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1、大学英语三级 A级-109 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Translation(总题数:40,分数:100.00)1.First of all, we applied ourselves to identifying the root cause of our national problems.(分数:1.50)A.首先,我们致力于找出民族问题的根源。B.起初,我们申请了研究民族问题。C.首先,我们要了解民族问题存在的原因。2.Students who fly halfway across the world to study in another c

2、ountry get used to the new time zone after a few days.(分数:1.50)A.到另一个国家去的学生飞越了半个世界,在经历一段时间之后就习惯了新的时区了。B.到另一个国家去留学的学生飞越了半个世界,在经历一段时间之后就会习惯新的时间了。C.飞过半个地球到另一个国家求学的学子,几天后就能适应新的时区。3.Of most concerns to parents was the failure of some of the state“s most expensive schools to rate higher than many governme

3、nt schools.(分数:1.50)A.父母最为关注的问题之一就是与一些公立学校相比,某些收费昂贵的州立学校更加失败。B.父母最为关注的就是州立最昂贵的学校的一些失败要比公立多得多。C.父母们最关注的问题之一就是一些收费最昂贵的私立学校名次排在许多公立学校之后。4.Without a car most people feel that they are poor, and even if a person is poor he doesn“t feel really poor when he has a car.(分数:1.50)A.没有汽车大多数人觉得他们很穷;而一个人即使是真的很穷,一

4、旦有了汽车也不会觉得自己穷。B.没有车的话人们会感到穷,但如果一个人即使是真的很穷,一旦有了汽车也不会觉得自己穷。C.大多数人如果没有车子会自以为很穷;如果有了车,尽管穷他也不会觉得自己很穷。5.For an old doctor of over 70, the busy workload day after day was physically demanding.(分数:1.50)A.对于一个 70多岁的老医生来说,日复一日的工作对他的体质有一定的要求。B.对于一个 70多岁的老医生来说,日复一日的繁忙工作对身体产生了要求。C.对于一个 70多岁的老医生来说,日复一日的繁忙工作是很吃力的。

5、6.Some business people feel that it is simply good business to be ethical.(分数:1.50)A.一些企业界人士认为遵守职业道德无疑是对企业有利的好事情。B.一些商人认为只有生意做好了才是道德的。C.一些商业人士觉得遵守职业道德是基本的经商要求。7.At the conference, many environmental scientists urged the government to develop a national population policy to avoid further land and wat

6、er degradation.(分数:1.50)A.在会议上许多环境学家呼吁政府制定政策以防止土地和资源的退化。B.在大会上许多环境学家呼吁政府制定一项全国人口政策以避免土地和水源的进一步恶化。C.在大会上许多环境学家将迫使政府制定政策以防止土地和水源的减少。8.Learning how to use the Internet effectively as a marketing tool means that you need to learn two different but related bodies of language.(分数:1.50)A.有效地使用因特网作为市场工具,意味你

7、必须学习两种不同但又是相互关联的身体语言。B.学习有效地使用因特网作为营销工具,意味着要学习两种彼此之间不相关联的知识。C.学习有效地使用因特网作为营销工具,意味着要学习两类互不相同却互相关联的知识。9.While office technology is changing certain aspects of the secretary“s work, it is not altering it fundamentally.(分数:1.50)A.办公技术正在多方面改变了秘书的工作,但秘书的最基本的工作并未改变。B.尽管办公技术正在改变秘书工作的某些方面,它却未能使其在根本上改变。C.办公室技

8、术在改变秘书工作的某些方面的同时,未能使其在根本上改变。10.A job interview helps you decide if the job meets your career needs and interest.(分数:1.50)A.一次工作交流可以帮助你决定该工作是否与你的需要和兴趣相互一致。B.一次应聘面试有助于你决定该工作是否满足你职业上的需求和利益。C.一次应聘面试有助于你判断该工作是否符合你的就业要求和兴趣。11.One out of five Chinese studying abroad goes to the United States.(分数:1.50)A.五个中

9、国人中的一个正在美国学习。B.去国外学习的中国人中有五分之一去了美国。C.五分之一的中国留学生去了美国。12.The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvements of the management.(分数:1.50)A.我们产品的质量提高在很大程度上是因为管理水平的改进。B.我们产品的质量稳步提高了,但在管理水平方面亏欠很多。C.我们产品质量的稳步提高在很大程度上是由于管理水平的改进。13.Poor as he is, he knows that honesty is the most imp

