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1、大学英语六级综合-句子翻译(六)及答案解析(总分:175.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、句子翻译(总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Unit 1(总题数:5,分数:35.00)1.It is reported that many automobile accidents are attributed _(莽撞驾车或酒后开车).(分数:7.00)_2.The software company stipulated that _(这份合同要在三个月之内完成).(分数:7.00)_3.Its released that by the end of this year _(该国的就业率将会上升 3%左

2、右).(分数:7.00)_4.We have to admit the fact _(生命的质量和生命本身一样重要).(分数:7.00)_5.It is reported that _(新的管理方法大大提高了该公司的竞争力).(分数:7.00)_三、Unit 2(总题数:5,分数:35.00)6.It is essential that _(我们必须找到应付将会出现的问题的途径).(分数:7.00)_7.It is acknowledged that _(因特网扮演着越来越重要的角色).(分数:7.00)_8.Im sure your suggestion will contribute _(

3、解决这个健康难题).(分数:7.00)_9.I am quite ignorant _(租下一个公寓要花多少钱).(分数:7.00)_10.The sight of graduates always _(使我想起我的第一次工作面试).(分数:7.00)_四、Unit 3(总题数:5,分数:35.00)11.Any government that is _(无视这个社会问题将会付出沉重的代价).(分数:7.00)_12.Jeff stuck to his opinion, just because he _(深信这件事正确可靠).(分数:7.00)_13.In no case _(员工未经允许就

4、离开工作场所).(分数:7.00)_14.Last night, no sooner _(我一到家就记下我所目睹的一切).(分数:7.00)_15.Many graduates nowadays dream of _(获得一个在知名外企工作的机会).(分数:7.00)_五、Unit 4(总题数:5,分数:35.00)16.For all his notable contributions, he is ready to _(接受来自各方的建议).(分数:7.00)_17.Their success was attributed _(不是因为能力,而是由于诸如运气之类的因素).(分数:7.00)

5、_18.It was because of his carelessness _(我们所有的试验数据都被毁坏了).(分数:7.00)_19.A good education is an asset _(能让你后半生都有依靠).(分数:7.00)_20.The company bought him a car _(作为对他杰出业绩的报酬).(分数:7.00)_六、Unit 5(总题数:5,分数:35.00)21.The director was ill and _(由你代替他主持后天的会议).(分数:7.00)_22.The future will probably belong to _(那些

6、拥有和懂得怎样去利用信息的人).(分数:7.00)_23.To develop the economy in this region, _(我们必须充分利用各种技术和创新).(分数:7.00)_24.Good writing is compared to fine food _(因为两者对于生活而言都是基本的).(分数:7.00)_25.Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will _(大大受益于这些新的培训计划).(分数:7.00)_大学英语六级综合-句子翻译(六)答案解析(总分:175.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、句子翻译(

7、总题数:0,分数:0.00)二、Unit 1(总题数:5,分数:35.00)1.It is reported that many automobile accidents are attributed _(莽撞驾车或酒后开车).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(to careless driving or drunken driving)解析:考查短语搭配。attributeto 意为“把归因于”,其中 to 是介词,后接名词或动名词;“莽撞驾车”可译为 careless driving 或 driving carelessly;“酒后开车”可译为 drunken driving。2.The s

8、oftware company stipulated that _(这份合同要在三个月之内完成).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(this contract be fulfilled within three months)解析:考查虚拟语气。stipulate 意为“规定,要求”,其后宾语从句的谓语动词要使用虚拟语气 should be 的形式,其 should 省略。“完成”可译为 fulfill,注意“合同”是被完成的,谓语动词要用被动语态 be fulfilled。3.Its released that by the end of this year _(该国的就业率将会上升 3%左右

9、).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(the rate of employment in the nation will have risen by about 3%)解析:考查动词时态。根据已给部分的时间状语,译文的谓语动词应该使用将来完成时,表示某一事件之前完成的动作。“上升”可译为 rise,注意把表示范围的“左右”译出。4.We have to admit the fact _(生命的质量和生命本身一样重要).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(that the quality of life is as important as life itself)解析:考查同位语从句和形容词同级比较

10、。分析句子结构可知,所译部分是对 fact 这个抽象名词的进一步说明,应译为 that 引导的同位语从句。“一样重要”可译为 as important as。5.It is reported that _(新的管理方法大大提高了该公司的竞争力).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(the new management method has greatly increased the competitiveness of thecompany)解析:考查时态的用法和习惯表达。分析题目,所译部分中“大大提高”含有“到目前为止大大提高”之意,故应采用现在完成时,可译为 has greatly incre

11、ased。“竞争力”可译为 competitiveness。三、Unit 2(总题数:5,分数:35.00)6.It is essential that _(我们必须找到应付将会出现的问题的途径).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(we find out ways to cope with the problems that would arise)解析:考查虚拟语气和短语搭配。由句子结构可知所译部分为虚拟语气,使用“should+动词原形”的结构,其中 should 可以省略。所译部分应为从句,其语义重心为“我们找到途径”;“应付将会出现的问题”是对前者的进一步说明,可采用不定式短语作定语的结

12、构进行翻译,“应付”可译为 cope with;“出现”译为 arise 即可。7.It is acknowledged that _(因特网扮演着越来越重要的角色).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(Internet has been playing an increasingly important role)解析:考查时态和短语搭配。根据常识可知,Internet 到现在仍扮演着重要的角色,因而所译部分采用现在完成进行时。“扮演角色”译为 play a role;“越来越重要”译为 increasingly imponanc 要比 more and more important 更能增添文

13、采。8.Im sure your suggestion will contribute _(解决这个健康难题).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(to solving the tough health problem)解析:考查短语搭配。contribute 意为“有助于,利于”,常与介词 to 搭配,后接名词或动名词。“健康难题”译为 tough health problem。9.I am quite ignorant _(租下一个公寓要花多少钱).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(of how much it will cost to rent an apartment)解析:考查短语搭配和句

