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1、翻译三级笔译实务分类模拟题 24及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Chinese-English Tran(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1.互联网是一个巨大的计算机网络,它把世界上许多公司、机构团体和个人连接起来。互联网,即网络相互连接形成的网络,连接了数以万计的更小的计算机网络。这些网络以文字、图像和声音的形式传输大量的信息。事实上,互联网上几乎有关于所有主题的信息。 (分数:10.00)_2.将来,随着计算机技术的发展,互联网或许会越来越成熟。很多专家相信,互联网可以成为更大的网络信息高速公路的一部分。信息高速公路尚在发展阶段,它能将计算机同电话公司,有线电视

2、台以及其他信息系统连接起来。人们能够通过网络储蓄、购物、看电视,也可以进行其他的任务。 (分数:10.00)_3.在这样一个不断变化的复杂社会中,从前满足信息需求的简单方法变得复杂了。许多过去可以通过询问家庭成员、朋友或同事就能解决的生活难题现在却超出了这个大家庭的能力范围。去哪儿寻求专家信息,如何确定哪些专家的建议应该接受成了今天许多人应面对的问题。此外,二战以来,人口流动不断增长。 (分数:10.00)_4.随着家庭搬出其稳定的社区,离开了多年的朋友,脱离了大家庭的关系,日常的信息交流被切断了,需要时就可以获得可靠信息的信心也随之而去了。生活中最简单方面的无意识的信息交流也被切断。所以,过

3、去通过大家庭随意交流就能学到的东西现在必须有意识地去学。 (分数:10.00)_5.除了当今的社会变化之外,信息量剧增也是一个问题。现在个人可获得的信息比任何一代人都多,然而,找到一条与他或她的特定问题相关的信息是很复杂、很耗时的,有时甚至很困难。伴随着信息量的大量增加,各种技术发展开来。这些技术的发展使人们可以更快地储存更多的信息,并传递到更多的地方去,这在以前是不可能的。 (分数:10.00)_6.最近一项调查表明,中国的大部分建筑不论是办公楼还是居民楼所消耗的电、热和水等资源比发达国家的同类建筑要多。例如,北京居民家庭平均消耗的能源是气候类似的德国北部家庭的三倍,中国是资源短缺的国家,我

4、们必须节约资源,才能使我国的经济持续发展。 (分数:10.00)_7.随着我国社会经济的迅猛发展、人们生活水平的提高和医疗卫生事业的改善,我国老年人口著显增多。不少人对此忧心忡忡,但有识之士指出,我们不仅要看到人口老龄化所带来的巨大压力,也要看到人口老龄化背后所蕴涵的商机以及老年人丰富的智力、经验等资源,要将压力变为机遇。 (分数:10.00)_8.每个人一生中都该有个志向,否则他的精力便会浪费掉,每个青年人都力求成为一个有成就的人物。一个青年人只期望富有是不明智的,或只专心于求得权利与名望也是不对的。一个青年人希望做个有成就者,结果常常会实现。狄斯累里(Disraeli)的故事是个例证。狄斯

5、累里开始过公众生活时渴望能成为一个学者及演说家。他在文学方面的成就比演说方面更为成功。起初他作为一个演说家时是完全失败的。不过,他认为有把握克服障碍,遂以不屈不挠的精神致力于这个目标的实现。他的一些朋友认为他这个念头是蠢的,甚至是古怪的,但他坚持目标不舍,最后终于成功,成为英国曾经产生的最有丰富知识的学者与最雄辩的演说家之一。这个故事并不是引来说明:只是大学者或演说家,或二者兼而有之者才是有成就的人物。除了做学者或演说家之外,还有许多同样高尚与可敬的事业。它只是用来说明一个青年人须志向高远,因为“宁可志高而达不到目标,也不要为了达到目标而志低。” (分数:10.00)_9.现在,成千上万的美国


7、日当中锻炼身体。 (分数:10.00)_10.陆地交通的形式,与其说取决于技术,不如说取决于政治、经济和环境方面的考虑。我们现在就可以建造更坚固、更安静、更防滑的道路,但却不建,因为费用太高。我们可以在高速公路两旁安装隔音板并且设计出尾气少、轮胎噪音低的卡车,从而使交通噪音减半,但我们不愿意掏这笔钱。环保游说者们已对汽车厂商产生了巨大影响,对尾气排放的控制已经严格了许多,但是在控制空气污染方面仍然任重而道远。(分数:10.00)_翻译三级笔译实务分类模拟题 24答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Chinese-English Tran(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1

8、.互联网是一个巨大的计算机网络,它把世界上许多公司、机构团体和个人连接起来。互联网,即网络相互连接形成的网络,连接了数以万计的更小的计算机网络。这些网络以文字、图像和声音的形式传输大量的信息。事实上,互联网上几乎有关于所有主题的信息。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Internet is a vast network of computers that connects many of the world“s businesses, institutions, and individuals. The Internet, which means interconnected net

