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1、大学英语三级 A 级-192 及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:25,分数:100.00)1.It is reported that air pollution affects rivers and lakes indirectly because it causes acid rain.(分数:3.00)A.据报道,空气污染导致酸雨,因而对河流和湖泊造成间接影响。B.据报道,空气污染了河流和湖泊,间接的原因是因为有酸雨。C.据报道,空气污染间接来源于河流和湖泊的污染,因为后者会导致酸雨。2.We are lucky to have th

2、e most up-to-date equipment in our laboratory, with which we can complete our research in time.(分数:3.00)A.我们很幸运能够拥有最先进的实验室,可以随时用其进行研究。B.很幸运,我们及时地找到了从事研究所需要的最完整的资料和设备。C.很幸运,我们实验室拥有最先进的设备,可以用其及时完成研究任务。3.All of our four objectives of this trip have been fulfilled, which are more than I had expected.(分数

3、:3.00)A.我们此行 4 个目标的完成情况比我预期的要好。B.我们此行的目标一共有 4 个,比我预期的还多。C.我们此行总共完成了 4 个目标,比我预期的要多。4.You may use this computer, on condition that you are able to handle it properly so as not to damage it.(分数:3.00)A.这台计算机你可以使用,但如有损坏,你要有条件进行维修。B.只要你能正确地使用计算机,不损坏它,你就可以使用。C.你可以使用这台计算机,条件是如有损坏,你能维修。5.Not surprisingly, ma

4、ny scientists predict that such changes in the climate will probably result in hotter days.(分数:3.00)A.毫不奇怪,许多科学家都预计气候的这些变化可能会导致天气变暖。B.毫不奇怪,许多科学家认为这样的变化可能会导致热天更多。C.许多科学家对于气候变化和炎热天气所产生的后果毫不惊讶。6.Both late sleepers and early risers find the fixed hours of a nine-to-five workday a problem.(分数:3.00)A.早起的和

5、晚睡的人都发现了问题,应该把早 9 晚 5 的工作时间定下来。B.早起的和晚睡的人都发现了早 9 晚 5 这种固定工作时间带来的问题。C.早起的和晚睡的人都认为早 9 晚 5 这种固定的上班时间有问题。7.We are confident that we will get rid of those difficulties since the government has agreed to give us some help.(分数:3.00)A.由于政府已经同意给予我们一些帮助,我们有信心克服那些困难。B.自从政府同意给予我们帮助以来,我们才下了脱贫致富的决心。C.政府同意给我们一些帮助,

6、因此我们要下定决心直面困境。8.All in all, the ABC Company offered me the experience to advance my career in China.(分数:3.00)A.总而言之,ABC 公司使我有了工作经历,我要在中国发展我的事业。B.总而言之,ABC 公司的历程有助于我实现在中国发展事业的目标。C.总而言之,ABC 公司使我有了在中国拓展我的职业生涯的经历。9.You must sign to accept the terms and conditions as the application will only be processed

7、 with the applicant“s signature.(分数:3.00)A.您必须先阅读有关条款才能签名,因为申请表必须经过申请人签名才能办理。B.您必须签名以示接受这些条款,因为申请表必须附有申请人的签名方可受理。C.您必须在收到所列条款之后才能签名,因为申请表只有经申请人签署才生效。10.In the world today any damage to society, whether at the local or at the global level, will not remain unnoticed.(分数:3.00)A.在当今世界,社会受到局部或全面损害的程度还是难以

8、确定的。B.在当今世界,对社会所造成的任何局部或总体损害都依然未被察觉。C.在当今世界,对社会的任何损害,无论是局部的,还是全球性的,终究会被察觉出来。11.If you are a small firm and you are confident you know the risk assessment, you can do it yourself.(分数:3.00)A.如果你们公司规模小,并自信对风险评估很了解,你们可以自己进行这项工作。B.如果你拥有一家小公司,并有信心去理解这项工作,你自己可以做风险评估。C.如果你自信熟悉这项工作,你的小公司就可以自己去冒险进行投资。12.An en

9、gineer is needed by the company to manage the work of installation teams, and to provide engineering assistance when problems occur.(分数:3.00)A.公司需要一位工程师来指挥安装工作,并在出现问题时提供工程指导。B.公司聘用了一位工程师,让他做安装工作,同时还要解决工程方面的问题。C.公司需要一位工程师来领导安装小组的工作,并在出现问题时提供工程方面的帮助。13.A large percentage of e-commerce businesses went

