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1、翻译三级笔译实务分类模拟题 25及答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Chinese-English Tran(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1.企业家之所以成为企业家,靠的是开创事业的强烈欲望,这种欲望同画家和作家的创作欲望并无二致。企业家的欲望是让事情发生,让从前未曾有的事情发生。他所选择的途径是行动,或者说是经营。他的乐趣在于看到事情办得有成效,决定做得正确。使他的乐趣变得实实在在的是金钱。金钱是成功的标志,但未必是动力。检验这一点很简单:如果一个企业家突然得到他想要得的那么多钱,他会停止营业呢,还是会用这笔钱去发展经营?历史表明,企业家多半会去开拓新的经营活动。

2、 (分数:10.00)_2.科学离不开想象力、创造性思维,以及收集信息和进行实验。事实本身并不是科学,正如一位数学家所说:科学由事实建立起来,如同房子由砖建立起来一样;收集起来的事实并不能称之为科学,正如一堆砖不能称为房子一样。多数科学家通过了解其他科学家对某一问题所做的工作开始自己的探究。在获得一些已知的事实之后,科学家便开始了需要极大想象力的研究工作,所形成的解决问题的方法称之为假设。 (分数:10.00)_3.美国人的生活习惯中,守时是对别人的时间表示尊重的一种方式,而对局外人来看,他们似乎受时钟的束缚。其他文化背景的人把人际关系看得比时间表更重要。在这些社会中,人们并不尽力去控制时间,

3、而是去体验和品味它。人们对自然的周期性的变化的理解和体验也就形成他们对环境和时间变化表现为接受和适应的生活方式。人们学着去适应环境和时间的变动,因此他们比美国人更容易对事情表现出顺其自然的态度;而美国人大多则喜欢把事情计划订好而不作改变。 (分数:10.00)_4.从来就没有完美的幸福。人类不存在尽善尽美的状况。无论幸福可能是别的什么东西,它既不在于拥有也不在于实现,而是在于追求的过程。我们要时刻牢记,我们与生俱来的权力不是享受幸福而是追求幸福。幸福在于追求的本身,在于追求我们终生为之而努力并从中获得启迪的有意义的事情,也就是说在于追求的过程。对于一个民族的评价不是在于看它拥有什么或是想要拥有

4、什么,而是看他想要并在追求什么。 (分数:10.00)_5.在美国历史上人们最津津乐道的政治问题恐怕就是法律与秩序。但令人感到痛心的是,显然有好几百万美国人从来没有想到过自己会是违法者,更不用说是犯罪分子了,他们越来越不把那些旨在保护他们社会的法律条文放在心上。如今,人们随手乱扔垃圾、偷税漏税、发出违禁噪音,以及开车时表现出来的无政府状态,可谓是司空见惯。有时不由使人觉得,藐视法令者竞可代表未来的潮流了。哈佛大学的社会学家戴维里斯曼认为:大多数美国人漫不经心地把犯点所谓的小错误当作是理所当然的。他还认为:今天美国社会道德准则已出现“只有傻瓜才守法的”危险倾向了。 (分数:10.00)_6.人们

5、发现,所有在国外旅行的人都根据他们自己的风俗习惯来评价他们的所见所闻和他们所吃的东西。凡是广泛阅读过有关外国情况的书刊的人,他们往往比较能适应,也比较宽容,这是因为他们在开始旅行之前,他们的心胸就已经比较开阔了。事实上,人们在没有直接接触那些事物时是比较容易抱宽容态度的。当一个美国人怡然自得地待在装有集中供暖设备的家里时,对于大多数中国家庭的住宅里没有集中供暖设备这种情况,他会付之一笑,表示谅解。他能够轻而易举地做到宽宏大量。但是一接触到现实,事情就难办了。人们在直接接触到自己不习惯的事物时,要容忍、谅解就难得多了。 (分数:10.00)_7.“打桥牌”(bridge)的风格是与同伴紧密合作,

