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1、大学英语六级汉译英-2 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:6,分数:100.00)1.紫禁城位于北京的中心,是明清两代的皇宫,现在被称为故宫博物院(the Palace Museum),位于天安门广场(Tiananmen Square)的北面。它是世界上最大的宫殿建筑群,占地 74公顷(hectares)。直到 1924年,明朝的 14位皇帝和清朝的 10位皇帝都曾在这里统治天下。故宫拥有众多稀世珍宝,现在故宫博物院是全球范围内最热门的旅游景点之一。紫禁城始建于 1406年,永乐统治(YongLes reign)的第五年。这个建筑历时 1

2、4年,据估计参加工程的工人有 100万人,能工巧匠(artisan)有 10万人。(分数:16.00)_2.传说月宫里居住着月亮女神嫦娥(Chang E)、玉兔(the Jade Rabbit)和吴刚。吴刚是生活在地球上的一位樵夫(woodman)。传说他得罪了天庭的玉帝(the Jade Emperor),被送往了月宫。他被告知,一旦他能砍倒月宫上的桂花树(sweet-scented osmanthus tree),他将获得超凡的魔力。因此,日复一日,吴刚挥起斧头来砍树,可是那棵桂花树拥有神奇的力量,每次被砍后,疤痕会在数秒后消失。吴刚日复一日地砍着那棵桂花树。但是年复一年,树却仍旧茂盛长青

3、。(分数:16.00)_3.梁山伯与祝英台(Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai)的故事是中国民间四大传说之一。相传祝英台女扮男装在杭州追求自己的学业。在和梁山伯共同学习三年后,祝英台爱上了这个才子。在告别之前,祝英台一再地暗示她对对方的爱慕,梁山伯却没有理解。当了解了祝英台的意图后,梁山伯去了祝家提亲(propose marriage)。然而,祝英台已经被她的父亲许配(betroth)给了另一个男人。梁山伯悲痛不已,最终离开了人世。在结婚的那天,祝英台到梁山伯的坟墓前殉情(die for love)。后来,这对爱人变成了一对彩色的蝴蝶。(分数:17.00)_4.白蛇传(L

4、egend of the White Snake)是中国古代民间传说中最有名的故事之一。怀着对人间生活的向往,白蛇来到了凡间,并嫁给了一位名叫许仙的书生(scholar)。然而,金山寺(Jinshan Temple)的和尚法海(Fa Hai)却反对这桩婚事。然后,他把白娘子压在了西湖边上的雷峰塔(Leifeng Pagoda)下。很多年后,白蛇的儿子中了状元(Zhuangyuan),在雷峰塔前拜祭他的母亲。天上的神灵被他的孝心感动了,将塔推倒,使得白蛇一家得以团聚。(分数:17.00)_5.后羿(Houyi)是中国古代神话中的射日英雄。有时他也会被描绘为来自天上帮助人类的箭神(god of a

5、rchery)。传说天上有十个太阳,地球上酷热无比,田野里的农作物枯萎(shrivel)了,湖泊和池塘也干涸(dry up)了。地球上太热了,人类已经没法生存了。为了拯救人类,后羿开始射日。他一个接一个地把太阳射了下来,如果不是别人提醒,他差点把最后一个也给射下来。严重的干旱最终消失了。据说后羿的妻子是嫦娥。嫦娥吞下了她从丈夫那里偷来的长生不老药,飞到了月球上。(分数:17.00)_6.牛郎和织女(the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl)的故事是中国古代最著名的四大民间传说之一。凡人牛郎和仙女织女爱上了对方并结了婚,随后又被迫分开,被银河阻隔。出于对他们的同情(com

6、passion),在每年阴历的 7月 7日成群的喜鹊(magpies)结队在银河上用身躯搭起了一座桥让牛郎和织女相见。这个故事在一定程度上反映了中国人追求自由婚恋的美好愿望。那一天被定为中国的情人节(the Valentines Day)。中国历史上很多诗歌都歌颂(in praise of)了这段故事。此外,传统戏剧如京剧(Beijing Opera)都有关于牛郎和织女的桥段。(分数:17.00)_大学英语六级汉译英-2 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:6,分数:100.00)1.紫禁城位于北京的中心,是明清两代的皇宫,现在被称为故宫博物