10、bankrupt in 2000, mostly due to inadequate business plans and excessive spending on advertising and marketing.(分数:3.00)A.2000 年有大批网络公司倒闭,极可能是因为计划中的资金不足以及过量的广告和营销花费。B.2000 年大多数网络商务企业出现亏损,严重影响了资金的充分利用以及广告营销的合理开支。C.2000 年有很大一部分电子商务企业破产,主要是由于商务规划不周密以及广告和营销开支过多。14.Many economists believe that advertising

11、 helps increase competition, which leads to lower prices, thus benefiting consumers and the economy as a whole.(分数:3.00)A.许多经济学家认为,广告增加了竞争的成本,使商品质量不断下降,这就使消费者的经济利益受到损害。B.许多经济学家相信,广告加剧了竞争,又降低了商品的价格,所以消费者和整个经济都会从中得到好处。C.许多经济学家认为,广告有助于竞争,而竞争的加剧会降低商品价格,从而使消费者和经济在整体上受益。15.Backed by loans from the Asian D

12、evelopment Bank, the local government is aiming to teach the farmers how to run a successful business with farming techniques.(分数:3.00)A.为了偿还亚洲开发银行的贷款,当地政府努力教导农民如何成功地利用农业技术。B.为了获取亚洲开发银行的贷款,当地政府教导农民如何通过发展农业技术来办好农业。C.在亚洲开发银行贷款的支持下,当地政府致力于教会农民如何利用农业技术成功地经营。16.As your complaint does not agree with the r

13、esult of our Lest, please conduct another examination to show if there is any ground for your claim.(分数:3.00)A.因你方投诉与我方检验结果不符,请再次检验,以证实你方索赔是否有根据。B.因你方的试验结果与我方的结果不同,请重新核查你方索赔的理由是否能成立。C.由于你方不同意我方的检验结果,如果能出示任何结果,请你们重新提出要求。17.For safety, all passengers are required to review this card and follow these i

14、nstructions when needed.(分数:3.00)A.为了安全,请各位乘客反复阅读本卡片,务必按照各项规定执行。B.为了保险起见,请各位乘客务必阅读本卡片,并参照相关内容认真执行。C.为了安全,要求所有乘客仔细阅读本卡片各项内容,必要时照其执行。18.Peter misunderstood the instructions his boss gave him and mailed the wrong documents to the supplier.(分数:3.00)A.彼得按照老板给他的指示把单据误寄给了供货商。B.彼得误解了老板对他的指示,向供货商发错了单据。C.彼得对老

15、板的指示还没理解就把错误的单据交给供货商。19.People now have more leisure time, which is the reason why the demand for services has increased so rapidly.(分数:3.00)A.如今人们有更多的时间去娱乐,从而影响了劳务资源的快速上升。B.如今希望有时间娱乐的人越来越多,这是因为服务质量在迅速提高了。C.如今人们有了更多的闲暇时间,因而对各种服务的需求增长得如此快。20.Passengers going to the airport by arranged buses must take

16、 the bus at the time and place as shown below.(分数:3.00)A.搭乘专车前往机场的旅客,务必在下列指定的时间和地点乘车。B.乘公共汽车去机场的旅客必须乘这路车,时间和地点安排如下。C.经安排搭乘汽车去机场的旅客,应按指定的时间和地点上车。21.We are writing this letter to tell you that up to now no news has come from you about the goods we ordered on May 25th. As you have been informed in our

17、letters, our customers are in urgent need of those machines. They are asking repeatedly for an early delivery (交货). We hope that you will try your best to arrange all this without further delay. (分数:8.00)_22.We are glad to welcome our Chinese friends to this special Business Training program. Here,

18、you will have a variety of activities and a chance to exchange ideas with each other. We hope that all of you will benefit a lot from this program. During your stay, please do not hesitate to speak to us with questions or concerns. We believe this will be an educational and enjoyable program. (分数:8.

