或者土耳其旅行,男士说味道浓郁的食物不合自己的胃口,言下之意就是不接受这个建议,故选 D。A.Because he used to live in France.B.Because he likes chatting with French people.C.Because he studies French a

15、t school. D.Because he likes French food.解析:解析:男士说他外甥很向往法国,因为他在学校学习法语,故选 C。由选项可知,此题与法国有关,在对话提到法国时需格外注意。A.Travel on a boat. B.Take a plane trip.C.Swim on the ocean.D.Go fishing by the shore.解析:解析:对话一开始男士就说听说女士下午要去乘船旅行,接着女士问男士认为今天他们是否能看到很多鲸鱼,在后面的对话中男士说他认为这次他们运气会更好,从他们多次说到 we可知他们会一起乘船旅行,对话结尾女士跟男士说了“下午见

16、”再次证实了这点,所以选 A。A.She was very lucky to see many whales.B.She didnt go to the whale-watching trip.C.She didnt see a whale on her whale-watching trip. D.She liked the whale-watching trip very much.解析:解析:女士说上次 Cindy去看鲸鱼的时候什么也没有看到,所以觉得这很靠运气,故选 C。A.Spring.B.Summer.C.Autumn.D.Winter. 解析:解析:女士问男士为何冬天是最好的观鲸

17、季节,男士进行了详尽的回答,故选 D。选项都是季节,听音时要注意对号入座。A.One hour.B.Two hours. C.Three hours.D.Four hours.解析:解析:男士说观鲸之旅 1点出发,3 点回来,一共 2个小时;而且女士两次提到 two hours,故选B。3.Section B_解析:A.Because of the stress factors.B.Because of the leisure activities. C.Because of the TV watching.D.Because of the general American culture.解

18、析:解析:录音开头就提到,美国人因为花了更多时间在休闲活动上,所以睡眠严重不足,故选 B。A.One third.B.Almost two thirds. C.More than two thirds.D.Almost half.解析:解析:录音提到,根据调查,63的美国成年人没有 8个小时的睡眠时间,这 8个小时是健康身体、安全优良工作表现所需要的,故选 B.A.Americans vow to change itB.It is not as bad as it used to be.C.Americans know how bad it is to their health.D.Ameri

19、cans do not want to give up more sleep. 解析:解析:录音提到,调查显示,好的一方面是许多美国人说他们不想放弃更多的睡眠时间,如果他们肯定更多的睡眠可以提高他们的生活质量的话,他们愿意加长睡眠时间,故选 D。A.Rabbits are notable for their capacity of abundant production. B.Rabbits are born only in spring.C.Rabbits are the symbol of love.D.Rabbits are notable for their cleverness an

20、d loveliness.解析:解析:短文谈到,兔子成为复活节的标志,原因是兔子的繁殖能力很强,特别是在每年的这个时候(即春天),故选 A。A.They are like rays of the sun and the southern lights.B.They represent the beautiful season of spring. C.There is only a short tradition of decorating them.D.They have nothing different from the common eggs.解析:解析:短文谈到,在春天大量染了色的鸡

21、蛋堆放在一起就好像反射的太阳光和北极光,复活节彩蛋的使用即根源于这一特色,也就是说,彩蛋象征着春季这个美丽的季节,故选 B。预读选项时可发现 D过于绝对,一般太绝对的选项不为答案,可先排除 D。A.Its a traditional European festival.B.It falls on the day before Easter.C.The traditional celebration is decorating eggs.D.Its in memory of Jesus crucifixion. 解析:解析:短文谈到,在耶路撒冷的逾越节里,耶稣被钉死在十字架上并复活,故选 D。A

22、.They didnt celebrate it at all. B.They celebrated it as a Hebrew festival.C.They celebrated it as the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.D.They exchanged eggs and rabbits.解析:解析:短文谈到,早期的基督徒没有庆祝复活节的习惯,故选 A。4.Section C_解析:A.The executive supervisor of Human Resources.B.The senior vice president of

23、 Marketing ManagementC.The senior director of International Client Group.D.The executive vice president of Human Resources. 解析:解析:选项涉及部门和职位,推测本题与某人的身份有关。听录音时要注意人名前后的职衔或简介信息,要注意比较区别细节。主持人在引出演讲主题的同时也介绍了演讲者的身份一今天邀请了 Century Link公司人力资源部执行副总裁(executive vice president of Human Resources)Scott Trezise 来回答一

24、个问题:回顾过去,你会给当年年轻的自己提供怎样的职业发展建议呢?由此可知 D项正确。A 项“人力资源部行政主管”和 B项“市场营销部高级副总裁”分别利用录音中的 Human Resources和 vice president制造干扰。C 项“国际客户部的高级总监”未在录音中提到。A.Ignoring everyday fast changes.B.Learning lessons from working hard.C.Using the advanced technologies. D.Making others more effective and efficient.解析:解析:选项均是

25、动名词短语,推断本题可能问方法或途径。演讲者在给首条建议时讲到“我们不仅要努力工作,还要动脑工作(work smart)”,紧接着对此进一步说明我们需要运用当前的先进科技,方能提高工作效率,C 项概括了录音中 We need to be able to leverage todays advanced technologies的意思,为正确答案。A 项利用 changes、fast 和 everyday等原词制造干扰,但这些是在讲 work hard的重要性和必要性时提到的,与 work smart无关。B 项说要从埋头苦干中吸取教训,work hard是演讲者给的首条建议中的内容,且在讲 w