6、与另外两家组成的联盟斗智斗勇,进行激烈竞争。“打麻将”(mahjong)则是孤军作战,看着上家,防着下家,自己和不了,也不让别人和。在工作中,这种做法显然是不好的,尤其是自己出不了成绩,也不让人家出成绩,更是严重影响科技事业的发展。团队精神是任何一项集体事业所必需的。 (分数:10.00)_8.城市一直在破坏它们的周围环境,并常常为之付出代价。科学家发现,一座老城在泥土下掩埋了千百年就是因为砍树过多而被洪水淹没的。此外,城市会给市民带来许多问题。据估计,到 2050年时,城镇居民的数量将在人类历史上第一次超过农村人口数量。随后 30年内,下几代人的生活质量和解决国家内部及国家之间冲突的机会将取

7、决于各国政府是否能找到办法来控制城市的过快发展。 (分数:10.00)_9.美国财政部长亨利保尔森昨天以上海为终点结束了他对亚洲三国的访问。作为美国总统的首席经济政策顾问和最主要的经济事务发言人,保尔森昨天上午在上海期货交易所所发表的主题讲演被认为是布什政府对华经济政策的最新阐述。在昨天的讲演中,保尔森多次强调中国的经济增长不仅不具有威胁性,而且对全球经济的增长有好处。他表示,美国欢迎中国发展并成为全球经济中的一员。 (分数:10.00)_10.回首这十三年,我们走过的道路很不平坦,成绩来之不易。我们从容应对一系列关系我国主权和安全的国际突发事件,战胜在政治、经济领域和自然界出现的困难和风险,

8、经受住一次又一次考验,排除各种干扰,保证了改革开放和现代化建设的航船始终沿着正确的方向破浪前进。我们能取得这样的胜利,靠的是党的基本理论、基本路线和基本纲领的正确指引,靠的是党的高度团结统一,靠的是全党和全国各族人民的顽强奋斗。 (分数:10.00)_翻译三级笔译实务分类模拟题 25答案解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Chinese-English Tran(总题数:10,分数:100.00)1.企业家之所以成为企业家,靠的是开创事业的强烈欲望,这种欲望同画家和作家的创作欲望并无二致。企业家的欲望是让事情发生,让从前未曾有的事情发生。他所选择的途径是行动,或者说是经营。他的

9、乐趣在于看到事情办得有成效,决定做得正确。使他的乐趣变得实实在在的是金钱。金钱是成功的标志,但未必是动力。检验这一点很简单:如果一个企业家突然得到他想要得的那么多钱,他会停止营业呢,还是会用这笔钱去发展经营?历史表明,企业家多半会去开拓新的经营活动。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The reason an entrepreneur is an entrepreneur is that he has a strong desire to initiate enterprise. Such desire is as same as the one of drawer and auth

10、or for inditement. The desire of an entrepreneur is to make things that never exist happen. The approach he chooses is action, or operation. His pleasure lies in things done effectively and conclusion made correctly. It is money that turns his pleasure into substance. Money is the sign of success, b

11、ut not motivity necessarily. To test it is simple: If an entrepreneur suddenly acquires the amount of money he wants, will he stop business or develop business with it? History shows that an entrepreneur will be very likely to exploit new business activities.2.科学离不开想象力、创造性思维,以及收集信息和进行实验。事实本身并不是科学,正如

12、一位数学家所说:科学由事实建立起来,如同房子由砖建立起来一样;收集起来的事实并不能称之为科学,正如一堆砖不能称为房子一样。多数科学家通过了解其他科学家对某一问题所做的工作开始自己的探究。在获得一些已知的事实之后,科学家便开始了需要极大想象力的研究工作,所形成的解决问题的方法称之为假设。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Science can not be separated from imagination, creative thinking, as well as information collection and making experiments. Fact itself

13、 is not science, which is just like the words that an scientist said: science was set up with facts, as a house was set up with bricks; the collected facts could not be called as science, as a pile of brick could not be called as house. Most of scientists set about their own probe through understand

14、ing the work other scientists do about one certain problem. After acquiring some known facts, scientists begin their research works. The formed way to resolve problems is called as hypothesis.3.美国人的生活习惯中,守时是对别人的时间表示尊重的一种方式,而对局外人来看,他们似乎受时钟的束缚。其他文化背景的人把人际关系看得比时间表更重要。在这些社会中,人们并不尽力去控制时间,而是去体验和品味它。人们对自然的

