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1、翻译二级口译实务-40 及答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part (总题数:1,分数:25.00)1.China is in the midst of a developmental stage where advanced management knowledge and techniques and advanced industrial automation technology and solutions are fundamental and necessary elements for China“s sustained growth and global

2、competitiveness. There is no one good definition of what industrial automation is. Perhaps the best definition is a simple one: industrial automation is the use of electronics to control and monitor a process or machinery. While there are many steps that China must take to ensure the appropriate dev

3、elopment of its industrial base and supporting infrastructure, the utilization of advanced industrial automation is a critical step. Increases in productivity and efficiency are not possible without a high level of industrial automation. If we were to look at the growth in productivity of U.S. indus

4、try from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, two pivotal factors stand out. The first is a revolution in management techniques and consequent restructuring of the American corporation. Management became results-focused, flatter and more distributed, with great participation by the work force. The second

5、 pivotal factor was the infusion of advanced industrial automation into manufacturing and other automated processes. Together these two elements led to significant increases in productivity and efficiency. These increases led the way to sustained growth in the U.S. economy, so that by the late 1980s

6、 and the early 1990s the U.S. economy was growing taster than that of Japan for the first time in several decades. China, which is now at its own critical industrial and management systems crossroads, can borrow from some of these experiences. China has an unparalleled opportunity to adopt advanced

7、industrial automation as this technology moves into the new millennium and into the information era. The future of industrial automation will be a networked future with a great reliance on wireless connectivity. Utilization of effective and open networks such as DeviceNet, ControiNet and Ethernet/IP

8、, with their ability to connect to the Internet, allows for continuous control and feedback from the factory floor to the management office and beyond. The factory floor and the management office can be linked continuously and in real time with suppliers, sales force and customers. Every part of thi

9、s chain will be able to monitor, input to and adjust the manufacturing process and supporting activities. The future of industrial automation will also very much be linked to software that is an open platform and is multifunctional. The right software package provides tremendous flexibility and agil

10、ity in the manufacturing process. Industrial software provides the operator interface and gateway from the factory floor to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and even to the Internet to provide seamless flow of data and information so that the “Information Enabled Enterprise“ can be mana

11、ged in a more flexible, integrated, and efficient manner. (分数:25.00)_二、Part (总题数:1,分数:25.00)2.主席先生, 女士们、先生们: 目前,国际形势正处于深刻变化之中。和平与发展仍然是当今时代的主题,总体和平的国际环境为世界经济发展提供了有利条件;科技进步日新月异并孕育着新的重大突破,前所未有地提高了人类认识、把握宏观和微观世界的能力,展现了新的发展前景;经济全球化趋势正在向新的广度和深度演进,国际生产要素流动和产业转移加快,大大拓展了国际经济技术合作,促进了商品和资源在全球范围内的流动与优化配置。同时要看到,

12、当今世界也存在一些不利于和平与发展的因素。局部战争和冲突仍时有爆发,恐怖主义、武器扩散、疾病传播等非传统安全问题日益突出;重大自然灾害给人类的生存与发展带来了巨大威胁;南北发展差距进一步拉大,新的贸易壁垒和保护主义不断出现;能源、资源消耗大幅度增长,生态破坏和环境恶化问题严重。 中国坚决支持并积极参与国际经济社会发展合作,呼吁国际社会在以下几个方面作出不懈努力: 第一,继续扩大经济技术等领域的国际合作。加强资金、先进技术、管理经验和人才资源等领域的国际交流合作,有利于各国相互学习和借鉴发展经验,发挥各自优势,优化全球资源配置,对推动各国经济发展具有重要意义。世界各国和地区应进一步相互开放市场,

13、放开技术出口限制,继续推进贸易和投资自由化和便利化,消除各种贸易壁垒。国际社会还应该携起手来,共同应对来自安全、自然灾害等领域的挑战。 第二,构建资源节约型和循环经济发展模式。人类发展的历史经验表明,以资源浪费、环境破坏为代价换取一时的发展,人类必将受到严厉惩罚,最终也会危及发展本身。为了我们的美好家园,为了我们的子孙后代,我们应该走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少的发展道路。要提倡绿色生产方式、生活方式和消费方式,构建资源节约型国民经济体系和资源节约型社会。要根据自然的承载能力规划经济社会发展,同时要积极开展生态环境保护和建设,坚决禁止各种掠夺自然、破坏自然的做法。 第三,努力