7、院(the Palace Museum),位于天安门广场(Tiananmen Square)的北面。它是世界上最大的宫殿建筑群,占地 74公顷(hectares)。直到 1924年,明朝的 14位皇帝和清朝的 10位皇帝都曾在这里统治天下。故宫拥有众多稀世珍宝,现在故宫博物院是全球范围内最热门的旅游景点之一。紫禁城始建于 1406年,永乐统治(YongLes reign)的第五年。这个建筑历时 14年,据估计参加工程的工人有 100万人,能工巧匠(artisan)有 10万人。(分数:16.00)_正确答案:(Lying at the center of Beijing, the Forbid

8、den City was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum, it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. It is the worlds largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Until 1924, fourteen emperors of the Ming dynasty and ten emperors of the Qing dynasty had reig

9、ned here. It houses numerous rare treasures and curiosities. The Palace Museum is now one of the most popular tourist attractions worldwide. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406, the 5th year of YongLes reign. The construction took 14 years and it is estimated that one million workers,

10、 and 100,000 artisans, were involved.)解析:2.传说月宫里居住着月亮女神嫦娥(Chang E)、玉兔(the Jade Rabbit)和吴刚。吴刚是生活在地球上的一位樵夫(woodman)。传说他得罪了天庭的玉帝(the Jade Emperor),被送往了月宫。他被告知,一旦他能砍倒月宫上的桂花树(sweet-scented osmanthus tree),他将获得超凡的魔力。因此,日复一日,吴刚挥起斧头来砍树,可是那棵桂花树拥有神奇的力量,每次被砍后,疤痕会在数秒后消失。吴刚日复一日地砍着那棵桂花树。但是年复一年,树却仍旧茂盛长青。(分数:16.00)

11、_正确答案:(Legend goes that the moon is inhabited by Chang E, the goddess in the moon, the Jade Rabbit and the woodcutter Wu Gang. Wu Gang was a woodman who lived on the earth. It was said that he offended the Jade Emperor and was sent to the Moon Palace. He was told that once he cut the sweet-scented o

12、smanthus tree down, he would attain magic powers. Therefore, day after day, Wu Gang wielded his ax, but the tree had magical power and the cleaving scars disappeared in seconds after each stroke. Wu Gang continued his labors day after day. But years after years, the tree still grew verdantly.)解析:3.梁

13、山伯与祝英台(Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai)的故事是中国民间四大传说之一。相传祝英台女扮男装在杭州追求自己的学业。在和梁山伯共同学习三年后,祝英台爱上了这个才子。在告别之前,祝英台一再地暗示她对对方的爱慕,梁山伯却没有理解。当了解了祝英台的意图后,梁山伯去了祝家提亲(propose marriage)。然而,祝英台已经被她的父亲许配(betroth)给了另一个男人。梁山伯悲痛不已,最终离开了人世。在结婚的那天,祝英台到梁山伯的坟墓前殉情(die for love)。后来,这对爱人变成了一对彩色的蝴蝶。(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(The story of Lia

14、ng Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai is one of the four Chinese folk legends. The Legend of Liang Zhu goes like this: to pursuit her studies in Hangzhou, Zhu Yingtai disguised herself as a man. After studying for three years together with her schoolfellow Liang Shanbo, Zhu Yingtai fell in love with the intelle

15、ctual. Before the farewell, Zhu Yingtai dropped hints again and again to Liang Shanbo who failed to understand it at that time. Later, after being clear about Zhu Yingtais intentions, Liang Shanbo headed for the Zhus family to propose marriage. Unfortunately, Zhu Yingtai had been betrothed by her fa