15、周期性的变化的理解和体验也就形成他们对环境和时间变化表现为接受和适应的生活方式。人们学着去适应环境和时间的变动,因此他们比美国人更容易对事情表现出顺其自然的态度;而美国人大多则喜欢把事情计划订好而不作改变。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:To Americans, punctuality is a way of showing respect for other people“s time. To outsiders, Americans seem tied to the clock. People in other cultures value relationships mor

16、e than schedules. In these societies, people don“t try to control time, but to experience it. People“s comprehension and experience of the cyclical change of nature come into being the accepted and adapted lifestyle to the environmental and time change. People learn to respond to the change of time

17、and environment. As a result, they find it easier to go with the flow than Americans, who like plans to be fixed and unchangeable.4.从来就没有完美的幸福。人类不存在尽善尽美的状况。无论幸福可能是别的什么东西,它既不在于拥有也不在于实现,而是在于追求的过程。我们要时刻牢记,我们与生俱来的权力不是享受幸福而是追求幸福。幸福在于追求的本身,在于追求我们终生为之而努力并从中获得启迪的有意义的事情,也就是说在于追求的过程。对于一个民族的评价不是在于看它拥有什么或是想要拥有什

18、么,而是看他想要并在追求什么。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:There has never been perfect happiness. The perfect status of human beings does not exist. Whatever else happiness may be, it lies neither in possession nor achievement, but in the pursuing process. We should always keep in mind that we are not born to enjoy happ

19、iness, but to strive for it. Happiness lies in pursuing itself, and in the meaningful things that we struggle our lives for, from which we obtain enlightenment. That is to say, happiness lies in the process of pursuing. To evaluate a nation is neither in what it possessed nor what it wants to posses

20、s, but in what it wishes to pursue and what it is pursuing.5.在美国历史上人们最津津乐道的政治问题恐怕就是法律与秩序。但令人感到痛心的是,显然有好几百万美国人从来没有想到过自己会是违法者,更不用说是犯罪分子了,他们越来越不把那些旨在保护他们社会的法律条文放在心上。如今,人们随手乱扔垃圾、偷税漏税、发出违禁噪音,以及开车时表现出来的无政府状态,可谓是司空见惯。有时不由使人觉得,藐视法令者竞可代表未来的潮流了。哈佛大学的社会学家戴维里斯曼认为:大多数美国人漫不经心地把犯点所谓的小错误当作是理所当然的。他还认为:今天美国社会道德准则已出现“

21、只有傻瓜才守法的”危险倾向了。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:In American history, law and order may be the political issue that people always took delight in talking about. However, what makes people feel distressed is that millions of Americans visibly have never thought of being transgressor themselves, much less crimina

22、ls. They pay less and less attention to the provision of laws aiming at protecting their society. Nowadays, it is common to see that people litter at random, evade taxes, make forbidden noises, and ignore discipline when they are driving. Sometimes people are made to feel that those who defy law rep

23、resent the intending trends. David Riesman, a sociologist in Harvard University, considers that most Americans take the so-called minor mistakes made unconcernedly for granted. He also considers that in current American society a perilous tendency that only the fools abide by laws has appeared in Am

24、erican moral values.6.人们发现,所有在国外旅行的人都根据他们自己的风俗习惯来评价他们的所见所闻和他们所吃的东西。凡是广泛阅读过有关外国情况的书刊的人,他们往往比较能适应,也比较宽容,这是因为他们在开始旅行之前,他们的心胸就已经比较开阔了。事实上,人们在没有直接接触那些事物时是比较容易抱宽容态度的。当一个美国人怡然自得地待在装有集中供暖设备的家里时,对于大多数中国家庭的住宅里没有集中供暖设备这种情况,他会付之一笑,表示谅解。他能够轻而易举地做到宽宏大量。但是一接触到现实,事情就难办了。人们在直接接触到自己不习惯的事物时,要容忍、谅解就难得多了。 (分数:10.00)_正确答

25、案:()解析:It is found that all people travelling abroad comment on what they see, hear or eat in terms of their own customs and habits. Anyone who has widely read the books and periodicals about foreign countries is more adaptive and tolerant just because their minds have been broadened before the begi

26、nning of their trip. As a matter of fact, people hold tolerant attitudes more easily before they are not actually in contact with them. When an American stays at home with central heating systems comfortably and with ease, he would laugh it off that most Chinese homes don“t have such devices as they