9、work of networks, links tens of thousands of smaller computer networks. These networks transmit huge amounts of information in the form of words, images, and sounds. The Internet was information on virtually every topic.2.将来,随着计算机技术的发展,互联网或许会越来越成熟。很多专家相信,互联网可以成为更大的网络信息高速公路的一部分。信息高速公路尚在发展阶段,它能将计算机同电话

10、公司,有线电视台以及其他信息系统连接起来。人们能够通过网络储蓄、购物、看电视,也可以进行其他的任务。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:In the future, the Internet will probably grow more sophisticated as computer technology becomes more powerful. Many experts believe the Internet may become part of a larger network called the information superhighway. This netw

11、ork, still under development, would link computers with telephone companies, cable television stations, and other communication systems. People could bank, shop, watch TV, and perform many other activities through the network.3.在这样一个不断变化的复杂社会中,从前满足信息需求的简单方法变得复杂了。许多过去可以通过询问家庭成员、朋友或同事就能解决的生活难题现在却超出了这个

12、大家庭的能力范围。去哪儿寻求专家信息,如何确定哪些专家的建议应该接受成了今天许多人应面对的问题。此外,二战以来,人口流动不断增长。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:In such a changing, complex society formerly simple solutions to informational needs become complicated. Many of life“s problems which were solved by asking family members, friends or colleagues are beyond the cap

13、ability of the extended family to resolve. Where to turn for expert information and how to determine which expert advice to accept are questions facing many people today. In addition to this, there is the growing mobility of people since World War .4.随着家庭搬出其稳定的社区,离开了多年的朋友,脱离了大家庭的关系,日常的信息交流被切断了,需要时就可

14、以获得可靠信息的信心也随之而去了。生活中最简单方面的无意识的信息交流也被切断。所以,过去通过大家庭随意交流就能学到的东西现在必须有意识地去学。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:As families move away from their stable community, their friends of many years, their extended family relationships, the informal flow of information is cut off, and with it the confidence that information w

15、ill be available when needed and will be trustworthy and reliable. The almost unconscious flow of information about the simplest aspects of living can be cut off. Thus, things once learned subconsciously through the casual communications of the extended family must be consciously learned.5.除了当今的社会变化

16、之外,信息量剧增也是一个问题。现在个人可获得的信息比任何一代人都多,然而,找到一条与他或她的特定问题相关的信息是很复杂、很耗时的,有时甚至很困难。伴随着信息量的大量增加,各种技术发展开来。这些技术的发展使人们可以更快地储存更多的信息,并传递到更多的地方去,这在以前是不可能的。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Adding to societal changes today is an enormous stockpile of information. The individual now has more information available than any generat

17、ion, and the task of finding that one piece of information relevant to his or her specific problem is complicated, time-consuming and sometimes even overwhelming. Coupled with the growing quantity of information is the development of technologies which enable the storage and delivery of more informa

18、tion with greater speed to more locations than has ever been possible before.6.最近一项调查表明,中国的大部分建筑不论是办公楼还是居民楼所消耗的电、热和水等资源比发达国家的同类建筑要多。例如,北京居民家庭平均消耗的能源是气候类似的德国北部家庭的三倍,中国是资源短缺的国家,我们必须节约资源,才能使我国的经济持续发展。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:A survey made recently indicates that most of buildings in China, no matter for o

19、ffice or residential purpose, consume more electricity, heat and water resources compared to that of foreign countries. For example, energy consumption for Beijing residents is three times as much as that of the families in north German under the similar weather conditions. China is an energy shorta

20、ge country, therefore we Chinese should economize resources in order to ensure the sustainable development for Chinese economy.7.随着我国社会经济的迅猛发展、人们生活水平的提高和医疗卫生事业的改善,我国老年人口著显增多。不少人对此忧心忡忡,但有识之士指出,我们不仅要看到人口老龄化所带来的巨大压力,也要看到人口老龄化背后所蕴涵的商机以及老年人丰富的智力、经验等资源,要将压力变为机遇。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:With the rapid develop

21、ment of our social economy, the enhancement of people“s living standard, and the improvement of medical treatment, the number of population of old people has increased evidently. Many people are anxious of it, but a man of insight indicate that we not only set eyes on the huge pressure caused by old

22、 people, but also understand the merchant opportunities implicationly behind it, along with old people“s abundant brains, experience, and the like. We need turn pressure into opportunity.8.每个人一生中都该有个志向,否则他的精力便会浪费掉,每个青年人都力求成为一个有成就的人物。一个青年人只期望富有是不明智的,或只专心于求得权利与名望也是不对的。一个青年人希望做个有成就者,结果常常会实现。狄斯累里(Disrae

