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1、大学英语六级汉译英-1 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:6,分数:100.00)1.盘古(Pangu)开天辟地是古代东方广为流传的一个神话。相传天地像一个鸡蛋一般是连为一体的(integrated),盘古就睡在其中。他睡了 18000 年,后发现周边无比的黑暗。他张开大手,朝着黑暗劈去。随后天地开始分裂。他用手托举着天,用脚踩(tread)着地。他的身体每天增长 3 米。因此,天地之间的距离每天增加 3 米。很快,另一个 18000 年过去了,现在天和地已经离得很远,地也变得很厚。盘古也成了一个巨人。直到天与地之间的距离达到了 9000

2、0 千米。(分数:16.00)_2.盘古(Pangu)去世后,他的身体变成了宇宙中的一切。他的左眼变成了太阳,右眼变成了月亮。他身体突出的部分(protruded parts)变成了高山,他的血液变成了河流。他的肌肉变成了土壤,他的头发和胡须变成了天空上的星星和地上的草。他的牙齿和骨骼变成了铁和巨大的石头,而他身体里的精华变成了珍珠和美玉。他的呼吸变成了风和云,他的呐喊变成了雷电,汗水变成了雨。他身上的很多小虫子被风吹到地上变成了人。(分数:16.00)_3.作为可以带来财富的神,大部分中国人都供奉(worship)着财神(the God of Wealth)。他经常被描绘(depict)为身

3、骑黑虎、手持金杖(golden rod)的角色。每到春节,每个家庭都会挂上财神的画像以祈求好运和财富。拜财神起初源于商人,然后深受其他阶层人们的喜爱。此外,不同时代和地区的人们崇拜的财神不同,民间信仰中的财神不是个单一的形象,而是一个群体。(分数:17.00)_4.在中国民间传说中,钟馗是一个专门驱除妖魔鬼怪(exorcise ghosts and evil spirits)的神。他长相奇丑,但很有才华。712 年,钟馗赴长安参加科举考试(the imperial examination)。一个考官以貌取人并且反复在皇帝面前说他的坏话。因此,钟馗没有拿到第一名。一气之下,他撞在了宫殿的柱子上,

4、自杀了。之后皇帝颁布圣旨(imperial edict),授予钟馗除魔师(Demon Queller)的头衔,驱逐世上所有的恶魔。钟馗捕鬼的画在民间很受欢迎。描绘了钟馗捉恶鬼的场景的画被认为能够避灾(avoid calamity),并能带来好运气。(分数:17.00)_5.武术(martial arts)的起源和发展源于古代人的自卫、狩猎和军事训练。正确的武术训练能提高个人的体能、健康和意志力。武术提倡仁义(virtue)和和平,而不是侵略或暴力行为。这一直是一代代的习武之人共同恪守(uphold)的准则。广义上来说,武术是指任何类型的打斗技巧。近年来,学习中国武术已经在不同年龄、不同国籍的人

5、群中变得越来越流行。因此,许多武术培训中心或俱乐部相继成立。坚强的意志和持之以恒是习武的前提(precondition)。(分数:17.00)_6.广寒宫(the Moon Palace)指的是月球上的宫殿。传说里面居住着月亮女神嫦娥、玉兔(the Jade Rabbit)和樵夫吴刚(woodcutter Wu Gang)。嫦娥原本是一个凡间女子。她偷吃了丈夫后羿的长生不老的神药(pill of immortality)飞到了月宫,然后她成了中国的月亮女神。关于嫦娥最好的朋友玉兔有许多种传说。人们普遍认为,它被送到月宫以缓解嫦娥的孤独。它整天都忙于捣药(pestling medicinal m

6、aterials)以研制可以帮助嫦娥返回地球的药丸。但是,它从未成功过。(分数:17.00)_大学英语六级汉译英-1 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:6,分数:100.00)1.盘古(Pangu)开天辟地是古代东方广为流传的一个神话。相传天地像一个鸡蛋一般是连为一体的(integrated),盘古就睡在其中。他睡了 18000 年,后发现周边无比的黑暗。他张开大手,朝着黑暗劈去。随后天地开始分裂。他用手托举着天,用脚踩(tread)着地。他的身体每天增长 3 米。因此,天地之间的距离每天增加 3 米。很快,另一个 18000 年过去了,现

7、在天和地已经离得很远,地也变得很厚。盘古也成了一个巨人。直到天与地之间的距离达到了 90000 千米。(分数:16.00)_正确答案:(The creation of the world by Pangu is a myth that was spread in the Orient in ancient times. Story has it that the heaven and the earth were integrated into one body that resembles an egg, with Pangu sleeping inside. He slept for ab

8、out 18,000 years and then awoke. He found that he was in a vast of dark; therefore, he expanded his huge hands and cut into the darkness. The heaven and the earth started to split. He held the heaven with his hands and trod on the land. His body grew three meters every day. Consequently, the distanc

9、e between the heaven and the earth became three meters longer every day. Time flied! Another 18,000 years passed and now, the heaven became far away from the earth and the earth was now very thick. At the same time, Pangu also grew to a huge man. The distance between the heaven and the earth was as

10、far as 90,000 kilometers.)解析:2.盘古(Pangu)去世后,他的身体变成了宇宙中的一切。他的左眼变成了太阳,右眼变成了月亮。他身体突出的部分(protruded parts)变成了高山,他的血液变成了河流。他的肌肉变成了土壤,他的头发和胡须变成了天空上的星星和地上的草。他的牙齿和骨骼变成了铁和巨大的石头,而他身体里的精华变成了珍珠和美玉。他的呼吸变成了风和云,他的呐喊变成了雷电,汗水变成了雨。他身上的很多小虫子被风吹到地上变成了人。(分数:16.00)_正确答案:(After Pangu died, his body turned into all the thin