10、ortant virtue of a person.(分数:1.50)A.他虽贫穷,但他了解诚实是一个重要的品德。B.虽然他贫穷,但他知道诚实是最重要的。C.他虽然贫穷,但他懂得诚实是一个人最重要的品德。14.No sooner had they finished their task than they all went to watch the football match.(分数:1.50)A.他们一完成任务就都去看足球赛了。B.他们很快完成任务后,都去看足球赛了。C.他们刚完成任务,然后去看足球赛了。15.People who want to be successful depend

11、too much on the comments of others in order to feel good about themselves.(分数:1.50)A.人们想获得成功,为了让自己感觉好就非常依赖他人的议论。B.想获得成功的人过分依赖别人的评价来使自己感觉良好。C.想获得成功的人通常在意别人的评价,为了让自己感觉好。16.In the case of a small village, this may cause many problems, including the widespread of the disease.(分数:1.50)A.如果是一个小村庄的话,这就可能会引

12、起许多问题,包括疾病的蔓延。B.在小村庄,就会引起许多问题,主要是疾病的蔓延。C.对于一个小村庄来说,这就可能会引起许多问题,主要是疾病的蔓延。17.If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.(分数:1.50)A.如你想采访,我会极其高兴并亲自随时打电话给你。B.如贵公司有意面试,本人一定遵照所约定之时日,前往拜访。C.如你渴望面试,我会很高兴亲自给你打电话,在你约定的任何日期时间。18.Should there

13、be any trouble with the machine, the automatic controlling unit would cut off the electricity.(分数:1.50)A.机器一旦出现故障问题,自控装置立即切断电源。B.假如机器出故障的话,自控装置将切断电源。C.机器会出故障问题,因此自控装置应该能切断电源。19.The students have little chance to discuss problems with the teachers concerned after class or to do more than finish their

14、 homework.(分数:1.50)A.学生们很少有机会在课后同有关老师进行讨论,并且也草草地完成家庭作业。B.学生们几乎没有机会同有关老师在课后讨论问题,并且只能做到完成家庭作业而已。C.学生们没有多少机会在课后就老师关心的问题讨论问题,并且也草草地完成家庭作业。20.His ignorance of the firm“s present situation resulted in his failure to take effective measures.(分数:1.50)A.他对工厂的目前状况毫不理会,以致采取的措施难以奏效。B.他对工厂的目前状况一无所知,结果未能采取有效措施。C.

15、他不了解工厂的目前状况,结果采取的措施失败了。21.Life insurance needs vary. They carry throughout one“s life. Life insurance needs also vary from individual to individual, depending on the standard of living, on the number of children, on the plans for those children, and on many other factors. (分数:3.50)_22.Electronic mai

16、l is messages sent at high speeds using telecommunication facilities. One user of the service can send a message to another user by placing it in a special computer storage area. The receiver can retrieve the message through a terminal by either displaying it or printing it. (分数:3.50)_23.“He is sitt

17、ing on the fence.“ means that somebody will not say whether he is in favour of a plan or against it. He is sitting on a fence between two opposing sides, perhaps waiting to see which side will win. (分数:3.50)_24.Help wanted. Baby-Sitter-My home. If you are available a few hours during the day, some e

18、venings and weekends to care for a school age child, please call Gayle Moore, days 414-2221, evenings and weekends 414-3501. (分数:3.50)_25.While we would like to think that our service and arrangements are of a standard that will ensure your complete satisfaction, we should warmly welcome suggestions

19、 for improvement. If you should find anything that is not up to standard, please inform reception who will take immediate steps to put matters right. (分数:3.50)_26.The career of your dreams is closer than you think. Even if you have no experience before, you can get valuable job skills in today“s hot

20、test fields. Step-by-step lessons make learning easy. Prepare for promotions, pay rises, even starting a business of your own. (分数:3.50)_27.The Chinese government will move to further protect consumer interests and fight against counterfeit goods as well as promote modem sales method and keep order

21、in the market. (分数:3.50)_28.With a facsimile machine, or “fax“, you can place the letter directly into the machine. The machine changes the letterwhether it be words, numbers, drawings, or photographs into electronic signals. The signals then pass through the wires to other fax machine. (分数:3.50)_29