19、00)_23.We have learned from our Embassy that you are interested in importing Chinese silk products. We are a long-established exporter of silk products in China and we have a very good reputation both at home and abroad. Our products sell well all over the world and are highly valued by our customer

20、s for their excellent quality and fine workmanship (工艺). Enclosed are our catalogue and price list covering all the products. We are looking forward to your early reply. (分数:8.00)_24.New York Student Housing Center We have got what students are looking for in off-campus housing. Come and see our hou

21、sessafe, affordable and convenient for living. All the facilities that you are concerned about are available, such as cable TV, Internet access, fully furnished (提供家具的) and ready for moving in! We also have comfortable apartments or rooms for roommate share. The rent may be paid weekly, monthly or y

22、early. Contact us at 800-298-3579 if you are interested. (分数:8.00)_25.I“m writing to confirm our telephone conversation of Thursday, the 7th, about our visit to your company. Next Monday, December 11, will be fine for us and we hope that it will suit you, too. My secretary, Miss Mary Brown, and Sale

23、s Manager, Mr. Zhang Ming, will be coming in the morning. It“s unfortunate that I will not be able to be with them. Thanks again for giving us this opportunity to visit with you. (分数:8.00)_大学英语三级 A 级-192 答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Translation(总题数:25,分数:100.00)1.It is reported that air pollution aff

24、ects rivers and lakes indirectly because it causes acid rain.(分数:3.00)A.据报道,空气污染导致酸雨,因而对河流和湖泊造成间接影响。 B.据报道,空气污染了河流和湖泊,间接的原因是因为有酸雨。C.据报道,空气污染间接来源于河流和湖泊的污染,因为后者会导致酸雨。解析:解析 本题难点为空气污染对河流湖泊的影响和酸雨的关系。句中首先说明空气污染间接地影响了河流和湖泊,而这种间接性是因为空气污染首先形成酸雨。若有基本的物理化学知识,则本题不难理解。解答本题时首先应搞清句子的意思,不看选项,然后再找出和自己理解一样的选项。2.We ar

25、e lucky to have the most up-to-date equipment in our laboratory, with which we can complete our research in time.(分数:3.00)A.我们很幸运能够拥有最先进的实验室,可以随时用其进行研究。B.很幸运,我们及时地找到了从事研究所需要的最完整的资料和设备。C.很幸运,我们实验室拥有最先进的设备,可以用其及时完成研究任务。 解析:解析 up-to-date 在此处为形容词,指最近的,先进的;equipment 指设备,不是指实验室;in time 表示及时。抓住这 3 项关键内容,可排

26、除干扰项,得出正确选项为 C。3.All of our four objectives of this trip have been fulfilled, which are more than I had expected.(分数:3.00)A.我们此行 4 个目标的完成情况比我预期的要好。B.我们此行的目标一共有 4 个,比我预期的还多。C.我们此行总共完成了 4 个目标,比我预期的要多。 解析:解析 本题的难点在于对从句 which are more than I had expected 的理解。从句中的 which 指代的是 four objectives,并且根据比较级 more,

27、可知句意为“比我预期的要多”,故排除 A。B 没有翻译出 fulfill 的意思。因此,选 C。4.You may use this computer, on condition that you are able to handle it properly so as not to damage it.(分数:3.00)A.这台计算机你可以使用,但如有损坏,你要有条件进行维修。B.只要你能正确地使用计算机,不损坏它,你就可以使用。 C.你可以使用这台计算机,条件是如有损坏,你能维修。解析:解析 本题难点为对短语 on condition that 的理解,其意为“如果”“只要”。例如:I w

28、ill tell him what has happened on condition that he is reliable. 如果他可靠的话,那么我会告诉他发生了什么事。5.Not surprisingly, many scientists predict that such changes in the climate will probably result in hotter days.(分数:3.00)A.毫不奇怪,许多科学家都预计气候的这些变化可能会导致天气变暖。 B.毫不奇怪,许多科学家认为这样的变化可能会导致热天更多。C.许多科学家对于气候变化和炎热天气所产生的后果毫不惊讶。

29、解析:解析 result in 意为“导致”,而 hotter days 指“更热的天气”,即天气变暖。故正确的译文为选项 A。6.Both late sleepers and early risers find the fixed hours of a nine-to-five workday a problem.(分数:3.00)A.早起的和晚睡的人都发现了问题,应该把早 9 晚 5 的工作时间定下来。B.早起的和晚睡的人都发现了早 9 晚 5 这种固定工作时间带来的问题。 C.早起的和晚睡的人都认为早 9 晚 5 这种固定的上班时间有问题。解析:解析 句子中的动词 find 后接双宾语