27、 do. He can shows his consideration and understanding easily. However, once it concerns with the practical status, things will be knotty. When people contact with unaccustomed things directly, it is much more difficulty for them to be tolerant and considerate.7.“打桥牌”(bridge)的风格是与同伴紧密合作,与另外两家组成的联盟斗智斗

28、勇,进行激烈竞争。“打麻将”(mahjong)则是孤军作战,看着上家,防着下家,自己和不了,也不让别人和。在工作中,这种做法显然是不好的,尤其是自己出不了成绩,也不让人家出成绩,更是严重影响科技事业的发展。团队精神是任何一项集体事业所必需的。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:The characteristic of bridge game is to have close cooperation with his associate and to compete with the alliance made by another two players intellectually

29、 and bravely in order to win. However, mahjong is a game that needs one player alone to fight against the other players, guarding against they should win. And if he cannot win the game, his best option is to frustrate the winning chance of the others. Such behavior is apparently not good for scienti

30、fic research, especially if he can not make achievement, others will be prevented from doing, either. More seriously, it influences the development of scientific career. Team spirit is necessary to any collective endeavor.8.城市一直在破坏它们的周围环境,并常常为之付出代价。科学家发现,一座老城在泥土下掩埋了千百年就是因为砍树过多而被洪水淹没的。此外,城市会给市民带来许多问题

31、。据估计,到 2050年时,城镇居民的数量将在人类历史上第一次超过农村人口数量。随后 30年内,下几代人的生活质量和解决国家内部及国家之间冲突的机会将取决于各国政府是否能找到办法来控制城市的过快发展。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Cities have been destroying the environment around them and have often paid the price for it. Scientists have noticed that an old city was buried in mud for thousands of years ju

32、st because it was submerged by the flood produced by deforestation. Furthermore, many problems will be brought to its citizens by cities. It is estimated that in human history the number of population in city will have outnumbered those living in the rural areas for the first time by the year 2050.

33、Within the following 30 years, the life quality of next generations and the opportunities of solving the internal and external conflicts will depend on whether the methods can be found by governments to control urban development acceleration.9.美国财政部长亨利保尔森昨天以上海为终点结束了他对亚洲三国的访问。作为美国总统的首席经济政策顾问和最主要的经济事务

34、发言人,保尔森昨天上午在上海期货交易所所发表的主题讲演被认为是布什政府对华经济政策的最新阐述。在昨天的讲演中,保尔森多次强调中国的经济增长不仅不具有威胁性,而且对全球经济的增长有好处。他表示,美国欢迎中国发展并成为全球经济中的一员。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Henry Paulson, Treasury Secretary, left Shanghai yesterday, where he made an end of the visit to the three countries in Asia. As the chief economic policy consult

35、ant and economic affairs spokesman of the America president, Paulson delivered a keynote address in Shanghai Futures Exchange. And the address was viewed as the latest exposition of the economic policies of the Bush-administration towards China. During the speech, Paulson repeatedly emphasized that

36、China“s economic growth has benefit but no threat to the global economic growth. He declared that America welcomes the development of China to become a member of the global economy.10.回首这十三年,我们走过的道路很不平坦,成绩来之不易。我们从容应对一系列关系我国主权和安全的国际突发事件,战胜在政治、经济领域和自然界出现的困难和风险,经受住一次又一次考验,排除各种干扰,保证了改革开放和现代化建设的航船始终沿着正确的

37、方向破浪前进。我们能取得这样的胜利,靠的是党的基本理论、基本路线和基本纲领的正确指引,靠的是党的高度团结统一,靠的是全党和全国各族人民的顽强奋斗。 (分数:10.00)_正确答案:()解析:Retrospecting the past thirteen years, the way we have past is not smooth and the achievements we have got are not easy. We cope with serials of international accidental affairs concerning our national sov

38、ereignty and security easily, conquer hardships and risks from political and economic fields and the nature, undergo tests one after another, and eliminate various interference. All of those guarantee the boat of reformation-opening and modern construction always moving along the right direction. It is the correct guidance of our party“s basic theory, basic line and basic creed, the high solidarity and unity of our party and the brawniness and strives of the whole party and people of all nations that lay a foundation for our such success.


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