14、型。ignorant 常和 of 构成形容词短语,意为“无知,不知道”,后接名词、动名词短语或名词性从句,因而所译部分可译为名词从句的形式。“做某事将花费多少钱”可译为 it will cost.to do sth.。10.The sight of graduates always _(使我想起我的第一次工作面试).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(reminds me of my first job interview)解析:考查短语搭配。“使某人想起/记起某事”常译为 remind sb. of sth.。本题主语为 the sight,因而所译部分的谓语动词用 reminds。“工作面试”

15、译为 job interview。四、Unit 3(总题数:5,分数:35.00)11.Any government that is _(无视这个社会问题将会付出沉重的代价).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(blind to this social problem will pay a heavy price)解析:考查短语搭配。分析句子结构可知,所译部分中“无视这个社会问题”修饰主语 any government。“无视”可译为短语 be blind to;“社会问题”常译为 social problem,而非 social question;“将会付出沉重的代价”为谓语部分,译为 will

16、 pay a heavy price。12.Jeff stuck to his opinion, just because he _(深信这件事正确可靠).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(was convinced of the accuracy of this fact)解析:考查短语搭配。分析句子时态和结构,所译部分谓语动词应为过去式。“对深信”可译为 be convinced of sth.,“正确可靠”译为 accuracy 即可。13.In no case _(员工未经允许就离开工作场所).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(should an employee leave the wo

17、rkplace without having obtained permission)解析:考查倒装结构和时态。in no case 意为“决不”,位于句首时,句子要部分倒装。分析句意,所译部分为公司的条例,含有职责或义务上的“应该”之意,因而选用 should。“未经允许就离开工作场所”可译为 leave the workplace without having obtained permission,其中“允许”应该发生在“离开工作场所”之前,因而采用现在完成时。14.Last night, no sooner _(我一到家就记下我所目睹的一切).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(had I

18、 arrived home than I wrote down everything I had seen)解析:考查倒装结构和时态。含有否定意义的副词 no sooner 放在句首,因而句子要部分倒装。“所目睹的一切”发生在“记下”之前,因而定语从句要用过去完成时。15.Many graduates nowadays dream of _(获得一个在知名外企工作的机会).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(having/obtaining the opportunity to work in a famous foreign enterprise)解析:考查不定式作定语。分析所译部分可知,语义重

19、心为“获得机会”。“在知名外企工作”为修饰成分,因而可采用不定式作定语的结构,译为 to work in a famous foreign enterprise。五、Unit 4(总题数:5,分数:35.00)16.For all his notable contributions, he is ready to _(接受来自各方的建议).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(accept suggestions from different sources)解析:考查习惯表达。be ready to 意为“乐意,愿意”,表示主观愿望上的“接受”,因而应译为accept 而非 receive;“来自

20、各方”指建议的来源,可译为 from different sources。17.Their success was attributed _(不是因为能力,而是由于诸如运气之类的因素).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(not to ability but to factors such as luck)解析:考查短语搭配和句型。attribute 常与 to 搭配,attribute sth. to sth.意为“把某事归因于”;“因素”在此可译为 factor;此外,所译部分还隐藏着 not.but.“不是而是”句型,因而可译为 not to ability but to factors s

21、uch as luck。18.It was because of his carelessness _(我们所有的试验数据都被毁坏了).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(that all of our experiment data were damaged)解析:考查强调句。分析句子结构可知,题干为强调句,强调的是状语,因而所译部分需由 that 引导。“试验数据”可译为 experiment data,且为复数,因而“被毁坏”译为 were damaged。19.A good education is an asset _(能让你后半生都有依靠).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(you ca

22、n fall back on/live on for the rest of your life)解析:考查定语从句和短语搭配。分析句子结构可知,所译部分对 asset 进行说明。因而可译为定语从句。“有所依靠”可译为 fall back on/live on,“后半生”译为 the rest of your life。20.The company bought him a car _(作为对他杰出业绩的报酬).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(in consideration of his outstanding achievements)解析:考查短语搭配。“作为的报酬”常译为 in con

23、sideration of,“杰出业绩”译为outstanding achievements 即可。六、Unit 5(总题数:5,分数:35.00)21.The director was ill and _(由你代替他主持后天的会议).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(you would preside over the meeting the day after tomorrow in place of him)解析:考查短语搭配。分析题干可知,整个句子为过去时态,所译部分应为过去将来时,因而“主持会议”可译为 would preside over the meeting。“代替”在此可译为

24、in place of。22.The future will probably belong to _(那些拥有和懂得怎样去利用信息的人).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(those who possess and know how to make use of infonnation)解析:考查定语从句。“拥有”可译为 possess,“利用信息”可译为 make use of information。注意information 为不可数名词。23.To develop the economy in this region, _(我们必须充分利用各种技术和创新).(分数:7.00)_正确答案

25、:(we must take full advantage of technologies and innovations)解析:考查短语搭配。“充分利用”可译为 take full advantage of 或 make full use of。所译部分提到“各种技术和创新”,因而可译为复数形式 technologies and innovations。24.Good writing is compared to fine food _(因为两者对于生活而言都是基本的).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(because both are essential to life)解析:考查短语搭配。结合常识可知,所译部分中“基本的”是指“重要的,必不可少的”,因而可译为essential to。“两者”译为 both 更显简洁。25.Not only the professionals but also the amateurs will _(大大受益于这些新的培训计划).(分数:7.00)_正确答案:(benefit greatly from the new training programs)解析:考查短语搭配。“大大”指程度,因而可译为 greatly;“受益于”可译为 benefit from。


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