30、the fixed hours of a nine-to-five workday 和 a problem,故答案只能选 B。7.We are confident that we will get rid of those difficulties since the government has agreed to give us some help.(分数:3.00)A.由于政府已经同意给予我们一些帮助,我们有信心克服那些困难。 B.自从政府同意给予我们帮助以来,我们才下了脱贫致富的决心。C.政府同意给我们一些帮助,因此我们要下定决心直面困境。解析:解析 翻译本句的关键是把握住 since

31、 在句中引导原因状语,故只有选项 A 为正确答案。8.All in all, the ABC Company offered me the experience to advance my career in China.(分数:3.00)A.总而言之,ABC 公司使我有了工作经历,我要在中国发展我的事业。B.总而言之,ABC 公司的历程有助于我实现在中国发展事业的目标。C.总而言之,ABC 公司使我有了在中国拓展我的职业生涯的经历。 解析:解析 to advance my career in China 在句中做定语,修饰名词 experience,即“有助于我在中国拓展职业的经历”。因此,

32、正确答案为选项 C。9.You must sign to accept the terms and conditions as the application will only be processed with the applicant“s signature.(分数:3.00)A.您必须先阅读有关条款才能签名,因为申请表必须经过申请人签名才能办理。B.您必须签名以示接受这些条款,因为申请表必须附有申请人的签名方可受理。 C.您必须在收到所列条款之后才能签名,因为申请表只有经申请人签署才生效。解析:解析 本题的关键在于对 as 引导的原因状语从句以及前面动词不定式的理解。应把 be pr

33、ocessed 理解为“被受理”,而把 only 理解为“必须”。应该说签名是受理的前提。10.In the world today any damage to society, whether at the local or at the global level, will not remain unnoticed.(分数:3.00)A.在当今世界,社会受到局部或全面损害的程度还是难以确定的。B.在当今世界,对社会所造成的任何局部或总体损害都依然未被察觉。C.在当今世界,对社会的任何损害,无论是局部的,还是全球性的,终究会被察觉出来。 解析:解析 本题的关键在于对 whether 引导的让

34、步状语从句的理解,同时还要注意对双重否定句型的翻译。句中 local 应被译为“局部的”,而 global 应被译为“全球性的”。11.If you are a small firm and you are confident you know the risk assessment, you can do it yourself.(分数:3.00)A.如果你们公司规模小,并自信对风险评估很了解,你们可以自己进行这项工作。 B.如果你拥有一家小公司,并有信心去理解这项工作,你自己可以做风险评估。C.如果你自信熟悉这项工作,你的小公司就可以自己去冒险进行投资。解析:解析 本题的关键在于对 and

35、 连接的两个条件状语从句的理解。把第 2 个从句译为“自信对风险评估很了解”比较恰当。12.An engineer is needed by the company to manage the work of installation teams, and to provide engineering assistance when problems occur.(分数:3.00)A.公司需要一位工程师来指挥安装工作,并在出现问题时提供工程指导。B.公司聘用了一位工程师,让他做安装工作,同时还要解决工程方面的问题。C.公司需要一位工程师来领导安装小组的工作,并在出现问题时提供工程方面的帮助。

36、解析:解析 本题的关键在于对两个动词不定式和 of 短语的理解。两个动词不定式结构做 need 的目的状语。应把 manage the work of installation teams 译为“领导安装小组的工作”比较恰当。13.A large percentage of e-commerce businesses went bankrupt in 2000, mostly due to inadequate business plans and excessive spending on advertising and marketing.(分数:3.00)A.2000 年有大批网络公司倒

37、闭,极可能是因为计划中的资金不足以及过量的广告和营销花费。B.2000 年大多数网络商务企业出现亏损,严重影响了资金的充分利用以及广告营销的合理开支。C.2000 年有很大一部分电子商务企业破产,主要是由于商务规划不周密以及广告和营销开支过多。 解析:14.Many economists believe that advertising helps increase competition, which leads to lower prices, thus benefiting consumers and the economy as a whole.(分数:3.00)A.许多经济学家认为,

38、广告增加了竞争的成本,使商品质量不断下降,这就使消费者的经济利益受到损害。B.许多经济学家相信,广告加剧了竞争,又降低了商品的价格,所以消费者和整个经济都会从中得到好处。C.许多经济学家认为,广告有助于竞争,而竞争的加剧会降低商品价格,从而使消费者和经济在整体上受益。 解析:15.Backed by loans from the Asian Development Bank, the local government is aiming to teach the farmers how to run a successful business with farming techniques.(

