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1、大学英语四级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 261 及答案解析(总分:12.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Writing(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.Part I Writing(分数:2.00)_2.Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition to express your opinion on Building a Shopping Center on the NeighborhoodYou should write at least 120 words but no more th

2、an 180 wordsOutlines are given below in Chinese:1在小区建购物中心的影响;2你是否同意在小区建购物中心;3你的建议。(分数:2.00)_3.Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled The Prevalence of Western HolidaysYou should Write at least 120 words but no more than 180 wordsOutlines are given below i

3、n Chinese:1我国某些传统节日受到冷遇,而西方节日却日益升温;2形成这种现象的原因;3你对这种现象的看法。(分数:2.00)_4.Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled The Importance of GoalYou should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 wordsOutlines are given below in Chinese:1树立正确目标很重要;2树立目标为什么很重要;3我的观

4、点。(分数:2.00)_5.Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled My View on CharityYou should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 wordsOutlines are given below in Chinese:1近年来,部分慈善机构或个人受到批评质疑;2出现这种现象的原因;3我的看法。(分数:2.00)_6.Directions:For this part,you are all

5、owed 30 minutes to write a composition on Excessive PackagingYou should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 wordsOutlines are given below in Chinese:1如今市场上的商品过度包装现象非常严重;2导致过度包装的原因;3我的观点。(分数:2.00)_大学英语四级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 261 答案解析(总分:12.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Writing(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.Part I Writing(分数:2

6、.00)_解析:2.Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition to express your opinion on Building a Shopping Center on the NeighborhoodYou should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 wordsOutlines are given below in Chinese:1在小区建购物中心的影响;2你是否同意在小区建购物中心;3你的建议。(分数:2.00)_

7、正确答案:(正确答案: Building a Shopping Center on the Neighborhood Although large shopping centers are very convenient and good places to spend free time, they can also bring some disadvantages, and for this reason I would disagree with the building of one in my neighborhood. First of all, a large shopping

8、center would lead to a great increase in traffic. More cars would not only bring traffic jams but also noise and parking problems. Second, a large shopping center requires a lot of space. To build one, some open space would have to be sacrificed. We might no longer have room for sports ground. Just

9、because of the above disadvantages, I would oppose any plan to construct a large shopping center in my neighborhood. Although it is convenient for me to have a shopping center nearby, I would not sacrifice peacefulness for convenience. My neighborhood is a quiet place and I hope it will stay that wa

10、y.)解析:3.Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled The Prevalence of Western HolidaysYou should Write at least 120 words but no more than 180 wordsOutlines are given below in Chinese:1我国某些传统节日受到冷遇,而西方节日却日益升温;2形成这种现象的原因;3你对这种现象的看法。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: The Pre

11、valence of Western Holidays Many young people in China today prefer Western holidays to traditional Chinese festivals. Holidays like Christmas and Valentines Day are now celebrated by the younger generation all over China, and even Halloween is being celebrated now. This phenomenon has actually deve

12、loped quite naturally in recent decades since our educational system lays much emphasis on English study and further, on English cultures. Besides, with the reform and opening-up policy of Chinese government, Chinese people have more opportunities to get in touch with Western cultures. To many peopl

13、e, Western culture has become a symbol of self-expression and freedom from restraint. In my opinion, its fine for students learning English and studying English cultures to celebrate Western holidays with their teachers and classmates. However, as Chinese, we should cherish the treasure passed down

14、from our ancestors. That is to say, we should hold on to our traditional festivals which we have celebrated for centuries.)解析:4.Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled The Importance of GoalYou should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 wordsOutl

15、ines are given below in Chinese:1树立正确目标很重要;2树立目标为什么很重要;3我的观点。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: The Importance of Goal There is no denying that setting a goal is very important. We find that successful people are always those having and achieving their goals. They set goals, short-term or long-run, to help reali

16、ze their visions. Why is goal-setting important? By setting goals you are taking control of the tempo of your life. It is like having a map to guide you to where you want to head for. With a clear direction, and with certain plans, you will straightly get what you want. On the contrary, without a go

17、al, you will live a wandering life. You do not know where to go, what you want and why you are listless. Then your life becomes dull and meaningless just like the dead water in a muddy lake. From my point of view, goals are not difficult to set and realize. First, you should make clear what you real

18、ly want, which constitutes your goal. Then you make detailed plans and follow the path, and it will finally lead you to success.)解析:5.Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition entitled My View on CharityYou should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 wordsOu

19、tlines are given below in Chinese:1近年来,部分慈善机构或个人受到批评质疑;2出现这种现象的原因;3我的看法。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: My View on Charity Charity brings the society power, arouses peoples enthusiasm for life, and helps those in need to overcome difficulties. However, after several scandals, it has become a trend for the pub

20、lic to criticize and doubt charity organizations or individuals. A case in point is Red Cross society of China, whose fame was spoiled by Guo Meimei. It is evident that the causes of this phenomenon are diverse. In the first place, the disordered charity management is the root cause of criticism. Wh

21、y? Charity organizations in mounting numbers have not come to realize the problems in their management, budget and financing. In the second place, the lack of publics trust constitutes another major cause. Based on a survey on the Internet, because of some negative cases, a majority of people admit

22、that they are unwilling to donate or help others through charitable activities or organizations. As a college student, I am firmly convinced that it is exceedingly necessary for the public to be involved in charity. However, we should advocate and encourage organizations to reform charitable activit

23、ies.)解析:6.Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on Excessive PackagingYou should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 wordsOutlines are given below in Chinese:1如今市场上的商品过度包装现象非常严重;2导致过度包装的原因;3我的观点。(分数:2.00)_正确答案:(正确答案: On Excessive Packaging Nowadays, the

24、 phenomenon of excessive packaging has become increasingly serious. Lots of packages have already deviated from their original function. Excessive packaging is a serious waste, which deserves our special attention. There are many reasons accounting for excessive packaging. Firstly, the promotion eff

25、ects of packaging have been greatly exaggerated by interest-driven merchants. Furthermore, it is irrational consumption that led to the phenomenon of excessive packaging. Last but not the least, unsound laws and regulations and inadequate enforcement of the law together contributed to this phenomeno

26、n. As far as I am concerned, excessive packaging not only wastes resources, but also causes unnecessary environment pollution. We should try our best to eliminate it completely. To avoid excessive packaging, we consumers should pay more attention to the product itself rather than the packages. We should also establish the atmosphere of simple packaging, advocate appropriate packaging and build a conservation-minded society.)解析:


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