14、建立公正合理的国际经济新秩序。应加强多边、双边贸易合作,积极推进区域经济合作。推动多哈回合贸易谈判取得进展,实现“发展回合”的目标。要继续在平等基础上推进南北对话,充分考虑发展中国家的利益,尊重世界的多样性,提倡国际关系民主化和发展模式多样化,使各国特别是发展中国家从经济全球化中受益。要推动国际经济、贸易和金融体制的改革,创造更好的国际经济环境。 第四,积极帮助发展中国家加快发展步伐。帮助发展中国家提高发展水平,尽快缩小日益拉大的南北发展差距,既是国际社会的责任,也是推动世界经济持续发展的必然要求。发展中国家对自身发展负有主要责任。发达国家应切实承担和履行应尽的义务,切实减免发展中国家的债务,

15、增加不附加任何条件的官方援助;应帮助发展中国家加强人才资源开发,增强科技创新能力,挖掘国内市场潜力,使发展中国家形成自我发展能力;应采取有效措施,减少经济全球化可能给发展中国家带来的风险,努力实现共同发展、共同繁荣。 (分数:25.00)_翻译二级口译实务-40 答案解析(总分:50.00,做题时间:90 分钟)一、Part (总题数:1,分数:25.00)1.China is in the midst of a developmental stage where advanced management knowledge and techniques and advanced industr

16、ial automation technology and solutions are fundamental and necessary elements for China“s sustained growth and global competitiveness. There is no one good definition of what industrial automation is. Perhaps the best definition is a simple one: industrial automation is the use of electronics to co

17、ntrol and monitor a process or machinery. While there are many steps that China must take to ensure the appropriate development of its industrial base and supporting infrastructure, the utilization of advanced industrial automation is a critical step. Increases in productivity and efficiency are not

18、 possible without a high level of industrial automation. If we were to look at the growth in productivity of U.S. industry from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s, two pivotal factors stand out. The first is a revolution in management techniques and consequent restructuring of the American corporation.

19、Management became results-focused, flatter and more distributed, with great participation by the work force. The second pivotal factor was the infusion of advanced industrial automation into manufacturing and other automated processes. Together these two elements led to significant increases in prod

20、uctivity and efficiency. These increases led the way to sustained growth in the U.S. economy, so that by the late 1980s and the early 1990s the U.S. economy was growing taster than that of Japan for the first time in several decades. China, which is now at its own critical industrial and management

21、systems crossroads, can borrow from some of these experiences. China has an unparalleled opportunity to adopt advanced industrial automation as this technology moves into the new millennium and into the information era. The future of industrial automation will be a networked future with a great reli

22、ance on wireless connectivity. Utilization of effective and open networks such as DeviceNet, ControiNet and Ethernet/IP, with their ability to connect to the Internet, allows for continuous control and feedback from the factory floor to the management office and beyond. The factory floor and the man

23、agement office can be linked continuously and in real time with suppliers, sales force and customers. Every part of this chain will be able to monitor, input to and adjust the manufacturing process and supporting activities. The future of industrial automation will also very much be linked to softwa

24、re that is an open platform and is multifunctional. The right software package provides tremendous flexibility and agility in the manufacturing process. Industrial software provides the operator interface and gateway from the factory floor to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system and even to

25、 the Internet to provide seamless flow of data and information so that the “Information Enabled Enterprise“ can be managed in a more flexible, integrated, and efficient manner. (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:中国目前正处在一个发展的阶段。在这个阶段中,先进的管理知识和技术以及先进的工业自动化技术和解决方案是十分必要的,对中国的持续发展和在全球的竞争中起着根本的作用。 目前工业自动化还没有一个最佳的定义。也许最