16、ther to another man. Liang Shanbo was so grieved that he finally passed away. Zhu Yingtai headed for Liang Shanbos tomb to die for love on the day when she got married. Later on, the lovers turned into a pair of colored butterflies.)解析:4.白蛇传(Legend of the White Snake)是中国古代民间传说中最有名的故事之一。怀着对人间生活的向往,白蛇

17、来到了凡间,并嫁给了一位名叫许仙的书生(scholar)。然而,金山寺(Jinshan Temple)的和尚法海(Fa Hai)却反对这桩婚事。然后,他把白娘子压在了西湖边上的雷峰塔(Leifeng Pagoda)下。很多年后,白蛇的儿子中了状元(Zhuangyuan),在雷峰塔前拜祭他的母亲。天上的神灵被他的孝心感动了,将塔推倒,使得白蛇一家得以团聚。(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(Legend of the White Snake is one of the most famous tales among folks in ancient China. The tale goes tha

18、t a white snake came to the human world as she was longing for human life and married a scholar named Xu Xian. However, such marriage was opposed by Fa Hai, a Buddhist monk in Jinshan Temple. He then suppressed the white snake under Leifeng Pagoda at the bank of the West Lake. Many years later, afte

19、r gained a Zhuangyuan title conferred on the one who came first in the highest imperial examination, Madam White Snakes son offered sacrifice to his mother in front of the Leifeng Pagoda. God was moved by his action and made the pagoda collapse, which enabled the family to reunite.)解析:5.后羿(Houyi)是中国

20、古代神话中的射日英雄。有时他也会被描绘为来自天上帮助人类的箭神(god of archery)。传说天上有十个太阳,地球上酷热无比,田野里的农作物枯萎(shrivel)了,湖泊和池塘也干涸(dry up)了。地球上太热了,人类已经没法生存了。为了拯救人类,后羿开始射日。他一个接一个地把太阳射了下来,如果不是别人提醒,他差点把最后一个也给射下来。严重的干旱最终消失了。据说后羿的妻子是嫦娥。嫦娥吞下了她从丈夫那里偷来的长生不老药,飞到了月球上。(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(Houyi was the hero who shot the suns in the ancient mythology

21、 of China. He is sometimes portrayed as a god of archery coming from the heaven to aid mankind. It is said that there were ten suns in the sky, and the heat on earth was intense. Crops shriveled in the fields and lakes and ponds dried up. It was too hot to live under the suns. To save people, Yi sta

22、rted to shoot the suns. He shot down nine of them one by one, and he might have shot the last one if he was not reminded by others. Thus the severe drought was gone. It is said Yis wife was Chang E, a legendary lady in the famous story. Chang E swallowed the elixir stolen from her husband, and she f

23、lew to the moon.)解析:6.牛郎和织女(the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl)的故事是中国古代最著名的四大民间传说之一。凡人牛郎和仙女织女爱上了对方并结了婚,随后又被迫分开,被银河阻隔。出于对他们的同情(compassion),在每年阴历的 7月 7日成群的喜鹊(magpies)结队在银河上用身躯搭起了一座桥让牛郎和织女相见。这个故事在一定程度上反映了中国人追求自由婚恋的美好愿望。那一天被定为中国的情人节(the Valentines Day)。中国历史上很多诗歌都歌颂(in praise of)了这段故事。此外,传统戏剧如京剧(Beijing Op

24、era)都有关于牛郎和织女的桥段。(分数:17.00)_正确答案:(The fairy tale of the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl is one of the four most famous folktales of ancient China. The Cowherd, a human being, and the Weaving Girl, a fairy fell in love with each other and got married, forced to separate and blocked by the Milky Way. Out

25、 of compassion for them, on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month each year, flocks of magpies fly to form a bridge with their bodies over the Milky Way, allowing the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl come to meet each other. This story, to some extent, reflects Chinese peoples wishes to pursue the freedom of love and marriage. Naturally, that day has become Chinese Valentines Day. Countless poems in Chinese history are in praise of the story. In addition, traditional Chinese operas like Beijing Opera have plays about the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl.)解析:


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