23、li)的故事是个例证。狄斯累里开始过公众生活时渴望能成为一个学者及演说家。他在文学方面的成就比演说方面更为成功。起初他作为一个演说家时是完全失败的。不过,他认为有把握克服障碍,遂以不屈不挠的精神致力于这个目标的实现。他的一些朋友认为他这个念头是蠢的,甚至是古怪的,但他坚持目标不舍,最后终于成功,成为英国曾经产生的最有丰富知识的学者与最雄辩的演说家之一。这个故事并不是引来说明:只是大学者或演说家,或二者兼而有之者才是有成就的人物。除了做学者或演说家之外,还有许多同样高尚与可敬的事业。它只是用来说明一个青年人须志向高远,因为“宁可志高而达不到目标,也不要为了达到目标而志低。” (分数:10.00)

24、_正确答案:()解析:Everyone should has an ambition in his lifetime, otherwise his energy will be wasted. Each young man endeavors to be a person with achievements. It is unwise for a young man who merely looks forward to becoming wealthy, or only to attend to pursue power and fame is also incorrect. A young

25、 man wishes to be an achiever, which is often actualized in the end. Here is an example about the story of Disraeli. When Disraeli began his public life, he was eager to become a scholar and speechmaker. He was more successful in the aspect of literature than in the aspect of speech. Initially he en

26、tirely failed as a speechmaker. However, he deemed that he was sure to surmount the obstacle, therefore he committed himself to the aim“s realization with persevering spirit. Some of his friends considered what he thought was stupid, even whimsical. But he persisted in his aim and finally succeeded.

27、 He became one of the most knowledgeable and eloquent speechmakers who have ever appeared in Britain. The cited story is not to illustrate that only being a scholar or a speechmaker, or being both of them can be person with achievements. Apart from being scholar or speechmaker, there are a lot of sa

28、me magnificent and worshipful career. The story is just used to illustrate that a young man needs to have lofty ambition, for “we would rather have high ambition even not be able to obtain our aims than have low ambition in order to obtain them“9.现在,成千上万的美国人沉湎于对身材苗条的追求之中。他们着迷于节食和锻炼,这不仅仅是因为他们对年轻外表的追求

29、,最近的一项研究表明节食和体育锻炼对身体健康的极端重要性。如同在许多工业技术发达的国家中一样,北美人的生活方式发生了显著的变化。现代化的机器完成了人们曾被迫用手工来完成的体力劳动。小汽车、公共汽车运载着我们飞快地从一地来到另一地。由于无所事事,人们的身体变得十分虚弱并易于生病。为了避免这种状况的发生,成千上万的美国人把更多的时间投入到体育锻炼之中。这种对体育锻炼重要性的认识所产生的结果是显而易见的:公园里到处都是散步和骑自行车的人,体育节目又重新树立了威望,许多公司都为自己的员工提供特殊的运动器材供他们在工作日当中锻炼身体。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Now, millions

30、 of Americans have become obsessed with staying slim and “in shape“. The pursuit of a youthful physical appearance is not, however, the sole reason for Americans“ fascination with diet and exercise. Recent research has shown the critical importance of diet and exercise for personal health. As in mos

31、t technologically developed nations, the life-style of North Americans has changed dramatically during the course of the last century. Modern machines do all the physical labor that people were once forced to do by hand. Cars and buses transport us quickly from point to point. As a result of inactiv

32、ity and disuse, people“s bodies can easily become weak and vulnerable to disease. In an effort to avoid such a fate, millions of Americans are spending more of their time exercising. The effect of this new appreciation of the importance of exercise is evident: parks are filled with joggers and bicyc

33、lists, physical education programs are enjoying a newly found prestige, and many companies are providing special exercise facilities for their employees to use during the work day.10.陆地交通的形式,与其说取决于技术,不如说取决于政治、经济和环境方面的考虑。我们现在就可以建造更坚固、更安静、更防滑的道路,但却不建,因为费用太高。我们可以在高速公路两旁安装隔音板并且设计出尾气少、轮胎噪音低的卡车,从而使交通噪音减半,

34、但我们不愿意掏这笔钱。环保游说者们已对汽车厂商产生了巨大影响,对尾气排放的控制已经严格了许多,但是在控制空气污染方面仍然任重而道远。(分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The traffic forms on land depend on more consideration of the aspect of politics, economy and environment than technology. Currently we can construct more solid, tranquil and skidproof road, but we don“t do it bec

35、ause of high expenditure. We can install celotex on both sides of highway and design truck with little tail gas and tire of low noise to reduce half traffic noise. However, we are unwilling to pay out for it. Environmentally-friendly canvasser has exercised great influence over auto manufacturers so that they have been much more strict with the control of tail gas emission. However, we still take up a heavy responsibility and a long course in the aspect of air pollution control.


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