26、好的其实是一个很简单的定义:工业自动化就是使用电子技术来监控生产流程或机械设备。为了确保工业基础和配套设施的有序发展,中国需要采取很多措施,而其中利用先进的工业自动化是至关重要的。没有高水平的工业自动化,提高生产力和效率都是不可能的。 如果我们看一看美国工业生产力从 80 年代中期到 90 年代中期的发展情况,就会发现两个重要的因素。首先是管理技术方面的革命和随之而来的对美国公司的重组改造。改革后的管理更注重效果,管理层面减少,权利下放,企业职工参与性更高。 第二个因素是将先进的工业自动化引入了制造业和其它自动化流程。这两个因素共同作用大大提高了生产力和效率,使美国经济得以可持续发展,80 午

27、代末 90 年代初的发展速度几十年来第一次超过了日本。 中国目前正处在工业和管理制度变革的时期,可以借鉴这些经验。在新的世纪和信息发展时代采用先进的工业自动化技术,对中国来讲是一个千载难逢的机会。 未来的工业自动化技术将是一个无线连接的网络。诸如 DeviceNet,ControlNet 和 Ethernet/IP 这些开放、高效率的网络能与英特网链接,可以使管理部门对生产车间进行不间断的控制,并获得信息反馈。 生产车间和管理部门之间联网,与供应商、销售部门以及客户之间也可以实现实时联网。在这条链中的任何一个环节都可以进行监控和输入,还可以调整生产过程和生产支持。 未来的工业自动化将在很大程度

28、上和有着开放性平台、多功能的软件系统联网。一套合适的软件包将使生产过程变得非常灵活,反应非常敏捷。 工业软件将提供操作者平台,提供从车间到企业资源规划系统的通道,甚至与英特网链接,提供源源不断的数据信息,从而进行更为灵活、更为有效的综合性管理。这就叫做“信息化管理企业”。二、Part (总题数:1,分数:25.00)2.主席先生, 女士们、先生们: 目前,国际形势正处于深刻变化之中。和平与发展仍然是当今时代的主题,总体和平的国际环境为世界经济发展提供了有利条件;科技进步日新月异并孕育着新的重大突破,前所未有地提高了人类认识、把握宏观和微观世界的能力,展现了新的发展前景;经济全球化趋势正在向新的

29、广度和深度演进,国际生产要素流动和产业转移加快,大大拓展了国际经济技术合作,促进了商品和资源在全球范围内的流动与优化配置。同时要看到,当今世界也存在一些不利于和平与发展的因素。局部战争和冲突仍时有爆发,恐怖主义、武器扩散、疾病传播等非传统安全问题日益突出;重大自然灾害给人类的生存与发展带来了巨大威胁;南北发展差距进一步拉大,新的贸易壁垒和保护主义不断出现;能源、资源消耗大幅度增长,生态破坏和环境恶化问题严重。 中国坚决支持并积极参与国际经济社会发展合作,呼吁国际社会在以下几个方面作出不懈努力: 第一,继续扩大经济技术等领域的国际合作。加强资金、先进技术、管理经验和人才资源等领域的国际交流合作,

30、有利于各国相互学习和借鉴发展经验,发挥各自优势,优化全球资源配置,对推动各国经济发展具有重要意义。世界各国和地区应进一步相互开放市场,放开技术出口限制,继续推进贸易和投资自由化和便利化,消除各种贸易壁垒。国际社会还应该携起手来,共同应对来自安全、自然灾害等领域的挑战。 第二,构建资源节约型和循环经济发展模式。人类发展的历史经验表明,以资源浪费、环境破坏为代价换取一时的发展,人类必将受到严厉惩罚,最终也会危及发展本身。为了我们的美好家园,为了我们的子孙后代,我们应该走科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少的发展道路。要提倡绿色生产方式、生活方式和消费方式,构建资源节约型国民经济体系和资源

31、节约型社会。要根据自然的承载能力规划经济社会发展,同时要积极开展生态环境保护和建设,坚决禁止各种掠夺自然、破坏自然的做法。 第三,努力建立公正合理的国际经济新秩序。应加强多边、双边贸易合作,积极推进区域经济合作。推动多哈回合贸易谈判取得进展,实现“发展回合”的目标。要继续在平等基础上推进南北对话,充分考虑发展中国家的利益,尊重世界的多样性,提倡国际关系民主化和发展模式多样化,使各国特别是发展中国家从经济全球化中受益。要推动国际经济、贸易和金融体制的改革,创造更好的国际经济环境。 第四,积极帮助发展中国家加快发展步伐。帮助发展中国家提高发展水平,尽快缩小日益拉大的南北发展差距,既是国际社会的责任