22、.Students have the fight to evaluate their teachers, and they usually do so at the end of each course. That evaluation includes lots of aspects of teaching, such as explanation, preparation, using good examples, answering questions, and organization of classes. (分数:3.50)_30.Humor often depends on a

23、knowledge of certain words, or even on an understanding of a particular cultural background. There are, of course, many different sources of humor, but the important fact is that all people share the great pleasure of laugh. (分数:3.50)_31.FDA stands for the Food and Drug Administration, which probabl

24、y does more to protect consumers than any other agency. Its major concern is the safety, purity and labeling of foods, drugs, and cosmetics. There are the products on which consumers spend an estimated 38 percent of their incomes. (分数:3.50)_32.Some people have remarkable chances which lead to fame a

25、nd success without this long and hard training. An ordinary girl working in a bike factory became a world famous movie star totally by accident. Of course, chances like this happen in a blue moon. (分数:3.50)_33.One professor of the University of South California has made a scientific study of lying.

26、According to him, women are better liars than men, particularly when a woman tells another woman that she likes her dress when she really thinks it looks awful. (分数:3.50)_34.Specialists in marketing have studied how to make people buy more food in a supermarket. They put more expensive food at eye l

27、evel so you see it and want to buy it. The things that you have to buy anyway are usually located on a higher or lower shelf. (分数:3.50)_35.How hard is it to get beautiful hair? Beautiful hair cannot be taken for granted. Environmental factors, chemical treatments and the mechanical damage done by co

28、mbs, brushes and blow dryers all have a bad effect on the hair in the long run. (分数:3.50)_36.In many countries in the process of industrialization, overcrowded cities present a major problem. Poor conditions in these cities, such as lack of housing, inadequate sanitation and lack of employment, brin

29、g about an increase in poverty, disease and crime. (分数:3.50)_37.People in different parts of the world believe that they have seen UFOs. Those who used to laugh at the idea do not laugh so often now. A lot of reports and books have been written on this subject, and it seems impossible to take no not

30、ice of them. Few people really believe in UFOs, but perhaps they will in the future. (分数:3.50)_38.Your name and address go at the top and also your phone number. What job do you want? That“s a prospective employer looks for first. If you know exactly, list that next under Job Objective. Make sure yo

31、ur resume focuses on the kind of work you can do and want to do. (分数:3.50)_39.They are not tied to a schedule but work when it suits them. If that means taking an hour or two to play with the children and then staying up until midnight to finish a presentation, the net result is a happier worker who

32、 has completed the task. (分数:3.50)_40.When you get to your destination, jet lag will catch up with you. There“s no way to avoid it. If you travel across time zones at high speeds, your internal clock doesn“t keep up with the time changes. That“s why your body thinks it“s midnight when it“s really 9:

33、00 a.m. (分数:3.50)_大学英语三级 A级-109 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part Translation(总题数:40,分数:100.00)1.First of all, we applied ourselves to identifying the root cause of our national problems.(分数:1.50)A.首先,我们致力于找出民族问题的根源。 B.起初,我们申请了研究民族问题。C.首先,我们要了解民族问题存在的原因。解析:2.Students who fly halfway across the world

34、to study in another country get used to the new time zone after a few days.(分数:1.50)A.到另一个国家去的学生飞越了半个世界,在经历一段时间之后就习惯了新的时区了。B.到另一个国家去留学的学生飞越了半个世界,在经历一段时间之后就会习惯新的时间了。C.飞过半个地球到另一个国家求学的学子,几天后就能适应新的时区。 解析:3.Of most concerns to parents was the failure of some of the state“s most expensive schools to rate

35、higher than many government schools.(分数:1.50)A.父母最为关注的问题之一就是与一些公立学校相比,某些收费昂贵的州立学校更加失败。B.父母最为关注的就是州立最昂贵的学校的一些失败要比公立多得多。C.父母们最关注的问题之一就是一些收费最昂贵的私立学校名次排在许多公立学校之后。 解析:4.Without a car most people feel that they are poor, and even if a person is poor he doesn“t feel really poor when he has a car.(分数:1.50)A