39、分数:3.00)A.为了偿还亚洲开发银行的贷款,当地政府努力教导农民如何成功地利用农业技术。B.为了获取亚洲开发银行的贷款,当地政府教导农民如何通过发展农业技术来办好农业。C.在亚洲开发银行贷款的支持下,当地政府致力于教会农民如何利用农业技术成功地经营。 解析:16.As your complaint does not agree with the result of our Lest, please conduct another examination to show if there is any ground for your claim.(分数:3.00)A.因你方投诉与我方检验结果

40、不符,请再次检验,以证实你方索赔是否有根据。 B.因你方的试验结果与我方的结果不同,请重新核查你方索赔的理由是否能成立。C.由于你方不同意我方的检验结果,如果能出示任何结果,请你们重新提出要求。解析:17.For safety, all passengers are required to review this card and follow these instructions when needed.(分数:3.00)A.为了安全,请各位乘客反复阅读本卡片,务必按照各项规定执行。B.为了保险起见,请各位乘客务必阅读本卡片,并参照相关内容认真执行。C.为了安全,要求所有乘客仔细阅读本卡片各

41、项内容,必要时照其执行。 解析:解析 for safety 意为“为了安全”,而 when needed 指“在必要的时候”,故正确的译文为选项 C。18.Peter misunderstood the instructions his boss gave him and mailed the wrong documents to the supplier.(分数:3.00)A.彼得按照老板给他的指示把单据误寄给了供货商。B.彼得误解了老板对他的指示,向供货商发错了单据。 C.彼得对老板的指示还没理解就把错误的单据交给供货商。解析:解析 句子中的 his boss gave him 做定语,修

42、饰名词 instructions,即老板给他的指示;misunderstood 意为“误解”,故答案只能选 B。19.People now have more leisure time, which is the reason why the demand for services has increased so rapidly.(分数:3.00)A.如今人们有更多的时间去娱乐,从而影响了劳务资源的快速上升。B.如今希望有时间娱乐的人越来越多,这是因为服务质量在迅速提高了。C.如今人们有了更多的闲暇时间,因而对各种服务的需求增长得如此快。 解析:解析 the reason why the d

43、emand for services has increased so rapidly 是指“服务需求快速增长的原因”,故只有选项 C 为正确答案。20.Passengers going to the airport by arranged buses must take the bus at the time and place as shown below.(分数:3.00)A.搭乘专车前往机场的旅客,务必在下列指定的时间和地点乘车。 B.乘公共汽车去机场的旅客必须乘这路车,时间和地点安排如下。C.经安排搭乘汽车去机场的旅客,应按指定的时间和地点上车。解析:解析 going to the

44、airport 是定语,修饰 passengers,即“去机场的旅客”;take the bus at the time and place as shown below 意为“在下列指定的时间和地点乘车”,因此正确答案为选项A。21.We are writing this letter to tell you that up to now no news has come from you about the goods we ordered on May 25th. As you have been informed in our letters, our customers are in

45、 urgent need of those machines. They are asking repeatedly for an early delivery (交货). We hope that you will try your best to arrange all this without further delay. (分数:8.00)_正确答案:()解析:我们在此信中想告知贵方,到目前为止仍未从贵方得到我们 5 月 25 日所订货物的消息。在我们之前的信中已告知贵方,我们的顾客急需这批机器。他们反复催促尽早交货。我方希望贵方尽力安排好这一切,不要再延误。22.We are gla

46、d to welcome our Chinese friends to this special Business Training program. Here, you will have a variety of activities and a chance to exchange ideas with each other. We hope that all of you will benefit a lot from this program. During your stay, please do not hesitate to speak to us with questions

47、 or concerns. We believe this will be an educational and enjoyable program. (分数:8.00)_正确答案:()解析:我们很高兴地欢迎中国朋友参加这个特别的商业培训项目。在这里,你们将会参与一系列的活动,有机会相互交流。我希望你们都能受益于这个项目。在此期间,如有任何问题或要求,请提出来。我们相信这会是一个既受教育,又令人愉快的项目。23.We have learned from our Embassy that you are interested in importing Chinese silk products. We are a long-established exporter of silk products in China and we have a very good reputation both at home and abroad. Our products sell well all over the world and are highly valued by our customers for their excellent q

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