32、,也是推动世界经济持续发展的必然要求。发展中国家对自身发展负有主要责任。发达国家应切实承担和履行应尽的义务,切实减免发展中国家的债务,增加不附加任何条件的官方援助;应帮助发展中国家加强人才资源开发,增强科技创新能力,挖掘国内市场潜力,使发展中国家形成自我发展能力;应采取有效措施,减少经济全球化可能给发展中国家带来的风险,努力实现共同发展、共同繁荣。 (分数:25.00)_正确答案:()解析:Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Our world is undergoing profound changes. Peace and development re

33、main the theme of our times. A generally peaceful international environment provides favorable conditions for the world“s economic development. The rapidly advancing science and technology and emerging new breakthroughs have expanded the horizon of mankind and their ability to solve the micro and ma

34、cro problems of the world, presenting a new vista for development. Deepening economic globalization is accelerating the global movement of productive factors and industrial relocation, stimulating international economic and technical cooperation and facilitating the global flow of goods and resource

35、s as well as their rational distribution. At the same time, factors unfavorable for peace and development still exist. Regional wars and conflicts keep cropping up. Terrorism, arms proliferation, epidemics and other nontraditional security issues have become more acute. Devastating natural disasters

36、 pose a grave threat to the survival and development of mankind. The disparity between the North and the South grows further, worsened by new trade barriers and protectionism. Energy and other resources consumption is rising sharply, with serious ecological and environmental deterioration. China str

37、ongly supports and actively participates in international cooperation for economic and social development, and appeals to the international community for unremitting efforts in the following aspects: First, continuing to enhance international cooperation in the economic, technological and other fiel

38、ds. More exchanges and cooperation in capital, advanced technology, managerial expertise, human resources and other areas are of great significance to promote the economic development of all countries. The exchanges and cooperation help them learn from one another, share experience, bring their adva

39、ntages into play and optimize the allocation of global resources. All countries and regions should further open their markets, lift restrictions on export of technologies, continue to advance trade liberalization and facilitate investment and remove various trade barriers. The international communit

40、y should join hands to cope with security, natural disasters and other challenges. Second, establishing a resourceconserving and circular economy. The history of human development shows that development at the expense of resources and the environment would end up with punishment of mankind and imped

41、iment to development. For the sake of a better world and our future generations, we should choose a road to development driven by science and technology, that is economically viable, resource-conserving and environmentally friendly. We should encourage sustainable production, livelihood and consumpt

42、ion to build a resource-conserving economy and society. We should formulate plans for economic and social development based on the sustainability of nature while endeavoring to protect the ecological environment by prohibiting activities to plunder and destroy nature. Third, working to establish a j

43、ust, equitable new international economic order. It is necessary to strengthen multilateral and bilateral cooperation in trade and promote regional economic cooperation. We will work for progress in the Doha round of trade negotiations and attain its objective as a “round for development“. North-Sou

44、th dialogue should be promoted on the basis of equality. The interests of developing countries should be taken into full account. Diversity should be respected, and democracy in international relations and diverse development models upheld, so that all countries, developing countries in particular,

45、can benefit from economic globalization. To create a better international environment, we will promote reform of international economic, trade and financial systems. Fourth, taking the initiative to help developing countries speed up their development. It is the responsibility of the international c

46、ommunity and the requirement of sustained development of the world economy to help developing countries develop themselves and bridge the widening gap between the North and the South. Developing countries shoulder the primary responsibility in this regard. However, developed countries should earnest

47、ly fulfil their obligations, reduce and exempt the debts of developing countries and increase official aid without strings attached. The developed countries should help developing countries with human resources development and scientific and technological innovation, tap the potential of their domestic market and have the capacity for their self-development, and take effective measures to reduce the risks brought about by globalization to developing countries, so as to achieve common development and common prosperity.


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