36、.没有汽车大多数人觉得他们很穷;而一个人即使是真的很穷,一旦有了汽车也不会觉得自己穷。 B.没有车的话人们会感到穷,但如果一个人即使是真的很穷,一旦有了汽车也不会觉得自己穷。C.大多数人如果没有车子会自以为很穷;如果有了车,尽管穷他也不会觉得自己很穷。解析:5.For an old doctor of over 70, the busy workload day after day was physically demanding.(分数:1.50)A.对于一个 70多岁的老医生来说,日复一日的工作对他的体质有一定的要求。B.对于一个 70多岁的老医生来说,日复一日的繁忙工作对身体产生了要求。

37、C.对于一个 70多岁的老医生来说,日复一日的繁忙工作是很吃力的。 解析:6.Some business people feel that it is simply good business to be ethical.(分数:1.50)A.一些企业界人士认为遵守职业道德无疑是对企业有利的好事情。 B.一些商人认为只有生意做好了才是道德的。C.一些商业人士觉得遵守职业道德是基本的经商要求。解析:7.At the conference, many environmental scientists urged the government to develop a national popula

38、tion policy to avoid further land and water degradation.(分数:1.50)A.在会议上许多环境学家呼吁政府制定政策以防止土地和资源的退化。B.在大会上许多环境学家呼吁政府制定一项全国人口政策以避免土地和水源的进一步恶化。 C.在大会上许多环境学家将迫使政府制定政策以防止土地和水源的减少。解析:8.Learning how to use the Internet effectively as a marketing tool means that you need to learn two different but related bod

39、ies of language.(分数:1.50)A.有效地使用因特网作为市场工具,意味你必须学习两种不同但又是相互关联的身体语言。B.学习有效地使用因特网作为营销工具,意味着要学习两种彼此之间不相关联的知识。C.学习有效地使用因特网作为营销工具,意味着要学习两类互不相同却互相关联的知识。 解析:9.While office technology is changing certain aspects of the secretary“s work, it is not altering it fundamentally.(分数:1.50)A.办公技术正在多方面改变了秘书的工作,但秘书的最基本

40、的工作并未改变。B.尽管办公技术正在改变秘书工作的某些方面,它却未能使其在根本上改变。 C.办公室技术在改变秘书工作的某些方面的同时,未能使其在根本上改变。解析:10.A job interview helps you decide if the job meets your career needs and interest.(分数:1.50)A.一次工作交流可以帮助你决定该工作是否与你的需要和兴趣相互一致。B.一次应聘面试有助于你决定该工作是否满足你职业上的需求和利益。C.一次应聘面试有助于你判断该工作是否符合你的就业要求和兴趣。 解析:11.One out of five Chinese

41、 studying abroad goes to the United States.(分数:1.50)A.五个中国人中的一个正在美国学习。B.去国外学习的中国人中有五分之一去了美国。 C.五分之一的中国留学生去了美国。解析:12.The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvements of the management.(分数:1.50)A.我们产品的质量提高在很大程度上是因为管理水平的改进。B.我们产品的质量稳步提高了,但在管理水平方面亏欠很多。C.我们产品质量的稳步提高在很大程度上是由于管理

42、水平的改进。 解析:13.Poor as he is, he knows that honesty is the most important virtue of a person.(分数:1.50)A.他虽贫穷,但他了解诚实是一个重要的品德。B.虽然他贫穷,但他知道诚实是最重要的。C.他虽然贫穷,但他懂得诚实是一个人最重要的品德。 解析:14.No sooner had they finished their task than they all went to watch the football match.(分数:1.50)A.他们一完成任务就都去看足球赛了。 B.他们很快完成任务后,

43、都去看足球赛了。C.他们刚完成任务,然后去看足球赛了。解析:15.People who want to be successful depend too much on the comments of others in order to feel good about themselves.(分数:1.50)A.人们想获得成功,为了让自己感觉好就非常依赖他人的议论。B.想获得成功的人过分依赖别人的评价来使自己感觉良好。 C.想获得成功的人通常在意别人的评价,为了让自己感觉好。解析:16.In the case of a small village, this may cause many problems, including the widespread of the disease.(分数:1.50)A.如果是一个小村庄的话,这就可能会引起许多问题,包括疾病的蔓延。 B.在小村庄,就会引起许多问题,主要是疾病的蔓延。C.对于一个小村庄来说,这就可能会引起许多问题,主要是疾病的蔓延。解析:17.If you desire an interview, I shall be most happy to call in person, on any day and at any time you may appoint.(分数:1.50)A.如你想采访,我会极其高兴并亲自随时打电话


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