11、gs in the universe. His left eye became the sun and his right eye, the moon. The protruded parts in his body turned into high mountains and his blood became rivers. His muscle became the soil, and his hair and beard became the stars on the sky and grasses on the ground. His teeth and bones turned in

12、to iron and huge stone while the essence in his body became pearls and precious jade. His breath became the wind and the cloud, his shout became the thunderbolt, and the sweat turned into the rain. A lot of insects on his body were blown to the ground by wind becoming human beings.)解析:3.作为可以带来财富的神,大

13、部分中国人都供奉(worship)着财神(the God of Wealth)。他经常被描绘(depict)为身骑黑虎、手持金杖(golden rod)的角色。每到春节,每个家庭都会挂上财神的画像以祈求好运和财富。拜财神起初源于商人,然后深受其他阶层人们的喜爱。此外,不同时代和地区的人们崇拜的财神不同,民间信仰中的财神不是个单一的形象,而是一个群体。(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(As a god that can bring in wealth, the God of Wealth is worshiped by most Chinese. He is often depicted to

14、be riding a black tiger and holding a golden rod. Each year during the Spring Festival, every family will hang a picture of the god for blessing the great luck and large wealth. It was originally a custom practiced by merchants, which then became popular amongst other folks. Moreover, people of diff

15、erent times and regions worship their own God of Wealth, which is different. The God of Wealth in folk beliefs is not a singular image but something appears as a group.)解析:4.在中国民间传说中,钟馗是一个专门驱除妖魔鬼怪(exorcise ghosts and evil spirits)的神。他长相奇丑,但很有才华。712 年,钟馗赴长安参加科举考试(the imperial examination)。一个考官以貌取人并且反

16、复在皇帝面前说他的坏话。因此,钟馗没有拿到第一名。一气之下,他撞在了宫殿的柱子上,自杀了。之后皇帝颁布圣旨(imperial edict),授予钟馗除魔师(Demon Queller)的头衔,驱逐世上所有的恶魔。钟馗捕鬼的画在民间很受欢迎。描绘了钟馗捉恶鬼的场景的画被认为能够避灾(avoid calamity),并能带来好运气。(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(In Chinese folklore, Zhong Kui is a god who exorcises ghosts and evil spirits. Though very ugly, he was a profoundly l

17、earned and talented figure. In 712, Zhong Kui went to Changan to take the imperial examination. A minister judged Zhong Kui by the appearance, and repeatedly spoke ill of him before the emperor. As a result, Zhong Kui failed to claim championship in the exam. Infuriated, he bumped his head against a

18、 pillar in the palace and thus killed himself. Then the emperor issued an imperial edict, conferring upon Zhong Kui the title of Demon Queller who traveled all over the world to kill the evil and expel the wicked. The painting describing the scene of Zhong Kui Catching a Ghost is very popular among

19、the folk people. This kind of painting is believed to have the function of avoiding calamity and bringing good fortune.)解析:5.武术(martial arts)的起源和发展源于古代人的自卫、狩猎和军事训练。正确的武术训练能提高个人的体能、健康和意志力。武术提倡仁义(virtue)和和平,而不是侵略或暴力行为。这一直是一代代的习武之人共同恪守(uphold)的准则。广义上来说,武术是指任何类型的打斗技巧。近年来,学习中国武术已经在不同年龄、不同国籍的人群中变得越来越流行。因此

20、,许多武术培训中心或俱乐部相继成立。坚强的意志和持之以恒是习武的前提(precondition)。(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(Martial arts have been created and developed for self-defense, hunting and military training in ancient China. The right martial arts training can improve personal physical ability, health, and willpower. Martial arts advocates virtue

21、 and peace rather than aggression or violence. This has been the common value upheld by martial artists from generation to generation. In its broad sense, the martial arts refer to any type of combat technique. In the recent years, learning Chinese martial arts has become more and more popular among

22、 people of different ages and nationalities. Therefore, many martial arts training centers or clubs have been established. A strong will and persistence are the precondition for learning martial arts.)解析:6.广寒宫(the Moon Palace)指的是月球上的宫殿。传说里面居住着月亮女神嫦娥、玉兔(the Jade Rabbit)和樵夫吴刚(woodcutter Wu Gang)。嫦娥原本是

23、一个凡间女子。她偷吃了丈夫后羿的长生不老的神药(pill of immortality)飞到了月宫,然后她成了中国的月亮女神。关于嫦娥最好的朋友玉兔有许多种传说。人们普遍认为,它被送到月宫以缓解嫦娥的孤独。它整天都忙于捣药(pestling medicinal materials)以研制可以帮助嫦娥返回地球的药丸。但是,它从未成功过。(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(The Moon Palace refers to the palace on the moon. Legend goes that it is inhabited by the goddess of the moonChang

24、E, the Jade Rabbit and the woodcutter Wu Gang. Chang E was a human in the mortal world. Chang E stole his husbands pill of immortality, ate it and flew to the moon and then she became the Chinese goddess of the moon. There were many versions about the background of the goddess best friendthe Jade Rabbit. It was widely believed that it was sent to the palace to alleviate Change Es sorrowful solitude. It was busy all day long, pestling medicinal materials in efforts to make a pill that could help the goddess return to the earth. However, it never succeeded.)解析:


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