26、ork smart时也并未对 work hard作任何负面描述,B 项既答非所问,也与录音信息不符。D 项利用原词 effective和 efficient制造干扰,录音说的是我们需要运用当前的先进科技以提高自身的,而非别人的工作效率,D 项与录音不符。A.Because they want to be impressed.B.Because they can share their perspectives. C.Because they will be intellectually curious.D.Because they gain knowledge through this.解析:

27、解析:选项均以 Because开头,推测本题是询问原因,听录音时要注意表示因果关系的词语或因果性较强的句子。演讲者提到,大多数情况下人们喜欢被别人提问,因为这样一来他们就有机会分享自己的观点(share their perspectives),并且获得听众的关注(impress those who are listening),B 项即为第一个原因,是正确答案。A 项利用第二个原因中的 impress制造干扰,但 be impressed和 impress sb意思不一样,故排除 A项。C 项中的“对知识保持好奇心”是第三条建议的内容,并非对“人们为何喜欢被提问”的解释。录音中说通过提问,提问

28、者可以学到知识,而非被提问者,故排除 D项。A.People who ask the first question.B.People who speak with facts and data.C.People who have a can-do attitude. D.People who make their work productive.解析:解析:演讲者给的第五条建议是职场新人要保持乐观,接着进一步解释道:抱着“我能行”态度的人(having a can-do attitude)会令自己脱颖而出,成就一番事业,C 项复现了该处录音的关键原词,故为答案。A 项“第一个提问的人”是第二条

29、建议的内容,B 项“用事实和数据说话的人”是第四条建议的内容,皆与问题无关。D 项提到的“使工作更有成效”是乐观情绪带来的积极作用之一,答非所问,故不选 D项。A.To start the school earlier.B.To improve the lives of children.C.To stop children from using cell phones.D.To put back school start times. 解析:解析:选项都是不定式,推测本题可能问目的、打算或建议。录音开头部分讲到,针对英国青少年缺乏睡眠的问题,Paul Kelley 建议将上学时间推迟到早上

30、11点,D“推迟上学时间”是对该处录音内容的概括,是正确答案。A“提早上学时间”与该建议相反。B 是 Paul Kelley提议推迟上学时间的目的,答非所问。C 是录音后半部分提到的有关手机问题的建议,与题目无关。A.Body clock. B.Education quality.C.Mobile device.D.Life quality.解析:解析:录音中段提到,Paul Kelley 的建议是基于对生物钟的深入了解,而生物钟对人类的注意力、清醒程度和工作能力起决定作用,故正确答案为 A。B“教育质量”未在录音中出现。睡前玩手机只是会影响生物钟,而非直接决定题目所问的三项机能,故不选 C“

31、移动设备”。根据录音,睡眠不足会影响身心健康,也即生活质量受影响,但这跟题目所问无关,故不选 D。A.8-18.B.10-11.C.14-24. D.8-10.解析:解析:选项都是数值范围,听音时注意抓听数字信息。Paul Kelley 提到,缺乏睡眠是英国社会的普遍问题,但 14至 24岁这一年龄层的孩子最缺乏睡眠,故选 C。A“8-18 岁”是 Paul Kelley建议应推迟上课时间的年龄层。B 出现在录音中后段,10 一 11岁是小孩开始使用手机和平板电子设备的年龄。D出现在录音比较靠前的部分,8 一 10岁是 Paul Kelley建议推迟上学时间的其中一个年龄段的人群。A.A si

32、ngle medium pear contains nearly 24 calories.B.Pear consumption is associated with lower body weight C.People who consume pears are more likely overweight.D.Pear consumption can reduce ones diet quality.解析:解析:录音开始不久便讲到,一项最新的研究发现了梨子有助于降低体重(pears are associated with lower body weight),B 是该处录音信息的同义表达,为

33、正确答案。A“一个中等大小的梨约含 24卡路里”中的数字有误,应是 100卡路里。C“食用梨子的人更有可能超重”与录音内容相反,录音中说的是常食用梨子的人体重超标的可能性比不吃的人低 35。D“吃梨会降低人们的膳食质量”也跟录音内容相反,录音中说的是吃梨会提高膳食质量(pear consumption is associated with higher diet quality).A.Diet quality.B.A national sample. C.Nutrient adequacy.D.Representative data解析:解析:根据 B中的 sample和 D中的 data,推

34、断本题可能与某项研究有关。录音中段提到,研究人员使用在全国范围内具有代表性的样本(nationally representative sample)来分析食用梨子与成年人摄取营养、营养充足性、膳食质量和心脏病风险的相互关系,B 是 nationally representative sample的同义表达,为正确答案。A 和 C是研究的对象,并不是用于研究的分析资料。D 只是利用录音中的representative作干扰,录音说的是在全国范围内具有代表性的样本。A.The USA Pear Bureau. B.The Louisiana State University.C.The USDAD.The World Pear Association.解析:解析:录音末尾提到,美国梨业局(The USA Pear Bureau)表示将继续与研究人员合力开展其他研究,证明梨与人体健康的关系,A 为正确答案。B“路易斯安那州大学”出现在录音靠前的部分,表明研究是由来自何处的人员所做的。C 利用录音的 USDA制造干扰,录音是说根据美国农业部给美国人的指引(the USDA Guidelines for Americans),总体膳食结构中水果占比越大的人,其患上慢性疾病的风险更可能会降低,并未说美国农业部会继续开展更深入的研究。D 在录音中未提及。


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